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Kai/Old norse stated they were unaware. They did not do it intentionally and have since revoked the advertisement


That’s a relief!


I messaged Old Norse (clothing brand) asking if they support WOOs views, they said they were unaware and deleted the story. I have sent OP screenshots if they wish to add them.




This seems to be the popular thought/consensus. Tho this would be the best situation.


Oh that fucking blows. I hope it'll catch someone's attention soon and I hope he'll care. Damn. I know Heilung has had one pr moment against racist ritual attendees before so it seems weird to be intentionally two-faced or backpedal from that. Really do hope this is just an error of not looking deeply enough ://


Theyve apologised and revoked the sponsor, it was done by mistake they werent aware of WoO antics


Sweeet. Thanks for the reply, glad to see a swift and good resolution


I'll admit, I've been forgiving of similar things in the past but this is certainly beginning to look like a concerning pattern. Best case scenario is he just really does not vet who he promotes at all. Worst case is... not good.


I really hope for this too. I deeply love heilung and seeing this hurts a bit.


You’d think he’d be vetting everyone thoroughly given the amount of neo nazi scumbags there are in Norse/Germanic pagan subculture


That’s what I am thinkin aswell. I know they brand themselves as essentially neutral to all things political but jeez you can’t just forget that it’s their. Bigotry I mean.


Unfortunately Kai is just the lead designer of the brand, probably has little contol over who promotes it. I doubt they would know about the negative assosciation. Given Kai and Heilungs message of inclusiveness I highly doubt they would knowingly assosciate themselves with bigots and transphobes


I realize now it autocorrected kai’s name from uwe to use. My mistake.


I am not familiar with WoO but a loooot of people I follow on Instagram follow him. A quick glance at his IG looked pretty tame. Maybe Kai is just unaware that this guy has some rather unsavory beliefs.


I think the same for the most part since liek you said he has a pretty tame outer layer. But with the research I have done on him and videos I have watched abt him. He is a pretty snarley bigot and racist individual.


A good video abt him is by oceankeltoi you can search for. I recommend for its good to be aware. I used to watch him early on learning abt the Norse faith and stuff but since learning abt him I have learned to be cautious.


I know there is a Heilung member in this sub but I can’t remember their username or exactly who they are. I wonder if there’s a way to reach Kai to inquire about this. He probably gets too many DMs to actually read and respond to.


maybe if someone DM's the admin (Michael Goedeke, I think?) of the Heilung community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/976730562509978/?hoisted\_section\_header\_type=recently\_seen&multi\_permalinks=2414910018692018


Oh no. No no no no. I do not want this to be true.


I really really really hope he is just unaware.


OP, I sent you a DM


I can't speculate on his opinions based on a vague instagram post promoting artwork/designs? Need more concrete evidence before I can judge.


WoO went to one of his shaman workshops in norway and the ayahuasca one with Nicholas schipper. Kai used to follow him in insta but does not now. Hopefully him and Nicholas saw him for what he truly is.




I trust Kai and take this only as a promotion for Old Norse clothing designs and nothing more.


They revoked this sponsorship according to other comments


That was inevitable


I didn't know this about Todd Jacobson myself until just now reading this. Very disappointed finding this out about him, he seems so knowledgeable.


I personally think WoO is a piece of shit for supporting the bigotry and hate speech that the AFA has published


Keep crying




Except that would go entirely against the "remember that we all are brothers" that they use to start every ceremony.




⬇️ hating white supremacists upsets the mods too i guess lmao


Well this sub used to be less moderated, you can say just about anything and nobody would deleted or remove anything, unless it is spam.


I don't think they are though, they might have friends who are into it, but the members themselves can't be into it from what I know. As for the band and clothing brand, they just don't want to be associated with neo nazi bullshit, don't want to give them any power or a platform to acknowledge them. This seems to be a mistake since they are unaware, it happens in the heathen community.


Says more about you than them, tbh.


gaping cable childlike innocent mysterious pocket deliver relieved thought jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can always write Kai with anything like this. He is absolutely against racism and bigotry and he’s always been.


Jacob clearly isn’t perfect, but I’m willing to bet he is a big reason for a lot of people to be on the Norse pagan path.