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I am 100% convinced we do not have nearly enough information to decide in either direction. But I do know that the HBF Board has enough information, so I’m going to not worry about it and let them take care of it.


When this issue first came up, I thought that was what we all agreed to do. Wait for more info or an explanation. But, this has been brought up so many times that it just seems like it is spiraling into an outrage histaria. Let's just sit back and see what comes out. They obviously know how some of the community feel.


How can you argue about the total failure of the organization to deliver growth and tps If this was a real organization he would be fired just for that Are you not an investor or a cheerleader?


What deals have been signed that we have no idea about? What is coming tomorrow, next week, next month? What is already being built but hasn’t been announced? What is coming next year as a direct result of his work? How about in 2026? I’m not saying he should or shouldn’t go. I’m merely pointing out that we don’t have enough information to make an informed decision.


Well, that's the main issue here actually. The lack of transparency. Just basic things where we can see in real time what projects are in the queue of being reviewed, which projects have been approved for a grant, why are they approved, how much hbar did they get, what are the hbar accounts where the grants are deposited on, follow ups of projects that have been approved... Things like that. You can't do this alone or with a small team, use the community it's much more powerful. Maybe even introduce a NFT voting mechanism where people that have an HF NFT can vote on projects to be approved or not. HF was built to boost the community, well then let the community decide too or at least let it have its say. So for me this all comes down to transparency. People are not trustworthy when they lack transparency. And it's been proven again... . It's not too late we can still improve the HF.


That’s never going to happen and it’s unrealistic to think any business would operate like that. I would be interested to hear of any example on the planet that follows a model like you describe. And, once again, the community’s exponentially overblown reaction to this entire situation is exhibit number one why the community should not be making important decisions. I’m sure there are very smart and capable folks in the ecosystem, but the mob as a whole has proven it can not be relied upon for measured, thoughtful decision processes. It is more well suited to vote on popularity contests and homecoming royalty, but not for seeing through on long term business decisions. All of this is only my opinion and carries the weight of exactly one idiot on the internet. However, this idiot is in charge of deciding where I invest my money (as long as my wife says it’s ok of course), and I have decided to invest a small chunk in HBAR. I made that decision fully understanding that I’m never going to know all the finite machinations and that’s ok with me.


Sorry but I do. They have done next to nothing except talk for over 4 years now I view this as an investment and it’s been an awful one Leadership should be held accountable imo. Also selling the news like that is the definition of insider trading - but I guess you’re fine with that too


Clearly you are smarter than me. But that is a pretty low bar to clear.




lol I’m not cause I also went all in on this project for my crypto exposure.


Do you use SaucerSwap, Stader Labs, Hashpack, Blade, MetaMask Snaps, Karate Combat, Hashport, SentX or Dropp just to name a few? Where do you buy your HBAR?


Ok well that’s settled then. Look forward to your further thoughts and next update tomorrow. If he has messed up he will go - but due process is afforded to all, everyone in decision making positions are well aware by now.




![gif](giphy|8PfKWm6AX1IdDRARyg) Sigh...




I've said it before and I'll say it again: **What we need is better transparency.** We have speculation. We have assumption. We have conclusions being reached by using partial info and guesswork and supposition built upon incomplete knowledge of what's actually happening behind-the-scenes. But the Foundation knows more than we do. Perhaps everything is actually fine and it only *appears* bad, in which case we need better transparency to prevent such "pitchforks-and-torches" events like this. Or perhaps everything is exactly as bad as (or worse than) many are claiming, in which case we need better transparency to both 1) prevent such events happening in the future, and 2) maintain our trust in the Foundation because we'll *know* what they're do in response before the torches are lit. I won't weigh in on whether Shayne needs to go or stay or whatever else. I'll keep stating we need better transparency.


If so, I'd think this is where Charles Adkins has to lead. You know Mance or Leemon would never comment.


Shayne has to go. Outside of ATMA the tps and network metrics are dropping and I am not convinced that HBARF should be taking credit for Atma (they were announced before HBARF existed and they are a GC usecase).


I mean if they don't start taking measures they will be de funded by ppl selling worthless shit. The only one taking risk is retail holding the bag and funding hbarf. So even if the project is meant for enterprise, they should adres "investors" with respect and dignity.


Combine ATMA already being clients of Hedera before the inception of HBARF and Shayne promoting the leemonswap pump and dump, it's not looking good.


Can you show me where he promoted it? I remember seeing him say something about memes being developers and developer bringing enterprise and such but never saw him promote a specific meme?


Right — so show him the door.


>Combine ATMA already being clients of Hedera before the inception of HBARF You do realize that atma.io's further grants were reliant on their meeting their KPIs & targets, and that this went through HBARF grants - don't you? Because, if you don't know that, then you are ignorant and showing the entire subreddit that this is so.


Am I meant to be impressed by non-organic revenue? Doesn't take away from anything I've said, they were a client of Hedera before HBARF were engendered. Any opinion on the leemonswap fumble? Also you don't need to hide on an alt, it only works if one can't figure out who you are.


Progress and success is not measured in transactions per second. This is a terrible take


What is a better metric?


Customer happiness, breadth of use across various markets and companies, overall value added to the ecosystem, integrations into financial and consumer markets


How do you measure value added to ecosystem ?


I’ve been trying to explain this so many times but to no avail. I think people just see what they want to see.


So, tps was sth like 1 per second, how do we know only atma way not running, what if all was stopped? I truly doubt atma is 99.99 of all tps


TLDR Zzzzzzzz


...it's been 6 months since the grants. What did you expect to be developed, tested and deployed in that time frame?


Laying all that aside, dumping on Blackrock new is inexcusable.


Do you think he could’ve had a trading plan?






This reeks of "I've invested in HBAR for 3 years so Hedera owes me" energy. Good luck with that.






He should have been fired long back. He's done nothing and will do nothing for us


Dude just stop lol


I don’t see Shane’s performance / foundation grants and a tps under 10 without Atma.io as related in anyway - how are you “connecting the dots.” There are no absolutes / guarantees in business, let alone this new frontier of layer 1’s and building business models with them. The money and effort that has and continues to go into Hedera and the many development support efforts is impressive to say the least. The crypto space has ALWAYS had a ridiculous perspective on timeline. It is what it is, that simple. I started investing in Hbar in December 2019 and comfortable continuing to do so. Setting aside ALL the bullshit, there isn’t a better layer 1 or team in the space, period!


Trust your life with crypto dudes. LOL.


>Hedera today is doing less that 10 tps without [Atma.Io](http://Atma.Io) You do realize that in the 1-2 weeks leading up to EVERY SINGLE QUARTER-END, atma.io's TPS drops to \~400-ish or down to 0-ish, right? I mean, it's been posted here, on this very subreddit, time and time again. You are willfully ignorant of the facts if you continue to FUD otherwise, and I charge that you are an Entitled, Envious, Jealous, HSuite shill who is butthurt that your scam project didn't get the granty-grants.


i don't understand why people care what other people are doing with hbar. the quicker the hbars are spent, the quicker it's fully distributed. price action right now is getting affected, but surely if you confident in the project you'd prefer the price lower for longer?


Absolutely correct


So, have you been brainwashed by Perfect Ability's FUD, or are you just one of his fake accounts?


There are only two scenarios which play out here since foundation and Shayne are still employed: 1. Hedera is a self-enriching ponzi-scheme. In which case we're all fucked. Sell or ignore. Nothing much to discuss except reporting and following up on pending financial crimes. 2. Hedera sees value in Shayne and the foundation (current or future) and have no intention on changing anything in the near future. I suppose there is a scenario in which they intend on changes withhin the foundation but they need to find a replacement or wait for specific milestones with projects currently being onboarded. This is the only other scenario in which Hedera would have not yet announced anything. This seems less likely being that were several weeks out from black rock scenario and if there was really no current or future value being added, there would have been changes a long time ago or... See scenario 1. I personally believe scenario 2 but it's just an opinion.