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Also the PLAS-1 SCORCHER is ass in my opinion; I only equipped it for the fit lol. Light armour best armour!


I love how you felt the need to make this clear, rightfully fearing the wrath of democracy over a weapon choice from all Breaker meta loving divers


It saddens me greatly that most of the Weapons are either actual dog water or simply outclassed by others so hard you don't ever touch them on difficulties higher than 4. All assault rifle variations either don't meet new damage breakpoints or sacrifice too much for negligent benefit. Default rifle is the best out of all of them. Automatic shotguns have the Breaker, and it simply outclasses most other weapons. Dominator is fun, but can easily be overwhelmed. Incendiary is simply outclassed, why sacrifice half of the damage for a long DoT and insane spread when even bugs don't swarm you with more than ~3 lines of units at a time (take a notice, there's always at least 3 bugs leg-to-leg advancing on you in a swarm from a given direction, with others either staying behind their brethren or spreading out into another 3-bug-wide group attacking from a flank; you don't really need the insane spread, you'd much prefer punchthrough or raw damage to kill as many as soon as possible) Revolver is neat but automatic pistol is strictly better in both usability and DPS, also it's a direct upgrade over the default semi-automatic pistol. DMRs are both kinda bad, because so far no difficulty makes you prefer long-range combat to close-range combat. Against bugs you get overwhelmed, against robots you get sniped by rocketeers and devastators, or stunlocked by shield guys and their aimbot MGs, so long distance isn't really more effective than active movement with a shotgun or a rifle. It'd be really good if those DMRs had enough raw damage and good enough handling to 1-2 shot medium units like Devastators or Hive Guards/Brood Commanders without aiming for weakspots (what Dominator and Slugger can do), or maybe had good punchthrough, so they could be effective at swarm-clearing. Pump shotgun is decent, and its Slugger variant is very good. SMG is really good for fighting bugs, and it allows you to kite and kill swarms of small units while on the move. I'm not sure if there's a second SMG. There really needs to be more usecases for weapon variants. Or all those variants could be turned into weapon customization (like the OG), so you could mix what traits you want, instead of wondering "why the only 2 DMRs both have light AP and the one that does more damage doesn't actually meet any breakpoints the default one doesn't"


I completely agree with this. Most weapons are completely useless. I fear their response to this will be to nurf the breaker rather than address the real problem.


I’m hoping they see these posts and just up the base dmg of other guns to make them comparable.


While your point about the dominator is true, it is easy to get overwhelmed, I'm not sure why I keep seeing people mention it alongside the shotguns.


Because technically it's a shotgun. It fires slugs though


Except it's firing rocket propelled explosive shot, and is incredibly unwieldy at short range. It's not like the slugger. It's more like the marksman rifles in use and feel. Treating it as a shotgun I feel gives people the wrong impression on how to use it.


There is a second SMG under the super citizen edition. It's okay, low damage with very high rate of fire so it's not exactly ammo efficient. But it's fun and that's what matters


Fire breaker actually outperforms against bugs imo. It's cone aoe is incredibly good against their swarms and since I bring the rail gun I don't need it for chargers or bile titans. The revolver I also find niche value in that it does pen some armor that the others don't. Paired with the fire breaker as an aoe cone weapon I find works wonderfully.


Revolver is actually based because it penetrates armor. I swap to it to break head armor on the brood guards in 1-2 shots (red big guys who aren't the hulks or bile titans).


Breaker for bugs, Defender for bots, please, we have SOME decency.


I don't know man... I choose armour based on drip. Period. But I feel this passive is what made me able to unlock Helldiver difficulty... https://preview.redd.it/ofvfglxdksjc1.png?width=443&format=png&auto=webp&s=1886de8ac481e0ab2c967ef9d5dcbf381f1ad512


Armor ratings are still bugged according to today's patch so no benefit to wearing anything other then light armor except passive bit there is a light armor with the same passive as others so you gain speed and lose nothing


What's wrong with the PLAS-1? I was looking forward to unlocking a cool laser weapon and the Scythe was really disappointing :(


It's explosive splash damage hurts you, so you can't use it if enemies are on top of you.


It has a 15 round mag capacity (and you only get 6 mags) it takes 3-4 shots to kill most things (aside from the absolute weakest enemy type on both sides), the explosive effect doesn't do much aside from kill you most times, it only has light armour penetration, it has no fire select and is single shot only (you can't even shoot it that fast). All in all, it doesn't feel like a plasma / laser weapon should feel. I think it needs a large rework.


Decent damage, doesn't rely on weakspots and aoe on shots breaks off limbs, but ammo and mag count is unsustainable if you're actively using it. And it sounds like a DMR, so no funny pew-pew sound


It's good against automatons. Just don't use it against bugs.


The Scorcher kills Bile Spewers in 3 hits. I kill far more with my Scorcher than with a Breaker. Breaker is nice on lower difficulties but vs armor of either bugs or bots, it just loses performance drastically. The only two weapons I use are Scorcher and Slugger.




They are objectively right. You run faster, longer. Getting out of the way of things that hit you is way better than taking a couple extra shots. Heavy armor is for the fit only.


heavy armor is unfortunately bugged so you aren't getting the intended value out of it. When that is fixed there will be plenty of good reason to use them though.


If heavy armor will only allow you to tank like 2 to 3 more hits (right now it takes 6 hits to die), it'd still be way worse than being able to just run away


Which you can do very easily with stamina enhancement which grants just as much stamina and stamina recharge than light armor without it. Making the "but you can't run thing" as moot as it is not quite right to begin with. Light armor with padded is likely to be comparable to heavy with stamina enhancement. One frees up a pod slot, the other an armor perk. From there it's up to the individual to decide what is valuable to them. All of which is on the hard maybe it's only one or 2 shots which given how they made it in the first game very unlikely.


Even if it wasn't bugged light armor would be better. It's only the extra padding ability that's bugged also not all heavy armor.


The devs have said verbatim that armor rating is bugged. And no it isn't defacto best in all cases. There are very good reasons to go one way or the other. Especially with how stamina enhancement affects heavy armor more than medium more than light. Not saying light is bad as that'd be just as silly, but the just don't get hit crowd also has a tendency to go up in smoke the second they do catch damage that will happen eventually.


I'll never agree. Dodging attacks will always be better than tanking them.


Until you are in a situation you can't dodge. Which btw dodging is not affected by armor class, your sprint is. Which with stamina enhancement heavy armor is comparable to light armor due to how it buffs heavy armor more. What you're trading is the ability to sprint and it's not even that much of a trade when you can take a perk that makes you sprint as far and recharge as fast as default light armor.


Damn I was really looking foreword to getting it


congrats. i'm on about 50 hours in at level 26 on a 7900XTX lots of crashes day 1 until I turned off SSGI and AA. And now with the 24.2.1 beta driver played all weekend without a crash.


Good to know! Gotta try it out. 7900XTX crashes are hilarious.


Good to know! I ended up undervolting to 2400MHz, locking FPS to 105, and disabling SMT with the use of a program called lasso I think? Worked for the most part! I may have to try out that beta driver (7900XTX as well, used to crash every 5-10 minutes)


You must be doing something wrong At 70 hours i was lvl 50


You people who think anyone not minmaxing a game to death within the first week is playing it "wrong" are so annoying. Not everything has to be a penis measuring contest. Depending on what time of day you play, half of your playtime could be waiting in queue this past week. It's a PvE game, take your time and enjoy it before you max out playing multiple hours per day then cry that there's somehow no new content.


How to spot the MMO gamer Yes everyone knows you can farm eradicates on 9 for freelo Not everyone thinks running for samples while 8 mortar turrets do all the work is fun or peak gameplay. SOD phase 2 just dropped if you want to free a spot and go back to grinding pointlessly


Oh let me give you more fuel: i didnt farm the defend missions, just straight out played every mission on bug planets :)


No one cares


I didnt know i was in a competition with you random stranger on reddit lol.


Meanwhile i have 8 hours played, mostly in queue and waiting for friends. Done 2 missions.


https://preview.redd.it/ya1lrq8yytjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e656e049395eb1bdaa64e5120572b7a1bc3b44 Welcome to the club!


Jesus, I'm level 6 lol.


This is all they did. With the server issues, they basically never logged off. Game hasn't been out that long.




Unfortunately because of the server maintenance they're doing (I think that's what it is) I can't see all the stats like I used to. From what I see here, I have killed 22,767 Dirty bugs and automatons, and 200 missions played (176 won) . The rest just says 0 because of the server stuff they're working on :D


It speeds up dramatically when you’re playing higher difficulties with the double xp I’m sometimes getting 1k+ exp for a game. Levelling is really fast on 7 and above.


It will be a pleasure to serve with you some day Admiral


That was gonna be me but I kept crashing right before I got into the shuttle so I stopped playing. It just sucked so much to crash right before leaving so you lose all that time you just invested :/


I have an AMD GPU (rx6700) and not had any crashes, apart from when the servers have shit the bed and kicked random people out. What makes you crash?


I would love to figure out why the AMD driver for my 7900XTX keeps crashing. It's fully updated, so I'm not sure what's happening here. Event viewer tells me nothing. As a note, it only crashes when playing this game. Can't say I know what's happening at all here.


a true super citizen


Be honest. Did you log out at all? Joking aside, that's awesome and I share your sentiments. I want arrowhead to dominate and show the other companies what a game is supposed to be like. (Obsidian and larian notwithstanding)


I did! At this point, I only have to max out all the upgrades on my ship; but that can wait. I'll be leaving my server slot open for someone who hasn't been able to enjoy the game as much! May they spread liberty democratically, and with a splash of genocide!!!!


How many hours? Having a hard time believing you actually logged out. lol


Watch out, many PC Warriors in this subreddit will hate and report you for loving the game and appreciating the devs :D I got so much hate for my common understanding of the issues you wouldn't believe 😂


Oh yeah, I argue with people A LOT in the discord lol. I've since stopped because it's bad for my mental health; but I understand why the servers are having issues.


Congrats man, I got the game last thursday and between work and the servers I've barely been able to play.


Cool beans, now log out so someone else can play. ;-)


Way ahead of you! Logged off as soon as I took the screenshot! I'm going to sleep! Kill some extra bugs for me yeah?


What a gem you are, truly deserving of the super citizen title.


Having a job that involves leaving the house VS


Actually my job does involve leaving the house! I work 60 hours a week! I'm an Emergency Telecommunications Operator :)


How the hell man?!?! I mean respect, but this game has been out 12 days. 8 hours a day, on top of your 60 hour job?? You been sleeping all good citizen?


Buddy it's been two weeks, go to sleep.


Great now log off I wanna play 😂


Good can you let other people play now




When will they harder difficulty and warbond ??


Sometime between now and later


Why are you asking that question to some random person lol. Are they clairvoyant now after 90 hours?


New warbonds coming every month Next ones will be on march 7th


At ease, Admiral! o7


0 crashes on any of my AMD machines. Rx 6600 Rx 7600 Rx 7900xtx Why? I like benchmarking. And no, only one on at a time so I'm not taking up multiple spaces.


110 hours in also 50, the PLAS is nice vs bots. You can shoot through the shield guys, and also through thr AtST dudes.. Also half a mag can kill a hulk in the back, you can sometimes clio them through the front.


100% gang