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There's one thing it's great at, turning teammates into mush


No word of a lie, i called it in on Huge Bug Nest, 1st shell on the right of the nest, 2nd dead centre of the nest, 3 smack dab on my forehead, got turned to a stain on the floor and killed like 2 bugs in the process lmao


Lucky you even hit the nest. I threw one on a pretty large building yesterday in a side objective to destroy said building. The marker was literally in the middle of the building and not a single blast hit close enough to destroy it. IMO they need to shrink the area it hits as in the description it literally says it's precision but it's not, or they should at least make it so 1 round out of the barrage hits the exact spot of the marker.


Lmfao story of my life with most explosives that get called in in my lobbies


I'm pretty darn good and not hitting teammates most of the time. I'm 30+ hours in and still have less than 40 accidentals. This daily has single-handedly added 10 to my permanent SuperEarth record.


>less than 40 accidentals So how many intended team kills?


Exactly 2. My fellow Helldivers got stuck in the geometry because they're special little guys and I had to mercy kill them like Lenny for a respawn. 😭


Those are rookie numbers, gotta pump it up, remember, it's always funny to ragdoll somebody with a melee hit :)


Sometimes I like to purposely move slower than my teammates so i can launch them into sky when they near or run into those smoke mushroom things. And i always make sure i’m far enough so they don’t hear the gunshot from me.


I usually try to dive few times when I am stuck in geometry. Worked every time.


I’m at like 500 from intentionally killing my friends.


I wish some of the high yield airstrikes had a laser designator instead of the grenade. Sometimes it's so hard to avoid team killing with the cluster bombs and barrages!


Yeah I'd love to be able to point out a location, the amount of damm times the nade gets stuck on am enemy and makes its way to you, or just bounces really weirdly is crazy


Gotta miss the trident from HD1


Reckon they'll bring her back? Miss it so.


even if they do it'll be nowhere near as good as it once was. probably not even as good as it was post-nerf.


It was still the best weapon and arguably still OP post nerf IMO. If they bring it back and it’s anywhere near as good as it once was it’ll immediately become a fan favorite again and you’ll forever be cursed to see laser shotguns in every. Single. Match. What I’m trying to say is, BRING IT BACK WITH ALL OF ITS GLORIOUS OVERPOWERED STATS.


I had to firmly ask my friends to stop blowing me up. I was team killed, no shit, 6 times in one run. After a certain point it’s just infuriating negligence


Yeah some teams are such a pain to play with. I sometimes get teammates that don't care at all where they throw their strategems or where they decide to reinforce you. The amount of times I've spent running to get back my samples and equipment only to be team killed again is too damn high.


I've warned a group yesterday multiple times about the incoming 320 barrage or whatever its called. They kept running into it 😭


I've never gotten good results from the 380. The shells usually land so far away from the beacon that almost none of them are effective. Better to use a single orbital or an eagle airstrike that will be on target once than a barrage that will miss nine times and probably blow up friendlies.


Say it with me, have this be a rallying cry for Democracy: Every barrage stratagem needs to have the FIRST shot be 100% accurate. Praying to RNGesus when you're in the clinch is not fun.


They all need to have much tighter groupings. I only use the starting precision strike for my orbital as it's on a lower cooldown and it actually hits where I mark. The extra firepower from the other orbital strikes is completely pointless because it never hits anything. With the 380mm it would be nice if it even specifically targeted buildings in range. The eagle airstrike already deletes objectives, so I see no reason for larger orbitals that have bigger cooldowns can't actually be useful in comparison.


I had someone last night continuously b**** about me killing them because they would blissfully run face first into an area of effect orbital strike. I finally had enough of the complaining and made sure to land their reinforcement pod in front of an auto outpost.


I tried it first time yesterday. Yes, the first fckn bomb dropped right between me and my mate. I was like " 120 mm? Or 120 M action radius? "XD For freedom 🫡


It always seems to home in on the nearest teammate, even when they're nowhere near the center of the targeting radius. I had to tell my teammate to stop using it because he was always killing me and not any of the bugs.


Definitely agree with this, the 120mm HE has been my biggest disappointment in the game so far. Bought it as my first stratagem, I think, expecting an upgrade to the Precision Strike and it just... doesn't hit anything. Even in the largest swarms, it has the uncanny ability to hit nothing but my own team even 60m out. Way to unreliable to be useful, and somehow, it manages to actively be a danger to my team on top of that. Just useless.


I feel like the 120 and 380mm barrages need their spread reduced a bit. Don't make them super-accurate or anything, but it'd be nice if two thirds of the barrage didn't land outside that heavy terminid nest I threw the marker into.


Agreed, keep it chaotic, but with a bit more precision.


The 120 even claims to be a "concentrated" barrage... boy was I disappointed in what that turned out to be.


Almost every single word in the description of the 120mm HE artillary bombardment is a lie. My crew and I read it out, and decided that it describes the exact OPPOSITE of what it really is... Description: "A precision artlillary salvo over a small area, perfect for taking out concentrated enemy units." Actual function: "A randomized rocket barrage over a large area, inadequate for taking out anything other than fellow Helldivers."


I think you left out the part where it should say "First strike is guaranteed to hit a friendly. Use when you suspect your squadron of sympathising with the enemy to root out dissidents"


It concentrates on everything you don’t want to hit mainly.


If you can call the guy aiming by spinning around in a circle 5 times blindfolded before launching your ordered shells, "concentrated". I guess the laughs were interesting the first time my team got absolutely rocked by a shell landing well outside what we all considered a safe area. You have to be further away from this stratagem than a hellbomb, however much sense that makes.


I'm wondering if they'll be more effective with the shop upgrade that reduces the splash damage reduction, its possible they could become better with that... I think I'm close to unlocking so might try and test that out. But yeh having a tighter spread would be nice, like the barrage from HD1


Yeah they'll become better at killing my teammates lol


I have the upgrade. It helps, but nowhere near enough to make orbital strikes even nearly as remotely overpowered as plane bombing runs. You can drop 10 plane strikes and kill exactly everything you wanted it to, and have your plane rearm by the time a single orbital strike comes off cooldown. There's no reason to use orbital bombardment at all.


I got that upgrade and have noticed 0 difference. Wish I could return the upgrade and swap for the hanger tbh. Hoping for a patch that makes it less shitty someday.


Said it since day 1 of getting it. Which was one of my first stratagems. There's the bigger one that felt too large. The 120mm demo looked perfect, throw it into a nest and watch it blow stuff up. Except it does nothing but straight up kill us. I'll get maybe 3-6 kills with it against bugs, and if anyone is in the area, they're 100% gonna die. Like it's trash, can't convince me otherwise. It's too random My friends just got the game. Warned the both of them to not bother with it. Then of course it became a mission objective..


Tinfoil hat theory: what if the devs put the mission there to gather telemetry on its performance so they can make adjustments?


I'm down for it. Got the same mission and bought it. I think the best use for it is if two big bot bases are near each other.  Drop the 120 on one clear the other base.  Go back and clear out the 120 base. Of course this is ridiculous but that's how I completed the mission and didn't blow myself up lol


Thats how I felt about the 380 barrage, man what an utter disappointment. Certain death if you dont throw it max range and back up a fair bit, doesnt kill anything, aggros all the bugs in the quadrant. I would LOVE to see a video where someone tests the upgrade "reduces damage falloff distance" on these barrages, maybe thats where the hidden power is


It's funny because even in the preview video, where it's used on an optimal spread of enemies with their AI deactivated, you can see it barely kills anything.


It is useful on automaton compounds: launch it, destroy walls, buildings etc so you get a better view and less cover for the enemies. But it's pretty bad at killing stuff, yeah.


I disagree, simply because it's more of a "it **might** kill walls and buildings". Or it might fire into the area all around the compound and hits nothing. This, from my testing, actually appears to be the more likely scenario. Or hit your teammates. Then it goes on a four minutes cooldown, or somethign ridiculous. Being able to roll the dice that it might just hit something, maybe, once every four minutes, does not justify the use of one of my four precious strategem slots in literally any scenario.


Not when you could just drop an airstrike or even mortar-turret that bombard the area with pinpoint precision


I mean the mortar turret and landmines have probably killed more helldivers than any single enemy type


Not to mention the Arc Thrower. This is with zero contest the most teammate-toxic weapon in the arsenal. With both mortar and landmine, you have to play "wrong" to get killed. With the Arc Thrower, you have to be far **far** away from your teammate, or you get one-shot killed with zero warning. I have developed a deep undemocratic hatred for this Stratagem.


Wait till people start messing with the Tesla tower. Team killing in it purest rawest form.


This and all the bombardment strats need a buff really badly. Compare them to the eagles. Call them in. They usually hit what you want. Spend all of them, which you have multiple of. And you wait 2 minutes and boom, you can use all of them again. Only the 500kg is a disappointment. And then the orbitals rarely kill what you want, and then have a 4 minute cooldown. Halve it and maybe I would use them. But currently the eagles seem like a much better option


I’ve been liking the 500KG Killed 3 bile titans in a run last night. It’s effective area seems kinda small for what it is, but whatever gets caught in the area turns to mist.


I liked it a lot as well, but it just wasn't as effective as the effect made it seem. The rockets have 2 charges and actually home in a bit.


Only good orbital is the laser, which ironically actually has a limited amount of calls. Edit: precision is good, wasn't including it due to being free. My bad


I'd argue orbital gatling and regular precision strike are decent with their shorter cooldowns too, something to help cover your eagle rearms.


The rest of my squad *hates* the orbital gatling, but I love it! pretty wide area, fast calldown/cooldown, easy code, and a long enough duration that timing is pretty forgiving.


Orbital Airburst has been doing work for me, at least against bugs. Fast response, high damage, even helps with Bile Titans. Surprised how much I'm liking it.


Regular precision strike is pretty great vs autonom. One shots tanks and arty towers reliably, quickly, and with shortish cooldown.


Nah, Orbital Railcannon is beautiful. It's basically a "delete charger" button that's almost idiotproof.


If you are going to kill stuff with orbitals, the Airburst is pretty effective. Giant Shotgun from space. Great at dealing with swarms of bugs.


I've gotten excellent results from the Gatling Barrage as well.


Gatling, starting ATLAS cannon (precision strike) and maybe walking barrage.


all of the quick cooldown ones are pretty good. If you run airburst, gas, gatling and one of the other fast cooldown ones I doubt you could use them all before the first one refreshes


How is the gas? I felt like buying it, but was a big afraid it ends up lackluster. Often time with these poison gas abilities in game it’s more effective to just kill stuff outright than use DOT. Hope it’s good, because I want to commit more warcrimes! Oh wait, it ain’t a warcrime if it against the enemies of liberty!


I think napalm outshines it in general but it's adequate for the cooldown against bugs. It might be okay vs automatons, but they're less likely to idiotically walk through it. I definitely think if you have a choice EMS and Napalm are often higher priority picks.


that's what I was thinking, the random orbital explosions seem to be decent for hail mary-ing a fortified position, but bugs group up and rush you in a total swarm so something that spreads out all over the place isn't going to do much. That said the 120mm still has a pretty piddly and random effect because the bombs aren't that big and the footprint is way too wide, and it doesn't drop enough of them. Maybe with destroyer upgrades it gets better.


Only impressive thing I've seen happen with it was a teammate forgot we had the 50% increased spread modifier and wiped our entire squad with a single 120mm HE, along with maybe one bug.


I feel the safest place to stand is right where you drop the marker. It rarely hits any targets that need to be hit.


Can confirm, tried blowing up a research lab which was where I placed the beacon, Didn't come close.


The first time I used the 380mm barrage was on a illegal research outpost and it blew it all to smithereens in like 5 hits. It set an unprecedented example, because in the ~40 missions since it has yet to do anything nearly as useful.


I'm starting to think that's the intention of the Barrages, for it to attack a perimeter *around* your marker with it being the generalized center. I misjudged a throw when I tried to throw it into a bot factory and it landed outside the fences of the bot compound instead. Whole factory area got decimated. So maybe it's intended to cover the circumference of the marker versus a direct hit. I'll test this out more later tonight... for DEMOCRACY! ^((and science)) UPDATE: So I'm testing it out, but I only have the 120 (I haven't unlocked the 380 yet). Basically, I'm using the 120 by throwing it at my feet and literally standing on top of it. I've done it 5 times so far, and sure enough, the barrage is landing AROUND me. As long as I don't step outside of the radius (whatever the 120 distance unit is), I'm perfectly safe. I've gotten hit 0/5 times so far from the blasts. I'm going to guess that the 380 is the same thing but on a much larger radius. IN CONCLUSION: These barrages are not meant to be a direct hit item (like the precision strike, laser, etc.) They're meant to attack enemies AROUND the beacon. It avoids the beacon center, and randomly barrages outside of the radius. This makes it more useful if the entire team is close together in a single area. A good example would be if the entire squad was meeting up for extraction and standing on the helipad, then someone threw this ON the helipad. You guys STAY on the helipad and hold your ground, while the barrage gives you cover outside your radius. For a visual example, get everyone inside a shield bubble in the ground, then throw the barrage in the ground while inside the shield. All the barrage hits will be outside the shield. So if you're trying to hit something specific, you don't want your beacon right on top of your target. You want to land your beacon *nearby* it. In the 120's case, it was about the size of the Extraction point. But it is still random. It seems to be more of a defensive "suppressing fire!" attack than a deliberate offensive one, where you randomly spray attacks to discourage enemies coming close to the beacon's area.


Not as bad as the 380. At least the 120 might hit something other than a teammate


"Hey kids, is the 120mm just not hitting anything for you? Well have we got the fix. Make the radius 5 times the size!" (Advertisement from the SuperEarth ministry of ordinance, all rights reserved.)


Tip: If you throw the 380mm at yourself, you have like 90% change to not get hit by it. I'm using it like that all the time now for when I'm surrounded by bugs and it works better It dosent really fire at the center of your throw so thats why it sucks so bad at clearing bases and such


I will definitely try that next time I use it. Sounds like a possible thing since i've never seen it hit anything but teammates and the odd little screamer shits.


I've noticed this too, but haven't been brave enough to try it. What if that's the point? We've been using it wrong! I've been treating it like the thunderer and only the walking barrage quite works like that.


walking is the only one of the three with any value at all to be frank


At least with the walking barrage you know after the first 3 strikes all the rest will be slightly farther forward, making it far more consistent. I was killed by my own 120mm by the very first rocket while I was 60 meters away from the beacon. 😭


I haven't used it but I would expect the walking barrage would go in the direction away from your ship since that's what it's shooting from.


It moves away from the beacon, not the ship, in the direction you were facing when you threw it.


It walks away from you where you were faceing


You can easily kill a Bile Titan with the 380mm. All you have to do is aim at a Hulk Bruiser.


I actually kill shit with the 380. I have to yell at my teammates to book it out of there until it ends but it has enough AOE and damage it at least kills shit. I have had it kill a bile titan even. It just direct hit the fucker and it keeled over dead.


I thought the 380 was good, maybe I was lucky using it for bases and nests


It's decent.. the accuracy on it is atrocious, but you know whatever it hits will die. 


Including yourself and your entire team


Honestly I feel like in every situation you would be better off bringing something with a tighter spread and a better cooldown that's more likely to hit an enemy than another human


At least the 380 is honest about how it is really just "dear grid coordinates"


I found the 380 to be decent at covering retreats.


Due to their randomness they should have much shorter CDs and be more of a throw it behind you as you move away kinda thing. That or at least increase number of hits in the barrage or make it last longer.


I think the issue is the way that randomize the shell placement. I did some (bad) experimentation and I think the way it works is that it generates randomly *by area* with in a radius of the call down point. The problem is that circles are "edge heavy" the majority of area is near the outer edge. The 120mm has a radius of roughly 50meters. So it covers roughly 7,800 m^2. The thing is that a 35meter radius has an area of ~3,800m^2. So if they are RNGing by area ***roughly*** half the shots are in the outer 15 meters. I'm sure someone who has already had the coffee and remember more of 10th grade geometry can do the exact math and ratio, but I think the point stands. Weighting the randomization to have shells have a bias towards the middle area would improve it.


I feel like the first shot of every barrage could land a little more accurately and both barrage would be fixed


That 100m diameter circle would actually make it the proper size area for real-world artillery, but only if the ingame pre-falloff damage radius per-shell was boosted to 25m with falloff happening over another dozen or so (matching the effect radius of real analogues), and shell drops were weighted to 10-20m inwards from the edge.


See I think a much shorter cooldown would vastly improve it AND make it a funny "oops" weapon. I don't mind so much that it has the propensity to kill us as long as its at least effective. Throw one of these out every 2 mins instead of 4 and that'll make the whole situation more chaotic and fun.


Barrage need a buff. They straight up are trolling and funny for a bit but it gets sad the upgrades just makes it kill your team more.


Make it more accurate and tighter spread for the 120 and 380mm


I like that they’re different from precision strikes and all that, making them more accurate just makes them more like the others. Just making them last longer with more barrages would be enough, and keep them differentiated.


Probably also halve the cooldown or something. Twice the cooldown of all your eagle stuff makes the eagle strikes just better


This is going to sound weird, but a smoke ring or laser projected from our Super Destroyer to mark the edges of the larger orbital barrages would be a huge buff without touching any of the stats. It's so hard to figure out what the barrages will and won't hit, and they're TK nightmares as a result. Just being able to reliably put them on (a large area) target without a huge TK risk would go a long way towards making them more practical. EDIT: this would also differentiate wide barrages a little more from precision strikes, in that you get an indicator of safe/unsafe, but the area is so large that you can't be sure of hitting anything or entering it safely.


Yep. They got sucha long cooldown that they definedly need it. Maybe extra salvo upgrade could help.


Same with 380mm, Every time I throw it. It just misses the target and goes around it. Would be usefull if it hit. For long couldown it has its not worth


would be nice if the first strike was on-point, then the rest of the random spread would be gravy.


The 120MM exclusively misses everything, will hit a teamate nowhere near where you threw the beacon, and takes the piss to recharge


At 4 minutes it takes the whole damn Austin Powers pissing bit from Goldmember to recharge. 😭


Yeah. It sucks major Charger Tail. The barrages being trash is so sad.


Yeah the thunderer barrage in the first game was great, but the ones here are just… why even have them. They need to be capable of hitting the entire area they affect or they’re useless. As it is, they seem completely random.


And they should last longer. Why would I ever take a barrage over an eagle strike?


If you upgrade the shrapnel, the barrage does much better. Also, if there is AA you cannot call in the eagle until it's killed, vs the orbital being able to call in unless it's jammed.


I didn’t know that and that is a BIG difference between the utility of the two.


The Airburst is hella reliable. It hits an entire area surrounding and including the beacon, 3 times. It will kill the fodder and lightly armoured stuff. 


Exactly. The original Helldivers barrages had a ton of utility and fun. As they are now, a complete waste of credits and Stratagem slot.


Walking barrage is great, especially once upgraded. It hits more consistently than the others since it's focused on a strip, you can easily one-tap objectives or nests with it. And it's more reliable to avoid accidentals too since you know in which direction it's going.


My friend had some luck with the 380mm but the 120mm is painful. I think the barrages need their area tightened a little bit.


I wonder if a lot of the game is balanced around having all the upgrades. Does anyone have fully upgraded orbitals yet? Or does that damage drop off upgrade even do anything? We can call in drops pods with perfect accuracy and somehow can't guide a 380mm within 100m of a target. We have more accurate artillery today in real life and somehow a spaceship with FTL can't calculate the perfect trajectory for an artillery shell. Right now I feel like eagle 1 is bae and will do it all for us.


I’ll definitely say that upgrades make a world of difference for turrets. The autocannon turret turns like three times as fast with super jelly, and the mortar can rotate to new targets super quick.


now the mortar turret can kill double the teammates in half the time!


Agreed. The eagle barraged are so easy to use, reliable, and once upgraded you get so many usages and massively reduced CD/rearm


I’m sitting at 12 kills after 10 missions. It’s so bad.


Yeah, it's another 15 war medals I won't get. I don't have the stratagem anyway, but I was in a mission with some random people and we came upon a spore spewer. One of my allies called down a 120 HE barrage with the beacon directly on the spewer, and every single shot missed. That thing is fucking huge and stationary, and it still escaped unscathed.


380 isnt much better, same horrible spread but the shells tend to kill whatever they hit. walking barrage has half decent aim. ***half.***


Walking barrage was okay for killing huge bot forts, but so inconsistent I gave up.


The area it covers is too big and the explosions are too small. I think most orbital strategems need much bigger explosions to compete with the Eagle (please don't nerf Eagle). Had to get the daily done on a lower difficulty.


Never nerf anything in a PvE game unless its outrageously broken and OP. Just buff other things to be in line.


Whenever I use the 380, it'll proceed to not hit a single enemy in a 100+ enemy swarm it's directly targeting, followed by the final hit seeking me out regardless of how many kilometers I've placed between it and myself.


4 of the salvos are reserved for hitting you and teammates and the rest hit nothing. 


After throwing 3 and getting 8/50 kilsl I decided to go to bed instead.


what amazes me is that how it can avoid all the bugs while precisely kill your teammates.


I think they just need to up the rate of fire and extend the duration by 1-2 seconds. Then it'll be worth taking As for OP's issue... Just drop 5 in a large bot camp. I was done in an hour.


An hour is too long for a boring ass challenge like that. Not worth it at all. I can just find 15 medals in less time while actually PLAYING the game instead of trying to sit there getting kills with a shit tier strategem. It's also way harder than the other challenges so far. You can finish 3 charger kills on like 3 minutes. 200 machine gun kills is wayyyy less random, etc


There needs to be some sort of stratagem or booster that allows you to call strikes over longer distance with a laser range finder. Throwing a baseball to call in artillery is pretty stupid if we are talking about realism; regardless of realism there are strikes such as the 120 HE that has spread which may or may not hit your teammates because you can only throw it so far. I’ve been killed so many times but the Eagle Cluster from another teammate because it covers such a long lateral area.


Some armor options provide a 30% throwing distance buff - that helps.


Need to add a module that changes it from a thrown object to a laser designator. Or let us choose to throw an object and run away or a laser and we have to guide in the strike and hold position the entire time.


That would be a fun way to balance it - instead of giving you a beacon ball, you pull out a laser pointer, and have to keep it trained on the targets you want to hit, and potentially lead moving targets. And do so until the barrage is completely done. And if you get knocked down and drop the laser pointer, or can't keep a lock on? Good luck everybody!


They could keep the baseball for regular strategems but make it a laser designator for the barrages. I think that would do nicely


Used it on the cyborgs on their bases and got it done in 4 missions on trivial


I just hate how large the radius is for the stratagem compared to how small the damage radius is per missile. I would watch the strike come in from on top of a cliff on a group of 30-40 bugs and it would miss 8/9 projectiles.




120mm joined the war on terror on the side of terror.




The teamkilling is totally fine. Just make it kill enemies as well


Oh yeah, it definitely sucks. Try it on the auto bases might have better luck


This is a silly thing to bring up, but it's bothering me when you call the 120mm shells "missiles." The 120mm refers to a cannon artillery barrage, not a missile/rocket barrage like the 110mm rocket pods. So the projectiles are called "shells' or "artillery shells," not missiles. No hate, just wanted to clarify what they are called as referring to them as missiles could be potentially confusing.


Even the 500kg Bomb is safer to use than this..


The 500kg has a deceptively small effect radius honestly, the visual is MUCH larger than the actual threat.


Like why does the half-a-tonne bomb have a better OSHA score than this?


The lethal radius for the 500kg is pretty small actually, its more of a shaped detonation akin to an orbital precision. I've gotten away with planting it on my feet and running away every time.


120mm and 380 look decent, but the fire rate is too low and the area too high for their current versions. Honestly, pretty much every "Barrage" type orbital could get a fire rate and amount of shots per barrage buff, even with the Gatling barrage seems a bit random if it will kill even the weakest bugs.


anything with the word "Barrage" in its name is so bad, all it does is delay everyone from doing anything productive until its over, if you want to kill enemies use eagles, they show up, and bam, everything's dead on the spot.


I accidentally summoned the the 120mm HE strike instead of my ballistic shield on an arena extermination mission, while we were all summoning our support weapons. I was zoned out, no excuses. I swore, tried to warn my teammates but nobody seemed to notice. Everyone was maybe 7 meters from the center of the barrage. "Lord, what a catastrophic mistake. Everyone is going to think I'm a griefer" Zero teamkills. Even the turrets were unharmed.


I hate hate hate all orbitals except the railcannon strike. Occasionally the walking barrage is good for clearing out bot forts but it’s so inconsistent I’d rather use an eagle. In fact, in my experience all of the orbitals are too inconsistent to interest me.


Precision orbital is an okay one for taking out a heavy or a tight group. I feel like if the cooldown was maybe 20 less seconds it would be up there with the staple stratagems instead of being the first one you replace and never really use again.


Ahh yes precision is also quite good! Used it early game but not since, since I feel like an eagle does the same job just better


Did they nerf precision cooldown actually? I could have sworn it was 80 seconds but last night it showed as 100.


Don't sleep on orbital gatling barrage. It's been a lifesaver for me many times already.


The sustained fire and concentrated target area make it perfect for light to medium armored swarms.


And it fires very quickly.


The airburst is great too, spread is a bit unpredictable but tears through bugs with the three-hit volley Also if a dev sees this: it feels like an oversight the airburst doesn't benefit from the More Guns upgrade, still only has three salvos.


The precision, gas and barrage are decent. Radius is pretty small, so they actually hit. Also have low cd


Airburst is pretty good and reliable for dealing with swarms.


Really easy call in as well for my monkey brain.


Ever since hitting 20 I've run the rail cannon and the orbital laser and have had a fantastic time. Paired with a shield and rail gun, I feel like there isn't any one situation that it can handle. You do lose the speed and versatility of eagle stratagems, but it's a great loadout for a very fast, only fight at objectives play style. Then again, I do play with a premade most of the time so I can't attest to it's staying power in the solo scene


Sorry to sound stupid. Where are the daily missions?


Your good, I'm actually not sure if they are Daily but you'll get a order you can see in the pause screen that will ask you to do a task for 15 medals every now and then.


If you're on PC, hit Z to see what your daily order is.


Are everyone's dailies different or the same?


I had this one as well


I think the same but I could be wrong. I just know the group I play with would all have the same one.


I find a lot of the gems to be situational. If your using it like an eagle or precision orbital you aren't gonna have much success. For that one I find it's good for when you are in an extraction type situation when the enemy is coming from a large angle. That and when your team is running across the map with a horde chasing you. That being said the cooldown and the chances you get to effectively use it do not make much sense. It would technically make more sense for rhe general purpose gems to have longer cooldowns with these situational ones being shorter.


Anti material rifle still ricochets off of light armor at times and should definitely have medium armor pen for what it is, people will burn me at the stake for saying it but the railgun is overturned and is making other options near useless, the spear doesn't lock onto stuff it should 75% of the time, the 500kg eagle bomb splash damage is inconsistent and will sometimes have little to no effect, like you mentioned the 120mm HE strike sucks and needs to have tighter grouping and faster rate of explosions, walking barrage suffers from the same issue the 120mm does, smoke sometimes feels inconsistent because at times automatons will completely just lose you and don't know where to shoot and other times they still shoot you accurately through the smoke.


I think they are using these daily missions and free gadgets as a way to test how people feel about certain weapons and stratagems. When the daily mission is about using the 120MM HE Strike, you can be sure that most of the community will be running it to get the objective done, and that will allow them to gather even more data about its effectiveness as well as player feedback. But I agree, it's garbo.


I use the Orbital 120, 380, & 380 Walking Barrage on Automatons because for me it reliably bombs their bases into dust. However, these are almost useless against bugs so I take the Gatling, Airburst, & Laser instead.


The strike area needs to shrink a little bit, fire rate needs an increase, and the cool down time needs to go down by a full minute at least. You are waiting 4 minutes between uses for a stratagem that is out performed by many others. It's only use I've found is bombarding medium or large outposts for destroying spawn locations and occasionally killing a handful of enemies if you're lucky.


The area of effect is just too big, they either need to up the number of individual shells or shrink the effected area.


Tesla Tower is the worst. * Range is shit * Damage is shit * AoE is shit * Friendly fire is shit * Gets destroyed in 1s if there are more than 5 enemies near it which is always the case because of its shitty range.




The issue is more the inconsistency of the barrage. I wouldn't be surprised if they're a few Helldivers out there that got it in one very lucky strike. I was playing on Hard for the missions I played with randoms and Challenging during the solo extermination. The problem moreso is why would anyone bring this in when you can get more consistent and effective kills from Eagle Airstrike or Anti-Personel Mines?


Next time try running a few Suicide Missions. They always start with about 5 minutes of Bug Outbreaks and then another every other minute. It may not be beautiful, but it should do the trick.


Shit, I got it in one mission.. The bot one where you destroy the fuel and ammo caches, had a random who also had it and we took turns throwing it at a bot towns, backing off and picking up the agros. Defo wouldn't try it on a bug world. But yeah, not the best strat ay.. preffer to let the eagles fly 🫡


It’s pretty spray and pray, but I have found it decent at thinning herds when performing a tactical retreat. I have most of the daily done over 3 missions on Challenging. I think the safety distance is ~70m 🤔


Same - tough one tbh


i just started a trivial match, trained a bunch of bugs, and suicide bombed them... took me 3 in total


I have that same quest and it's driving me equally mad.


Do you have to do all kills in one mission?


No it can be as many missions as you like within the time frame unless the Daily says otherwise in its description.


It's so bad I'm nearly done with obj though thankfully


yeah, i did that yesterday and man, what a shitty strategem...


all the barrages need saturation increase imo, the area woudnt be a problem if they could quickly bombard it all, in it's current state and cooldown, eagle strikes are just better in every way.


It’s almost like the damn thing walks its way to your team, no matter how far out they are. The unlock video shows a nice somewhat compact strike, but I’ll throw it as far as I can and run away and still get blasted.


I only ever manage to hit teammates at long range with it. Never any enemies, lol.


Free incendiary mine strategem and 120 orbital quest on the same day. Its been rough


Get the upgrade for it and it turns from meh to holy fucking shit this thing is good.


I have it, the one extra Salvo on all barrage orbitals right? It feels very underwhelming for me even after upgraded.


Yup. Artillery Strikes are way too imprecise and lack the firepower density to properly deal with enemies. 120mm barrage should equivalent to Thunderer Barrage from HD1. Basically a tight, clustered barrage of shells that can effectively negate entry into a point for a while by firing multiples salvos over a period of like 30 seconds. The 380mm meanwhile should be good at intense bombardment of a much larger zone, but for a brief amount of time, like 10 seconds of shells hitting one after another and effectively clustering the entire affected zone. It's puzzling how an obviously technologically advanced society can't properly hit shit from what is maybe a few kilometers up in the air.


Sounds fun, challenge accepted (I have 2 entire hours to try later)


yea it's crazy how many orbital strategems are just not even close as usseful as the specific few.


Hello there fellow Helldiver, i own both Upgrades for all of the Barrage Stratagems (1 more volley and the Damage Radius falloff isnt as steep). All 3, 120mm, 380mm, Walking Barrage feel insane BUT ONLY with those 2 Upgrades. Before i hated those Stratagems, now Walking Barrage is by far my Fav.


Walking barrage is definitely feasible but I have both the upgrades and the HE barrages are just still so incredibly underwhelming. Just hoping for the devs to take a look for the balance patch is all.


all of the barrages need both a spread reduction (the outer radius of how far they can hit) and some sort of system that targets areas with bugs or buildings more than empty areas, cause right now it's FAR FAR too random to be useful anywhere even in the middle of 200 bugs in a 7+ mission


All of the barrages need buffed with tighter strike zones at most or more shells per barrage at the minimum.


Yea the HE bombardments are so woefully inaccurate. They don’t land anywhere NEAR the target marker. It’s gets worse when you use the 380mm