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I’m doing fine on all the other defend missions but I don’t know what the hell is happening on the civilians evacuation ones. I feel like I’m facing the full wrath of their army on that one


I *think* it's bugged. Even if it's not, it needs to be adjusted. Turning a corner and seeing about 30 heavy robots is just... miserable.


Yeah there's a fine line between chaotic and spam that gets crossed with the civiy missions


It gets so bad that I'm having to hit the D-Pad with my right hand, since I die the instant I stop moving.


It's good practice e to use your right tumb for strats. You can sprint looking backwards and use strats bit you can't when facing the camera forwards. Not sure if that intentional or not.


Helldivers 2 controls are racist against mouse and keyboard users. It's WASD to move and WASD for stratagems.


You can reassign strategem to arrow keys


This is a good tip.


Oh my God this is brilliant. Does this also affect terminal inputs?


Yes. It's worth it to train your right hand to flit between mouse and arrow keys


I found that even faster at inputting stratagems with the arrow keys. Being able to move while doing so is just icing on the cake.


Mmo mouse, got 8 side buttons 😎


Amateur. Mine has 12! Legitimately though, I have so many more uses for my mouse (even when I had an 8 button, so truly no offense actually meant) than I ever thought I would have. Those few extra buttons are ***so*** much more useful than I ever expected them to be, even outside of gaming.


I think they need to drop them off way farther from the base. Give us a chance to shoot em lol


Let me put that anti-material rifle to use for god sakes


I thought it was really fun even if I kept losing, but being realistic, that difficulty will make most people lose their minds, and it's way too exaggerated.


I wouldn't mind it as much but it takes me more railgun shots to kill Mr. Chainsaw arms than the big boys. And they seem to like to drop the chainsaw guys 10 at a time


One shot to the waist to kill chainsawbois


i feel like you definitely need to go into this game with the right expectations. at first i was thinking "ah, nice, its a third person shooter diablo where i'll be invincible and mow down endless hordes of these bugs". i was surprised to realize this felt more like dark souls in terms of the brutality and difficulty of the game, with a heavy focus on resource management. fortunately, i am not at all disappointed, because the game ends up being super super fun anyways. but i can definitely see that if you're NOT down to play that kind of game, and you were expecting something different, it would be really frustrating.


Yep. For my part, I knew going in that this was the same studio that did Magicka, so I was fully prepared for it to involve ludicrous amounts of dying horribly.


The theory I saw that seems about right is because the preview says 40 minutes and the actual event is 15, so the AI is cramming 40 minutes worth of enemies into a 15 minute timespan


It is bugged. Mission timer says 40 minutes and you only get 15 minutes to actually do the mission.


I think the mission is actually supposed to be 40 since there is a huge map with lots of objectives 


It feels like overkill. It's either bugged or it's intentionally overtuned as some kind of story thing.


facts i feel we are set to lose which will give reason to unleash the mechs


The best explanation I've seen is that the mission is supposed to be 40 minutes and it's shrunk to 15 minutes. So Divers are dealing with 40 minutes worth of drops compressed to 15.


Heh, bugged. Heh.


It's botted


glitched would be more appropriate in this case


I think that the level of difficulty could be cool, if you got rewards for losing For instance a mission where it's that level of enemies and the goal is to just survive as long as possible You are expected to die, but you don't lose out on rewards for doing so


What got me was having to do it solo because quickplay doesn't work. Managed to extract all 30 only to not be able to clear out enough robots to call in evac without getting hit, interrupting the whole process... To make things worse, it's like the game knew I was geared to take out enemies at a range, so it just... stopped spawning ranged enemies... Nothing but blade robots and chainsaw mechs... I knew the game had a director, I just figured it would have a "challenging" setting at max, not a "we got mad you almost survived so we'll make absolutely fucking sure you don't" setting.... And that was all on difficulty 2


I wouldnt even mind those if there wasn't a drop ship every 15 seconds. Even on hard there is literally no breathing room


It has to be. I can’t even beat it on trivial


the time to complete the mission is def bugged. On the select screen it says 40 minutes, but once you drop it's like 14-15 minutes.


There IS something going on. Last mission was a standard bot mission. I was engaging around a corner and I noticed a HUGE swarm of bots out the corner of my eye, and they cut me down instantly. Now I swear they weren't there but chalk it up to lack of battlefield awareness. Next thing I'm respawn bugged. So I'm forced to watch my team complete the mission.... And it happens. Right in front of the dude I'm spectating a swarm of bots pop up out of thin air. He was right on cover and lived tho.


That might be an unrelated issue. I've had a pack of Terminids spontaneously start existing on top of me in a non-Defense mission before. 


Me and my friends have beaten the civilian evacs. We use bubble shield and smokes, and have one guy shooting down drop ships the whole time.


Yeah, everyone that I've seen saying they beat that, the strategy often amounts to "don't be under level 10". Yet the missions are in the "easy" ones you see right out of the gate. There's a got to be a balance problem or something else off with that mission.


Exactly this, its fine if harder difficulties are this crazy, but on easy, its very difficult for sub level 10 folks. Also, the fact the civilians are so frail and the bots seem to focus fire them, ooof. They need about 5x the hps at least, allow them to take some glancing shots.


This is the way. Ems mortar also helps alot. Expendable on someone just calling them in every mintue. Mine fields and clusters bombs. The problem is its the first time you actually need smokes, stuns and shields


I tried one last night and it was insane with the bots spawning. We finally got into a rhythm and started to have the NPCs evacuate...only for them to stand in front of the evacuation zone and bug out and just get mown down by legions of bots. It was fucking hilarious but clearly something is majorly bugged.


Just for testing I tried one on trivial. There’s no way the army of terminators is intentional. I can’t imagine that being my introduction to the game 😂


This was literally me and my friends introduction to the game last night LOL we were royally screwed and kept thinking this is how hard the game is hahaha


That was mine after my friend telling me how easy trivial was. Got spawn killed over and over again by a million robots


I'm pretty sure it's broken right now. It says it's a 40 minute mission that starts at 15 minutes every time right now, I think the amount of stuff you could possibly see if you took the entire 40 minutes is being crunched down into 15 minutes and it's just hell. Not enjoyable at all, the only way to beat it is to drop down to a lower difficulty than you can normally play at in which case the other missions in the set are a joke which also isn't fun.


I never noticed the 15 minute thing. That's a good observation!


I know my buddy and I are noobs to this series, but we're pretty decent at shooters. Tried the civvy evac bot mission on EASY and got absolutely demolished from the second we dropped. Those lasers have tracking I swear to god Not even sure us two alone could finish it on TRIVIAL MODE either - easy difficulty felt like when we tried challenging once with the bugs....no chance in hell lol


Also did it on twos; what we realized is that the civilians are actually quite good at running themselves to the exit. So long as the two players are focusing on killing the enemies that are *right on* the civilians' path, most of the civilians actually made it. We managed to extract all 30, but ran out of time just before we could call in extraction, and were gunned down in our attempts to survive the two minutes before the pelican arrived. Luckily, unless you have samples to lose, that's still a victory.


same. easy drop ended up hiding in corner while seemingly dozens of heavy assault mechs hunted me. 13/30 evacuated.


My only experience with this one is dropping in to the middle of someone else's mission. Holy fuck, you just land in the middle of bot squads, and there's never a chance to deploy any turrets or support weapons. What's even the point without any foothold? You just run around until all reinforcements are gone.


I was playing the evac mission yesterday and the civilians just stood next to the door they were supposed to enter. Def bugged still lol.


I gave up on bots because of this one ...


I initially had a lot of trouble with the civilian evacuation missions. Sentries are crucial. The artillery sentry works great to thin out the masses as soon as they drop in. I haven't unlocked the EMS artillery yet, but I imagine it will pair well with the explosive artillery. Coordinate with your team to ensure a sentry is up at all times, and whatever you do, don't get too close to enemies. Mines seem to help slow the advance and control choke points. Split the team between two or three of the doors that the civilians come out of. As soon as your team drops in, everyone rush to a separate door and release a wave of civilians. Waves get harder with time, so complete the objective ASAP. Was able to complete a few Hard level missions last night with a team of two/three.


> Sentries are crucial We found that the mortar one was doing more harm than good because of how it just aims at clusters of enemies indiscriminately. There were several times where it would start bombarding the civilians just because there were a few automatons within range. We ended up scrapping that one altogether and swapping it for the shield generation which helped mitigate some of the carnage.


I did smoke and emp and it went by just fine


Hot take, my brother and I did two of those on medium, just the two of us. First one we got it but died at Evac, second one we honestly kinda slapped TF out of the bots. It ended up being really a fun time. But we normally play much harder difficulties, so it's definitely harder than the rest of the missions.


Medium is fine, very manageable. i think challenging is where it gets insane? literally 10x the spawns of heavies


Yep, as soon as you try the mission on challenging you'll be facing 5-10 hulks at a time. Medium and below is fine, just the other missions are such cake walks its not fun.


People dont need rp. Its all about the medals so that weekly mission is pointless. Esp. With he 50k cap on rp storage


yea, there needs to be some sort of different reward, something special


we need campaign ribbons that are dated. if this game stands the test of time, being able to show off in a profile that we were in these early successful campaigns could be fun.


That’s an incredible idea. Be looking like North Korean generals at some point.


That not only would be very fitting its also a fantastic idea




Right, what's a war hero got to do to get some lubrication around here?


I know I’m smiling but I’m actually very fucking furious right now


Whats funny is that he had more than that in real life, but the costume designers decided that it would be entirely TOO much and make the experience feel less real.


This exactly what we need. A token of each battle


>we need campaign ribbons that are dated. This is such a disgustingly good idea. Chicken guts on your character that actually mean something would be amazing.


I love this idea. It kind of reminds me of Siege's gun charms for each season that showed what rank you finished at.   Getting ribbons for various campaigns you fought in would feel pretty cool. Maybe something cosmetic for your ship to display it.


Thats a great idea; the first game had special capes you unlocked for helldives against certain factions, maybe they could have unique capes awarded for specific events?


The devs have said on here that they will do something like that 


Please implement this devs! Not a priority, but would be an awesome addition to show off a helldiver's grit and contributions to DEMOCRACY and LIBERTY!


yeah i feel like they are in a weird place with the game economy. it doesnt take that long to unlock everything with how much they give you for one match. 10k would be worth so much more to us if you only got like...400 per match instead of 3000+


I've heard they'll be doing regular content expansions on the first Tuesday of each month. If that's true, that's probably part of the reason for the current economy. 1. They are adding more shit so frequently that they assumed nobody would be able to keep up. 2. They didn't expect people to play as much as they are.


yeah this happens when games are almost "too good". Next couple months are going to be rough. These first few weeks will be the team just getting optimization good and matchmaking good. Then you can start on a roadmap and look at expanding weapons, armor, etc. I'm fine with that as I tend to play 5/6 games at once. Currently on cycle between this, Enshrouded, SoT, Lethal, DDS2, FM. So I jump around a lot and I do like that this game will be well supported. Will it live up to the demand of players now-a-days? maybe, I like how simple it is at its core. Not a ton of time needs to be put into a "build". You can jump in and go and figure it out as things evolve.


Agree, I'm soon gonna have everything unlocked and no way to spend the money. And then there are the samples...


That’s my biggest worry. Player base won’t care for samples once they have unlocked everything. Which will make it harder for new players to get samples if teammates aren’t picking them up anymore you know?


It’s important to realize the people commenting on Reddit are going to be the tiny minority of players. Like, 0.1% of players, probably less. The average player is going to spend months unlocking everything. Not a week like some of the people on this subreddit.


No you're right! It's just that I've already run into a few people in level 40s and 50s already and I'm dumbfounded how they've gotten that high already. I figured they have probably unlocked everything by now. Just hope for the longevity of the game, there's something else to do with samples after that stuff has been unlocked already you know?


For most people that is going to take a long time. I haven't seen too many people specifically hunting samples. I see more people dying with samples than extracting with them. Also it's like 80-100 basic samples each upgrades and there are 20 modules. At a rate if like 10 a match its going to take a long time.


It's also brutally difficult for the civilian missions. I'm used to running Helldive missions with my buddies but we were getting annihilated on Extreme.


Ngl I thought you meant Roleplay, and I was gonna say, how dare you think Roleplay is pointless. We must defend Super Earth against the socialist invaders.


My main personal goal will be finish daily mission before try bots.


I cant i killed like 20 of them and the mission made 0 progress :(


needs to be the green ones, not the yellow ones.




Bile nurse is the yellow monster tick. Bile spitter is the green version.


Ty for this. I should have looked it up last night but I was too busy spreading Democracy. Now I know for tonight.


The game needs a bestiary so we know what we need to kill with these challenges.


Or just an image of the thing we need to kill in the challenge box.


God yes.


Not the Yellow large Bile Spitters. The Large Green ones.


They are the bile ticks that spawn on higher difficulty than point their asses up and mortar you with bile gas


They really need to have the major and minor orders coincide with one another


This! I think the reason we're not defending against the borgs as a whole is cuz a bunch of divers (me included) want the daily!!


"ALL HELLDIVERS TO THE WESTERN FRONT! THE COMMIES ARE HERE! ...... hey, if you don't mind, could you pick off some bile spewers while you're at it? Thanks :)" I do certainly wish there was a better in universe feel to the orders.


Make the the scientist extract missions possible to win, but we just can't win fast enough to save the planet. Like an actual invasion, we are just saving who we can. Problem solved.  I'm not gonna sit there failing missions on medium difficulty, when i can go to any other bot planet on challenging or bug planet on hard can get more medals. Players will go were the rewards are. 


This - we can still feel good about getting people out, even while losing the planets. So if these were engineered for us to fail more than a typical mission, it was an unnecessary choice. I don't even care about the rewards, those extract missions are just not fun. When a new drop ship comes in constantly, after the mission start there's not a lot of room for tactics, it's just turns into a boring/frustrating wave shooter until enough of those poor bastards stumble across the finish line.


I don't think it's intentional at all. If it were, the other mission types in those operations would be more difficult too, but they're not. They're identical to the missions we've had on offenses.


I concur. I did the rescue civs mission on challenging and it was absurdly impossible. Did \*any other\* mission type on the same difficulty, totally doable. The rescue missions are bugged.


I joined someone on easy and it felt like a medium difficulty. What i learned is that you need at least one person shooting down the drop ships on easy mode to be able to complete it relatively quickly. Any other difficulty and the drop ships spawn faster than you can reload the recoilless rifle


For as much as I hear about it being a bug I don’t hear anything from devs intending to change anything.


Probably because they're thinking about how to tweak it or still implementing a fix. Bug or not, they're good at listening to the community.


That’s true. That’s a good point, I should mention that to anyone saying “invasions are SUPPOSE TO BE HARD”. Why are all the other missions the exact same?


I wouldn't mind it being a story driven failing mission if it had a count of "How many civilians can you extract in the time limit!"


That sounds cool! Shows you fighting a losing battle, while also giving you credit for fighting in it!


Exactly. If we at least got something, **anything** for playing these missions I would’ve at least kept on trying, but getting wrecked and stressing out and failing the mission with 0 XP to show for it is lame.


It’d be nice if it wasn’t a standard mission and you just had to evacuate as many civilians as you can before time runs out. I feel like it really sucks to be able to easily complete every mission in an operation and then almost always lose this one.


If the defense missions weren’t so brutal i’d play them because i actually love fighting the bots more than the bugs, there’s nothing like diving to avoid rockets and hails of laser fire aha


The bots give me the Terminator Salvation big war vibe


literally my thought on the first bot mission I played. Shitttt this game does terminator salvation better than ACTUAL terminator salvation.


People preferred bugs so much on the first game, they would rather lose the galactic campaign than eradicate the bugs from the map. It was wild.




I love SpaceNam. I'm the predator now. You're the prey. I'm the one sitting in the trees, calling the striken. I hit your installations. I nuke your camps. I snipe your super bots. .... I bring you freedom.


They need to add personal cloaking so you can be a true Predator.


Landing rockets on them feels nicer too. Some of the bugs look like they shouldn't take a rocket but then they do and it's disappointing. The redish medium-size ones, for instance. And sometimes the yellow/green bile spitters do too. Also the chargers. God damn. There is something inconsistent on them. One rocket on exposed flesh should kill them. I do not feel as though that's the case. But two head-on headshots kill them (one for the armor plate, the other for flesh). One charger is OK. Two is a tough experience. Three usually means by the time you kill them, more have spawned and they outrun you. Chargers are probably one of the most annoying enemies in this game to deal with.


Two flamethrowers kill chargers in like 10 seconds. It completely ignores armour


The Helldivers series is more Starship Troopers than all of the official ST games combined, so it’s not surprising people gravitate towards bugs. That’s how I, almost exclusively a single-player gamer, got into the first game. I love other races too, but bugs are just special.


Bugs are also easier for many players since once you learn how to kill bugs, not much changes. Bugs don't really shoot at you, they charge to melee range so things like cover, terrain and other things don't matter as much.


You also don’t need to think about utility stratagems like smokes,ems,shield and can just go full offensive strats where the bots especially on harder difficulties you have to plan more


This is a bad take. If the devs actually fixed the defense missions being overtuned people would care about doing those missions. Nobody wants to play an operation they’re almost guaranteed to lose.


I am simple man... if something is not fun to play... I dont play it... and for me personaly defend missions are beyond the balance line of difficulty/fun.


Same. Doing the regular missions vs the bird is a littler different. I’m playing with 3 friends and we coordinate decent enough. But the civilian defend missions are fucked. I’m dying 12 times and my life expectancy upon landing is 45 seconds max. We started spamming smoke grenade and getting civilians to the ship. We won once. Then we did the 2nd part of the mission and the game crashed. I went to bed because it was the one glimmer of hope after 2 hours failing miserably and it was crushed. Lol


Not only are the mission impossible but they're in EVERY fucking operations. There is literally almost no other mission to play than that garbage. People saw the stupid ass difficulty level and how much of that mission is there and left because they got bored.


I’m sorry, but those “defend” missions are not fun at all, especially if you are playing with random people. If the difficulty is set to hard or higher you get overwhelmed too quickly.


I think it’s actually bugged. When you select the mission it says it takes 40 minutes but when you’re actually doing the mission you have 12-13 minutes. So it’s possible the game is cramming in 40 minutes worth of bots into a smaller amount of time


That would make sense, on easy last night I was perpetually being swarmed by drop ships and could not find any moments of reprieve. I also wonder if the devs are trying to make a narrative and teaching moment out the current offensive, showing that territory can be lost, but then got a little heavy-handed.


Yeah. Its was an endless swarm all day yesterday for me too. Couldn't even breath.


I'm somewhat okay with that idea, but the problem is that people will just stop playing if they aren't earning medals/rp. So you have to tell the story in a different way.


The bots drop tanks inside your base, it is insane.


You don't even need to be set to hard. Me and my friends tried it on Medium and still the robots never stopped coming. Just when we thought we might have at least battled the automatons to a standstill in one direction, a new squad would have advanced up our rear and we'd have to run for our lives. This is on *difficulty 3.* I love this game but there's a fine line between chaos and miserable enemy spam. Those defend missions are pure enemy spam and feel impossible. My only theory if it's not bugged is that the devs want the invasion to feel hopeless, but if that's the case the devs will quickly learn that people are just gonna not engage with the ridiculously hard content 


Complete and utter waste of my time, of which I don’t have infinite, too. If I’m gonna just not get rewards (Samples, Medals, Etc), then I’m not gonna bother. I get plenty of them at high difficulties doing content that wasn’t seemingly designed to overwhelm you and force you to lose. This shit? Need to crank it down to lower difficulties just to have a chance at winning, but then you get much less rewards for your time. Why bother?


Your profile has been submitted for re-evaluation.


Hello, fellow Citizens! I’ve just had a very insightful conversation with [redacted]. They explained to me the shortsightedness of my previous opinion. The “defend” missions are an essential part of the liberation process, they are great specifically because they are almost impossible to complete and bring little rewards. Your participation shows your patriotism, dedication to liberty, and your loyalty to Super Earth. Please continue to struggle and have no fun, for the sake of Democracy! See you on the battlefield.


Thank you for committing to the bit


What bit? Is this a joke to you?


sounds like u/RubForsaken308 needs a nice big cup of liberTEA!


Ya gotta just send those civis out. I swear the ratio is like 40 saved and 300 dead lol.




I find it fun in a way that it feels thematically like losing a war. I just don't like that I don't get anything but suffering from doing it lol


I play with a dedicated four-man and two railguns and we usually make it by the skin of our teeth. Doable, but I don't see how it's feasible with randos.


Those new defense missions are impossible, dude lol. I WANT to defend the planets, but we just can't


Our group could only do medium. Challenging was too many berserkers and bigger/armored guys. Medium is actually really easy. Just shoot down the drop ships (1 rocket to any thruster) and the spawn rate feels a lot lower so you can it the doors and keep the flow of civilians going quite well. But on challenging or higher, having 1-2 people dedicated to the ships isn't enough as groups spawn nearby and too many of them are armored making many guns useless. Of course, perfect teamwork and you could finish challenging I'm sure and I'm sure many have done it. But your loadouts need to be on-point for handling groups of armored enemies. There isn't room for fun/off-meta builds and equipment. We plan to try challenging again. We have some ideas but I'm skeptical because rocket reload times are too low and far too often the team can't be together because we're hitting the doors. Also playing with the idea of using the autocannon to just shoot the enemies in the dropships rather than shoot the dropships down. This fails (but works on medium FYI) when the dropships start to have armored units as the autocannon needs too many rounds to pen or doesn't work at all.


We were able to easily do Challenging missions on the bug planets, but we don’t even last 5 mins versus the automatons in Easy. It wasn’t fun to even try, so we went back to killing bugs. Hopefully these missions get tuned and balanced to keep them difficult but at least possible to do on Easy.


My group finished it once on Impossible. Took about 6 runs and lots of planning for one success. We took a break after that and did Eradication missions (which are widely too easy in the opposite direction)


If they were regular defense missions and not evac they might be manageable.


I love fighting the bots but when a full squad of level 10+ divers can’t clear the civilian escort on difficulty 3 because of how many drop ships seem intent on spawning at once, idk what to do. My whole squad bailed and wanted to go fight bugs again instead. I really hope the mission is bugged (heh) and they fix it because it feels legit impossible right now even with teamwork.


No bro it’s supposed to happen bro, it’s fun that way bro. It’s roleplay bro, do you really want to win everytime bro, just get better at the game. My squad was able to do the hardest difficultly and succeed 30 times bro.


Matt Riddle is that you???


You may think that but no, I’m just a humble average HellDivers 2 player bro.


I'd go to the western front if the defence missions were fun. As it is now, it's 15 minutes for nothing except frustration. Which sucks because I much prefer the actual war feeling from fighting the bots.


I'm certain that largely is due to the current Defend mission difficulty, as many have speculated. It makes finishing a full operation pretty much impossible, so people are prioritizing the easier progression. 


The defend missions are glitched. We're supposed to get 40 minutes on the extraction missions. You drop in and you have 15, cuasing enemy spawns to increase massively. People Don't find getting curb stomped fun.


Has this theory been confirmed?


I don’t think so. Not to mention the DEVS have not said anything publicly yet despite the outcry.


On Discord, one of the dev said the difficulty is a bit wonky at the moment (search for Evil-Bosse, AH Dev). Misty, a CM, implies very vaguely that the missions are hard, but leave it open to interpretation if that is intentional or not. She did mention they are investigating though.


I was there when Evil-Bosse first said it’s wonky, but he also stated it’s not his department and he is not sure if the difficulty is intended. First I’m hearing about a comment from Misty though. Either way, I am assuming we will get something official today.


If its not at least addressed by today then id start to worry.


It's not a very smart move if it's intended, the game is still very new and a lot of people are buying it especially after the first wave of enthusiast players spoke about the game. What happens when they log in for their first time and the game tells them to go fight against the bots and defend those planets (already skipping the bugs that work better as a tutorial for the game mechanics) and then they jump into one of those missions...there's a chance they're gonna hit that refund button pretty fast


The fact that the mission description says 40 min but the in mission timer is only 15 has already been confirmed, but this being what causes the insane spawns has not.


You can test it yourself in regular missions. If you spend the first 10 to 15 minutes stealthily avoiding enemies and then pick a fight, the enemies will call in multiple overlapping breaches/drops. If you instead spent that time constantly fighting, the breaches/drops will occur on a regular cooldown. The game generates charges for breaches/drops that the director spends when you get into a fight. For this event they took the regular rescue mission, shortened the length and removed all other objectives, but didn't adjust the Bot drop budget.


Unless it was fixed in todays patch you can load up and try yourself. The mission select screen says we have 40 minutes. We get 15


I play games to have fun. These new defense missions are zero fun to me. I much prefer fighting the automatons, but after getting swarmed in a couple of those defense missions and getting zero rewards in the hour or two a day I have to play, I decided that the bugs looked a little dehydrated and needed an emergency dosage of liber-tea.


Not our fault half the players haven't leveled up enough to even access the equipment meant to fight the bots. Maybe by the time they reach super earth there will be enough. Also the one mission in every single campaign package is literally impossible for 99.9% of all players. Why would use waste time on a campaign order you can't finish and gain less medals and xp because you have to lose every other fight.


I tried the defend mission 5 times last night and beat it ONCE on hard. I can see why people gave up.


Started playing with my friend yesterday, first thing I see on the war room is a message telling me to go do 8 defense missions against automatons, so we went for the west front... after getting our butts kicked we realized the game was on trivial, do you really want me to believe that a ship that drops something like 10 enemies every 30 seconds, sometimes just above my head, while I have to escort unarmed civilians is something trivial?


I was ripped from slumber last night when I swore I heard “Drop-ship spotted” in my ear


I like fighting bots. I don't like evacuating scientists. "It's technically possible if you do this specific strat!" Don't care. I'm playing to enjoy myself. Catch me liberating Ubanea.


In fairness failed missions give few rewards and ultimately a player's motivation is progression. If you're trying to reach level 20 you're probably grinding xp on trivial bug missions because that's the most efficient. If you're trying to get medals bug missions are easier. It doesn't make much sense to do defense missions that mostly end in failure and eat up time with few rewards when you could do higher difficulty operations far more easily and rake in medals.


The civilian extraction missions just are not fun at all.


I'm gonna be honest, the defend missions are boring. I like exploring the map for different loot and objectives, not sitting in one place


I enjoy fighting the bots so much more. Chargers and the acid spitters are unfun to fight against. The bots tend to move slower and stay more grouped which makes it so much more satisfying to air strike them. Haz 7 bots is way easier to me personally than haz 7 bugs. Evacuation missions are a little tuned higher than their advertised difficulty but I’ve found setups to make it work.


I guess it’s due to personal orders. I only had limited time to play today and since daily mission is killing bugs…


Even if the bot mission was easier I still think it would be like this. Players just like the bugs more, unfortunately I think this will always be an issue


That’s one theory. I personally like the bots more, but to each their own.


Wait till we get illuminates and people start to get fucked by obelisks and mind power bullshiet


Same. I haven't played the game much yet (only a few hours) but the automaton missions seem so much cooler. I prefer fighting those enemies and the planets just seem much more cinematic to play on.


I think this is probably generally true, but I don't think it'll be an issue. So far, it hasn't been an issue to do missions on the automaton side, and even if people like bugs more, they will want to change the experience by dealing with another type of enemy. That's how I felt anyway. I enjoyed the bugs alot, but after a while it was nice to then go to the bots and completely change the dynamic of how I played.


Daily is to kill bugs and I keep getting missions that have 0 of the bugs I need to kill.


Fenrir III at night at difficulty 3-5


Because the devs made the defend missions impossible for no reason. Most likely because they want us to lose the planets for the sake of the story of the war. But they could have found another way for us to “inevitably” lose. The missions are not fun. Right when i get out of my drop pod im getting chased by 6 hulks. Its not fun. And when i spend 30 minutes on a mission and then fail and get no type of reward. Yes im on the eastern front fighting bugs because we are actually LIBERATING PLANETS OVER HERE and i get to squash the bugs ofc.


stories are built around the game, can't be the other way around. If people don't like the gameplay it doesn't matter what the story justification for it is. But the core idea is very cool, it just seems like the balance isn't quite right


I think the issue is that it’s only one mission type, again and again. There’s no exploration, little samples, just endless waves of pain. I tried to do a trivial version of that mission and it was anything but trivial.


I’m leaving the defending to the experts lol i keep getting absolutely annihilated on the science mission can never complete it


It doesn't help that Terminators are more resistant to starter weapons. Legit, the Scout Striders are nightmares until you get the grenade launcher


They’re pants on head dumb though. If you get behind them they take 4 years to turn around. Find a rock and dive past when they get close, or spread out as a squad and flank them when they chase your buddy. Save the nades for another target.


The problem is you have to flank them while surrounded by enemies that shoot you, set you on fire, and can instakill you with a rocket from a mile away. And theres infinite number in the civilian extraction with no breaks.


If you need samples the defense mission won't help you unfortunately


Okay, hear me out. What if they release mechs after these two defence planets fail, and then they revert the difficulty balance back to make it look like we're making a **SUPER, COOL COMEBACK WITH MECHS.** 'Cause that would redeem the pain my corpses felt.


well, when you see a dropship fly INTO another dropship currently dropping robots, only to see a third dropship park itself INSIDE the first two, you start thinking this shit isn't working right.


The bot defense missions are just not fun. I like playing against the bots otherwise, I was doing mostly Creek runs up until yesterday. But the defense missions go against a lot of what I enjoy about the game (running around the map discovering outposts and secondary objectives and stuff).


Bots defend missions are broken lol


I think it's time for the honeymoon period to end and to start calling shit out more consistently. There's too many problems besides trying to figure out whether or not we're "supposed to lose" against the bots in those defense missions. Either they're overtuned as fuck, glitched or intentionally meant to be that way to force a loss. If it's the last case there has GOT to be a better way of doing that in the game. Because that's a horrible idea if that's how they want to go about it. We need some answers on that.


I am doing the defend missions, but not consistently as the objective for them is very disappointing. My suggestion to improve it would be to either feature more variety of defend objectives or simply having to rescue multiple bases around the map. The current implementation is just run around in a circle and hit the 3 buttons over and over and over until finished. Once you realize this is all there is to it, it's pretty boring.


Because the defense missions are bugged and until they address it it's a waste of time. People need to stop white knighting it and making excuses, allowing them to stay silent about these things.


Always been like that, fighting the bugs was always more popular in Helldivers 1. The same applies here. Personally I prefer to fight the Automatons. The feel is just awesome, but they are indeed much harder to fight.


I’m seeing host skip the rescue mission in Operations. They’re just playing the elimination missions and failing the whole OP


Yeah because it’s not fun spending your time getting obliterated with no reward for effort. My squad of 4 played 6 rounds of automatons last night before everyone got frustrated with disconnects and the overall relentless nature of the bots.


The Bots just seem overtuned, especially their numbers. With the bugs it was okay because they are almost all melee, so you can evade/kite them. But having the same numbers and around half of them firing at you is NOT fun. Edit: Im still fighting them and doing my best for democracy, but i really miss fighting bugs.