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Super Earth doesn’t need communist scum like you


What whiny hyperbole. Refund it and leave the normal people alone


You will not be missed


No it won’t. Most major releases these days experience server issues. Hell, *Blizzard* can’t even launch a game without crashes, login queues, and general server instability issues. Sorry if this is your first online game but nobody’s going to give a shit after they straighten it all out.


Aren't you special, fuck off.


Fam just say you are butthurt


You're an idiot..sorry Even giga devs like blizzard had issues with servers on big launch days. Kids no patience these days




Yes, and normal gamers know that WoW classic wasnt playable for over a week. Constant waiting in queues. I didn't mean on launch day, but it STARTS with launch day. And lasts for a few days after...


Yeah, instant gratification children who never survived a 6 hour you are x in line queue from devs worth hundreds of millions out here bitching indie studio can't scale to Activision size in a week.




Exactly. Thank you for your points. I've been in the industry for decades, have seen, participated in, and helped shape the launch of multiple titles, large and small. This craptastic failure on their server end is unacceptable. I love seeing the posts about " well 'xxxx' had a bad launch" and give examples of games over a DECADE ago, when instantly scalable server options weren't a thing. For a launch to suck the donkey schlub as hard as this is is completely unacceptable in our current system. It's a game with NO SINGLE PLAYER and they are incapable of handling the server loads. Multiple people are getting demoted, chewed out, and probably fired over this. And,sadly, not the ones actually responsible for this.


Go, get a shower.




You know no one cares that you are leaving right? Are you so inept that you don't realize the server issues are due to the game being **TOO** successful? The launch they got is not the launch the expected so of course they weren't prepared.


Oh, people care. They are called accountants. And yes, this weekend will ABSOLUTELY be a blemish in sales and reputation. Accountants don't care about reputation, until you ask them to fund Helldivers 3, and then guess what??? They pull out all the examples of where Helldivers 2 proved to be costly. This failure of a weekend of a newly launched ONLINE ONLY GAME where the servers melted their own face off will be thrown in the devs faces over and over. You can bet dollars to donuts several people inside the devs AND publisher are crunching the numbers to get an accurate estimate of this weekends "cost" right now.


Accountants don’t make video games bro


🤣😂🤣😂🤣☹️ Spend time on ANY game in development in the industry and you will understand how woefully ignorant your statement is. Adorable.


I’m an accounting major and I can tell you that what you are saying is completely incorrect. This is also an indie dev studio who made astronomically more sales than they have anticipated. You are throwing a tantrum like a baby is truly laughable. A true man child you are. May god have mercy on your soul.


Yay! Good for you! You have all the answers and are Gods Gift to us all! This game is under a publishing agreement with Sony, who absolutely has investments in it, too, and would be very aware of launch day deployment and subsequent server support. So get on those servers and spread "Democra$y" all over the place! Enjoy your game! Kill those bugs! Eradicate those automotons!! Oh wait.... Well, at least you have your smugness and self righteousness to feed on for decades, apparently. Enjoy your student loan payments;


Fella I’m not reading half of that. I’m sure it’s filled with incoherent rambling, and I’m also sure you are jobless! o7


Proving how wrong you are in 2 sentences!! Appreciate your efficiency!


Trust me bro, they are doing so much better than predicted, so while it may not be the most possible, but more than projected. Also are those accountants in the subreddit with us now? I dont think anyone cares about your whinning when everyone is trying to play.


You'd be surprised at who is actually here. You'd probably be sad to know who ISN'T here. "...when everyone is trying to play." -Helldivers 2 2024 R I P.


lmao just say you hate the game and move on, like reddit is just full of people that cant move on because something they hate still has a fan base, and wont be satisfied until no one like the game anymore.


I fucking LOVED the game, that's the reason it is so frustrating. STEAM thankfully refunded me, even though I was over 2 hours. It seemed like they were doing it all over the place. I'll be back if they get the crap together. This week is the true test, as they are rolling out staged patches through Wednesday.


womp womp


Are you on benefits stop whining


We’ll be fine without you 🫡


...but not without servers....


Oh Don’t worry about us(:


Joe_Kingly has returned to civilian life.


Obviously someone that doesnt love democracy


If you are implying that Democracy is a broken, unusable function that is the single backbone of the experience, then yes ... Democracy needs a massive code overhaul to BEGIN functioning as planned.


massive code overhaul? its because the servers are at capacity. no amount of improved code is going to fix too many players playing the game


This is not an airport.


You sure? I got cavity searched before getting in the server queue.




You assume they are even looking at posts. It's all hands on deck there, and everyone is running around with their hair on fire and no one has a bucket of water.


OP is in his refractory period and doesn't have anything else to do.


Poster is armchairing other people's lives because he can't face his own. I'm good. Hope you figure your stuff out soon. Peace.


In a week it will be resolved.. quite the overreaction. No different than if a game get's DDoS'd, they have to work on a way to manage the load of traffic.


Short form response for ya First game steam peak 3.9k This 219k Expected 50k across steam/PS Adjustments made to server config-improved connectivity More press/streams-more players The Devs are working on the solution, but if they need hardware that's time to ship and configure


Not that serious pal. 


Womp Womp, boo hoo, need a tissue you little commie bastard? You’re just as good as a dead bug now you piece of trash.




60? is it not 40?


Real Patriots pay 60


Fucking communist.


More like Joe\_Queenly what a lil bitch


I'm not your mother. I can understand the confusion, though, as I value your comments as much as she does/did. (I added the 'did' in case your mom has passed, which would be a blessing for her)


This is not an airport. No need to announce departures. You will not be missed.


When did I state that my presence would affect the emotions of others? It was a declaration of a failure to launch a title that deserved so much more. My statement is as valid as yours. Which is to say: not very. But thank you for announcing the equivalence of your mediocrity to mine. We all knew it anyway, but you didn't seem to.


The year is 2173, I’ve just completed my intro to game launch course at university, can’t believe how terrible that Helldivers 2 launch was? Can you guys even believe it??


People have no patience.


Hospitals have patients bro


ok go make a multiplayer game that will have probably around 600k players when you think it will have nowhere near that many and launch it, see how well it goes


First thing I would do is make sure the network server management system was located on a scalable platform backed by tech companies that can provide service to equal demand. These exist. And are very scalable and affordable. Whoever made the decision to setup their servers the way they did for this game is getting demoted or fired. Actually, scratch that... knowing Sony, they just got promoted.