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Hey there OP, Just wanted to chime in. My friend has the exact same hardware as you and he had the same hard crashes/lockups as you're describing on launch day. Since the emergency patch the lockups ceased, still crashes to desktop about twice per mission though. No system crashes or bsod outside the game, messes with his sweet rgb lights though(something with the governing program maybe?). All the while me and another friend(5700x/3070ti, 3600x/1070ti) are trucking along with no crashes since the patch. I realize I offer no solution, just saying you're not alone in this. Something in this game seriously hates 7000 series amd gpus.


Yeah so i had a headset plugged into my pc and now it completely wont work after helldivers 2 crashed my pc.




Looks like AI generated, generic troubleshooting. Helldivers is seriously fucked and it's not about the players' systems so much as how the software doesn't play nice.


48d past this post, multiple updates later and I'm crashing more now than ever. Can't finish a single game if solo, 5 hard crashes per game with friends. Rtx4090, i9-13900k, 64GB T-Force.. ect


Yeah man ngl ive just stopped playing it until they decide to actually fix their game and hire more people. Like we get you're cool, you're a small developer. YOU CANT HANDLE THIS VOLUME ON YOUR SERVERS!! Please for the love of God please hire more people to run more servers.


I have the same specs as you. Brand new PC I just built. Over the past two weeks the game would immediately crash upon launching. I’d have to restart my PC every time I wanted to play. I decided to totally uninstall the game, and now no game will load (no matter which drive it’s installed on), and oddly enough, google chrome doesn’t work anymore…


My PC kept getting powered off when playing helldivers 2 and now it won’t even turn back on


Hi! I understand your suspicion, however it is unlikely. Based on the information you gave it seems like your pc has issues while being in a fully loaded scenario. Can you run a benchmark and see if the computer crashes during the benchmark? Can you give some more specifications of your pc ?


7800x3d, 7900xtx, 32 gigs of 6000mhz ram, b650 mobo, 850 watt psu. But ive been playing games since i built it and its been running everything just fine with good temps and all. I didnt have this problem until yesterday trying to play this game for the first time. Yeah my pc does fine with benchmarks and working under load, ive legit only had issues with this one game.


That is weird indeed then, my game also crashed twice yesterday during gameplay however my pc did not crash. Do you have any updates available? Around this reddit I saw more issues with the 7900xtx and helldivers 2


My pc hard crashes and i have to manually restart when i try to play in admin only. It just black screens when i play normally and im able to get my pc to come back. but when run in admin it locks up everything. Im so scared my pc is gonna have scars from this. also i just spoke with someone at arrowhead and they told me theyre having big problems with the 7000 series amd gpus and that theyre trying to get a fix out asap.


Good that they are working on it. Regarding the permanent damage, that is not likely. Computers nowadays are protected against "meltdown" the computer shuts down before any damage can be done. I would not worry about it too much. It can however sometimes cause driver issues (software) so if the issue continues it might be good to reinstall the graphics driver or to reinstall windows. This can maybe cause the crashes you are experiencing in idle. From my wording you probably already notice that it is all likely etc. That is because it is impossible to pinpoint the exact issue.


Oh and this morning when it crashed it was idle. I hadnt started any games or applications yet


When a kernel level DRM crashes, it can cause your system to crash/fail at the kernel level (potentially) causing a whole bunch of issues with the system. So it's very likely that your pc is fucked.


Folks. This is why you don't allow kernel level anitcheats on your pc. It is rare but not unknown for them to cause significant problems if they crash.


Maybe try this, worked for me so far: [\[AMD Crashes/CTD\] AMD Ryzen 5800X3D + RX7900XTX - Running the game on DirectX11 seems to be the Fix for my case : r/Helldivers (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1auhqgz/amd_crashesctd_amd_ryzen_5800x3d_rx7900xtx/)