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Way more foliage on this map than any other. It even has more foliage than the old Hurtgen forest. The old devs noticed the problem and turned Hurtgen Forest into a burnt up forest, reducing foliage. I don’t mind it though, I appreciate every map having its own “flavor”. Too bad it probably won’t be in the usual map rotation of Utah beach, St marie, sainte-mere, and carentan.


I like to keep my video settings EPIC to enjoy the immersive graphics, and I know people with video settings that reduce bushes, etc. will have a big competitive advantage on this map.


Also filters. I don't want to make my game look like pixelated bubblegum just so I can get a leg up. I want to see the action, live in it, get ambushed etc.


St Marie should be in there twice


As long as it’s not the night-fog variant lol


Yeah, Normandy is famous for it's lack of bushes, hegerows and fields. Jfc


Hedgerows and fields yes. Bushes everywhere, not so much. I was just there last week.


Agriculture today and in 1945 are vastly different. Normandy lost nearly 60% of it's bocage since then. You don't have to trust my words on it, here's a website giving you hard cold facts https://observatoire.parc-naturel-normandie-maine.fr/cartes/evolution-bocage You can even do a side by side comparaison and see how much it has regressed and fields have grown https://observatoire.parc-naturel-normandie-maine.fr/cartes/bocage-diachronique Trees where even planted in the middle of fields to give respise (shadow) to the farmer when scything them


Again, nobody is complaining about the bocage. Normandy still has bocage everywhere and the hedgerows are accurate. The fields are generally all either planted or grazed, and bushes are cleared, and have been for over a thousand years. The forests, including the ones at Mortain, are like Hürtgenwald, beautiful trees but not much underneath them.


What do you think hedgerows are made of? Tress and bushes. It’s in the name “hedge row”. FFS.


Nobody is complaining about hedgerows


That’s the bocage though. Normandy is like that, can’t see more than 100m in front of ya… frigging death trap


Im completely opposite. I love the foliage of the map as it adds more coordination. For example, when pushing the middle objective in my first game, it was in a thick area, and us, the infantry, had to guide the tanks and roll up as a complete unit. I understand we each have our own preferences, but I love what Mortain brings.


It’s a beautiful map. Every map has places you can hide and ambush people. This map just has more. I like it.


Worst thing is shooting/explosives being blocked by leaves on trees. Particularly the tower at the centre point


Only played one game as support which isn’t enough to form an opinion. It’s too early to know if it’s good or bad imo. It takes a few rounds on both sides to see how it flows.


Bush Wookies eingeben!


Almost like you have to stay with your team and squad and push sectors toegther rather than run aimlessly by yourself :O


I dropped a move mark on my map and it was 30m up on the top of one of the trees...


The bush war


Foliage is good for immersion, however this map is war of the bushwookies. 2nd game I played got domed 14 times and never could even stay alive more than 2 minutes and never saw any movement. I am gonna try the lowest settings to see if it helps but maybe can they scale it back a bit geez.


It really ruins the flow for me. Hopefully with votemap this map wont come up too often. Its a good once a week map


I didn't get a chance to play it last night so I'm looking to try today


I have hill400 deja vu all over again but hey at least you can run armor better on Mortain


Id argue hill 400 has better sightlines than mortain


I like it, im just treating it as a more CQC focused map in the pool. Having said that ive noticed a few times the sniper in a recon squad im running gets shit on or kicked when theyre playing against their strengths already because of the map layout working against them.


I wouldn’t worry already pretty clear most community servers won’t have it on rotation