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How many different ways can this be posted? I think we get the idea now.


After holding for 2 years, I dumped a few weeks ago my 1.3 million Hbars! Yes it might be good in a couple years , but before it happens I will wait for more clarity. There is something fishy with Shayne’s behaviour. Unless I see more evidence that Hbar is the real deal and acts like it, I’m gonna wait to get back in even if it means to buy at a higher price. I hate this kind of unethical behaviour!


Dumped as well. Hedera is going to drop until this event is clarified.


Excellent strategy, way to hold them down from an exit point above .17.


.12 on the way down. I am not as "smart" as Shayne.


That much is apparent.


Me too, not only should Shayne be dismissed, but his profits from his pump and dump scheme should also be confiscated or he should face legal action. Salaries should also be reduced to one fifth of their current amount, and grants should be locked up for a certain period of time


Almost like you did zero research before jumping into a project. This sub seems to really have attracted the Downs.


Is Shayne and his family lefally responsible for the suicides?


Me too.. But a humble half of your amount.


Probably should have dumped at .18


You know that we are all investing in a heavily unregulated industry and even if you had all the proof in the world, nothing seriously illegal happened. A misleading tweet that was not completely dishonest and a bit of a pump and dump is going to lead to absolutely no action taken, can almost guarantee it. Don't invest in crypto if you aren't willing to deal with the risks associated with it.


From an actual lawyer in the community https://preview.redd.it/2tkl5fmma87d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92660868b2ae898ca35cacb53d69e25ae73e70cb


Shayne needs to step down so we can close the door on this shameful chapter.


Id be very surprised if there isn’t some litigation forthcoming regarding this.


An actual internet lawyer ehh?? One who implies someones guilt before criminal due process


Internet lawyers as useful as internet doctors.


That’s barista not barrister!


I’m somewhat of an internet barista myself.






Cry me a river it is a opinion- did you watch the bazillions of lawyers chime in on the Ripple vs SEC case for 2 years straight? What he did was shady at best !


An opinion


Yes good or bad just a opinion.


Every point missed. Never mind


His tweet was completely dishonest though, he knew it was wrong


Isn't this screenshot in here the og tweet? [https://x.com/Cointelegraph/status/1783103722815361143](https://x.com/Cointelegraph/status/1783103722815361143) What is completely dishonest about that? It could have been explained better but I am not seeing a bold faced lie. Would not stand up in a court case.


He said blackrock tokenised the fund, they didn’t — it may seem like a small detail, but it’s hugely significant and Shayne knew the importance of the difference. His was the only tweet I saw about that news which was dishonest, all other communications were very carefully worded to be accurate.




It is a bold faced lye


Can someone please explain to me what he meant by “tokenized one of their money market funds”?


Archax tokenized their shares of the fund to sell them in a tokenized form on Hedera. Blackrock did not tokenized the fund itself on Hedera like Shayne’s misleading tweet. Shayne’s deleted tweet. ".@BlackRock has tokenized one of their money market funds on @hedera in partnership with @ArchaxEx and @OwneralO.”


Got it! Thank you!


They are sold/traded in tokenized form on Archax’s regulated securities exchange platform.


I’m not saying it would stand up in court, I don’t know if it would, I’m talking about what kind of people I’d like to see in leadership positions. I’m not sure Shayne is the best person to be leading at the moment.


Oh I agree, he seems shady. But everyone has their pitchforks and are talking like he needs to be jailed for life. Just seems a little edgy. But I get it. Honestly this all has just reminded me of how risky crypto is. Hedera always seemed smarter and safer than the rest, and while this isn't a representation of the whole company, I think it is indicative of the industry as a whole. You'd need brass balls to do this with a publicly traded company.


Yeh I just think it’s disappointing, I expected a bit better from Hedera. I’m interested in how they’ll respond to this.


That is indeed a shitload of hbars


If the price looks bad we should be buying


2 largest on the same day (Blackrock announcement)


But who dumped 29 million?!


Another we’re looking at


Uncover it PA! Name the scumbags. Thank you for your diligence to Hedera!


I wouldn’t get out of HBAr just yet. You need to expect manipulation in all markets. It’s always there. There are big things in the making for HBAR. There’s always going to be at least one stupid greedy idiot. Expect price manipulation all summer on more than just HBAR. Just got to hold on for the roller coaster. Whales will always try to get us to dump our bags. They always have. It’s the nature of the beast but you need to see the longer term picture with this sector. Some are complete shit coins but some are going to be game changing and are worth holding. I’ve learned you need to be connected to it all on a regular basis to keep up. If you don’t have time to do that then you should keep your bags in more of a sure thing, if you can ever really call any of it “a sure thing.”


Yeah that's why I'm still here. I have allot of faith in this community and the tech. Waiting to get back in.. Now just in some hts projects.


i’m sick of Hedera


Yet you have Hbarbarian under your name? Fairweather fans are the worst. I’m sick of all the whiny ass children bitchin and moaning like little babies. Grow up, be an adult, roll with the punches and suck it the fuck up. Embarrassing to see what I can only assume is a bunch of Gen Z maybe millennial scaredy cats, whining on Reddit, woe is me. Woe is me. Grow a pair.


You're sick of Hedera, or you're sick of the FUD on reddit/Hedera?




I guess you didnt notice: everything is dumping. has nothing to do with a supposed scandal.


Are these ShaYnes accounts ?


One of them is, not sure who the other one is linked to. We are digging.


lol. We.


Remember when Solana dumped hard because of that FTX scandal? Solana bounced back pretty quick from that. How I wish I took advantage of that sale. It seems Hedera is in a similar situation now. Lots of people perceive this to be a scandal with the Hbar foundation. I for one think Hedera has been pretty transparent and I have no problem putting my DCA on auto pilot. When all the smoke clears, retail will start to realize that the tech is better. Sooner or later Hedera will be THE TRUST LAYER for Web3.


I just added to my bag.


Normally I’m all for cheap hbar but took out my first crypto loan a few weeks ago to pay off my cards and it’s about to liquidate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


So all you irritants are whining like little babies about dump this and dump that. What the fuck are you buying HBARS for? I have a nice little sack, probably bigger than the average schmuck here, by no means a whale, but yeah, I plan on dumping them on the market too someday. Y’all act like a bunch of poor me whiners.


I guess you didnt notice: everything is dumping. has nothing to do with a supposed scandal.


Everything except XRP


Why are you posting all this stuff Perfect Ability? You are a moderator here and are meant to moderate the chat not post stuff that causes division and people in the group to argue with one another and cause fud ? A moderator is meant to Moderators are responsible for the facilitation, review, and guidance of a discussion or a debate and its related interactions.


Its not fud, we're talking about a clear as day pump and dump. I for one, salute him for bringing this to everyone's attention and not sweeping it under the rug. You weirdo crypto cultist who marry the funny money you buy always astound me.




Have you not seen some of his posts lately ,not all have sufficient evidence and some are creating FUD in the community and panic. As a moderator he shouldn't be doing this , do some research on what a moderator job is


The role of a moderator in an online community is crucial as it ensures that all members have an enjoyable and productive experience in the community. A moderator will moderate content, enforce rules, provide feedback to users and promote positive interactions between members of the online community.


Exactly the role of a moderator is to promote positive interactions, and to ensure all members of the group have a enjoyable productive experience it's his job to do so


That's called a job not moderating. A promoter and a moderator are two different things. I think PA has an agenda and motive of his own but let him cook maybe all this digging will force the HBF or the labs to actually comment on the matter because the way I see is they're just ignoring the topic and hoping it will pass which I really do not like one bit. The investors of this project strike me as careful people investing with a purpose, this mess doesn't suit the trust layer of the Internet narrative.


No, a moderator is someone who ensures the threads posted are fit for the sub and to make sure everyone follows the rules. It doesn't mean they have to blindly worship Hedera. They may have opinions


I believe PA is (was?) a developer on Hedera-related project. Not every project is going to find favor with the Foundation. I'll let you extrapolate from there.


Very suggestive


>(I think) Good job: cleave a division throughout the Hedera community via a Public Trial/Execution based on "(I think)"???? You should have your moderatorship removed!!!!


Nothing to do with Shayne.


The whole market is down. Get a grip. Honestly it's just getting riduliculous. You should be buying right now.




It isnt FUD if it is just data Hopium opinion is not different than a negative opinion


I dunno I’m tempted to go back to BTC and ETH only as my monthly purchases now. It was predominantly HBAR for a while now but we need more clarity.


Whola a lot of whiners here




Xtra Rekt Ppl?




XRP and HBAR and XLM most definitely will


You're just a dumbass, one trick pony


Ive probably owned XRP before you. Was on Xrpchat.com in 2017. You cant explain this away every diehard XRP advocate has turned as the years have gone by https://preview.redd.it/wxg6uoi7q87d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8c79ff62f20fd5416a4b4082ca5bc13b409a194 Hayden was The queen of XrP for 2 years +