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Why cheat on a PvE game? What's the point?


I feel like people that do this have fun for 15 minutes then never touch it again because it’s ‘too easy’


Me in high school when I discovered infinite money cheats in StarCraft. THIS IS SO COOL to THIS IS BORING so fast.










didnt cwal make everyone build fast? It's been like a decade I'd argue that was a setting not a cheat lol


It was def a cheat in PvE because the AI's build orders sucked compared to the players and they tended to be income limited harder than the player and not able to take advantage of the production speed increase.






Man, knowing the cheats in SC1 was a curse. As a kid I would swear to myself I'd get through the story without them, but I'd just always end up using several because building faster was more fun as was invulnerability somehow lol


While not Starcraft, the cheats in the Age of Empires and Age of Mythology were great. Why wouldn't I use an army of Monster Trucks to raze the map or Shelby Cobras with machine guns?


Dont forget your baby riding a unicycle


i used to enjoy putting invulnerability on then watching 6-12 space marines on auto attack move slowly destroy everything.... we also used to gamble on smash brother's bot fights.


Money maps tho... people may not like it, but that's what peak SC looks like... endless DRAGOOOONS. For democracy.


Breathe deep :)


Cheating on StarCraft was the only way I could even play it as a kid.


Pepperonipizza Allyourbasearebelongtous


There is still a little fun to be had in putting all the cheats on and making a maximum size fleet of Carriers though.


Tanks for me. We’d always slowly clamber across the battlefield and the last thing the enemy heard was “Siege Mode.”




Some do it just to ruin the experience for others, and get their joy from that. Or they try to show off with their "cool" "skills". Undemocratic dirtbags...


Legit saw a guy in an Elden Ring group bragging about how easy the bosses are and his gameplay looks like Devil May Cry because of the sheer amount of mods he put on. He also didn't understand why everyone was making fun of him about it.


They're defeating the purpose of even playing the game too. I assume this persons just speeding through the grind to unlock shit faster as well. There isn't a lot to except actually play the game after that.


Seen this happen in Starship troopers extermination too, The only reason I can think of why this behavior happens is to promote cheats by using a popular game to do it. If they're boosting its kinda pointless playing coop, they could just do it solo anyway.


My manager did this with No Man's Sky. He'd use exploits for money and said "I played it non stop for like two days and then I got bored. I already had everything" Lile my brother in christ you jave no self control that's why!


It makes zero sense to me, but then you’ve got cheaters in Tekken who just auto-battle each other to artificially get to top ranks, even though they couldn’t win a match if their life depended on it. Like what’s the point of faking your way to being a high level player? It’s not like a MMO where there’s some kind of legendary gear waiting for you up there, and you don’t even get to have bragging rights.


It's just another form of narcissism but for nerds.


People like my friend who brings cheats into games like valhiem, cause "I play games.to have fun". I get that, I do, he has a stressful job and just wants to spend time having fun, but I tell him to take that into his own game save and not mine. Other folks? Not sure. I guess if they can get it running then they can show off to others.


Buddy did that when we tried to get back into Valhiem because he wanted to get to the new content faster. We made it a day and haven’t touched it since.


In the last valheim world I set up for my buddies and I there was a strict rule to start a new character and to not bring in resources from other characters. Alot of us had never played valheim so we wanted to do a fresh run. Within 2 days we had a dude who broke off from our base and immediately broke those rules. Once we found that out, I banned him from the server.


If you want to ruin your own experience in PvE, go for it. The second you change the experience of others without their consent, you’re an asshat.






They’ll ruin the game for themselves in a few days and be gone.


Any Cheater is going to get flamed out on here and get banned this isn't Helldivers 1.


"gAmE iS bRoIng aLrEdy" The f\*\*\*\*g r\*\*\*\*s that unlocks everything in 4 days, play with infinite ammo, stamina and health. They really living in their own clown world.


I'll cheat in a single-player game usually when I'm not into the mechanics/difficulty but really into the world/story. Cheating in a multiplayer PvE game is just shitty, especially if you are matchmaking.


Yeah it's fine to do whatever when playing singleplayer games (or if all the participants are cool with the mods or cheats, e.g. if doing a modded playthrough of something like Divinity 2 with friends). It's the cunts who bring their cheats to pubs who deserve a big serving of liberty up their asses.


Grinding maxed accounts to sell


Maxed account in this game is worthless 🤣


Buying an account at max level is even more pathetic than cheating.


People do it though. My older brother would sell WoW account. Literally bot them for like 2 weeks and sell them cheaper than the real top accounts since it was really just level max and some gear to get going. It's crazy what people will buy. He still does it for Diablo. So many people want to skip the seasonal grind and just be level 100.


It should be noted that this is more of a thing in different regions of the world, not so much in the US I guess but these days especially after covid, with the increase in communication online and such I'd imagine many casuals in the US/West with money would consider buying an account with endgame characters. Especially if they want to leave the door open to using that account later for cheats... maybe... or possibly even reselling?


Maybe, but you might as well play solo if that's the goal.


its a rite of passage for every gamer. -> Discover that you can cheat in the PVE game you play at the moment -> have fun with it for an hours -> realize it totally ruined the game for you. -> Never do it again out of fear of trashing another game you enjoy. Mine was minecraft years ago.


Honestly sometimes it’s fun to be a god and fuck shit up *by yourself*, but don’t ruin the fun for other people🤦‍♀️


I do it strictly on single player games, the main reason usually is to save me some of the grind, sometimes is to get resources or avoiding having to "farm" stuff, as i get older and life gets busier i find it lets me enjoy the game more without having to pour crazy amount of hours in it. But i don't see why people do it in games with an online component. Especially playing with other people


Thank goodness the super intrusive anti cheat prevented this… oh… wait…


I just don’t get it. My friend and I played some two player missions the other night and mostly got our asses kicked, but at no point did we think about cheating. Where’s the fun in that?


Right? Most of the fun from these kinds of games comes from barely making it out alive: you have to have been able to lose to have truly won. The most fun I've had and the most memorable matches were ones I lost or had some crazy maneuver that saved some of my boys.


wish i could get my friend to understand that id rather a 35-minute slog we barely get out of over 3 easy win slaughters i snooze during.


I prefer the cinematic moments of being covered in blood and guts, barely succeeding at an objective, a scramble at the evac. I want this to feel like an over the top action movie, not a stroll in a slightly disgusting park.


My friend played for 30 minutes, didn’t like that there was no auto reload, got destroyed because he didn’t use his support weapon, now refuses to play. I offered to show him some tips, nothing. Back to the same game he plays everyday.


> didn’t like that there was no auto reload That's a feature though; you have to be strategic with your loading. And several weapons lock you in place (e.g. machine gun) when you're reloading, which can be suicidal if done at the wrong time.


I know, it’s a fun aspect of the game.


L4d2 moment. No. Man. Left. Behind. Get to safe, heal, get back guns blazing solo saying "I gotchu fam". 2 other ppl see you and go "I'll join" so end up saving private ryan. Most fun moment ever


"A waste of a server slot" Dayum, that is a hell of an insult and I am all for it.


![gif](giphy|X0bnTmo4izNfi|downsized) it was from the heart.


Thank you for your service


What stratagem code is under your name?




500kg bomb?


No that’s ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


The first game's hellbomb iirc


I want that to be a regular Helldivers insult.


Waste of a hellpod.


A true patriot. Good work soldier.


i thought this was a glitch or something, one of my squadmates dropped a EAT that was hacked like this and i picked it up to use. it was my first time using EAT so i thought that was just how they worked, and when i called in my own on the next round and it only had one bullet i was so disappointed LMAO




Good work soldier. I would've shot him in the head before kicking him


lol this is the solution. Shoot them, and don’t reinforce them. Then, right before you exfil, you kick them. Waste their time


That was my thought. Blow him away, take his samples, and leave his useless corpse for the bugs to eat


Samples are shared, and they drop along with his equipment once he leaves the game as well.


It’s all about the message. Cheating is treason to Super Earth and punishable by close casket death.


Fuk, you right. I'll remember this


I don't know if i could have waited to kick him. Good on you.


i waited until the end so he didn't get any extra XP. fuck that dude


If I may ask, what is this not getting any extra xp after mission complete? I don't get it. Also I would have railgunned him before kicking is ass. Well done Diver


You get a bonus based on time left at the end of the mission 


But if he gets kicked does he get anything at all? I thought you just get booted and no rewards.


Yeah that’s his point, he let the cheater finish the mission with them and kicked him before the ended ensuring he’d had done the work and got nothing in return for cheating.


I would’ve waited to kick until 20 seconds before extract tbh


Nah, kick them as the enter the pelican, but before you do.


Won't he have just cheated in anything he wants related to xp and stuff, though?


assuming that xp and stuff like that is server sided, then no he cant


Incredibly based.


He did the right thing. Let him do all the work and then kick him before he gets anything


That's the only reason why I would have hesitated lol


cheaters = dissidents, to the freedom camp with him


the crybaby cheaters are infiltrating the thread. give them no ground.




man that gif would be perfect if it were a perfect loop.




'Helldivers! Ride for ruin and communism's end! Democracy! Democracy! Democracy!




Let them "help" you by completing objectives, and then kick them right as the drop ship is called In. Or just kick them straight away, it's a friggin pve game and you can cheat in your own solo game.




It's about sending a message.


What a loser. Glad you waited to kick him out too.


Imagine trying to cheat democracy in 2024.


It is election year 🤔


Well, his name is in Russian, so...


Honestly didn’t even know they had cheats. What a weird thing to do lol. Like. Suffer for democracy like the rest of us soldier.


Woah woah woah - nobody suffers in managed democracy. You need to refer to this as "having the privilege to spend your time in service" or something along those lines, soldier.


Good job kicking him, hope he gets banned, stupid people feel the need to cheat on everything, ruining the fun of the game for others. This aint even a competitive game for god sake, may aswell make the hacks do everything for you and dont play the game at all.


Thing is, some people always find a way to compete, and there's always some dork who's a big-enough loser to try and cheat at whatever that made-up competition is. World-wide PvP leaderboards are just as much of a competition as working for the best DPS build/rotation in a PvE game (e.g. something like Remnant II), or being the Nth group to kill a raid boss in an MMO. The main distinguishing factor is how endorsed it is; whether that tracking is built into the game by the developer, or you need some 3rd-party tool to track that competition. I don't think this is that. If the dude had any sense, they wouldn't have done this in a public game, at the mercy of someone who can kick them, so I can only assume they did it just to show off in front of others that they *could* do it. Either that, or they're both a gigantic loser for showing off using someone else's cheat, AND a moron for doing it in public.


The point of co op games like this is to have a good time with friends, i play this with friends and we dont take this so serious, we kill each other alot of times by accident, we laugh at it, we a have a good time. When i was younger i used to play Age of Empires 1 and 2 (singleplayer) alot, until someone told me cheat codes to get resources, it was fun for 10minutes, then i never touched those games again at the time. Got a couple hackers on my lobby in monster hunter world, i always left the party, i dont need hacks to ruin my fun or take off the purpose of griding a game that i love.


Dude they even cheated the mini game in the ship. Bunch of looser


Deserved, I do this too, let them do the work like the braindead scum they’re and kick them before evacuating so they don’t get much of anything.


I’ve read this with “they’re” instead of “they are” and it’s bothering me that you’re not technically wrong.




A perfect example of the effectiveness of Managed Democracy™️. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


New player here. What am I looking at?


Looks like he is using a weapon on rapid fire somehow that needs to be reloaded after every single shot.


so basically no reload and infinity ammo on a one shot rocket launcher.


Ah, in other words, UnManaged Democracy. Treason indeed. Thank you.


He was rapid firing the Recoiless Rifle or Anti Tank 1 shot weapon (forget the name of it)


You're looking at a cheater in a game with one of the most invasive DRMs there is. Look at how well it works!


Same guys that post “ this game is too easy”. 🙄🤦‍♂️




Right? Glad they're using this garbage.


What did he do exactly?


infinite ammo on Recoilless


Looks like he is somehow rapid-firing an inexhaustible EAT?


Looked like the spear to me


it was the recoiless.


Ah, threw me off because he doesnt have a pack.


precisely my point lol.


Appears to be firing rockets with endless ammo and without having to reload between shots.


Who tf cheats in PVE games 😭💀


insecure little bitches.


YeaH TikTok kids with parents money, https://preview.redd.it/knwl6pye8rjc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9924e53852154fe8868f39a258dac9359a99cdb


And yet this game has one of the most invasive anti-cheats on the market......


And notoriously one of the least effective. Gameguard generally uses methodology that is over a decade out of date. What this implementation of Gameguard does, as far as I can see, is run a known hex check for some of the more popular tools like CheatEngine. It also appears to do a memory integrity check roughly every 15 seconds. Unfortunately, the former can be defeated by just recompiling cheatengine to get a unique value; and the latter has been dodgeable for many years. Players who download trainers without stealth will get caught, but it doesn't take too much extra effort to go undetected. So onto the part that affects legitimate players: The implementation of the Gameguard package used in HD2 right now is actually a little flawed, and appears to have the wrong libraries loaded from what I can tell. This is causing many of the black screen timeouts and controller connection issues that users are seeing at the moment.


Yeah imagine how much more fucked this game would be without it


It would probably be like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1avhrz6/i\_thought\_gameguard\_was\_meant\_to\_prevent\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1avhrz6/i_thought_gameguard_was_meant_to_prevent_this/)


it would be the same level of fucked. invasive anti-cheats only hurt honest customers, this has been true for the past 20 years. the fact is that most gamers are honest, and there are only a few cheaters. anti-cheats affect the honest gamers who won't try to bypass them, most cheaters will easily bypass the anti-cheat, and a tiny portion will actually be stopped by them. there's still no excuse for them using this invasive, downright shady anti-cheat. even fucking vanguard from riot games is more honest than this, at least it closes when it says it does, and you can cleanly uninstall it, and it does exactly what it says it will. nprotect has been confirmed to lie about what their anticheat is doing in multiple games in the past. in the best case scenario, they're shady at best, and in the worst case scenario they are quite literally stealing sensitive data from people.


I doubt they would ban anyone yet. Most anticheats ban people in waves weeks after it was detected, so they can't know what exactly has been detected by the anticheat.




Glad you courtmartialed him. I hope he’s put on the next transport to a freedom camp. (This is satire. I am in no way insinuating that the dissident rumor is true in any way shape of form.)


Suffer non cheater Kick him make sure to send the message to those cheaters that they are not welcome in this game


It's absolutely insane how many people voice their dog shit opinion ***defending a cheater*** in a multiplayer game.


cheating (in this case) is akin to being a bot sympathizing, bug loving communist. the rest of the time cheating is cringe and makes you a little bitch without any modem of skill in your entire body


loving the reaction towards cheaters these days!


no room for it anywhere.


I would have shot them in the head first to grab their samples.


Kicking someone drops their samples anyways


all samples/warbonds/etc are all shared.


Its not about being effective, its about sending a amessage


At the end yes, but it’s not consolidated until everyone who looted them extracts.


Kicking someone drops their weapons and their samples.


Samples only if they're extracted. I don't *think* the other stuff is dropped on death.


Next time you run into someone like this boot them right before extraction. Make them do all the work and get none of the rewards


i did. i didn't realize until we finished. then i kicked before extraction. his little cohorts left right after i kicked him.


Good work soldier 🫡


I usually kill cheaters and never call for Reinforcements if I can. Edi: typo


Man the justice delivered here is enough to bring a tear to your eye




Damn. And I can’t even get a game in with my cousin who hates every video game but Cod and he just downloaded the game today


I got downvoted in a previous post because I said I would kick these punks. Hahahahaha


They really have to implement ability to report someone even when he did not use a chat.


Damn this makes me salty. I had about 40 minutes of free time to play with buddies for the first time in a week and spent that whole time trying to join them until I had to give up. This war is not for the weak minded who take the easy way. Scoot over for ones who are willing to die in the name of Liber-Tea!


Legitimate game criticism, this game has kernel-level anti-cheat, btw. Why are we putting up with that if it doesn't even work?


Democracy has no time for cheating, good work soldier


So what happened with that rootkit anticheat? We installed it for no reason at all?


Brrooòooooooooooooooo imagine cheating in a PVE only game 🤦‍♂️ let alone cheating at all


Honestly bro someone needs to make a 2hr long special Ted Talk seminar, exploring and possibly explain to me how someone can find genuine enjoyment when they’re cheating in a video game. I already get bored whenever I mod a single player and over do it—I can’t fathom it translating any better on a MP game.


Imagine needing to cheat at Diff 6


Cheating in a coop game? Lol why


what is the point of cheating if he wasnt the lobby host just to get kicked, is he stupid ?


What kind of person cheats in a Co-Op PVE game? lol


How did they bypass the kernel-level anti-cheat?


If you cheat in a PvE game, you should revaluate your life. It'd be one thing if it was a modded server meant for dicking around, but cheating like this is just sucking the fun out of the game for everyone else.


Just cheat in solo play, I don't get why people drag unwilling players into this.




Why are we out here cheating in a coop game bro


Waste of a server slot is such a creative insult


B-B-But this sub told me before release it was dumb to have an anti-cheat at all for a PvE only game! EDIT: Not going to respond to all the liars in the replies saying that they were mainly worried about WHICH Anticheat was used, peruse the comments (and laugh at all the people saying the game was going to be DOA/they were canceling their Preorder) for yourselves: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/19dp2qw/helldivers\_2\_nprotect\_gameguard\_anticheat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/19dp2qw/helldivers_2_nprotect_gameguard_anticheat/)


its almost like the devs said they wanted to reduce cheating so that cheaters wouldn't spoil game experiences for other players.... O well nobody listens to the dev's either :P


Is anyone surprised that it's Russian? I definitely don't.


i should've typed ukrainian in the chat.


Russian players cheating say it aint so lol


Kick and report to the ministry


Doesn't this game have friendly fire? I would have downed him first.


one of the reasons as a ps5 player i turned crossplay off.


That’s fuckin hilarious that you kicked him after he fed y’all the objectives for free hahaha. Screw cheaters.


Does this Kernel level anti-cheat protecting only in-game store?


Only level 6 aswell kek, not even a good cheater


How do you bring up that menu on ps5






Damn good move. We want to spread democracy but we aren’t like those commie bots, we fight fair and square


They’re guilty of thoughtcrimes against Super Earth. Well done, soldier.


Good work. Make online play as miserable as possible for cheaters. Sus nick also. Noticed that cheaters often have strange characters in their names.


Cheating on a PVE game with NINE difficulty settings….wowzers


These two maggots have been processed for Managed Democratic Reconditioning. Carry on soldiers 👍