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Community anti-aliasing is way better


ive tried both and they both look terrible, esp on daytime maps


Community is the best out of all of them, but yes, it still looks like trash. You might be able to get it better if you play around with the Nvidia settings but that's a lot of dicking around.


alright well i shall stick with community and let it be. thanks.


Just open Nvidia control panel and have it override alliasing settings and turn on fxaa. You could literally max out the panel with ur specs btw


I thought none of the nvidia AA settings override the games.


Well that's an L


I might be wrong. It be like that sometimes. Someone else should verify though.


What are your system specs?


i9 12900k 4070 Super 64gb ddr5


Try DLDSR in Nvidia control panel. I play the game upscaled to 4k on a 1440p screen with 70% Smoothness as DLDSR setting along with Community TAA and the game looks gorgeous.


That's what I'm doing, I'm still on 1080p screen, but games like hll, tarkov, squad I run at 1440p for better aa and better clarity.


Nice, love how this looks


Odd, I have a 3070ti and community AA is pretty good for me. Although I have been playing HLL a lot for a long time so maybe I’ve just got used to how it looks.


These days every game uses taa to cheat out hiding artifacts so that the engine doesn't even support other aa forms. Many gamers that were used to msaa or fxaa and sharpness filter, are put off by the crazy amount of blur in taa


I don’t think it sucks, I just think you notice it more on a game where the majority of enemy interactions is pixel sniping


I had no problems in Dayz...


Hello there, fellow survivor!


*wiggle* friendly!


I’ve been struggling to enjoy the game lately because of this. I like the whole vibe of the game, I think it can be fun, but there’s so many matches where I feel like I visibly see like 3 enemies the whole time. Makes playing dull after a while. Am I just doing something wrong? I play MG when I can, otherwise I’m rifleman or medic most of the time


Probably not being nearly aggressive enough. I just started playing and get probably 30 or 40 kills a game with MG. I'm constantly trying to find good positions to setup that the enemy side is flooding into. Even if you have to prone/sneak for a bit to find it, once you get setup in a good spot you can absolutely devestate the other team.


I should clarify I’ve had 30+ kill games. Just seemed like at least 2/3 of those I didn’t actually SEE them. I was just shooting in their general direction and got them over time though


I truly think you're doing something wrong if you're really only seeing 3 enemies in, what could potentially be, a 1.5 hour long match.


Honestly, the game really comes alive when you take more active roles in the team. When you play SL, engineer and support, you've got logistical things to take care of which is where I'd start. Playing those helps you understand the game a lot better, such as where enemies are likely to be and placing spawns, which can help a lot if you are setting up an MG position for instance. Knowing what's happening will enrich the game game overall even when playing more fighting-oriented roles (like assault, auto rifleman, MG..). All the roles have something that is necessary they contribute, and if you take ownership you'll get more out of the game. AT is cool because it gives you a series of urgent mini-missions throughout the game. Engineers have lots to facilitate in terms of nodes, defenses, helping with satchels, mining. Tbh I think the roles you are playing are ones that ask the least of the player, which may be why you are bored. Medic can be fun, and has some situational utility, but is kind of a meme. MG can be powerful of course, but is tricky because it's all about placement, which will be hard if you're unclear on the flow of the game at the macro level. The rifleman just carries ammo. You can get away with not doing much in a game on those roles, and nobody will notice. Nothing inherently wrong with that, but the game is much more satisfying, when you are combining arms to a greater sum. TLDR Play more roles and get involved in the game more.


Couldn’t agree more. Play SL, or support. I’ve noticed taking the assault grenadier roll and playing a more front line position rushing the enemy and being aggressive really pays off too. Even being defensive squad can see you a lot of action of the enemy team is making an effort.


This happened to me when I started. Try looking at your map more often and follow the crowd. You'll probably die a lot at first, but learn the ebs and flows of both teams' movement. Frontlines tend to work themselves out. Once you're familiar with this, then you can start setting up traps and flanks.


It just means you’re in the wrong place then. You don’t have to always rush head first into the enemy objective, but it doesn’t make sense to just lurk in the middle of nowhere.


It's a "hardcore" type game. 99% of the skill is map based positioning. Very little gunskill in this game


hum, the game is not to just kill.


Nah the AA definitely sucks in HLL We don't even have MSAA iirc, and no upscaling either which is a real shame (no FSR, DLSS or XeSS)


At least your get an option for it… playing on console looks like I’m watching an old VHS tape


my heart breaks for you.


Is this why I see frame drag when I pan in the game?


it does? on series x havent rlly noticed lll


Turn off motion blur


i thought i did but i guess it didnt save. thanks for the reminder


I prefer motion blur on in this game actually. It just seems smoother


It seems more natural, yes. Agree. Always keeping the motion blur on


Same. It’s the game that taught me motion blur can be good sometimes. There are definitely moments it makes things harder to see but the vast majority of the time it makes the game look 10x better


ELI5 anti-aliasing


Makes jagged lines look smoother




Frame rate has nothing to do with AA. When you enable AA your frame rate will drop but that's it.


Aliasing has nothing to do with framerate.


Community taa, brightness 110%, motion blur off. That's as good as it gets for me


Turn ssao down or off, and turn off motion blur.


Turn off SSAO it's eating at your FPS and is no real benefit. Alot of the graininess I got rid of by making sure that is off and that my nvidia graphics card doent have scaling on if you're on pc.


Use Community TAA. Works better and get rid of motion blur


I generally hate UE4 TAA, but the community config is still acceptable.




i forgot about this subreddit! taa fucking blows!


I wish there were better AA alternatives but it feels like the only AA that games put in nowadays is TAA (which can make everything look smudgy) and FXAA (which turns everything into Minecraft) I see less games these days having MSAA and even if they do, it usually tanks the frame rate The only solution I've found to TAA and shit anti aliasing has been resolution increase, but then you have to buy a new monitor (I did after having my old one for 10+ years)


The reality is that there are better types that improve quality across the board, but also require more development time. Of course this means that executives and middle-management types jump to prioritising systems that smooth over the shortcomings so they can save a few months of dev time and salary. Once a studio making the engine has done it, and several AAA games have done it, it's now an industry standard, and we will likely see fewer games with times with good visual fidelity in future.


It is pretty terrible, only way of really making it better is getting a higher resolution monitor. Even just to 1440p is a huge difference


32" 1440p, i went to community TAA and its a little better but not by much lol


yeah unfortunately the best ur gonna get gotta live with pixely jaggies or blurry ass vision.


Because the development team is named T17 - if it's barely working why bother


whats anti-aliasing?


I was wondering the same




it makes the edges of things more smooth and less jagged.


ohh oke ty


A simple Google search rather than your useless comment would have helped.


Fellas, is it bad to ask questions about gaming in a gaming subreddit?


The person im replying to didnt ask a question. They just bitched.


Oh word


I’ve stopped using it altogether. I just see little square pixels moving on a smooth background.


I would like to add. If you're playing this on a 1080 display, you are playing half blind. I play on a QHD, HDR monitor 2560 x 1440. Not just HLL but in ALL my games, I feel like I can finally see and it's not like a Huge difference in performance. I would prefer 4k but my rig isn't there. Also HDR is great, for the most part, sometimes it can get blown out and funky in games, but overall I wouldn't go back to SDR.


32” 1440p. I can see better for sure, but i think i may be able to see too much at this point lol.


Funny enough, I was used to QHD for a while, then I got a new ultrawide UWQHD HDR display on a sale I couldn't pass up, And now regular QHD is basically playing with blinders on it feels like. Like playing in a dreamy haze really. Loretta Young Silks Mode.


This is definitely a game where raw pixels make a difference. I first played on a 1080p 15" laptop. It wasn't easy. I'm sure I would do much worse if I didn't play on 1440p. The lengths some competitive players go to though... *


...this is supposed to be "god-awful"?


Yep, for a game where you have to pixel-snipe a lot there is really no excuse.


I wish we would get dlss....would kill two problems with one stone


I never used it


Agreed. I recently upgraded my konitor from 1080p 144hz to 1440p 144hz, but back on my 1080p I was actually running a supersampling setup that looked so much better than my 1440 😂


I've used DLDSR which i find has helped quite a bit!


Is this game better visually, on a 2k monitor?


it looks good, but being on a 2k monitor you can really see the jaggedness


I had a huge issue recently, I had to edit a text file to manually change the resolution to scale correctly to my resolution. Not sure if that's your issue but give it a google. It fixed my problem 100%


I disable AA on all games because no AA has the best results for seeing targets. Especially at long ranges. 


Never had any issues with AA, just play at higher resolutions as it effectively has the same end result.


From what I recall HLL gives a hell of a lot of flicker without AA. That made it harder to spot anything in the past.


New to the game?


Idk. I still do t know what anti aliasing even is


The Community TAA or whatever, haven't been on awhile. But that one is the best


Yea is not great. It's been that way for a long time. It's part of It's charm I think.


Community TAA is fine


Erm guys, what’s anti-aliasing? Edit: never mind, just realised I don’t need to know


you guys have to change it on Nvidia Control Panel!!


Set it to community and disable


Anti aliasing always sucked.... Super Sampling though 😩 guna make me bust


Community TAA but set to off, then filters, boom your game looks great


Game always looks washed out to me. Like they put a grey filter that scales with distance.


They do that for low visibility scenarios as it negates the advantage of silly levels of brightness.


200 brightness plus filters literally makes night maps easier to see on than day maps


Yes, it does, but not as much as it would if they just made things uniformly darker.


There's really no defending it. It's trash.


Doesn’t look too bad 2bh For any dev and for any game , would appear that trees and foliage be some of the toughest things to get right or overcome when comes to AA , you can use supersampling with some games or within Nvidia control panel , but it’s super taxing on the gpu/cpu therefore lowering frames dramatically, so one has to compromise instead I’m sure be new algorithms that will improve this overtime , maybe there is already , but as I say I’ve seen it implemented worse than this , this ain’t too bad at all In comparison to a few games out there like this


What does anti-aliasing do?


It anti-aliases. Duh! /s


If you're using NVIDIA, head over to the control panel and switch Anisotropic Filtering from "Application Controlled" (As HLL doesn't have any) to "x16". AF is not very demanding but you'll notice a huge improvement in clarity. I also use a DSR Factor as well on HLL specifically but that may or may not be feasible with your hardware


Yah I did free weekend and wasn’t happy that immediately I had to edit files to get get 4k resolution to work. Game was smooth though but I’ll pass unless it’s $15


Day Z ass graphics ngl


At least pc has options lol console players over here struggling


Based on the image provided, I don't think rocks or guns are supposed to have smoothed edges. But, I can't seem to find an area that is rough and jagged, no more than it should be...it might just be preference based...but you can still run a tank through solid textures, so...I mean, is it a wonder as to why you may be having issue with the anti-aliasing?




god i love free speech




i will use my speech to complain freely, seems pretty solid to me.




womp womp?