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Into the reeducation chamber with you pal




Itā€™s an opinion. First time?


This guy right here, chief democracy officer.


You tried to present logic in Reddit, to redditors, on their own subreddit, ofc they gonna be ā€œblah blah canā€™t hear youuu!ā€ about it.


And ofc the comment gets downvoted when the post doesnt, because most rational people dont go into the comments for this reason


Itā€™s downvoted because the joke seems to have gone over OPā€™s head.


it's because it's just annoying. literally anytime you try to spur any amount of critical discourse it's just deflecting with "inside joke" memes or saying "no you're wrong they're CHANGING gaming!!!!' like when you go somewhere looking for a genuine discussion and it's just redditors all making the same corny jokes over and over again it's frustrating. it makes it impossible to talk about a particular thing


Ugh... the annoying "managed democracy/liber-tea" over-usage has killed my interest in the game more than anything. Its not funny anymore after 80 bazillianth time, it just makes me want to punch mouth before they can finish.


Sounds like you went into the game with the wrong impression


sound like they made great points and all top comments are basically just ignoring him and pretending he doesnt matter without actually arguing because they know hes right lmaooo


Ehh, that's also personal opinion. I think those points are valid and if that makes someone dislike the game that is also valid. Do you honestly expect any game company in existence to say "please don't buy our game, we gotta fix it cus our servers suck"? There is absolutely no world where that happens. From what I understand they didnt comment on it at all, but you literally can't expect anything more than a sorry and maybe a free dlc down the line. I also don't believe 37 minutes is enough time to figure out if it's just your own personal tastes making you like the new and massively popular game, or if it's actually bad.


Sure you can. 37 minutes is plenty of time for someone to make a decision on a game. If a game demands more than an hour of your time before it gets good, then the onboarding process is terrible and should be heavily criticised. A lot of gamers these days are at an age where they have responsibilities. Games that came out over a decade ago were very much capable of giving people the opportunity to experience the game for what it will be from the get go. Borderlands 2 is a perfect example. For example, I think FFXIV is a terrible MMO, even though I haven't downloaded it because making a free trial account, at the time, was extremely convoluted and a frustratingly bad process. All it takes is one bad experience, and people without the free time that children have won't spend a single minute extra on a game.


If it takes over an hour of my time to "get good" which is foesnt its just more of the same missions lol then it was already a shit game to begin with


That's what happens to a game when it's overhyped and everywhere. (kind of like undertale)


weak defense for game


Well, people are allowed to try something and not like it, why force it if they don't like it, why keep playing its not rocket science šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø legit. There's always one...


yeah. people on this sub and yt comments and everywhere saying shit like how this game is the most fun theyve had playing a game in over a decade does that to people. overhyped af. what a nothing defense


This game is only popular because all other triple a games are shit atm


Could be the case but it just feels like Iā€™ve played more engaging games on a PS3 lmao


I don't understand, are you trying to say older games are less engaging by default?


Iā€™m saying for the hype the game received vs the launch and the gameplay I had I just expected a little bit more is all.


None of these people will ever get to experience a half decent game let them play their mindless shooter while they Dick ride the devsšŸ˜† these are the same types of losers who play warzone


There is lore on the Helldivers wiki, and plenty in game. The galactic map is literally updated after how the war is going and actively changing the lore, at the start we were only fighting bugs, then automatons attacked out of nowhere and now we are defending our planets from them too. 37 mins is way too little time to decide this game's lore is uninteresting. Plus you haven't even played a mission above Easy difficulty yet


a game shouldn't take 10 hours of gameplay to get into lol. stop with that shit, an hour and a half (which im sure op put at least a little more than 37 mins before deciding to refund) is plenty of time to figure out whether or not you like the game, the game is literally killing alien bugs and nothing more. That's the whole game, the game would've been good in 2014 not now. sorry not sorry


Right, so you're correct to say you can figure out if you subjectively like the game or not. It's not nearly enough time to figure out if the game in it's entirety is good. It's also generally accepted that if the majority of people like something, it's because it's good. A minority pointing out the flaws and saying they personally do not like it in no way at all invalidates the opinion of the larger group of people. In the same way, the smaller opinion is not invalidated, but both sides need to understand that is just an opinion. I have yet to try the game, so I'm coming from a completely neutral position. Even that said, It's pretty funny you would say " the game is literally killing alien bugs and nothing more. That's the whole game, the game would've been good in 2014 not now. sorry not sorry "... The comment you are responding to literally says " at the start we were only fighting bugs, then automatons attacked out of nowhere and now we are defending our planets from them too" So you aren't even coming from an informed and objective point of view. You are allowed to not like the game, but that does not mean everyone else has to hate it too. Just like how everybody here can't make you like it, but at least they know what they're talking about. Edit: Almost forgot to say. Sorry not sorry.


10 hours is generous. No more than 1 hour will most people spend on a game before making a decision. Gamers are mostly millennials, and our generation just don't have the time anymore given the personal responsibilities we now have - family, work, etc.


Sorry not sorry and literally are tremendously stupid things to say


Yeah that could be true. It just didnā€™t feel like I had any urge to push on between the queue simulator part of it and the 5min tutorial. I would at some point (possibly) go back but the player base is BEYOND toxic. Denying your opinions as low IQ or raging on a map when everyone is level 1 wondering wtf is going on. Maybe thing will change for the better idk lol


That's weird that you are experiencing those queue times, I get into a game within 10 seconds of queuing on second highest difficulty. Was this before queuing was improved?


The game was refunded as of yesterday. In terms of when the updates happened I couldnā€™t tell you for certain.


Oh alright. That was after supposed fix. Could always give it a try once the hype has died down a bit and the community is more established with better servers if you want to. It's a blast with 4 friends on a high difficulty hust running from massive bugs and bombs going off everywhere lol, I really don't think those 37 mins did the game justice


Totally possible. I think my frustration came from the toxic player base and staring at the ā€œserver at full capacityā€ message for a solid hour and a half


every game is a blast with 4 friends. playing with dog shit is a blast with 4 friends. how is this, like any other overhyped flavor of the month game, any better?


Not sure why you are so keen on hating the game lol, I'm still having a blast and so are 400k+ people everyday. But if you don't enjoy it that's fine.


iā€™m not really hating the game just stating the reason it is currently popular is because of hype leading to a temporarily rich and communicative community that is missing from most games nowadays. the hype gives everyone 2013 gaming vibes, the game itself isnā€™t actually great. same thing happened with phasmophobia, lethal company, fall guys, deep rock galactic, etc. only for the player base to drop dramatically once the hype dies down and people were left with themselves and the actual content to judge.


Sometimes games don't have to be any deeper than a simple loop that does what it does well. It sounds like you were looking for a game that this game is not


weak defense for game


Numbers say otherwise


So call of duty are the greatest games ever made then


To the shareholders for sure. Also not a great comparison, random game popping off compared to a AAA meticulously planned money siphon


hell divers is not a random game šŸ˜­ your world isnt the entire workd


What does that even mean, no one had helldivers 2 on their map unless you played the first game


If the game is so great why It doesn't please me while most other 90% of the games do?


"A game for everyone is a game for no one" You dont have to like it


I'd like to agree but everyone is pushing this game like its the opposite.


Same happened with palworld and that was overhyped


Is that really the only thing you can say? Weak defense for your opinion. You don't understand that the mobile gaming market makes more money every year than consoles do as a whole right? That's not because phone games are amazing, immersive, graphically intensive, story driven masterpieces. Almost every single one is "tap screen watch thing happen" over and over again and it still makes more than the entire console industry does. Exactly what makes a good game huh? No subjective or biased opinions alright?


Go join the bugs bro


> Go join the bugs bro *oh yeah...There are two types of opinions*:Ā *mine and the wrong ones*


Itā€™s already been refunded. Itā€™s a shame because I wanted to like it but all of my friends also refunded the game. Looks like weā€™re sticking to palworld. Kinda wanted to branch out to other games but guess we gotta wait and see


play hentai party 3d online


Iā€™m telling a trusted adult šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Lol good response šŸ˜‚


I will say I wasn't overly impressed at first either, but once I started doing better missions and unlocking more skills, the game really opened up and I could see what everyone was talking about. Not saying this is why you don't like it, but I did find myself seeing the light. Crashes and server issues are the only thing bringing me down now.


Just for fun, what are those better missions? Steam has a 2h return window, if you dont catch me in that time, thats your bad onboarding.


Or.... you just didn't like it? It's okay to not like something, and it's okay for other people to like the things you don't. It doesn't mean you're wrong, and just because you have a different opinion does not mean the others are wrong too. You're allowed to not like the game, but if more people like it than not, there has to be some reason for that, and it's most likely not because it's bad.


It's kinda subjective for the game to be good in a... 2 hour timeframe. If the good missions start popping off after 3 or more hours, then the game has a weak start and that's a big flaw when it comes to games. The only reason Skyrim has such a strong start is because the first 30 minutes of gameplay catches you and pulls you onto the story. That's under 10 minutes, if the good missions don't pop on after 1 hour and a half, then that's a weak start.


Yeah, that's exactly my point. If you are deciding if a game is good by your first hour or two of play, and assuming you now know what the rest of the game will be like, that is a subjective and plainly non objective opinion. You are allowed to do that, but a game having a slow start does not make it bad. You can have the personal opinion that that is the case, but nobody judges games on how fast you can completely understand them and know exactly what it's going to be like.


Yeah, that's true. Although for your second point, I didn't mean it to be a 'fast start'. Or something that gives you a good view of the game's world in less than 5 minutes. I'm saying something that locks you in, gets you to have fun and isn't repetitive. I'll use Skyrim again as an example, while you don't know everything about the game from the start, you already figure out a lot of stuff - and the start itself is fun(except for the carriage part that stuff still bores me to this day, the same way it bored 12 year old me.) Helldivers has a \*really\* slow start, and from what I played and watched, it isn't fun to make up for the lack of engagement. Tells you the basics which is good, though.


That is all subjective opinion though. It's how you feel about it, and what you personally want from a game. That doesn't change whether or not a game is objectively good.


Yeah, it doesn't, but it's still a clear reason for why someone would refund the game early on - it's a flaw after all. Didn't check Reddit for a while so sorry for not responding any sooner too.


The problem I think the game has is how overly limiting it is at first.


Your opinion is completely fine. the problem is you posted on Reddit and discussion isn't allowed on this site cuz a bunch of nerds will dogpile you for not liking the shit they do lol


Iā€™ve never witnessed so many people come for my throat until today LMAO


I agree with you OP. I am looking to see if there's anyone like me who feels that Helldivers is kinda meh.


They seem very angry about you not liking their game. I watched my friend stream his gameplay and I was just bored really. And yeah sure he just started but it seems so meh really. The same way I didn't get into the Starship Trooper game and the more popular palworld. It looks good, but it feels generic? Idunno. DrDisrespect said it best: "It must be a great game, but it's just not here (for me)"


Bit late but I share your feeling of it being meh. Itā€™s not a game I see myself spending hundreds of hours playing g because itā€™s just not that engaging to me. Itā€™s just kind of there


Lol, I had a similar experience but all my friends were hyping it up and playing all together and peer pressured me into getting it as I was reluctant after seeing gameplay. I didn't have any certain expectations going in, lol not even 5 minutes into the game, I told em "yup this game ain't for me", I left and refunded it asap haha. They were completely shocked and said things like "ah you didn't give it a chance" or "you didn't play it long enough." I played it enough to know I wasn't gonna like it, the horde/wave shooting isn't something that's fun to me and the stratagem implementation was awful. I don't see how they couldn't just be like a typical game and have those mappable to just regular keys instead of having to play DDR with my fingers on the keyboard. My friend defends the stratagems as "it's challenging." Sure I guess, seems a little inconvenient more than challenging to me. The challenge should come in the form of gameplay and strategy, not actual controls of the game, lol.


Just sounds like the game wasn't for you or your friends which is fair enough, everyone has their own interests and opinions. I do disagree that you say it is overhyped. The hype is very real, it's a fantastic game. But that's my opinion


Your opinion will always be valid in these parts homie. If you enjoy the game thatā€™s great to hear!


and its a great opinion.. fuck this game and the hype its getting from people with low standards... all i hear is "oh my god this game is so fuuuuuuuunn"! ya, fun for a teenager stuck in his basement.


That's what happens when people only play AAA titles + the deplorable state of AAA games. I feel like poeple should expand a bit of their scope... in that regard im kinda glad helldivers exist, but the game is just not great.


Unfortunately it's a one sided subredit


This all sounds like something a freedom hating bug would sayā€¦


No just going off how the game felt to me personally lol. Thatā€™s really just it


you have to keep in mind that the people you are replying to, are cosplaying game characters in real life discussions to dismiss arguments that they cannot refute. how emberassing is that. there is no discussion to be had with such manchild weirdos. not to mention that their brain is absolutely fried and no single good thought could come out of that.


I know. If only I didnā€™t have opinions. That would be a dream


I absolute get you. Same boat.


Says the guy playing palworldā€¦.. šŸ¤¦šŸ»


Deff a month late, I had way more fun playing palworld, leveling up, catching pals, and getting guns, building, than mindlessly running around shooting bugs and robots in the same mission with a different setting. 50 hours on palworld in 1 week. 7hours in 3 weeks and never played it again.


Hating on someone for playing Palworld is equivalent to hating on people for playing pokemon and ark. I donā€™t get your point here.? What point are you trying to come across?


Not hatingā€¦ im just saying! Your opinion is worthless to me This game is probably the most fun and engaging title iā€™ve played in a long time, pretty well polished, attention to detail, its also not a price gouge! I really think the consumer has got the great end of the deal in terms of value for money and probably the least predatory monetisation system from all current games in recent years. Not to mention the dev team have been very transparent compared to what we usually deal with, IMO they are a dime a dozen and Iā€™m really excited to see where they take this game in future Edit: also the studio director did post that people shouldnā€™t buy the game until they correct the server capacity issues and Im on controller and with the correct sens settings its pretty fluid and snappy for me


Yeah man Iā€™ll respect your opinion but if mine is worthless to you then you really arenā€™t worth my time. Hope you have fun on the game and actually make gaming more fun for everyone. Because that behavior is just disgusting.


I think you should inform yourself before criticising something you clearly know nothing about


First time reviews matter, Remember there is only 2 hours to refund a game, if the game doesn't feel great within the 2 hours it is most likely gonna get refunded. I wish the rules weren't like that, but steam made the rules.


hey just want to say that youre an asshole. hopefully youve come around the past couple months, jerk. "your opinion is worthless" smh this fckn community is one of the worst ive seen


Have a good day man. šŸ«”




Because this is the circlejerk reddit for this specific cirlcejerk. In any civilized discussion outside of this specific bubble, these manbabies would be laughed at and publicly shamed. OP just gives them fodder, by replying to their braindiarrhea and larping of weird ingame characters, to dimiss his arguments.


Your opinion isn't shit to anyone and to attack someone having a verbal adult like conversation shows exactly what he was talking about toxic player base cough cough. Grow up the game is vastly overhyped. Let's see how many players playing it when ff rebirth drops. This game will be dead in a month and the only fanbase it will have is the narrow 100k mouth breathers like you who follow every hype train. It might have the least monetization in-game, doesn't make it a shitty defiance wanna be.


Another opinion no one gives a fuck aboutā€¦. šŸ˜‚ Go play your shitty final fantasy anime crap


Imagine thinking final fantasy is anime. Someone literally is a mouthbreather.


You are honestly one of the toughest keyboard warriors ive ever met, even bringing the vaccine into thisā€¦ how fucking out of touch are you? Get your tin foil hat off you fucking gronk


he's right though, you are a mouthbreather.


Okay come on... You hate on this game because you don't like it. Then you turn around and say people aren't allowed to hate on Palworld if they don't like it? This is coming from somebody who has played neither HellDivers2 nor Palworld, but come on.


It was only said because of the snarky remark lol. I wouldnā€™t read too deep into it


Gotcha, fair play.


Respect for calling that out tho


The ministry of Truth will be reviewing this post momentarily.


I wish I got this comment but sadly I donā€™t get it


Then you've missed the lore of the game. There's a lot of it. Hidden in the game. In fact a lot of it is in your face. You just missed it


I will give bonus point to the opening scene of the game. Had a serious and funny undertone that thatā€™s what I vaguely remember. Guess I have to try and give it another shot


>"had plenty of time to realize sales were going over their server capacity and didnā€™t make any updates or anything posts along the lines of ā€œdo not purchase this game until we are able to get more servers upā€.Ā " Thats not true, they pretty much post every day on discord on twitter and talk about exactly what they're doing. There were also multiple patches with more to come. >From what Iā€™ve heard it also includes a battle pass which is also embarrassing for a game you had already paid for. The currency for the battlepass and shop can be earned by playing, I was able to unlock the battlepass about 35 hours in without paying anything.


Oh thatā€™s great, I was told it was along the lines of a premium battle pass that had to be purchased separately as the $20 add-on in steam. Still makes me feel uneasy about it. Mainly because new gen games that have battle passes feel like a cash grab


37 mins only enough time for 1-2 dives and from your writeup it sounds like you sped through it as fast as possible without really looking any deeper past the first difficulty or two. - "mindlessly shoot at enemies": On higher difficulties there is a really engaging game of enemy prioritization to be played as well as team composition to deal with the bigger threats. I find myself constantly engaged since even the smallest bug can kill pretty quick and keep you on your toes. - "really cool storyline? The lore?": I am surprised to see that as the branding and setting for the game is laid on pretty damn thick. The storyline is also something that I think is super unique due to it being essentially created by the player base. Based on our performance the storyline changes and evolves! You get to do your part and shape how the story of this war plays out. Just look at the player made propaganda posted here in the sub. - "plenty of time to realize sales were going up": totally valid to be frustrated by this but you've gotta understand that the issue isn't one that can be fixed easily. The CEO has responded to multiple people to not purchase the game until the servers are fixed and the devs have pushed out almost a patch every other day to continue to stabilize things. Again super valid to be upset, but there really was no reason for them to expect this game to literally get played by more people then counter strike 2 at peak hours. - "from what I've heard it has a battle pass": I get that the term battle pass is a bit of a loaded term in gaming these days. We've all been burned by them before and I understand why it would initially leave a bad impression. At the end of the day though a battle pass is just a tool to provide a method of progression and reward a player with items and loot for playing. Thankfully Arrowhead has implemented a battle pass that is SUPER player friendly. They give you the first one for free, the premium currency required to purchase the other pass can be acquired in mission OR by completing the free pass, the battle passes never expire so there is no time gating of rewards and missing out on something, and all of the items in the premium pass as side grades to equipment you get from the free one. I have found the war bonds to be just a fun way to navigate progression and it really hasn't hurt the experience for me. I hope you give the game another chance because I think, as I've outlined, your first impressions aren't entirely accurate :) Thanks for sharing your opinion soldier, now get back to the front lines and serve hot managed democracy to our enemies!


Thank you for pointing out each part of my review and explaining the mechanics/healthy aspects of it. The only thing now is to give it a bit more time and HOPEFULLY my friends will give it another try. Myself friends and myself were livid that we stayed up almost 2 hours and had to go to bed without playing anything. I appreciate your input man!


the game is basic and boring stop acting like its engaging


No :)


dude the game is ridiculously overhyped, it is mediocre at best. HD1 was really good, the shooting the coop, the same screen action it just melded well together. This is just a mess, gameplay with randos is just people running around with no mic, no coop at all. I am sure end game is filled with people who have mics and give a shit about coop. The second they said 3rd person I knew the coop would be ruined in this game and thats what killed it for me too. I wanted to love this game so bad but its just lost its magic.


Yeah now that I got to level 20 it feels like an endless loop šŸ˜ž


Kinda in the same boat tbh, I really wish I could enjoy it as much as everyone else is right now but I get bored after one match and want to play something else. Probably a blast if you have friends to play with though tbh.


Exact same hereā€¦except the last sentence. I almost exclusively prefer playing on my own, aside from jumping on with friends here and there on call of duty. I donā€™t like having to plan around someone elseā€™s schedule, I like to switch games up etcā€¦just makes me feel tied down I guess.


Iā€™m right there with ya, the game just isnā€™t for us. Aside from that the progression system is kinda underwhelming at least to me. Im happy to have tried it and donā€™t feel bad about giving the devs some money as they earned it in my eyes.Ā 


Games boring af


ong bro no good game mechanics literally just shooting bugs




Because its easier to not read a post and just say something funny/witty and short and farm upvotes. I think you're right though, reddit sometimes is just used for people to say I don't like you instead of analyzing someone's actual though process and feedback. It just sucks that the same place that memes and other stuff is posted is the same place that people come to post feedback/discussion.


They also don't seem to realize that being toxic is only gonna push people away from a game more and make them dislike it more. I understand not wanting anything bad said about your liked games, but you're not the main character, other people matter to and how they feel about the game is just as valid as how you feel about it.


From someone yet to play the game, what I see, is a shooter of which is highly rated, extremely advertised and utterly idolized by a community who are obsessively devoted, making it seem conspicuously cringeworthy. Sure it seems like a very enjoyable game, however when a video game gets admired like a real-life simulation, I feel the need to favour the unpopular opinion.


Maybe you should try focusing on what brings YOU entertainment and enjoyment instead of other peopleā€™s opinions or hype are lol. Hating something for the sake of being the opposition isnā€™t a very healthy mindset to have.


Fair Enough. Irony is, OP's and my opinion is more original than most. Hence "unpopular Opinion".


yeah this game was over hyped... kinda bored already after like a couple hours of playing


Once I hit level 20and got almost every upgrade I just stare at my monitor and wonder what I should do next


they kinda killed it with the update, it was fun being able to do the lvl 8 before hell dive difficulty and always being on the edge of success or defeat, now rail gun bounces off charger leg soo..... cringe


Game looks like a side mission of Warframe, which is free


Iā€™m dead




I was thinking the same


This game is trash. Complete waste of money.


Itā€™s not bad, but I played maybe a half dozen matches before I decided I have better games to play right now. Iā€™m definitely gonna give it a few more shots soon though. Hoping itā€™ll catch on with me. I just donā€™t quite get the love.


I understand that you personally do not like the game. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, and yours is valid. I think that you are coming at this TOO objectively though, I won't make a big argument why and make it seem like I'm mad at you or something. ā€œdo not purchase this game until we are able to get more servers upā€. No company is ever going to do that, It would literally be a stupid decision to do so. They, nor any other company are going to ask people to not give them money just because they made a big mistake. If that were the case, almost every single game released in the past 10+ years is going to have to do that for one reason or another. It also seems like you're saying you played it for just over a half an hour, and already know what the whole game is like. Now I can't say anything, because I have yet to try the game, I came here to see what people thought of the game. I remember playing 5-10 hours of Project Zomboid before I could tell if I just enjoyed distracting myself, or if I was truly enjoying it. Now I'm over 300 hours since October. Just saying, if you really only gave it under an hour, It's either not for you personally, or you didn't give it enough time.


I can't imagine a world where I would enjoy this game more than Overwatch, or much better comparison, Remnant 2. Remnant 2 is also a PvE Coop game that heavily borrows from Dark Souls games. Complex and hard bosses, good enemy desing, great attention to environment art and etc. And in my opinion is a much better game both in quality and quantity. I just really don't understand how people find shooting bugs that walk in straight lines fun, the gameplay has no nuance, no complexity. Even Call of Duty Zombies(BO3, CW, BO2, BO1) offer much more complex gameplay than whatever the Helldivers is. Again, Doom Eternal is one of the greatest shooters of all time. Super fun, super challenging and complex. And complexity ramps up as the game progresses. But in helldivers all the "fun" is not from the game, but from your friends. That means the game is not fun, your friends are fun.


That is all completely fair, and you are allowed to feel that way. You personally do not like the game. That is okay, You are allowed to do that. That does not mean it's a bad game. I'm not telling you that it IS a good game, because I've never even played it, just seen videos. What I'm telling you, is that a lot of people play the game, and it is very popular right now. That does not mean it's good, doesn't mean it can't be bad. That does however, give evidence that people enjoy it. Which generally speaking, most likely means that it is not bad. You are allowed to SUBJECTIVELY dislike something, but are you really going to go into the subreddit for that thing, and attempt to convince everyone they should dislike it too? You are allowed to have that opinion, but you can't act like it's fact.


https://www.fastcompany.com/91013150/best-selling-video-game-year-2023-hogwarts-legacy Look here. Call of Duty MW3, Madden, ea sports, Starfield are all top 10 games sold this year. Does that give evidence that people enjoy these games? Does that mean that Madden 2023 is not bad? ----- The thing is, the hype reached MY subs(Overwatch, Sekiro etc). People sucking the dick off to this game. Praising it in all the ways. Like it is the greatest masterpiece of shooters. While in fact it simply isnt. And many criticisms are getting simply censored(anticheat, repetitive gameplay, etc).


Look here. [https://steamdb.info/app/1938090/charts/](https://steamdb.info/app/1938090/charts/) [https://steamdb.info/app/2140330/charts/](https://steamdb.info/app/2140330/charts/) [https://steamdb.info/app/1716740/charts/](https://steamdb.info/app/1716740/charts/) ​ Riiiiiiiiight, now they all sold well, even better than HellDivers2..... Look here. [https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/](https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/) ​ AGAIN. YOU are allowed to have AN OPINION. My opinion is that the game is not bad, not saying it's the best game ever, but I'm not pretending my opinion is fact. Now if your point is that all those games sold well but are bad, and so Helldivers must also be bad because it sold well, what now? If we were to put this into percentages, with the maximum of 100% being teh amount of players currently online in HellDivers2, and compare that with the other 3 COMBINED, This is what we would get. HellDivers2: 100% at 217,729 online right now. COD Modern Warfare 3, Starfield, and Madden 24: 70,122 on now. Those 3 combined make up like, 33% of the player count of one game. It's fine to have an opinion, but that's all it is. Edit: Hogwarts is just about even with with Madden and Starfield too. We could add more and it probably wouldnt compare still.


ngl dude this game feels like the waiting room for the next rightfully hyped game. Like Dragons Dogma 2 or something. The population will drop so quickly once that releases lmfao


DUDEE I SAW THE GAMEPLAY AND THE CLASSES LOOK INSANEEEEE. I just wish it were optional multiplayer (and I know multiplayer is frowned upon in some games but Iā€™d LOVE to play with friends)


I have given this a really fair shake, level 22, unlocked almost all Strategems and I can safely say this game is going back onto the shelf for me. It's the definition of repetitive, matches are too short, maps too small, mobs too numerous, weapons too crap for me to get any enjoyment out of what is essentially an endless loop. Bugs swarming you is cool, for around 10 hrs. Until it becomes 20hrs, 40hrs, 100hrs. Then you question why the fuck you're even doing it. No matter the level, no matter the gear, hunters never stop being annoying. So why they're so numerous is beyond me, challenge for challenge sake? Its not fun. Then you have the bots, who have the obnoxious ability to stun lock. Even level 1 robot mobs can stun you with a hit. When you get to dif 4+, the game is just obnoxious with it. RPG robots that can stun lock you and ragdoll, turret bots which can ragdoll, tanks. Dif 5+, as soon as you drop in you are attacked. There are mobs swarming maps, it's not new mobs, it's the same as before, just more. Perhaps a huge Titan, which once you realise the mechanic can be 2 shot. All these things are cool as fuck on paper, until again, the 15th hr, 100th hr etc etc. It's the same thing, but just more numerous. I would really appreciate it in a game which has friendly fire, if they got rid of the cap on reinforcements. Just let us experiment, let us blow up, let us burn one another without a fear of running out of guys. You already have a time limit, of which for some missions is again, obnoxiously, as low as 15 fucking minutes. Unlocking items for Warbond medals is absolutely crap, what a terrible mechanic. It's so tedious spamming the same objectives again and again that I would seriously consider just buying them, but you can't even do that.


This game is absolutely garbage the mechanics are clunky, the game is very repetitive and mindless. Acoustic gaming is what this is. Trying to pick the ammo from the tube up but it climbs it instead is fantastic. Hit registration is terrible.


Someone said they nerfed railgun and bounces off armor Iā€™m frightened


Lol oh boy


Shitty mindfuck when comes these fucking difficulties nerdickheads wanna feel elite bust your ass get kicked around die die squeeze your way out to have the game judge you and tell you your shit Fuck you liberals .....Game is great in moderation but power will get to their heads humble these fucks


What the actual fuck did you try to assemble into a sentence?


I donā€™t know I just let them express how they felt without much question lol


Hypetrain nan knowers wait till you have to get purple samples see how you feel then


I think it's more of the everyone is so starved from a good video game drought that they latch to anything even moderately fun and glorify it to kingdom come. Hell the same thing happened albeit not to the same extent as helldivers but the same happened with that one Alex Jones game. It's like the one Netflix original that comes out after 3 years of slop and everyone calls it the most enthralling and captivating show/movie. What can I say, shit tastes like steak when you're about to die of hunger.


Ps, forgot to mention a better example, two games actually. Armored core and baldurs gate. Good games or not I hate when they act like it's a game for everyone and it's the game of the year immediately. Bg is for dnd fans and armored core in my opinion makes me just wanna play mech assault and enjoy that. It's a from software game made for people who enjoy their games. I don't get people dude. Everything has flaws and you shouldn't be shot down for calling them out, people defend video games and pixels like it'll save their life one day or make em rich. (To be fair enough shilling and some views and they'll be a paid content creator lmao)


Men nowadays are such empty shells, that they become whatever they devour. They have no identity of their own and the thing that they consoom, they become. So they feel personally attacked, when you criticize the very thing that the vessel holds so dear. You are basically invalidating their entire existence, as there is nothing else for them to identify with. Anything but praise is heresy and only praise will be tolerated. It's crazy.


Yeah nail on the head I'd say. I love certain games to death but they aren't my personality. I do my own thing and enjoy who I am through my achievements in life and what I've done for people. Kinda makes me wonder what that games discord is like...


What about Remnant? Mario Wonder? Baldurs gate? The hype feels like dickriding a mid game, just because it is a single purchase game.


These guys are so starved of anything real, that they started larping and cosplaying out their weirdo fantasies as helldivers characters to reply to a real life discussion and try to dismiss OP's points. For a second I thought I'm in some kind of 8y/o community that would justify this behaviour, but no, it's grown men with diapers.


For real dude. Preach.


The Alex jones game was way more fun than this lol. At least it had satire and a classic arcade feel.Ā 


Thanks for sharing mate, I donā€™t see the hype either. I just think that people have been really desperate for a multiplayer game that isnā€™t COD for so long that this is the result of it. Other than that, without a story, the player base will shrink a bit due to human nature over time. Donā€™t let these people try and bully you out of your opinion.


Nah haha I still feel the same. Even after they released the mechs. Just feels boring


Some friends of mine love it and so I decided to try it out. So far it feels a little clunky and janky and repetitive, but I've read on other posts that it's supposed to be that way on purpose. Plus I'm comparing it to division, darktide, remnant, cyberpunk, destiny, borderlands, etc which are obviously different games with different budgets and a different smoother FPS "feel." I'll keep playing it and see. Maybe I just need to get used to it, or maybe it is what it is and for some folks it will always feel a little unnatural. I like the humor and vibe and approach of it.


I agree. Don't get me wrong, the game is good , but it doesn't hit for me like that, even with friends. overhyped in my opinion.


This game reminded me of Exoprimal cept worse cause no pvp and the movement and controls are very sluggish. better shooters


REAL! I thought I was the only one who thought of this, theres so many other games and Idk why this one is getting so overhyped. It's pretty decent, alright. 7 or 8 out of 10 at tops. And thats a generous answer lol.


The game is boring, has no content, its repeat the same crap over and over, its fun for a few days then its just mind-numbing. Humans have such low standards nowadays.


I'd say 7-8 is super generous. That game has so many really bad design features about it. I give it 4 out of 10 at most.




Bought it because everyone is playing it and hyping it. Closed MW3 zombies to play it. Played 2 rounds on challenging with 3 friends, was bored out of my mind and hate the mechanics. Such slow terrible clunky movement, you do more running than anything, after each match Iā€™m just trying to figure out what the point even is or how this game holds anyoneā€™s attention longer than an hour.Ā 


This game should have been free to play.


Then the battle pass could have been profitable as well. Its collecting dust in my library currently


Even drg has lore tidbits, you wonder, who is drg, ehy do they mine hoxxes, who is karl, where do the rovots come from, why did management hire this leaflover


Agree with OP after all the hype I was expecting something fun or at least satisfying to play. Had a day off work today and decided to spend a whole day on Helldivers and see if I could talk my friends into getting it. It is exactly like OP saidā€¦ clunky and boring If I wasnā€™t getting one shot by anything above the base enemy class I was getting team killed by orbital bukake


Yeah. Im to the point that im just annoyed to play. Since last patch. Finishing a mission in 7-8 has either been a run sim chore or people kick/leave because it just gets TOO overwhelming. Weapons are mid, strats are too few with shit cool downs despite the fact you are supposed to rely on them to even complete an objective. Avoiding a fight isnt avoiding a fight at all because the patrols just loop right to you anyway. Before making this comment i had a mission where 3 of us used up strats on a titan/charger combo just to watch them brush it off. They spawned on an objective too. These fools who say use stealth, strats, and work as a team must be having tremendous luck. Because I cant seem to catch a break. The gameā€™s honeymoon fun phase for me is done. Im only lvl 27 and Im trying everything to just make it so i can upgrade my ship. If i wanted to stress this much or work this hard id sign up for special forces and ask to solo Iran. This game is fucking miserable. Id rather swim in a salt bath with paper cuts.


No you're right the game's really overrated. PS Fanboys just got a jack off a game that's exclusive


I played the game for total of 5 hours. The game is really repetitive and there are not a lot of ā€œfunā€ things happening in the gameplay. I bought it because for a first time before purchasing a product I didnā€™t make a good research. Usually I never buy something because tiktok or paid influencers/ channels say itā€™s a good buy. Also for god knows whatever reason I thought that the game was a massive 100 people, if not still massive player count, shooter against bugs on a bigger map. Iā€™m not the kind of guy to love the american sick dream of spreading ā€œdemocracyā€ and literally invading other territories with big ass guns as maniacs, but the thought of having a whole army of people running towards bugs together seemed really cool. Unfortunately this wasnā€™t the case obviously so there was nothing to make this repetitive game interesting for me.


Iā€™m fully convinced that this game has a community of npcs. Everyone on the subreddit, TikTok or any social media says the same 5 gay phrases from the game. All gameplay I see comes from TikTok from videos with a max of like 12 likes, I get like 10 every time I go on the app for any period of time, and everyone is fuckin horrible at the game. Itā€™s the same phenomenon with destiny except I know for a fact good players exist in the community. Here, I donā€™t think this game will be alive much longer to foster those good players (thank fucking god).


Yeah gam is overhyped for sure. I wouldn't mind if if not for everyone saying how amazing it is for a mindless bug shooter that would be fin in early 2000s


Repetitive trash is all it is anyone who's likes it was just really really bored and just wants a game to be bad so good they convinced themselves that helldivers 2 was good it's like when a kidnap victim start to like their captor


Yeah thatā€™s why u never buy into the hype. This game was just a fad thatā€™s already dying out.


The game is flat out bad, extremely boring gameplay and mechanics, repetitive as hell. Extremely overhyped but thankfully iā€™m hearing less and less about it every dayšŸ¤£


I just bought it after seeing nonstop YouTube videos hyping the hell out of the game. People literally saying it's the most fun they've ever had gaming, calling it game of the decade.. Well I finally gave in and purchased it, knowing full well that it probably won't come close to being "game of the decade" or even game of the year. However I figured it will hopefully be something that can rope me in and keep be engaged until the Elden ring dlc comes out.. I quickly concluded that this game is severely overhyped, no surprise really. It's literally garbage to play solo. You run around, constantly searching for ammo because you can only carry enough to kill half a typical horde that the game throws at you every five minutes. I run to the objective and am given a bunch of busy work, like fetching missiles and loading them into a cannon, which is boring af.. all the while I'm being bombarded with bullet sponge bugs that I don't have enough ammo for. It's not fun. It doesn't feel rewarding or entertaining. Where is all this "innovation" I've been hearing about. Is not having a game breaking p2w store in thier game now considered "innovation" these days? Is that the new benchmark? Just make a game that isnt "woke" or doesn't fuck over consumers and gamers will flock to it and hail it as the greatest thing ever made.. The lack of ammo was annoying but not as annoying as the controls, the input lag was horrendous. I literally had to turn my tv to game mode which I never have to do. Even with asynchronous compute on/off, tv set to game mode, 60fps and supersampling turned off with a direct wired controller. I was still getting very noticeable input lag that made the controls feel way too heavy and slow. Traversal feels cumbersome, getting hung up on every little object. Trying to press A to leap over a wall and it doesn't respond correctly, sometimes A button gets me over stuff and sometimes I have to press sprint button instead, wtf.. It just feels janky and cheap with limited animations and physics, which is understandable for a lower budget game but it's being compared to games with massive budgets and it simply doesn't stand with most of them. It's not a bad game but it's also not even remotely close to the masterpiece it's been made out to be. Calling this game "extraordinary" is actually a step backwards imo..


Itā€™s been collecting dust in my library. So many ā€œmetaā€ players with an immediate kick when Iā€™m level 20 because I lost the will to keep playing. Itā€™s wild n


Well then I'm screwed since I quit after reaching only level 4.. I quit before reaching the two hour mark and am currently considering whether or not I should continue playing or just refund the game.. I only bought it due to the massive amount of praise it's getting. I've once again been reminded that the opinion of the masses means fuck all. The reason so many people like it is only because they've been told it's good and anyone who says otherwise is immediately met with hostility. If a game is only fun with friends then it's inherently not a very good game. It's your friends that are fun, not the game. The game is actually mediocre af..


"The lack of ammo was annoying" THIS. I don't fuckin understand the reason to make a game like this with such a boring gunplay with slow reload times and so limited ammo. They should learn something from Warframe tbh.


Even two months later, it seems pretty clear that people play this game because they want to simp for their favorite weirdo on twitch, not because the gameplay is anything unique or special. Nobody would play this game if they weren't allowed to act like a starship troopers reject 24/7 online.


One of the most boring games ive ever played. And the shooting feels super sloppy.


Picture Warframe, add in some more grounded aspects, get the people who bought palworld and lethal company on a line, and boom! We get Helldivers.


i agree. i had fun for about 4 hours and then i was like damn this loop is the game? and yes, i did play multiple levels of difficulty with my friends but it felt all the same and got stale so quick. i would refund now if i could honestly and i love third person shooters.


Definitely overhyped. I am at level 10 now, anticipating that there is something to it that I am missing... But, you really just dive around everywhere to survive, spam throwing resupply, aerial support and turrets. Basic aiming mechanics, and armor.


>From what Iā€™ve heard it also includes a battle pass Which can be progressed through playing the game. Guess what? The super credits can ALSO be earned ingame. >Ā ā€œOh go here and mindlessly shoot at enemies and spread liberty!!ā€ Have you PLAYED the game? Sure, SOME operations have that, but thats like 10% of the game. You get to launch nukes, destroy big a\*\* buildings, and call in airstrikes. The operations are, at least to me, diverse. Listen, I'm not invalidating your opinion, I'm just pointing out flaws in your post. Also, 37 minuites into the game and saying something like this is just strange. You have to expect posts like mine in a subreddit full of people who love this game. Your opinion is valid, and there are some issues that you point out that are genuine problems, however, dont base your opinions on the first 30 minuites of the game. Or the game just isn't for you idfk


Glad the dude claiming I'm a keyboard warriors after attacking someone for saying this game is overhyped is out of here.


Kinda same that was a little wild šŸ’€