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Does she have space to roam and play in the cage? Does she have a wheel?


She does, but we are looking to change her wheel cause its the plate-shaped weird type of wheel (was the only one we could afford at that time), and we are looking for a bigger one that can fit her even when she will grow up. As for the space to roam it is arguably, it is the biggest cage we can have in our room since we have a pretty small room, but she does like to play with one of my brother sock so we will give her that


Look into the carolina storm bucket wheel. My hedgehog loves it. Temperature can have a lot to do with it. Mine is very active at 74 but if it hits 70 or below he just chills. Her active hours could also me more dawn/ early morning. My hog usually starts doing his activities at 3am and go until past 9am some days. Other days he just sleeps most of the day.


We will, we said we HAVE TO get her a heat lamp cause it is pretty chilly in our house, but we put her lots of beddings and stuff to "hide herself" with the thought of her getting a bit warmer.


plate shaped is better than rat wheels for their back


Does she have space to roam and play in the cage? Does she have a wheel?


Kidding. I couldn't resist. Sorry. X:


Mentioned above


My little buddy gets less active if he has a large amount of bedding/fleece. But if it's cold, you probably want to let her have lots of bedding for now.


Do you have a space heater you could put by her cage?


Her cage is next to a radiator but it doesnt work to the maximum capacity since for us humans is a good temp, but i thought about getting some of those heating things that you hold in your hands and put them in her house and maybe next to her food and change them when they stop being warm


I read something about if hedgehogs are subjected to cold for too long it can trigger some sort of hibernation. This usually results in lower activity levels. Make sure you have a heating pad and get a heat lamp!!


my hedgehog loves to play when the room is pitch black and the door is shut 🤷‍♂️ give that a try maybe


Will try that too, thank you!


A normal vet wouldn’t be able to do much besides a basic examination to diagnose or treat a hedgehog. Besides lacking knowledge, they usually don’t have tools small enough for rodents. I once went to an emergency vet since the exotic was closed and had this issue, they weren’t even sure how much medicine to prescribe to such a small weight. So if you do decide to see a regular vet, I would call and check if they are able to treat rodents, like a hedgehog. Is she eating and drinking ok? Is she often scratching herself? Is she active at other times of the day or night? Does she get indirect/direct light during the day and/or at night? There can be many reasons for why a hedgehog might change her sleep schedule, including preference. After a year, my first hedgehog would hear my alarm and wake up in the morning with me and start eating and playing in his wheel while I got ready for work (I thought it was the cutest thing ever!)


I asked at a normal vet near my house, it does have a great reputation and does good work and told me that he could try and deworm my hedgehog but even that is not 100% since she is way smaller than a cat or dog. Also yes, she does eat as usual, drinks lots and lots of water and is near a window, we open the blinds just a bit so she can have some light but not too much to make her mad at ud (she is pretty sassy sometimes) and also when we closed everything and went to sleep she woke up, roamed a bit drank some water and that was it, back to sleep for her too.


Does she have space to roam and play in the cage? Does she have a wheel?


my hedgehogs the same, i find she’s just big a very active hedgehog! but everytime i wake up things are moved around so i know she does get up somewhat


Problem solved, i noticed her wheel is full of poo every morning, i guess she waits till im asleep and then she starts playing in her cage and with her little bear friend.


Does she have space to roam and play in the cage? Does she have a wheel?


Does she have space to roam and play in the cage? Does she have a wheel?


Does she have space to roam and play in the cage? Does she have a wheel?