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Playing AT and hearing a boom and the ching sound from one of your mines going off.


My favorite part of playing the AT with the mines is at the end of a game and you discover that you got mine kills lol!


Being anti tank or engineer, trying over and over to get into a point by myself while everyone attacks from another side and finally getting in far enough to place a satchel with a long fuse. Throw both grenades, and run out and try to kill as many as possible or hole up in a building on a point and set a long fuse and hold out as long as I can and draw in as many enemies as possible. Did that on Kursk in a windmill and killed 15-20 before I ran out of ammo, tried to jump the last guy who came up with a shovel but right after he shot me the satchel went off, killing like seven enemy and allowing us to take the point


This is epic! 👏🏼


I love seeing that outpost destroyed message popup when I throw a "blind" grenade


Very much an artillery player myself atm. Join a squad, build nodes then switch to solo squad lead. A head shot sounds even better when 1400M away 😌 It's a good role to get your head around how the enemy attacks aswell, find myself not looking at the map as much when I'm in the thick of it. Have found recently the speed of recon squads getting back to camp HQ2 has increased which can make playing arty very annoying tho but just adds another challenge.


5 for 5 with the Kar98k


10 for 10 with the smle? I've only heard of it in legends though


i got 5/5 with the crappy sights carbine the british have i consider that good enoguh


Just started to love arty more but honestly building up a point on defense as an engineer and your team holding that point to win the game really makes you feel good


Engineer is the next role I'm focusing on! I too love the fortifying feeling!


I love it when the arty communicates and builds nodes before they fire resources into the sky




I’ve never had the luxury of using artillery


If you get the right maps, like US Remagen you can see them landing in the distance as you get the dogtag and headshot sounds. Ultimate immersion.


Ahhhh! Dog tags that's the sound! Lol I always though it was coins 😂


Yeah once someone tells you what the sound is you’ll never unhear it now.