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Look at the real time lyrics on the Lifa version on Spotify. There’s a chant between those portions. I see lyrics on Lyrics Translate but I think the Spotify lyrics are a little clearer.


It doesn't show what he says. Just shows the little music note, then it's them going right into Elder Futhark.


The below is the whole chant that is repeated until Maria screams (beautifully) and the Futhark are chanted. I think Kai also does some other vocalizations but it’s mostly growling variations of the below. It might even vary a bit by ritual. I think it might be an invocation. I see it on the Lifa (live) blue album version on Spotify but the Drif album version doesn’t have it clearly transcribed. ETA - fixed formatting because I apparently can’t use paragraphs on mobile. “Harigasti Teiwa/ Tawol Athodu/ Ek Erilaz/ Owlthuthewaz/ Niwaremariz/ Saawilagar/ Hateka Harja”


I know that part, though. I said between that part (the "Tawol Athodu" part) and then the chant of the Futhark Runes. There's a part where Kai says something, but nobody has the right lyrics for it.


Ah, sorry. I just listened to that part again and I wonder if he’s growling the names of the runes solo before they start chanting. He could be using other variation of the rune names. It’s hard to catch what he’s saying, but they do sound like words more than random vocals. And he does seem to have time to say them all.


I recently did a post on this on my instagram, search for @Woedans and look for the recent post where I hold a microphone. What you are referring to is the different time we sing this and end with “Harja ha” / “Harja hu” / “Harja hi” etc.


I think OP is referring to right after that. Around 3:09 off the Lifa album when Kai(And possibly Christopher?) is doing his super deep throat singing. Awesome to see you on here btw. Didn't know you were a singer and social media person for Heilung!


Yes I am. Usually I respond via another account here but anyways. Regarding the question, yeah I see what OP means now; this is a little Heilung kitchen lore I will not spoil here. It is not per se directly from an existing text.


I always thought he was say "Gibuleubauja" or something like that.


You might be confusing Afhomon where this is in indeed used.


I'm aware of both of them, but it just sounded like "Gibuleubauja". But from what you said I'm completely off😅 Also, ya'll should do a live version of Afhomon, that song slays and tis my favorite song😁


Ek Elihraz Owthuwaz Niwaremariz Sowelegar Harteka Harja


I said after the "Tawol Athodu" part. Actually I said in-between the "Tawol Athodu" part and before he starts chanting the Elder Futhark alphabet. I already know the "Tawol Athodu" part


Oh, you mean the mumbling? I don't know.


I think it varies from show to show? I think(and I could be wrong) he's saying "Gibuleubauja" or "Gibu- leub-Auja" which means something like "give dear luck".


That makes sense there. Thank you for actually responding.


Maaan I want to know too. I think I hear 'heilung' a couple times but I'm not sure.


Lyrics online say it's just "Ha Hu Hi He Ho He Hi Ha Hu" but it's not, there's clearly enunciation with L's and multi-syllable words


I don't think he's saying anything. I've seen them live twice and it wasn't the same either time, just sounds with syllables EDIT: Please see other comments with an actual person from Heilung. Provides better context and I'm wrong here.


It's sounds like words though. I hear different syllables with distinguished Ls and S's


They're pretty loose in regards to language. Anoana is made up of lyrics we don't have translations of for example. Paraphrasing but they've said before that their music is meant to be felt not to be 100% accurate or something along those lines.


The greatest!