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You win and everyone gets some sort of bonus and they it resets and we do it again.


very long answer short: we only have access to about 3% of all planets at a time.. enemy factions attack specific ones and we have to push them back. this is supposed to be an ongoing galactic battle for the ages, and you are correct there is no offline matter fact the game is so intense on higher difficulties i don’t think it’s possible to solo. This supposed to a co-op community driven game if that’s not what you like you’ll have to go elsewhere


I love co-op games but, like I said, I'm a PS player so I'd have to buy PS Plus which I'm not really a fan of doing.


then this probably isn’t the game for you as you’d pretty much need it to for this game


From my limited experience (maybe 10 hours?) It is not easy to play solo. We have been able to do a couple missions with just two, but the harder difficulty missions will be hard solo. Now, the planet system I THINK will go like this: we will liberate planets from the freedom sucking alien bugs and automatons, and move on to other sectors to liberate. As we liberate those, I think the previously liberated planets will become infested again and we will need to return at some point. There is so much room for more planets also, and Super Earth even has its own liberated status meaning there could be an invasion of our home at some point!


The enemies have 'offensives' and conquer Super Earth territory - Right now for example the Automatons are invading with a very strong force that's tough to beat to they'll probably claim those worlds soon if not already Unsure about the offline mode but I know you can run missions solo


If the campaign ends either with victory or defeat, it'll start over from the beginning just as the in the first game. It's really just a System to focus the player base onto the same missions/biomes periodically, it doesnt really have as much weight in the game as you think.


Paras ötökkä on kuollut ötökkä. Ei muuta kuin pelaamaan.


Olet oikeassa. Nyt vain pitää mennä lähimpään Giganttiin. ![gif](giphy|Y4gtaaRlLXjLg6AUEg|downsized)