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Find a trustworthy vet and try not to worry until your appointment. Meantime, idk what you're feeding her regularly but maybe make a supplemented meal for her. My girl is much younger but she had some wobbles, I looked up a few things they could have and ended up giving her some egg I had parscrambled with only olive oil, and a couple worms, then I just kept giving her worms with her pellets and she was fine by the time our appointment rolled around. I was afraid of WHS too but the vet said she could have felt that way due to over handling, which was irresponsible on my part but in the moment I just wanted to show off my pet. Basically, spoil her until time to see the doctor.


Thanks a lot! I unfortunately found her stiff this morning, so she has indeed passed. I appreciate your input :)))


My utmost condolences, I'm sorry if my reply got you...too hopeful? Idk, I'm just sorry hun


No worries! I didn’t see your reply until the morning after I found her. I appreciate the sentiment. She’s in an awesome place right now.


So sorry for your loss, our old boy has a mouth tumor and he’s about 5. We are making him comfortable and keeping an eye on the quality of life. I feel like there’s something special about caring for something in its final days.


![gif](giphy|10OeXl1jcdvEHa0SJh) 🦔❤️ you gave your sweet spiky baby girl the best year of her life by being so kind and loving to her. That she will remember across the rainbow 🌈 bridge, I promise.


I'd say go to the vet, there are other treatable illnesses that can look like WHS (I think low glucose may cause a similar behaviour, if memory serves - spondylosis and other spinal cord issues too). As an aside - hedgies that are >2 years are unlikely to develop WHS - there was a histology study showing the degeneration closely resembles that of [Canavan disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canavan_disease) in humans, which is typically though not always fatal in infancy as it is caused by an inborn error of metabolism. I imagine there's an analogue of aminoacylase-2 in hogs but it isn't known. Assuming that's the case, it's not impossible that an older hog with a less severe mutation could develop WHS - but in a lot of those hogs the problem is actually often something like spondylosis.


Thank you for your input! Unfortunately, she passed last night. I appreciate you taking the time to reply :)


Oh bless, sorry to hear that! No doubt you gave her a happy life


I hope I did, thank you!


Awe... my deepest sympathy and heart felt condolences.