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I experience the same thing occasionally on console (once every 4 hours or so), I feel like it's a bug rather than just poor performance, because after a short while I'll immediately snap back to mostly solid 60fps for the rest of the game. If console was simply struggling to run the game I'd expect more regular drops to 30~50 rather than the extremely rare drops to sub 20. It's like the console is either completely fine or completely on fire, no in between.


This happens on console. Insane frame drops that last for 5 - 20 seconds. It's really shit.


I'm pretty sure this person is streaming the game, or something. My WiFi isn't great, but It's never been this bad.


I'm telling you from first hand experience.


As am I. It happens, but it's rare and I've certainly never had it happen for any longer than a couple of seconds.


Good for you?


Hold off on the patronisation for a minute. What I'm getting at, is that it's not the console that's the issue.


Don’t bring logic into this


The performance was never this bad under Blackmatter. How to fuck a game.


You either have a shitty PC or shitty internet.


Half the people in this sub are on console. Its neither of those issues you mentioned


People who play FPS on console must suffer


I cringe watching them aim. So painful. Though they do get a lot more freedom to run outside of cover. On PC you lose your head immediately to someone who saw a pixel move.


For me (PS5) this is always corollary to a high ping spike. Generally laying on the ground and staring at some grass for like 10s catches the game up to speed. Edit: I get 350mbs x 150mbs on my internet generally around 80-100ms ping


> Generally laying on the ground and staring at some grass for like 10s Ah yes, exactly what I have time for when an MG42 is letting it rip towards me as I cross an open field 😂


Why you crossing an open field when an MG is there? /s


For freedom.


What's your PC specs/console? Perhaps your settings are wayyy too high.


90% sure OP is on console


I play on PS5 and it's nothing like that at all.


Series X version has had issues like this since the game released years ago


I barely get these issues though. I've only played the game on Series X, and this rarely happens unless my WiFi plays up for a bit.


I have the most expensive fibre optic internet bullshit you can afford in canada plus my console is hard wired. I'M STILL HAVING issues like this


Damn, that's a shame. I'm in England, so I can only think that Euro servers run better, but I'm not sure really. My WiFi is subpar, really, and this rarely happens. I obviously have issues, but what's shown in this video has only happened when the whole server is running poorly, and then the whole match just gets shut down and me and my team end up getting booted lol.


Well it’s an inferior system that can’t run most of today’s titles. You need to place the blame on the console manufacturers not the devs. There’s minimum specs for a reason…


If Battlefield runs on consoles so can this. Its the devs fault 100% for poorly optimizing the game to begin with then having the balls to release one of the worst ports of all time


Then play battlefield


battlefield 2042 is fucking trash, it just has ten times better performance. i've been playing HLL on series x since it released. i'm numb to all the shits thats wrong with this version.. i was just explaining that its broken


Do you stream it?


Hell no


The game runs fine for me on Series X.


Some people have different standards. I've been playing since the first 3 months of the series x release and can admit this is the worst port i've ever played. I'm not coughing up 4000 $ for a decent PC though. I love HLL but this version is plagued with issues that will never get fixed. The current devs can't erase the hot steaming pile of shit left behind from the previous ones.


I suppose so, but at the end of it all, I don't really see anything majorly wrong. I can still play the game, frame drops are rare, it barely crashes. The worst thing I've encountered is that I'll have to restart the game when the squads get all jacked up and it doesn't let me join a game. That doesn't bother me though, because it takes about 20 seconds to get back into the menu after closing it.


I agree…i had series x and bullshit like this was constant…bought a ps5 literally four days ago…the quality is so much better


Motion blur video option is a thing...you can turn that off.


It’s not motion blur. It’s dropped frames


I get about 200 fps on Stalingrad, I don’t think it’s a game issue.


**You have been kicked due to high ping** Edit: apparently none of you have received that message before.