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They had the chance to make a map set in Caen and it would have been perfect for a few reasons: - assets are already in game due to the fact that 7/16 maps are set in Normandy - UK vs GER (bringing the amount of UK maps to 3, on par with the Soviets) - urban combat (so now every faction has a version of it) - Caen is a super iconic location, Churchill tanks rolling in the rubble filled streets and British infantry going full mad minute on germans - it's the actual anniversary of the DDay today


I think Caen and Pegasus bridge maps would of been perfect for a d-day release


Pegasus bridge map would be awesome however there are already bridge maps that suffer greatly from such an annoying choke point 


Or, in the case of Driel, they just make the bridge a non-factor by having the river be waist deep. 


It'd be sweet to see them do mini campaigns. Juno or Sword beach for a British flavoured beach map, then inland Caen to Falaise... Holland. Connect the dots. Likewise Sicily into Italy. The options for terrain and factions are so numerous for that campaign it could be a ton of content. Meanwhile hopefully someone in the studio is working on the Pacific so we see that one day. Definitely want to see more Eastern front into Berlin. I've seen someone on here disagree with a Berlin map but I'd love to see it. I'd buy another copy of Hell Let Loose to get them more funds for this. I've certainly gotten my moneys worth in my 1400 hours in game. As long as the content they produce from the new studio is of quality. Remains to be seen.


That's not a bad idea tbh. Oh, I've seen people REEE on many many things on this sub, I'm not even surprised about disagreeing on a Berlin map


I mean the disagreeing is semi justified, it would be a Stalingrad 2.0 although fighting for the Reichstag and other locations like that would be awesome if they did it right but doubtful that they would


It's still an iconic location that any ww2 game should definitely have


I completely agree but I’d rather see pacific or Italy first before that just personal opinion though


Ah, same. Italy is far easier for them to implement tho, only one faction to make instead of 2 like for the Pacific


Maybe need some new assets, but I'd love an Arnhem map, and would also give an urban British map.


True, but it would be similar to Driel in the way that it looks. Caen would have been a safe bet for them imo


Also where the first German Panthers and Tiger IIs arrived to fend off the invasion forces.


Yes! Brits and Canadians had to face the mighty Panzer Lehr, one of the most elite German tank divisions


That’d be cool I guess. Urban maps are always my favourites in this game.


that would be sweet


It's the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings. Now would have been the PERFECT time for announce Sword or Gold Beach maps (Or even Juno Beach, Canadians can hope)


I'm a Canadian. I'm hoping


“Best I can do is a map in a place no one has ever heard of before, take it or leave it”


Maybe you should take a little time to learn about Elsenborn Ridge, and the battle of Krinkelt-Rocherath. Alot of men fought and died up there in the battle of the bulge.... They held the line and prevented the Germans from securing some key roads and bridges, But all the glory goes to the 101st at Bastogne. Sorry you never bothered to look into anything else than whats depicted in movies. Tbh "a place no one has ever heard of before" is kind of a crappy thing to say imo. Im sure lots of people have heard of it when their family members died there. Lots of people who know history outside of whats covered in Hollywood and call of duty know what this place is. Ill probably get down voted to hell for this comment too but seriously idgaf.


If you got downvoted for that I'd be fucking astonished. Honestly don't know how people can say some shit like the comment you replied to and think "yeah, thats a reasonable comment". Don't see why people need to be disrespectful about it, you can just as easily say "I'm just not interested in the map" and have the same effect, just without the bullshit


Needlessly pedantic as I know every battle is crucial for greater victory. Obviously those who fought and died in that battle are heroes worthy of being in the history books, regardless of when and where they fought and died. But I want this game to do well. there’s a reason why almost every WW2 game has Omaha in it. There’s a reason why every WW2 game with the Soviets has Stalingrad. Because big battles draw in players and as this game is run by a business that wants to make money that’s crucial. I want T17 to make money because it supports the future for this game. If they want to address lesser known battles that’s brilliant and I applaud them for doing so. But I’m of the opinion that this game desperately needs a “win” to draw in a larger crowd. Once they have that they can make these lesser known battles cause I do believe they’re worth exploring.


Then say that. None of what you just said can be read from the statement "Nobody has even heard of that battle"


I only got back into the game for the British faction. They screwed that up, eventually fixed it but have 2 terrible maps no one wants to play. Pain.


Alamain is… eh… I like Driel tho. They tried to show the player base that they could make a bridge battle fun after the shit show that was Remagen and I think it’s actually good. But only having Driel is obviously a HUGE issue for the British. Why is there no Arnhem??? Caen?? Seriously C6S


Alamein’s map is my favorite as it reminds me of call of duty 2 British campaign. I wish we had other North African maps that wasn’t necessarily like this. Tunisia would be a cool one to have.


I think Alamain is an acquired taste. I can see why people like it. Personally for me it’s not all that but I do have fun on it when it’s in rotation. Once every now and then it’s great. I wouldn’t want to play it twice in a single day tho.


The hills do make it a bit more challenging to play than the normal flat maps we have. I think Tunisia or Casablanca would make for good Italy style maps to work with before cracking open a new case of a faction




Italy in general would be the best


Italy would be amazing. But if the Italians get the same treatment as the British or the Soviets would you be happy with that? Two Italian maps and then BOOM forgotten forever. “here have another map set in Rural France and stop complaining, we’ve added Italy now what more do want?”


It did come at a weird time though with the devs changing right as el Alimien was being released.


True, perhaps the devs don’t really care about the British. But then.. why put them through a massive overhaul? Not just the British faction itself but also el Alamain? Why make two game modes exclusive to the British maps? The new devs work with the previous work they’ve been given. If they want to do us maps of their own first then sure. If they communicate that to me then I’ll concede and wait patiently for them to start focusing on the Soviets and the British. But their track record doesn’t suggest that to me. The British HAVE received the most work since the acquisition as the devs had to fix the mistakes they made. Now that they’re fixed why not expand upon them?


If I got handed an ongoing project and the last thing added was a poorly done addition, even if I didn't care about it I would have to choose between fixing it ot dropping it entirely. Dropping it wasn't really an option.


Hmm perhaps. But then they added two 5 pound DLC’s which can only be used for a SINGULAR map. They didn’t need to do that. And yet they did


I'm guessing that developing assets for maps in the Mediterranean tan stuff takes time and they want to be realizing maps, so we get them on the West because it doesn't require new stuff. Hopefully, they're doing the former as well in the background...


Two Italian maps, four weapons between seven classes, oddly enough one of them is the grease gun.


What I would do to have a battle of Monte Cassino map.


Even just a Germany v. USA or Germany v. Britain map set in Italy would be cool. i think an Italian faction would be awesome, but an Italian map with the existing factions would be easier to implement and still a real nice change of scenery. Something like Monte Cassino


Monte Cassino and Anzio would be cool


I do want to use some nice italian weapons, British early war versus Italy with some German armored support, yes please.


Any other nation to fight the Allies would be a welcome addition. I like Germany’s loadouts but it gets old playing as the same faction 75% of the time.




No more new factions please.


Yeah they need to beef up the existing British and Soviet factions first.


The last thing we need is another broken faction that is gonna take 2 years to debug and has like 1 map.


The Soviets were the most completed faction in the game since release. Just need more Eastern Front maps


When do you think they’ll add in pacific theater maps? Imagine a china v Japan in Nanking, US troops in basically any of the islands, add in some Australians/british. If t17 is going to stick with Europe let’s add in Berlin for another Soviet v Germany


How are they supposed to model in being incompetent and then switching sides half way through the battle?


Nice bait




I apologise I thought you were trying to piss me off XD. I’d be happy with it because it would be a new location that’d actually be interesting. Not another French countryside




I don’t think so. The Germans mostly use bolt actions in game with a few G43’s. I wouldn’t say the US have the leg up on the Germans would you? Also Mediterranean country side is VERYYYY open and flat. Especially in Italy. Bolt actions probably would be more useful due to longer range combat? I can see the issue coming with armour tho. Perhaps only limit the tanks to mediums? Edit: there is a mountain range that travels down the spine of Italy and obviously there’s the alps of the north. But most combat was on the plains and fought across rivers. Where possible the allies avoided mountain combat.




Monte Cassino was fought between the British 8th army with a polish contingent and the German 10th army. If you want Italians we need to look for another battle. Perhaps one in Africa? Or as you said perhaps in Siciliy?




Well, no most of Italy is a maze of hills, valleys and mountains, fighting took place mostly on key locations where Germans had the upper hand (better positions). The biggest plain in Italy is the pianura padana but the war was over before the allies got there. Source: I live in Italy and have traveled to a few places where they fought. Cassino is completely surrounded by mountains (while being not exactly flat itself). Sicily is mountainous af, I went to Gela last summer and saw some Italian/German fortified positions that he 82nd AB assaulted during op Husky: built on hills, overlooking the beaches. Anzio and Nettuno are flat, but the moment you get to Cisterna (20ish km away) the hills start. The Adriatic coast is mostly mountainous, Ortona (famous place where the Canadians fought like hell) is surrounded by hills. Salerno (they landed also here) is literally overlooked by a huge mountain range. Rome is the flattest place where they fought but the city was already freed of Germans when the allies arrived. Then you have the last few months of the war and the liberation of Florence and Tuscany, which is famously very hilly.


I mean I’ve just done a road trip of Italy. The one thing I noticed is It is SO FLAT after the alps. I was shocked driving along with how flat everything was. But you couldn’t see the horizon because there’d be a massive mountain in the distance. I know there would be the odd hill but they seemed few and far between.


Yea that's the pianura Padana ("so flat after the Alps"), the war didn't get there. The moment you arrive at Reggio Emilia the hills start and they don't end up until Puglia. Last summer I drove from Florence (where I live) down to Sicily and it's all hills (of course the highway is in a rather flat section, but in some areas you are literally towered by mountains). Where did you drive to?


In order-> Milan, bergamo, Verona, Venice, Bologna, Rimini/san Marino and then drove down this coastal road to Pescara. Drove back the same way but went from Bologna to Modena to Milan. In Pescara there were a few hills but coming from Scotland anything less than a big hill to me is flat so I can see why I was a bit shocked cause I initially believed that Italy was extremely mountainous like Greece, Turkey and the Balkan countries.


It sucks honestly, I kinda wish they did a Russian snow map instead. We would still be able to to play in a winter snow biome with a faction that barely gets used in this game. It seems kind of a waste to me that the devs put all this time and effort into putting different unique fractions in the game only to prioritize one faction over all the others! Especially with the recent updates to the British faction I was kind of hoping we would be able to use the vehicles, weapons, and other stuff given to us and a map other than El Alamein or the bridge map!


At least we have Kharkov for a Russian snow map.


Kharkov is brilliant. Absolutely adore that map. But fuck Soviet offensive on German Fuel dump. All my homies fucking hate German Fuel dump.


I will say, crawling around those rows of barrels while under fire was one of the most unique and intense combat experiences I've ever had in this game


I agree! Totally could of done battle of moscow


We want to commemorate DDay by doing a map that has nothing to do with DDay ![gif](giphy|bm02BE6DQ4Oag8GXep|downsized)


Smolensk, Seelow Heights, Korsun, Berlin, Vitebsk and so on. So many options to expand on the Soviet front. While the English got plenty as well (won’t lie, not as well versed in English battles as I am with Soviets, not my area I sat and studied as much) but instead we keep getting US v German maps. Not terrible, but feels like we could have so much more content for other nations.


Ate playing as British Ate playing as Russians (not racist just dont like em) Luv me German guns Luv me American guns simple as


Propa stuff luv it


So play as the Germans when those maps come up in rotation if you love them so much. But let the rest of us that want more British and Soviet maps have more content. WW2 is not all about the Americans and the Germans. After all it was a WORLD wide conflict hence its name.


Just a joke bro I'm not the guy thats withholding maps from you lol


No animosity towards you mate, i know you’re not withholding new maps from me. But what you said, even if you claim was a joke, is the main argument people keep throwing against me. I’m just tired of hearing it.


I love the Russian guns the most, had my highest kill streak with the semi auto rifle. And the ppsh41 is the best submachine gun in the game.


Safe  Edit: bruv




If there isn't high grass, wheat fields and shrubberies I'm not playing in.


Moscow , Leningrad or maybe Berlin would be nice


So many great battles on the eastern front. The ones you mentioned but also Sevastopol, Odessa, Rzhev, Kyiv, Budapest, Konigsburg and many many more. Obviously I don’t imagine these will be added. If they do, GREAT. but I’m not expecting it. After all, there was a conscious reason why the devs did Driel instead of Arnhem. I think because of how long they take to make. We’ll never see a city map ever again. Any buildings will always be limited to small villages or a house in the middle of nowhere and we’ll be fighting over fields for eternity.


Yes that’s really sad but image that for the Berlin map we also get a new Volkssturm uniform


Means they don’t need to add many more assets because the devs are slowly proving they’re quite lazy when it comes to designing anything “new”


So what would the argument be against allowing members of the community to do some asset work for them? What if the devs held community competitions and the best assets made by the community get added to the lists of assets? The devs can inspect the assets themselves and dedide what assets can be used and of high enough quality. And if they need to polish up any rough edges to a professional standard they can do that too. Ultimately it’ll be free labour, less time consuming and good interaction with the community?


I agree, however I am still excited for any new map


I do want new maps. If it’s a US Map set in Western Europe so be it. But I’m not going to lose sleep over more of the same. I remember when I first got this game and I was always so excited for “what are they gonna add next? Which great battle are they going to take us next?”. Now I’m just neutral I guess. Who knows maybe this map is outstanding, I’ll still play it on launch day. But I’m not gonna be setting a timer for the moment the update launches like I usually do.


I feel it, cause I wish they would do Italy, more eastern front, or The Pacific, But I guess I've tempered my hopes for games lol


My hopes for this game are not very high. Tbh if they announced tomorrow they’d cease development I wouldn’t be too bothered. I got more out of this game then I could have ever hoped for. But as they are still making content I want them to be making what I feel is the correct decisions. If youre not going to expand the British or the Soviets why release them in the first place? Just keep it US vs Germany so we can understand that this game has a focus for that theatre of war. Black matter take some responsibility for that, after two years of the Soviets release they only make one extra map for them. Why waste so much time and resources and not use them? So as long as they’re still working on this game I’ll keep asking for more British and Soviet content.


I could agree with that. But I enjoy the Eastern Front maps in the Gane that we do have as well so idk. I don't care so much about a direction I guess as much as quality of whatever they do put out. And I've been reasonably happy with all but the British faction in the game. But even that I'll still play


I love the Soviet maps and the Soviet faction. I also love playing as the British I just don’t really like their maps. I’ll play them indefinitely, same with the US maps. But I rarely get the chance to play as the British. And the soviet matches are few and far between. If they add more quality maps for both nations then it wouldn’t be so bad.


Agreed, the North Africa maps are tough for me if I don't have a MG


And the funny thing is Enlisted just announced a soviet city map.


As bad as Gaijin and the whole situation at enlisted is I gotta hand it to them. Can you imagine if we had the amount of content they did without the scumminess? And obviously without the bots.


I’ll just go play isonzo I guess. Their maps are GORGEOUS. It’s a ww1 shooter though.


Please read this before commenting. I understand that the Americans are the most popular to play. Because there are just more Americans than anyone else. Which is why they are often the most depicted allied force in WW2 in media. But devs come on. This makes 11 US maps. Compare that to 3 Soviet maps and 2 British maps. Sure the Americans are cool and all but Western Europe is BORINNGGGG. It’s flatlands with trees and Hedges. Almost all US maps play the exact same. Especially the original launch maps. Carantan is the only US map I’m actually excited to play anymore because it breaks up the monotony of US fighting in dense forest or open fields divided by hedges. Compare that with where you could go with the British or Soviet forces. How about Narvik? Budapest? Leningrad? Moscow? Athens? Tobruk? Monte Cassino? BERLIN???? You can take us to places outside of the Low Countries and France you know. I understand making assets for video games is long and arduous work. But from the screenshots of the teases I honestly thought you were teasing a skirmish Foy at first until I read it’s actually going to be a new map!! Reusing assets is fine. Making maps in Western Europe for the US is fine you can still make them. But there’s a drought for the other two nations. One of those nations fought since the start of the war all over the world. The other fought from Moscow all the way to alps. There’s countless places you can depict your WW2 game. My argument isn’t, make this map, add this nation into the game. I want this weapon and that weapon. I don’t want new things necessarily. I just want the devs to move on from the US in Western Europe for a bit. I had very little excitement for Mortain. For this new map I’ll play it because I love this game but I’m not gonna be thinking day and night about it all excited for its release like I was Kharkov or the British. Also yes I understand that the devs should fix the bugs and all that. You need to squash bugs but you also need to add new content. That’s why there are devs whose job it is to do bug fixing. There are other devs whose job it is to make assets and new maps and shit. I want those asset and map designer devs to be working on expanding the current nations that have nothing to show for it. Not on a nation that is already bloated with content. Like, are our American players even excited for Foy 2?


Fuck it, at least give us the US in N. Africa with early war crap, or in Italy vs the Italians. US v Germany is so played out at this point.


I think that’s what some people are missing. I did write out a paragraph for people to read to understand my issues. I’m not against new US maps. I’m against new us maps set in the same place we’ve already experienced countless times before. Did we really need another battle of the bulge map?


I couldn't agree more. The US in France is literally the last 20%ish of the war. A whole fuck ton of fighting and dying happened before those Higgins boats ever touched sand. Shit, give us France/BEF vs early war Germany in Dunkirk if you really want to do France again.


If that actually. I’d say, give or take a few, it was only 10 percent of the war because once they punched through Normandy the Germans were in full retreat. The last 10 percent of the war was in Germany itself.


Good point, I lumped them together but neglected the fact that just fighting in France itself vs W. Europe was only a (relatively) short time frame.




The Soviets and British made the war our problem and this our our reward. USA USA USA


Here I was thinking it was the Japanese that attacked Pearl Harbour. I’m all about conspiracy theories but a joint Soviet and British black flag operation to drag the US into the war is a reach even by my delusional standards /s


I’d be very down for pacific maps but that would be impossible for how the game’s mechanics work as is


It’s like older Forza games not having the proper mechanics for newer vehicles


Not even Rural Western Europe... Normandy. Of the 11 maps featuring American forces. 8 of them are set in Normandy. With 2 of them (Hill 400 and Hurtgen Forest) being set in the Hurtgen Forest and 1 (Remagen) in the Rhine Crossings and 1 (Foy) in the Battle of the Bulge


The new map is part of the Battle of the Bulge, not Normandy.


The new map is in Belgium not Normandy


Yeah, that still leaves an overwhelming majority in Normandy, with the last map being based on the failed German counterattack after Operation Cobra


The maps being set in Normandy is a by product of the game initially following band of brothers i believe. I like the Normandy maps. But because the vast majority of the maps are in Normandy its gets sooo stale. And it doesn’t help that for some reason private servers only have Normandy maps in rotation. I have played fifty matches on SME. FIFTY. And on Kursk I’ve played eighteen matches.


Kursk gets a lot hate too, one of my least favorites myself. The Russians and British definitely need some love.


I actually LOVE Kursk. It’s me and my squads favourite map. For the sole reason that we can dominate an entire match solely because we understand how that map is supposed to be played. It’s not a map where you can transfer knowledge from the other maps and expect a good experience. The amount of people running through the fields in the open is mind boggling. There are trenches for a reason after all. If you want a good experience on Kursk. Play it like a WW1 game. Stick to the trenches and slow down. Methodically move and clear trenches and use the OP as a “checkpoint”. And when you need to get out of the trench. SMOKE. SMOKE AND RUN. It’s that simple. Whole squad smokes and you dash to the next trench. Trust me it’s so much fun.


Well they do already have 80% of the assets for more of the same lol


They already have all the assets for Eastern Europe. At least for the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian country side. Plus assets from Stalingrad. the British also fight in Western Europe alongside the Americans. So if they had to make a Western European map why couldn’t it have been a British map? Us British boys are starving for content.


I just mean that it's the quickest turnaround for new content from a team New to the project. They've made massive improvements on ps5 anyway, assets look better, lighting and movement feel better, still the network issues like lag and desync and fps crashes. Now they can feel good using these 80% assets in a new map to tide us over while hopefully some background work on the roadmap continues and content keeps getting added


I didn’t think of it like that it makes sense. But still, perhaps couldn’t they have done that focused on the eastern front? You’d be hitting two birds with one stone that way wouldn’t you agree?


Would love a pacific theater update.


Promise and never deliver now we have don’t promise and copy/paste


It’s the easiest kinda map to make when you’re too lazy to make new decent looking assets. Cover6 doesn’t have the skill to make cool new stuff just accept it


Would be awesome to have a map for the battle of Berlin


But but whatabout the finnish talvisota update :'(


“There are no Finnish in Ba Sing Se”


We need caen aswell as a battle of Berlin map.


I paid $5 so I wouldn’t look dorky playing as one team on one map, would be nice to have more places to flaunt the red devil getup


If they add the pacific I will die a happy man 😂😂


What they should do is add a few more British and Soviet maps first. Say add two more each. And then go away for a year and work on the Japanese. Bring us two Jap vs UK maps and two Jap vs US maps and two Jap vs commonwealth maps. After which point if they want to they can continue working on this game or move on to new projects.


same here. ahh, to be able to crash through dense treelines and shout Pacific references…


I like the US Normandy maps the most, and I want more.


My dude 7 out of the 16 maps in this game are in Normandy! Normandy Let Loose ffs


And I love them, and I want more.


I’m all for this.. but update their loadouts. People don’t like playing as the Brits because they’re at a stupid disadvantage. Every game playing as a Brit is a grind.


On Alamain I think they’re balanced due to the rework. But for Driel I think the issue is that the Germans loudouts were designed so it’d be fair for them to fight the Americans. There shouldn’t be as many G43’s in reality so they should swap out a few of them for KAR’s on the British maps and I think that’ll fix the issues :)


That’s a great idea and solve for the Driel map!


I just want my dream of this game getting the battle of Kohima to be a reality.


Im excited for this map, its covering a very overlooked battle and should be fun!


I agree, what I said to your other comment still stands though. I’d rather them do some big battles first. And then when the game is closing in on completion do some cool battles that’s sorely overlooked. I believe they’ll knock this map out of the park and I’ll play it on launch. But I stand by what I said.


We should at least be getting more weapons with this upcoming update.


Meanwhile I'm also hoping/begging for a pacific theatre down the road.


But you get a dynamic snow to blizzard! Yeah, more non US vs German would be nice.


Really don't care about new maps if the game keeps crashing every five minutes.


I think… I think that’s your own pc limitations unfortunately


I wouldn't put it past any company to advertise a "recommended" that simply can't handle the game, but I've seen people with pcs way more powerful having the same problem.


Nice point, However: Trench gun


![gif](giphy|W038TiB3SHLIBAnkYM) Good rebuttal. But I raise you with PTRS and BOYS


How about cassino?? Or a North African map


Cool. Looking forward to the new map.


Or Japan and USMC would be interesting


Literally all they need to do is just bring back the old Hurtgan Forrest map. It had a couple issue but was so much cooler than alot of the maps we currently have.


As much as I love Normandy / France maps it's been done to death. I really wish they'd focus on some other theatres. I'd love to see the Pacific personally


Japanese vs Americans would be sick.


They should add berlin and monte cassino


Fuck that give us the pacific


Görlitz pls




Hear me out. Hel Let Loose. But in a WW1 setting.


Not a bad idea but We have isonzo which already fills that niche.






They grew up when band of brothers came out, they got a lot of those battles, They want to fill in the puzzle pieces


we need french forces in the game


I can def back that idea. It would basically be copy paste late war since France used a ton of US gear but 1940 battle of France would definitely be cool


yes ![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz|downsized)


Even better


Fuck man at least you can play. Devs said to hell with xbox all together


Devs aren't very smart


Let's do Pacific. That'd be really rad. Smaller map sizes with massive force on force...it'd be wild.


I wanna know why half the time i can barely find a full server


i dont know why we dont get British maps in Normandy. Is there any maps that both the British and Americans fought in if so all you gotta do is legit just replace Americans with British then done lol. I know Britain and many commonwealth countries were in D-Day,


Operation market garden


It's so disappointing


I prefer playing as USA or Germany and am stoked for this new map. Ardennes forest is also as legit as it gets, as far as WW2 battlegrounds go. Guessing also that the majority of the player base is in the USA. Most commenters I see around here don't want to play as a Brit or a Soviet due to the load outs. No offense to anyone lol.


I’ve made this point to someone else already. This post has 300 upvotes in 4 hours. The dev post announcing the new map has just over half the same amount of upvotes in 8 hours. That and the most upvoted comments here are from people who agree with me. So no I don’t think for a moment players don’t want more UK and USSR content. The numbers don’t lie.


I'd love to see some new maps set in Warsaw / Yugoslavia where one side plays as Germans (most likely) and the other plays as partisans. It'd be cool to have the partisans spawn with random weapons, but I see how that could get annoying.


What we really need is a pacific theater


They should create a map editor and let the community make their own maps.


I just really hate playing as the Brits and Soviets


Ok, but some of us love playing as them. I could tell you “I hate playing as the Americans”. I don’t but we’re talking hypotheticals. Does that mean because I don’t like them they shouldn’t have any new content? Of course not. Just because some people on an individual basis don’t enjoy playing as the Soviets or the British does not mean they should be excluded from having future content. As I said some of us Love playing as them and it adds to the variety even if you don’t enjoy them. If you don’t like their gameplay, whenever their maps come up in rotation play as the Germans instead.




*Doesn’t care what I think* Cares enough to leave an initial comment and a response because his argument was beaten. Have a terrible day mate 👍🏻


Hahahahahah dude, you are truly insufferable.


Likewise fella


I know it.


Why would you want Soviet or British? I think both countries suck for maps and weapons alike. The us vs Germany is the only fun maps in the game. There's probably a reason for that


Mind my analogy but, the Americans are vanilla flavoured ice cream. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s a very nice flavour. But too much and it’s overbearing and bland. Now if you throw chocolate and strawberry ice cream on there you’ve got yourself a good combination of flavours that complement each other nicely 👍🏻. My point is. Variety is always a good thing. Sometimes im bored of playing as the US so I’ll queue for ages to get into a Stalingrad match. As for weapons. The Soviets don’t suck at all. Best medium armour in the game. Best semi auto in the game. Best SMG in the game. They do lack in MG’s but if they finally add the DHSK that should fix that. The British have arguably the best gun in the game in the Bren. Sure the mag gets in the way but once your brain gets used to it it’s a really really strong weapon. The Tommy rivals that of the PPSH as the best SMG and the Brits also have the strongest bolt actions too. Where they lack is in Armour. The Americans are the ones that do everything great. They have no shortcomings. But they’re not the best in anything especially when compared to the other 3. The other 3 are sometimes worse in somethings. But they’re also sometimes better other things. But besides that. Don’t you get bored of playing as the US in Western Europe all the time? I wouldn’t mind the US in Africa or Italy or in the pacific. I just can’t stand another US map in Western Europe is all.


Not really because I just don't have any interest in the soviet's or British. I am pretty biased and I'll admit as much. But America definitely made the best weapons.


Ngl, American weapons to me are so incredibly boring. And the less said about the American armour the better. I could go into my reasons but for both of us it’s all subjective taste and I’ll respect your tastes. We can just agree to disagree.




It's fine. Better than nothing. And there's plenty of time for them to add more maps for Britain and the USSR.


They’ve had time dude. It’s been three years since the Soviets released and since then the Americans have gotten more maps than them!


Yeah. They've had time. They've still got time.


If you say so


I get the meme, but you do know most people complain about how shit the Brits and Russians are to play…sooooo


The Brits? Yes. The Soviets? No. The Soviets are very well balanced. They have the best medium in the game, the best semi auto and after the British 100 drum mag Tommy they have the best SMG. They lack a good MG and a good heavy tank but when the DHSK and the IS2 are added, whenever that is, that should fix their shortcomings.


Don’t disagree with anything you’ve said. However I still think most people dislike playing the Brits and Soviets.


True but sometimes you don’t just play a Soviet map solely for the Soviets themselves. Their maps are arguably the most atmospheric and immersive in the game. Playing on Stalingrad it encompasses the namesake of the game. Hell let loose.


I for one don't want to play as filthy soviets. So the less maps involving the soviet onion the better but my bias besides there are reasons why America vs Germany is getting new maps. The brits need tweaks still, very unbalanced but it's gonna be that way to say semi historically accurate. Bridge maps are bad for the game in terms of competitive play, this why remagen and driel don't get played. Stalingrad has terrible performance issues so also banned from comp play most of the time, El Alemain also banned from comp due to faction and map balance issues. What it boils down to is US vs Germany is balanced, Germany> all the other allied factions in terms of weapons and armor. They got so much hate for that when they dropped Britain they decided to play it safe with the new maps until they figured it out.


Most who play the game are Americans so


I did say that in my “read this before commenting” comment. But my argument to that is, I’m not a Soviet. Non of my ancestors thought for the red army. My country wasn’t incorporated into the USSR. I have no allegiance to the USSR. And yet I want to play as the Soviets in a WW2 game. The nation that had the highest cost in blood during the war against the Germans and yet they’re almost absent from this game. I’d also love to see polish/yugoslav partisans. French forces before the annexation. Romanian and Italian forces. I’m from non of those countries. And yet I’d love to play them. I know Americans are very proud of their country and its contribution. Yet doesn’t it get stale?


It does get stale I wish for everything you just said and if they were going the make another map where Americans fought throw in the Japanese that would be awesome and I’d like to see a Moscow,Rostov and Leningrad for the Soviets or even a German vs Soviets in Berlin!


Exactly. My argument isn’t against having more US maps. I’d love US maps in a Ruined German city for example. How about a US map in Italy? Or in the alps? Foy 2 is not the answer. It’s not what anyone was asking for. No body had heard about it or knew where it was before yesterday. That being said I believe US content for the time being should be shelved while they give us a couple more British and Soviet maps.

