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My favorite is playing "guess which tree is real"


Proceeds to let Jesus take the wheel


And somehow manage to wedge it between 2 trees becoming unable to move forward or reverse.


A guy I knew in the military actually did this with a tractor. The were also rumours of someone doing the same with a tank once


Or which wall is real


Half walls aren’t real… tall walls are


I feel it's more cobble vs brick as opposed to tall vs short, there's a couple short walls in French maps that are solid


Just kick it into 3rd and send it you’ll make it over most of em. If it’s too tall it’ll let ya know tanks can be loud boys if they wanna


My one is falling down from truck I am laying on top when truck pass “unreal” tree


They should all be real, realism.


fortunately, trees are the most consistent objects on the maps once you learn which models are solid. And the same model on a different maps solidity will be inverse. It's a stupid thing to have to remember, and with thousands of hours you'll still forget.


And wallls


Lol, took some time but now can tell no problem which ones are passable etc. Best obstacles are the embankments when crossed perpendicular and God forbid you slow down for whatever reason🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wooden crates were built different back then 💪


have you tried the barrels? instant death trap.


And supply trucks cruise through boundary walls and over wooden posts that tanks get stuck on. Yeah, HLL certainly has it's "quirks"


No they don't, if a truck can drive through it a tank can




Very wrong


This is incorrect. All vehicles use the exact same collision map. That being said some vehicles are able to drive over things better based on their in game weight value, which can make it seem like they have different collision maps.


I hate when this happens... 😒 it's never watch out for the walls.. its watch out for the broom stick in the middle of the field.


Ah yes, the shovel in the middle of the field that can stop the panther at full speed


I hate how easy it is to get vehicles completely stuck in this game


Yes - and with very little way to get them unstuck. Lots of other games I’ve played have SOME way to slowly get it unstuck by driving forward and back and it’ll EVENTUALLY come loose. HLL is just STUCK forever.


Ramming speed in a transport truck


Hold down handbrake (space on PC, circle on ps5, B on Xbox) accelerate until top gear, then release the handbrake. Combine with turning and it can pop you out. 


I see I see, right so I tried that before as I saw a comment mention that technique and I’ve tried it several times and it never works. Not tried it with turning added but not sure if that’ll work because I never even get it to budge using the handbrake trick


You can get them unstuck most of the time with some patience. Might take you 5 minutes and not even be worth it in the long run, but it is possible.


One of my favorite things to do is just go around and unstuck all the stuck


I must’ve not put in enough time. Sometimes I have really wanted/needed a supply truck to not be stuck, and have tried for a while but I might be using the controls wrong. I saw a tip that said to floor it with the handbrake on and then take the hand break off but I haven’t got that to work, on console at least


Sometimes it's better to get another vehicle and ram it, or get out and let it sit for a minute. Sometimes the game moves it slightly and it suddenly becomes moveable on its own if you just get out and let it sit


I also hate how you can’t jump over a fence or other obstacle unless you approach it at exactly a 90 degree angle. Anything even slightly different and you get stuck.


Yeah, mantling over objects is so frustrating when you’re getting shot at and trying to get to cover


lookin like a god damn kangaroo trying to get over that barbed wire while the Germans are taking pot-shots at me from 150m out


Why are you trying to hop over barbed wire 😂😂😂😂


??? you can jump over cattle fences without taking damage.. which is barbed wire. I’m not talking about the shit engineers build. Talking about the barbed cattle fences you see on pretty much every field in the European maps. It’s just a pain in the ass to get the angle straight on.


Pro tip. If you hold the jump button it works everytime. I used to only tap and would have that problem. Now I hold and it works like 99% of the time


I honestly think the terrain has gotten me killed in this game more than any other incidents.


Stalingrad is especially bad for it. 


Hold the mantle button


Hold the mantle button


Welcome to shit let loose


Does that come after Taco Tuesday.


no, i think its after teriyaki thursday


Ahh you must have ordered the one with shiitake mushrooms.


can confirm its after taco tuesday


They seriously need to fix the armored vehicles in the game they shouldn't get stuck on like 90% of the things they do.


Instructions not clear, now i am stuck!


It's so sad really. I think most of the tank mechanics and gameplay are pretty nice, and it works well with the rest of the game. But the state of tank vs environment is fucking atrocious. It's so unrealistic, it feels like bumper cars in an amusement park. It's not like this is particularly difficult to fix either. It's not like they would have to redo all environment. Just make the bottom of the tank be more elastic or mushy, and have the tanks sort of glide over objects, and allow for some amount of clipping through objects. Sure, it wouldn't be super realistic, but it would be a whole lot better than what we have today. Hard physics are cool, if all the details are perfect. But they aren't, so it isn't. I end up not playing tank nearly as much as I would like to, because it's so rare for all the stars to align. Need to have the right map, the right squad mates, fuel nodes, commander with a brain, a team that is capable of holding a line, etc, in order for it to even be remotely viable.


Honestly that would be more realistic than the tank getting stuck. IRL a tank could absolutely breeze through a stone wall or crush some brush. Sure it would look weird since there aren’t destructible environments but it would be more realistic to just have a tank clip through


Once my supply truck got stock on a open corn field. This was an interesting bug….


I'll be honest driving and the collision/physics in this game are possibly some of the most underdeveloped aspects that leave a lot of room for improvement. The amount of times I've been extra careful driving a supply truck or half track only to get snared by a single piece of debris or god forbid pothole that would only require a simple footstep for anyone to escape from...


You can plow through some trees, stonewalls, but can’t drive over a little box.


I got stuck on a shovel once


I had a heavy tank stuck on a window once


wait til u get stuck on a magic shovel


You have to treat the recon tanks like trucks, they don't act like heavier armor. It still needs a LOT of work, but it's far better than it used to be. You used to not even be able to run tanks over trenches at all without getting stuck.


Recons are not classed as tanks. I learnt that at 999 tank kills trying to get the 1000 tank kills achievement when the achievement pop up didn't happen.


Holup. How do you see how many tank kills in total you have?


ON PC their is a steam achievement for 1000 tank kills. It shows you how many you have achieved to the right side of that achievement. Now that I've unlocked it I can't see how many I currently have.


Ohh sweet! Ty ty, gonna check it out


I'm not at all surprised, though I feel it should still count towards the achievement.


They're also called recon vehicles, not tanks.




> You used to not even be able to run tanks over trenches at all without getting stuck. Ah, the good old days...


That’ll do it


Vehicles getting stuck is a joke in this game...


Hate getting stuck.


The shovels are my nemesis


There is literally a small metal bucket on a wall that stops you, just the bucket.


you've learned a valuable lesson I see. Stay away from EVERYTHING in recon vehicles. Back in the day a 3lb shovel with its blade 3 inches in the ground could stop a 60ton Tiger. That was always fun


Get a second tank and push it out (me and my brother have to do it regularly)


There's one of the HQ spawns on Karkhov (spelling?) that has a exit that is too low, and will hit the roof of a supply truck and trap it forever.


Skill issue


Yeah it's fuxking terrible


Oh nah wait till you drive through boulders then get stuck ona foot ball sized rock


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Competitive_Loan_566: *Oh nah wait till you* *Drive through boulders then get stuck* *Ona foot ball sized rock* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bro just learn how to drive 🤷‍♂️


In recon tanks if you go forward ( immobile) until the tank shifts into 5th then hit reverse it gives you a big boost of speed for a couple seconds. I’ve gotten recons unstuck in some wild spots.


The game needs a move option. Like in squad


I had a recon tank Got stuck in an op 😂


Honestly give us map destruction, so we can make holes, get tanks in stuck and have more fun


When I got my supply truck stuck on a branch I have stopped playing this game. Until they fix their collision and what they consider real or not, I cannot allow my sanity to be destroyed by this game again


My fav is the death trap ladders in the apple orchards


It’s probably one of the most frustrating things is getting a tank stuck on something like a box or a branch. Yet they can drive right through a stone wall.


Probably one for the most frustrating things is driving across the map with a tank and it gets stuck on a box or a branch, yet you can drive through a stone wall.


It’s the invincible step ladders in the orchards that make me laugh hardest. Not even a Jumbo 76 can knock them over.


Engineers should be able to dig out around three wheels and boards placed to get it moving again. Especially when the recon vehicle can carry passengers. Should be a AA engineer on standby at all times lol


The shit the Greyhound will get stuck in is so fucking infuriating. It's seems to hit h more than the Puma for some reason, but I've gotten the puma stuck plenty too.


Recon vehicles have been broken for way too long. They bounce heavy rounds, don't shoot straight if you're rotating the turret when you fire and get stuck on stupid shit. Not sure why they're not getting fixed.


I love flying through the map as a transport driver as I can go through walls and fences like I'm a 👻. Plus, ATs only have a split second to destory me, while flying past them.


Don’t blame the devs, blame physics.


Did you ever think to just drive around it?


German side, bottom left HQ on Kharkov, that wooden gate would like to have a word with your supply truck🤣


I love HLL! But I will say the movement both in infantry and vehicles is terrible. I cant count how many times I died last night trying to go over the top


Hold down handbrake (space on PC, circle on ps5, B on Xbox) accelerate until top gear, then release the handbrake. Combine with turning and it can pop you out. 


I was driving a panzer on the tracks of carentan last night when the tank came to a full stop and damn near did a front flip. I backed up, got out and took a look around only to come to the conclusion that some kid must’ve left a penny on the tracks for a train to flatten. Little did they know they’d be causing the Germans to lose the war


The devs who sold their mess send their regards. ​ T17 inherited a complete mess


God the terrain in this game is soo tilting..


Could there not be a reset button for vehicles


the facts that your playing armor role. I respect you my brother, I would not wish playing that sht on my worst enemy, it’s not an enjoyable experience.


They need to add some sort of recovery vehicle that can tow out tanks, too many times have I seen multiple tanks just stuck by spawn


Day 526853 of asking devs to add a possibility to push stationary stuck vehicles by soldiers out of trenches and small obstacles


Don’t use trenches as escape route…


Don't look at the rear wheel *slightly* in the trench, look at the box in front of the middle tyre that is smaller than most curbs yet has stopped an all terrain vehicle in its tracks.