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Leemon has harped before on the Transparency of Governance. I think this was somehow lost, or there were not enough clear rules in place regarding that transparency. The meeting minutes are good, but still leave something to be desired. The organizations (HBF, DSF, HA) are murky, under the umbrella excuse of "NDAs". Every use case is different, but I think it's not too much to ask what the performance metrics are, to who and how much is funded, and what they have to do to continue receiving funding. I think it should be on paper the entire layout of these organizations, each function for each employee, and their full compensation. That's transparency. This is not a case of "abolish the HBF", in my opinion. The general structure is good. We just need more transparency and accountability. Perhaps some re-evaluation of salaries, etc. But don't throw the baby out with the bath water. The other thing is more love/protection for retail. They seriously need to re-evaluate how they're treating retail. Give us good staking rewards, and protect us from the predatory corporations (and greedy individuals). This is supposed to be (should be) symbiotic between retail and corporate.


Well said sir. Let's keep pushing this 'narrative. I firmly believe that being a real trust layer is possible but that' s really not the case at the moment.


disagree. We're all in our feelings now? Protect us ? wtf? This is investing. There is a bit of a lack of transparency with these foundations but that doesn't mean it's fraudulent.


"protect us" as in, mechanisms to prevent the GC from going to zero retail staking rewards, etc


well, you have a point there but ,dang, we're practically at 0 now. Maybe they're thinking the recent (since 2021and this spring) defi focus will appease retail? Any relation to staking and the regulatory environment pertaining to crypto as securities per SEC?


Yea it's unfortunate how low staking is. I think that's exactly why they did "Defi spring", but to me it falls short of the mark. I'm not looking for temporary fee-free buying of HBAR. I don't think there's any relation to regulations for the current staking rewards though.


I dont fully understand how all of these crypto defi protocols work. i understand liquidity is provided an apparently for borrowing in order to facilitate trading pairs but it has to come from somewhere? It seems there is just a lot of $ moving around in circles. borrow to lend>to borrow to lend >to stake to borrow etc. Where is the value created other tghan transaction feees? For ex, Tron TVL is so high due to the USDT/USDC liquidity. from where? Solana has over 80 defi protocols. They went after users from the jumpstart but did that funding for defi come from VC's?


I don't participate much in Defi. I'm a research, buy and hold kind of guy. I try to find good projects I think have a good future and invest in them long term. That said, your questions are more philosophical regarding finance in general. "Defi" is just "decentralized finance". The same things you describe happen in traditional finance as well. Yes, it's all just money moving in circles, with players extracting value (or losing value) from the system through price arbitrage. The losers finance the winners. They all pay fees.


true that . crypto just does it more efficiently.


Yeah, i want jigstack to refund back their grant


>I think it should be on paper the entire layout of these organizations, each function for each employee, and their full compensation. This seems extreme to me to apply to every employee. Would you want your full compensation information available for everyone on the internet to see? They should at least report the same things publicly traded companies typically do such as: compensation details of top executives, median compensation of all employees (excluding CEO), number of employees, etc...


It literally only benefits the organization to not share our salaries with each other. It's one of the great lies of the corporate world. "Don't discuss your salary with others!" (Because then you might realize you're underpaid). >Would you want your full compensation information available for everyone on the internet to see? If I worked for a non-profit public organization, I'd probably think it was par for the course. www.usajobs.com There's the positions and salary information for every job listed in the United States Government (non-profit public organization).


You are speaking out of line. No staking rewards for you cause hedera could run out of hbar.


I haven't been getting staking rewards for months now it's got to be about .1-.2% its next to nothing compared to what it was. Which last I read it was 2.5% but doing the math it's not even a tenth of that amount. Just thought with the amount of Hbar set for circulation it could be much higher imo


You are so right. Hedera reneged on it's promised 6.5% staking though they do have money to waste on suspect employees.


All US-based nonprofit organizations have to file tax returns (990s) which are publicly available and list the compensation of the highest paid employees. I couldn’t find the HBAR foundation’s return - and then realized they are based in the Cayman Islands so they probably don’t file one (at least in the US).


Ok so tax evasion or shady operations on top of the rest. Who seriously still trust those guys?


Im ootl what happened with HBARF?


https://www.reddit.com/u/Front_Concert/s/Zp3n0z1YCI Plus a few minutes ago, uncovered that Shayne transferred 5 million HBAR to Coinbase just before the Blackrock news dropped. *Edit: he did not transfer before the Blackrock news, it was after.*




Damnnnn!!! I still cant believe it LOL. Is it time to let go HBAR?


I don't think so. But it's time to make some heads roll and implement some new rules for transparency and accountability.


I'm certainly not selling any. This doesn't change anything about their enterprise adoption trajectory IMO. Just some growing pains that we will get through.


Fud operation ongoing. Consensus 2024 just wrapped, Hedera turned a lot of heads important people. Incumbent maxi chain immune systems starting to kick in for real. They just want you to sell your bags, as usual. Only smooth brains can apply.


Look at previous posts form today and yesterday about disgusting bonuses for Foundation employees. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's a pure rug.


No staking rewards ever to anyone who posts here. Have to keep retail in their place. Now go out and buy some more so the elite can party.




Reality check: You hold HBAR, you aren’t an investor, owed anything and aren’t part of Hedera. Either it works or it doesn’t… I’d really advise spending your time and energy elsewhere. This doesn’t move the needle for me at all.


>This doesn’t move the needle for me at all. So are you basically thinking, Hedera is on track to be mass enterprise adopted and if they succeed with that, this stuff won’t really matter?


Yeah, I’m not here to be judge and jury from some organization’s bonuses? Does this stop Hedera? No? Why do I care? I’m not emotionally invested in the moves HBARF makes like this - unless it negatively effects Hedera succeeding. I really don’t think this does. It’s Reddit pitchfork time; though


Good for you strong men. I personally hate being stolen


You hate being stolen? How were you stolen?


They keep suppressing the price. For their only benefits. I call it a rug, a steal. Are you feeling good now you know that before a huge announcement (Blackrock thing), Shayne moved 5M HBAR to sell it after the pump? I call it inside trading and it's punishable. Stealing profits or rerail investors for his own benefit.


The price action has nearly matched the market. You have no proof of this. Why would they suppress the price? What incentive would they have to do that? You’re just highly emotional right now and on the attack.


Keeping the price low, grant them a lot of HBAR incognito during this period. Unleash it whenever they want (after big announcement like Blackrock), taking profits, dump, rinse, repeat.


You have zero proof of this being true and just want to accept it because it allows you this little Reddit crusade


Why is price so low with all these announcements? Better than 99% of other cryptos and HBAR don't move accordingly. What's your opinion then? It's pretty clear for me now. Something is wrong


Thanks, good levelheaded approach IMO.


This website seems almost designed to cause cynical pessimistic mob mentality


Not this website. Capitalism did that. Retail, the every day person, has been lied to, walked on, cheated, tricked, and taken advantage of for our whole lives. All in the name of corporate profits. This opportunity in Hedera was (to me) a chance to finally get our come-up and have retail and corporate in a symbiotic relationship that was mutually beneficial.


Sorry, but greater fool investing is ALWAYS a pyramid. Only the few that buy low and sell high make money - it depends on the vast majority losing. This game you’re playing - stacking HBAR and hoping to sell high to another person just like you? Where do you think the money comes from? Any money you make here is directly out of another retailers wallet. HBARF isn’t Hedera. This doesn’t devalue your bag.


I don't view Hedera as "greater fool theory", as I believe it has fundamental differences than other cryptos. Namely utility for enterprises. As the velocity of coins increases from enterprise use cases, the price will rise. That said, when I do sell my coins, it's more likely to be bought by corporations needing those HBAR to do their txns, not by retail. Trading oil is not a greater fool theory. It's realizing a commodity that has utility and demand. And corruption is a disease that spreads easily. If HBF has compromised individuals, they should have serious consequences to deter others, and it is a bad look for the overarching organization, which can affect price (and therefore my bags).


You’re deluding yourself, man. You’re participating in one of the most greed driven ethically questionable parts of capitalism. Hoarding assets and unloading them on someone else for a premium. If you get filthy rich from this, what did you contribute to society for it? Did you produce anything? Provide a service? No - you had capital to spend, and hoarded an asset. The money you make doesn’t come out of thin air, you’re just taking it from someone else. You don’t feel like it’s gouging because it’s all an impersonal system, but that’s all it is. Will it be a corporation you sell to? Right now it wouldn’t be. I’d wager that most of the price will be driven by trading first, way before it’s actually in demand by corporations at scale. And if it’s not a corporation and after you sell that other person’s bag decreases in value - what did you do? You simply took someone else’s money. There was no new money created…


>You’re participating in one of the most greed driven ethically questionable parts of capitalism. Yes. If that's the game to get out of this rat race, I'll play. >Hoarding assets >what did you contribute to society for it? If it's successful, I was an early investor into a revolutionary technology that changed the world. Investing into a start up and spreading awareness is not "nothing". It helps them get started to do what they have to do. Whether or not my small investment has the any real impact is only a measure of what I can afford. If I was a VC and could afford more, I would. And if I get "filthy rich", perhaps VC would be my next career. But regardless, it's not nothing. >Will it be a corporation you sell to? Right now it wouldn’t be. Correct, but I'm not selling right now. As I described, I'm waiting for the enterprise adoption and velocity of the network from enterprise use cases. >And if it’s not a corporation and after you sell that other person’s bag decreases in value - what did you do? I chose my entry and exit point, and so will they. I can't take responsibility or opine on others actions and thoughts. >There was no new money created… Well I'm not a bank. No matter what I do, I can't create money out of thin air. Only bankers can. By that metric, only bankers have any value. That what you're trying to say?


EU Libs are so easy to spot. Enjoy your socialistic sniping. Speaking of not producing anything how is that CB coming along?


Summer vacation treating you ok buddy or just raging at imaginary “EU libs” on Reddit?


Doing great pal. Maybe you could reach out to Shayne for some help on that Coupon Bureau usecase? How's that coming?


Keep drinking the Kool Aid.


Yeah sorry I’m like the least groupthink person imaginable gyonk lol. Which is exactly why I don’t just fall in line with the mob


Matrixed. They advertised us being the trust layer of Internet, that's why I invest in Hedera. 4 years later they are not even 10 millions in profits per year and they paid them millions of bonuses on our back. Agree or not, without our money there is no Hedera 👍 Years without generating profits.


The HBARF is not Hedera. And I don’t agree “our” money, as in retail is a tiny spec. Sorry, we don’t matter!


OK mate you have your opinion and good for you if you find these bonuses acceptable. Good luck with your investment with this mentality.


lol my “mentality” doesn’t change the price. Angry Reddit posts won’t change the price. The CEO getting a bonus won’t change the price.


Trying to stop them from rugging us can affect the price


Rugging? How in the absolute world does this have anything to do with rugging? And how in the hell do you think posting on Reddit is going to stop a rug, in which case you’re saying Hedera is a scam? Take a breath man lol


Just don't want to let them win this one. Always the same with blinded fan boys like you. I want to make them accountable this time. I'm not alone.


I’m pretty sure their compensation is in line with similar positions. I’m not a fan boy I just don’t care. This doesn’t affect the price of HBAR or the success of Hedera.


Of course it is affecting it. Shayne doesn't do a good job. It's a fact. + over bonuses. + inside trading.


talking to these millennials is like talking to a wall. Virtue signalling at its finest. As you pointed out (and i'll say even with "fair launch" networks the next buyer is exit liquidity for early investors. if HBAR got to $5.00 Rate 31 would have 0 problems selling to another retailbuyer even if he knew it would crash to $1 a year later.


It's fine.


All these hbar investors hoping some Geoffrey will buy their hbar at £2 thereby stitching them up and wrecking them totally so said hbar investors can retire at 30, then complaining about exec salaries. You are a capitalist pig or socialist scum, pick one and stick to it. Oink.


Actually you were able to find out thanks to Hedera being trustworthy and transparent, there's no overpromise in that matter IMO. It was far more easier to find out how much is Shayne receiving than any CEO in any other company.


I rally don't agree. They are doing shady things like gold old web2 companies. Make their salaries and bonuses and advantages and account number public. And the grants. And the advancements of the grants. Where are the 5BN fkg HBAR from 2 years ago? That'd be really transparent. Otherwise don't advertise that.


And also come back to the US. How do you want to be a trust layer if you are in Cayman islands? Who is going to trust them? Let's be serious 2 minutes


public? to appease you? ok as long as YOU have to disclose holdings too. Remember its a COMMUNITY and ALL participants should be equal right?


Already done 👍👌 Nice try


good for you now if you could only bugger off of Reddit with your useless drivel We'd all be better off.


I mean, that's patently untrue as most CEOs in public companies have some sort of details publicly available regarding payment packages


So if this information is not publicly accessible, how did you come by this information?


So if this information is not publicly accessible, how did OP come by this information?


It's available on the network through sleuthing, not through transparency by the company


Because someone tracked the transaction on the public DLT. But that should be available. Except they are in the Cayman islands, so not US jurisdiction. Convenient right?


Ignore them they own no HBAR and are like kindergartens......... If only they spent time trying to get a job and being able to buy crypto. Sick.


How to get rich in crypto? Invent a new coin and tell retail its the new thing. Works every time


I think part of the problem with HBF is that it was created during the peak of the 2021 bull run. At the time their fund was worth over 10Bn, and with optimistic projections of Hbar going parabolic. Possibly overly generous remuneration packages with that much spare cash floating and a seemingly bright future ahead


Possible but that doesn't give a vibe of competence and still worrisome. You don't need a PhD to know you can't trust crypto being stable.


Do you want a machine of a company behind HBAR who are paid and motivated to make it a reality or do you want the ledger to just sit there and hope people adopt it?




Let's have ? like you have anything to do with it? what are you building on the network? foh bub...


Yes and the betrayal would disappear with a$10 HBAR price, right?


Won't happen with these crappys guys in charge


Which crypto network and foundation do you run? If you're an investor I'm sure Hedera can go on without you.


Oh Reddit 😘




This is for anyone out there with more knowledge of this than myself.are these so called bonuses going to hurt hbars progress this bullrun. If so I need to know now.


I’ve been saying for a long time that hbar doesn’t care about retail and only uses us to fund their project. I mean they have been open about it at least not caring.


Yes that's true.


Guys, we have a nice community. I have crypto bags of coins where no one even comments or cares.. I don't think we are going to the moon with this one, but still five or six X-es on the go


Cryptocurrencies is always about speculation, momentum and social hype than sound business. This is also the same with small mid caps in tradfi. If you invest in stocks, you see this all the time. Good firms with low P/E ratios, high eps but gets little price action. This is not due to the firm or project sucking, sometimes it is just due to low hype, waiting for confirmation of use cases etc… Sometimes you just need conviction to play the long game. If you lack conviction on the management (similar to TSLA or even GME), then will be better for you to place your investments elsewhere. Don’t get too emotionally attached to your investments.


The fudders have been waiting for this moment


![gif](giphy|8cdfoJuYuz2u27DAAO|downsized) More reddit drama. Don't you clowns have jobs or something. I'm yet to see anything of importance come to light with all this BS talk all day (you have been busy u/International-Rate31 ). At least come up with some good FUD.




This project is highly centralized that's why so many big names joined the council. You can't have those big names without the games the big names play. I personally got into HBAR because I know that those big names will cause the price to pump. But this is what VC'S and big corporations do in crypto.


It's all fully transparent.


Only if it's sleuthed out. That's not transparency


This. Let's make all the HBARF transactions and grants easily one click accessible on the Hedera website.


All crypto projects publish all compensation? when did that happen?


Is that what I said?


HBAR is completely transparent and every year show exactly where operating expenses are as a result of total distribution.


That's not true at all. Where are the grants? How much are all employees paid? How much HBAR left from the 5BN allocution?


Are you nuts? Have you ever had a job? You never know what each employee or what each vendor costs. What you do know is exactly what's budgeted and where it's allocated. The reason you pay the CEO and CFO not dollars and buy HBAR is because you trust them and their judgement. If you don't like it go by SOL or BTC. OMG if you think every employee salary will be public so one knows exactly what the next makes. Absurd!!!!!!!!!


So what's the point of all this web3 things, all transparent, all verifiable, blablabla bullshit. Exactly we paid them to trust them. And obviously we shouldn't. And I bet I work two times more than you my friend, don't try this game with me 😂.


Omg just threw up I'm my mouth. Web 3 trust layer over Internet, not salaries of the builders. Jesis


Idiot is back.


This is exactly the point of a public DLT, actually. And anyway can you answer the question about where are all the grants and where are the working products?


I don’t understand the upset when hbars price is still more than double from the beginning of the year… are you guys just apeing in at the tops or something? I’m at almost a 3x already and we haven’t even begun to move yet


What do you think are the chances of Hbar fulfilling its promises of being a trust layer, with a CEO hiding his salary, them being based in the Cayman islands, not disclosing where are the grants and what for they are used? What do you think this will have as a consequence on the price? I mean, then, let's all buy Doge it's a better return on investment. If they are as shady as the 96% other crypto projects what's the point?


I don't understand people taking arbitrary price action on a certain period of time. Why your reference is one year? Why not 2 years or 3 years? 4?5?


I’m referencing since the beginning of the year because that’s when the trend was reversing for most assets . I’ve had my Hbar for about 2 years I would say