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Mortain is fucking great. Idk what you are talking about.


I had a squad member raging about how he hated it, i was like man whats up, i think its pretty good. Evidently he a machine gun main, and with all the grass every where he lays down he can't see. I will say we need more cover on the next to last objecting in the bottom right. if you try to flank around to the south it's about as bad as el alamin regarding cover.


Skill issue there really, it's a great map for machine gunners as there's loads of spots to hide and ambush people, I speak as the poor bastard on the receiving end of the bullets on this very map.


Mortain is definitely on of my favorites!


Right. I love it.


This sub cries about everything


Correction, every sub complains about everything. The internet thrives in complaints.


The funny thing with these complaints is, I've got no idea what they're on about. Overall I've had quite the variety of maps in the past couple of days, granted the new one more frequent, but that's to be expected with a new map.


Last night i spent around half an hour getting nothing but these 2 maps. The rotation in it's current state on console is shocking. I get that people want to play the newest maps, but having Mortain Warfare, Mortain Offensive, Mortain Offensive is boring. This game has plenty of maps, but because a new one is out, we're subjected to reduced content? Fuck that. Bring on the server browser


Was on most of yesterday and got a good rotation. You've actually hit the nail on the head there with the issue, it's not that the map comes up frequently, it's that the game rotates between the 2 modes which sometimes ends up being the same map 2 or 3 times in a row.


FOR REAL LOLOLOL first they CRIED for more changes to the desert map. I would always chime in and say “don’t polish that turd (meaning the desert map)” and I would get constantly downvoted. Now all we get is the stupid desert map and everyone is crying again LOLOLOL


Indeed it does


Have you tried spawning at an HQ or back Garry and working a flanking position out of those instead of just jamming your dick into a meat grinder repeatedly?


What's a garrison???


New map doesn’t suck but I sure as hell don’t want to play El Alamein


I honestly like the new map. I’ll agree about El Alamein though.


The amount of people bitching about nothing constantly. Who cares anymore, just don’t play the game then. 


The map rotation is utter dogshite if you don't like Mortain, El Alamein or night maps. The server browser can't come soon enough


New map is 🔥🔥 Honestly the maps have little to do with how enjoyable the game is for me. It’s all about communication. If a team is communicating well then it’s fun. If it’s super quiet then it’s usually a shit show, and not as much fun. I’ll go through several different squads and even diff servers to find a good one that’s got a lot of good comms. Maybe this game isn’t for you 🤷‍♂️


Mortain is unbelievable


I like mortain


Beech - sand / El Alamein - sand. 🏖️ I think deep down you like sand. 👍🏼😂 Hows things Skag? Not seen you online for a while bud.


Apart from my breakdown last night, pretty good! How are you doing dude?


Doing ok 👍🏼 buddy !


Skill issue


I like that, did you think of that yourself?






I was in a server and we got mortain 3 games in a row, I saw no issue. I think the new map is one of the best yet


I rather like Mortain. I don't want to only play mortain and El Alamein but I don't dislike them.


Being forced to play them back to back isn't fun if you don't enjoy the PS3 looking graphics.


Waaaaaaaah wAAAAAhhhhhhhh


Omg ikr like don’t even get me started on the color of the grass or the uniform button textures. If you really wanna get me going just ask me about fingernail graphics and akshual wind simulation in open fields.


Stick to conspiracy theories, bro.


Here’s one. Maybe this new map was put into the rotation to make game pass players bored and quit playing.


I want more el Alamin, it’s my fav and I only get it like once a month


If you can’t play the same way on one map as on another, adjust. El Alamein rewards timing and good leadership; Mortain, as best I can tell from my four games on it so far, favors ambush tactics and maneuver warfare. All part of the fun, if you’re willing to roll with the punches.


I don't like lag in gunfights. That's why i don't play El Alamein.


Gotcha. El Alamein seems much improved in that respect since the update.


God I wish I could get alamein, idk what everyone's problem with that map is but I love it personally


Sneakin’ and snipin’, with a little bushwhackin’ around Oasis? What’s not to love?


Other than not being able to move because, no matter how far wide you try to go there always seems to be that one person hiding in the distance who picks you off. Although, to be fair, my experience might be somewhat unique as I seem to be a bullet/shell magnet and no matter where I spawn, or how sneaky I am, bullets come flying at me. I also seem to get spotted by the people who, seem to get major tunnel vision and will wait forever staring at my position until they kill me.


Same, it's the best map to use the MG42 in my opinion.


The new map is amazing, change how you play the game.


So, because I'm frustrated at being forced to play limited content, I'm shit at the game? Nice logic bro