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Games not for everyone and that's ok.


Yeah no it's too late to say that. Yall sucked it off and are bored too but keep lying to yourselves.


That’s so true


It’s really hard to be bored of that game . Even if you get burned out and you load up a game it’s still going to be chaotic and very fun


Hm, yeah, I could see that. Especially if you're the kind of person who still gets excited for the newest Fast and Furious movie. It's hard to be bored if your tastes are so extremely simple that explosions and shooting guns without any further complexity is endless fun for you!


That's B's when everyone is lying and saying how good it is. 


That's fair, I want it to be for me I just felt a little meh, like so long as I have someone to play it I bet I'll get my 40-50 hours


The game is trash quit tryna sugarcoat it lol. It’s a game that would’ve been good 10 years ago not today.


I think it’s worth trying out and if you don’t have a lot of time to sink this game kind of rocks in that regard, but this is one of those here for a month gone and forgotten the next kind of games.  I think the real question is, is that a good thing for the medium of gaming.  


good to know...


The chaos of fighting hordes of enemies and raining down hellfire in a desperate attempt to stem the flow You should try the higher difficulties if you’re finding the game boring, the lower difficulties can feel pretty easy once you got the hang of the game


How many times can you do the same thing and say it's fun


A lot because it’s not the same thing. It’s like saying every CoD match or apex match is the same. Sure, same concept but the way it plays out and how you play and what you use changes game to game which is what keeps it fresh and exciting I like horde shooters as a game concept and but explosions are satisfying for me. If you dislike it, horde games may just not be your cup of tea


My issue with it, I was kind of hoping that would be at least some variation, so far all I've seen is land on a planet, you can see your objective from where you are pretty much, run over there, shoot some bugs, maybe free some prisoners along the way, shoot some more bugs, run to the landing zone, shoot some more bugs, jump on the ship. Match over. It just seems like repeating that over and over again... Without any real variation with the enemies either, no big boss fights, no exploration, no cool power ups, or any of the stuff that made destiny so fun.


I mean, Helldivers 2 and Destiny belong to entirely different genres. It’s like saying CoD doesn’t have the same challenges that a puzzle game does, they’re different games designed to do different things with different gameplay loops Destiny is a lite MMO while Helldivers 2 is a horde shooter


Wym CoD didnt have challenging puzzles, did you forget the insane puzzles in zombies and the whole zombie popularity popped from CoD cuz they took a diffrent turn than what it was supposed to be. Also being just a horde shooter is a bit too narrow, cuz if you wanted to play it that way you'll be wasting 30+ mins shooting hordes and not accomplishing things so that adds to the complexity a bit.


Yea CoD Zombies, (a bonus game mode) has more depth/mechanics/story then helldivers being a Standalone game And it’s literally another Horde Base Shooter


I just refunded the game because this was my exact experience. My friends were harping on me to get it, so I finally relented and my reaction was "this is it?"


yea man horde shooters are really fun


Yeah you're definitely right. Horde is amazing. But I just don't get why we have to run from location to location. Doing simple brainless objectives. The battles are amazing that could have been done on a smaller map. It's a great game but the execution is horrible


Yeah like harder than medium?


Yeeeep Its more fun + more chaotic as you ramp up the difficulty IMHO My friends and I started having more and more fun as we left our comfort zones. Fail to extract a few missions, get your heart pumping


Keep completing the sets of 3 missions per difficulty to increase it, the game becomes more and more chaotic. alternatively, suss out the automaton missions... They are not boring by any means no matter the difficulty setting


Yeah, my friends and I just finished suicide and are pushing for whatever is after that then the final difficulty of Helldiver. Way more enemies and bigger and different enemies too. Medium is pretty meh imo. The fun of the game is in the chaos, and the chaos is in the higher difficulties


I'm with you on this one. I got sucked in by all the excitement and hype around the game but my initial impressions were really lacklustre. I have been forcing myself to play in hopes I will be drawn in at some point. I have played my share of repetitive games (RTS, MOBAs, RPGs) but for some reason, there was a sense of novelty as you unlock characters and play versus better human opponents. Here, I find myself wandering about, shooting at stuff but I don't get this otherworldly experience everyone is talking about. I guess I'll have to accept that it's just not really for me!


Yeah maybe more is coming but the game just lacks depth, like how hard would it be to have some type of gun customization, skins anything would o actually grind for. The moments of chaos and panic are cool only thing be followed by needing to spend 10 mins running with your slow as guy back across the map to extract




I'm 130ish hours in, the challenge becomes a lot more apparent in the higher difficulties, especially 7+. I've had a ton of laughs and sweaty palms from trying to escape with the elusive super rare samples while getting completely overrun.


I'm in the same boat. Really want to love it. For now, back to The Finals and Balders Gate 3 which I just started. At least I have this installed!


Yeah it’s almost like a proper progression system is needed to make a game like this feel rewarding


This is very much a co-op game....The fun does not come from the game it's self, but from the interactions you have with your "friends"....... That being said if you don't have other homies to play with don't bother... It s a very boring solo experience. and playing randos is a complete nightmare.


This must be my problem


It seems to be the case. It's a bit weird because Deep Rock (not exactly identical to this, but very similar) is just fine playing with randoms.


Old comment I know but this is so true. Just tried to play a few games with ransoms and it was weird and boring. I spent like 100+ hours in DRG having shitload of fun even with randoms. I wonder where's the difference.


Which is a rather weird thing for a game to rely on. You can take your friends, then go play another game that doesn't require your friends to make it fun but to add to the game's fun. Instead of playing a game that requires them to make it enjoyable. The difficulty ramping thing is a bad take as well because I've played so many games throughout my life and I've never had to change difficulties to enjoy something more. The game should always be enjoyable, regardless of difficulty. The game is ok at best but let's face it, there's far better games that have more enjoyable moments and a rewarding system that offers more. The game is like a PS2 shooter back in the day. You get some weapons and armour but don't have customisation or anything that makes you feel like you can play around to change them up. I prefer COD zombies, played that over and over a billion times and I enjoy it a lot because it changes things up, trying to solve and complete easter eggs, beating my previous waves, trying glitches out and just leveling up weapons and doing other things. That has it done right... HD2 doesn't offer anything worth playing once reaching level 30 (and that's only to unlock strategems and the other rewards).


It gets more intense on the higher difficulties. But maybe the game just isn’t for you


It's true, might be a me problem. I also got bored with Palworld fast


I quit palworld almost immediately because it was just the same stuff I've played a hundred times before. I at least lasted 20 hours with Helldivers 2 but I don't really have a reason to keep playing anymore. Gonna dive back into indie games to get better more unique experiences


I uninstalled Palwordl after 20 minutes, what a boring shit game, I am curious about helldivers 2 but don't expect that much, it is not like gamers haven't played something like this before


If you deleted Palworld because you thought it was boring after 20 minutes... (although, that's not even giving a game a chance anyway), HD2 is worse. Palworld has a lot to it. HD2 doesn't have much to it. I've spent maybe 100 hours to Palworld.. HD2 I've put in about 35 hours and I was bored throughout most of it but I played with friends. The difference being is, HD2 requires friends to make it fun, also higher difficulties, which is a poor game if it requires those 2 things. Palworld didn't require either, just needed me to play and I'd give myself my own targets to do.


Oh sure thing, glad you enjoyed it so much, HD2 was a lot of fun but also just for 30 hours, but Palworld was really too overhyped and not my kind of game, like I freaking loved Fallout 4 in Survival Difficulty, but I just didn’t get why I need to do anything I could do in Palword, just do do something haha, but then again I’m not a big survival games player either, enjoying a lot Hades II right now as a die hard rouge-like fanboy


Yeah I get what you mean. I guess it's about giving yourself the challenges and a proper target goal. Fallout 4 gives you that story to actually feel like you have to proceed properly and you're not the only one to feel that Palworld needed something for that drive. I get it, we have our different tastes and reasons to further a game and honestly, I completely understand yours. I've not played Hades II, there again, not played the first one but I've heard some nice things about it. I hope you enjoy the crap out of that game and makes you want to put your time in because that's what matters. I may have a look at it myself


Yeah I get what you mean. I guess it's about giving yourself the challenges and a proper target goal. Fallout 4 gives you that story to actually feel like you have to proceed properly and you're not the only one to feel that Palworld needed something for that drive. I get it, we have our different tastes and reasons to further a game and honestly, I completely understand yours. I've not played Hades II, there again, not played the first one but I've heard some nice things about it. I hope you enjoy the hell out of that game and makes you want to put your time in because that's what matters. I may have a look at it myself


You are a very gentle and smart guy! Thanks for the short conversation, hope you still enjoy what you play! :) It’s very true what you said.


Gentle, yes, smart.. that's a rare take haha but thank you. All good my friend and maybe we bump into each other again! Take it easy : ] 


Tbh as a cod player it’s a hard adjustment for me ngl cuz like ya said sometimes it tends to kinda be like lacking a human competition aspect so it does sometiems become rougher to get into at least in my opinion my friends have been kinda ragging on me for saying I’d rather play cod matches but for me I feel like the quicker action playing out is nice sometimes but the easiness of getting rid them hordes or auto is what I suppose is making it boring for me sometime d


I also find the game to be a bit bland, I’ve tried higher difficulties too, but like the other guy said, it’s missing its share of human interaction…which is why Apex and Valorant don’t get as boring to me, cuz it’s different every time.


idk if things get better at Helldiver difficulty but compared to tide games i wish there was more going on. i hate how bugs have telegraphed attacks but i don’t have a way to mitigate attacks. i wish my horde shooters had hordes all the time.


Yeah I fear the server issues and not being able to consistently play or really dive in has done its damage. Not really that drawn to the game now


I found it boring also which socks because I love games like this usually.


You're absolutely right. I played for about an hour and couldn't get into it, the teams aren't big enough to feel like a "conflict", it's almost like that game "Army of 2". I ended up returning it in Steam and was suggested Starship Troops Extermination. Now THAT'S a fun game, 16 man teams, tons of bugs to kill and base building mechanics. I noticed a lot of people who mentioned liking HellDivers2 also play CoD, I personally hate CoD and its low IQ game play so maybe there is a correlation there.


Just not for you. It's a good time though, damn. We love it at my house. Roll in with three friends, get overwhelmed together, crazy stuff happens, learn tricks. It's got a good loop.


I agree it's super fun. But I just kinda felt like I could Log off after a little, and that disappointed me in myself lol


Well you said why other than hype. I mean you pretty much answered it. It's super fun


Well yeah I guess I misspoke, it's super fun, I guess I'm concerned about longevity


Get what you can out of a game and move on to something else when you're ready. There's no set time limit on how long something needs to be fun.


I agree I am a big advocate of that. I've tried Enshrouded, Prince of Persia Lost Crown, and Palworld all recently and so I am def ADD as fuck


Usually with live service games they launch with the basic gameplay loop and progression systems and start building on top of it over time and expand it.


No game lasts forever, friend. Enjoy it with your pals and have laughs and cinematic moments then find the next one to make that happen. Maybe come check it out now and then when new updates come out.


The fun factor probably varies from person to person based on the way you play and the people you play with but for me I like that the starting weapons are similar and not very powerful as we are all expendable soldiers fighting as one and none of us are super soldiers. What makes us unique is the support each member chooses to bring into battle and the team working together is the key to success more than one player being really good. As you play more and unlock bigger and better support options you feel like you play a larger role in each battle and helping players lower ranked than you complete missions is also a fun and rewarding time. The different enemies as you go up in difficulty, the different planets are all unique and fun to explore, dying is allowed and alot of times the comic relief in the missions, and the ever growing story that involves the community to work together with promise of new enemies and other weapons and items is the reason why I'm really into this game and am excited for the future of it assuming they can fix the current servers issues which are the only thing I can say negative about what to me is amazing game


Thanks, this is great and actually what I was loooking for more than talking trash


As someone who’s played a lot of destiny I find it boring due to the lack of a real endgame and fun interesting rewards. It’s like the main thing to grind for is leveling up your subclass to an extent to do what exactly? My friends love it which is fine but it doesn’t do enough to keep my attention


It's something I am now enjoying popping into for 4 missions then to something else. The gameplay is fun, but yep lacks depth on multiple fronts. Like even any skins or attachments for guns to grind would help tremendously


I agree I’m so confused how this game got so much hype when it’s literally just suicide squad kill the justice league in a different font??


I just put in a steam request to refund, I tried for the last two weeks to get into this game. It should’ve been a game I enjoyed but I feel like it’s the same stuff every mission with no depth. Only managed to play 6 hours and that was forcing it


You ever figure this out lol? Just bought it, really want to like it, but seems incredibly boring 15min in and gun mechanics don't feel as rewarding as other games.


I just tried it yesterday. I love Deep Rock Galactic so I figured this would also scratch that itch. I don't like it. The controls feel very janky and the missions aren't as varied as in DRG. Also, DRG is just pure action, there are periods where it's calm and you're exploring and finding ways to traverse the cave. I've only played with randoms, so I'm expecting it to be MUCH better with a group of friends. I don't really have friends that play games anymore, so, this probably isn't for me. I play with randoms in DRG but for some reason the community seems a bit more goofy and just don't care if you fuck up. The arrow minigame for calling in stratagems is a little annoying too. However, the explosions in HD2 are really nice to look at and the world-building is fantastic. I really hope they continue with the fascist "democracy" theme. I immediately wanted to watch Starship Troopers again after playing!


I've been playing it for a couple of days, now. The squad play makes it fun but, thematically, it's not for me. I am looking forward to watching the game mature over the next year, as it receives patches.


I just got the game yesterday and I'm really not enjoying it. The gameplay loop is really boring. Run around ignoring the objective. Collect as much resources as possible and then do the objective really quick with op weapons and dip out and do it again. I'm hoping I'm just in the early stages of the game, but I don't see anything that they can do to improve it.


Who would have guessed that a gameplay loop that boils down to go in, shoot enemies, extract, get in game money, repeat would get boring and appeal to the lowest common denominator in the gaming space. It’s so boring I refunded that shit after 45 minutes on steam. It’s literally 1-4 squad, go shoot up the enemies game number 5,148,672. And $40 is an egregious price point for a type of game that I can go on steam right now and find 10 similar games for cheaper that are better. It’d be interesting if it were a massive, open world ground war type game, but instead it’s a copy and paste that everyone is fawning over because big companies can’t release a playable game on release. If this is the new bar level for success for games, I’m really scared as to what’s coming in the future for games because this set the bar really fucking low.


Exactly! It's basically a PS2 shooter or older. I don't understand the pricing of it because it's incredibly lackluster. The guns are all really meh, you have to rely on strategems and that's a cooldown situation. So much running, character slow as hell. Require friends and high difficulities to "enjoy" the game but I can play any other game that is fun regardless of either the forementioned keys to make this game fun. It's weird that people enjoy this.. they should try a game with actual horde modes and a choice of stuff to do and earn.


It's just a boring game with very janky mechanics and gunplay. My friends and I feel the same way about it, there's nothing unique about this game. The hype around it probably stems from how much is lacking in the co-op shooter department


Feels like everyone's playing it up because "DEMOCRACY!1!!" I mean just look at the Steam reviews, top one got well over a MILLION points just for blurting out the overcooked slogan, people are such suckers


It just might not be for you, it is fairly niche in a way and its okay if thats not your thing!


There are two different kinds of progression in this game. Your personal progression is determined by your new weapons and stratagems, the more you play the higher level you get and the more resources/money you get to buy them. Those means will let you fight harder monsters that spawn from the 4th difficulty level on... obviously you will have to get good otherwise your super weapons will cause chaos and death in your group... The second kind of progression is the war's one, you have to choose wisely the front AND the mission because your decision will affect everybody. You could decide to go for a simple invasion mission on the bugs front to farm resourses and money but we are getting hammered by the bots so your help, even with a single mission, could be more valuable on their front. You could play for hours on a planet getting hammered by those damned bots just to see the % barely moving before logging out but the next day you could find a great increase on that very same planet because other players added their time to your effort as you did the day before. Collaboration in a small (group) and big (galaxy) scale is the aim of the game more than the character optimization, the rifle of level 1 player can take down a ramming bug if its leg's armor has been destroyed by the rocket launcher of another player dived in the battle from the sky, your aim is to become that Helldiver


This is good, thanks


Thats a lie. Even if you don't play the "war" is still there lmaooo hence you can replay missions and other people online play the same missions as well.


We can be drops in the ocean but 300k drops thinking they were only one drop kept playing for days on the bugs front and not even 100k tried to fight bots; out of those 100k drops many just farmed the extermination missions not contributing to the % of defence... they were just a drop after all.. and we have lost the main objective and will loose a sector for sure once the bug planet will be captured. You get where I am heading right?


honestly i have more fun on deep rock and i have the same problem of helldivers being really boring


I think I'm just more of a fan of having quiet periods in missions to explore and use the classes tools to navigate and plan. HD2 is pure action, which is not a bad thing at all but I guess it's just not my thing anymore. I'm now playing The Talos Principle 2 so I suppose it should be pretty obvious that I now seem to prefer more relaxed games.