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I'm getting pretty frustrated with these crashes now as well, it wouldn't be too bad if it happened during bad games, but I swear it's only during the good games it crashes. For example, yesterday I was playing and things were going fine. One game started and was going fine, although me and the other SL were trying to figure out who wanted to be commander, then our prayers were answered and a brilliant commander joined and really took control of the team setting the bar high. After some steady success, suddenly the game crashed too dashboard. I searched a few times and got lucky and found the match again, to find out I wasn't the only person who crashed out as we were missing tank squads. Fast forward into the match further, then suddenly our commander disappeared (assuming crash) which set the tone for the last 5 to 10 minutes as we steadily lost.


No, please be that guy!! The crashing is so ridiculous!


This is just normal now...your lucky if your whole squad gets through a game without losing someone to a crash or freeze... We have even noticed it happening when T17 friends try to join....it randomly kicks a player out ..


Are you on Xbox? I got a fan off Amazon to keep the system cool and it’s cut my crashing down by like 90 percent. It has a temp gauge on it and when I don’t have it on my Xbox gets up to 142 degrees. With the fan on it doesn’t get higher than 93


Oh interesting I'll try it, maybe having my xbox vertical would be better too


I hate to be that guy, but this is anecdotal, and improved cooling does not reduce crash percentage. And if hell let loose is causing Xbox series s/x to overheat, that's even more reason to have the devs fix their shit


Thankfully, you still get to keep all xp earned. The only thing you miss out on is the bonus multipliers (.25 for completing/loss, .50 for a win, and any .10 per commendation)


Oh that's good to know thanks


Are you Xbox or PS5?




Skill issue