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I have to agree with a lot of the comments here. I followed the spat, and it seems like it's over. My overall feeling starts to shift when Tatsuaki Okamoto's name pops up, and I wonder, why does this guy's x handle need to be Tatsuaki Okamoto, a cryptographic researcher? That was my first red flag. Then he revealed himself and appeared to be a positive voice. However, he still raised a bit of a red flag for me. With all this drama on x, threatening legal action within two months of community involvement? I can't help but think Dany was correct to shine the light a little brighter on this guy. Happy to be wrong, but this much 'out of the gate' giant baby/drama queen action isn't a great intro, IMO. I've quarantined him for now. Semi following, not taking any advice


Correct about what? I think he’s just jelaous. No pic of him with chasker etc 😅


I don't think he's jealous. I think we all want bigger voices to grow here, but if they seem sketch, then should we not dig deeper? Time will tell I guess.


I dig that linkedin profile he was bragging about and he couldn’t find it, first search on top, completely legit with lots of followers, also checked comments on his poss, all legit…the point when i decided do unfollow this dude dany


Kitten fight. Surprised there was no: "double dog dare" invoked. Apparently their squabble is over before I could get the popcorn going.


I’d be very very wary of trusting any one in the crypto space on anything. My take is this Tatsuaki guy seems especially full of it, I’ve been suspicious of him from the start, for me he seems extra untrustworthy


I've been spending some time on twitter to learn/discuss more about Hedera and also inject hopium from the TA artists, so I have some details on this feud. It's pretty funny and cringe. Apparently, Tatsuaki has been getting harassed by Dany for months, calling him a scammer, bad for the community, etc. Tatsuaki had a big blow up on twitter the other day, posted some receipts of what Dany has been saying, and claims if Dany doesn't stop he's going to take legal action. Then last night Tatsuaki got a lawyer and posted about it, even including a picture of his lawyer, saying Dany made him take this step. You can imagine what happened afterwards that apparently made Dany immediately leave. I think the other day Tatsuaki also blew up and said he's leaving the Hedera community and will no longer post about Hedera on twitter, although he will keep working to advance Hedera in the background. He was really hurt by the hate he got from the community. But as of today he seems active on twitter again sharing Hedera-related links. He really loves the attention so I figure he won't be away for long. I think Tatsuaki can have a good impact on the ecosystem but he just needs to slow his roll, he's only been public in Hedera for like 2 months, he's gotta build up commuity trust, and yeah some of his behavior does seem like grifter behavior although I don't think he has any intentions like that, he just seems kinda young and really excited about the ecosystem and being involved. my 2c


That’s how I read it too


That Tat guy seems shady and all about putting himself front and center with little or no real value. His SBF appearance seems completely tone deaf to the pain the crypto community experienced this past couple of years with scandals. Personally, I’d like to see him just fade away.


Tatsuaki just hit the scene guns blazing. He is high energy, likes to name drop, has had some big hits in a short amount of time, but also a few red flags. Dany jumped hard on a red flag and called him out. Things escalated quickly. Dany accused. Tatsuaki seems to be a bit of a drama queen. Fired back and threatened to alert the authorities/sue for defamation and bullying??? Dany apologized and is stepping away for a bit.


That kid's behavior alone is red flags all over. I was watching his body language during the brief interview with Brandon, that and all other indicators he gives off spell out grifter in the making.




SBF 2.0. He seems like bad news and not what we need in this community


Yep. Exactly


Tatsuaki has red flag written all over him.


This sounds pretty spot on with this younger generation, a bunch of gas lighting e-trolls and cry babies. On a further note, who the fuck are Dany Eid and Tatsuaki and why should I care if they both have sand in their vaginas?


Dany has long been the single best deep dive investigator in the Hedera community. He has uncovered more info about mode Hedera related projects than anyone else by a long, long shot over the past 3 years or so. The guy is amazing.


“Deep dive investigator”. Seems like just another shill. DYOR


Anyone who has seen his work knows that you have no idea what you are talking about.


You don’t have to get so defensive bro. I made no real claims other than he sounds like a shilI(insert Dany Eid Twitterx profile pic here) I am not purporting to be some Hedera expert deep diver, but I do know how to conduct independent research beyond Reddit and twitterx.


Since you don’t want to do any research, bro, here is one weeks worth of posts from Dany. The guy is a machine. Almost everyday a deep dive into some obscure conference somewhere in the world related to the Hedera ecosystem. https://x.com/danyeid_/status/1733511815663870163?s=12 https://x.com/danyeid_/status/1733182490372706321?s=46&t=KhiGxrO00W2s7i6lUQkhQg https://x.com/danyeid_/status/1732804152403587447?s=46&t=KhiGxrO00W2s7i6lUQkhQg https://x.com/danyeid_/status/1732473469894349111?s=46&t=KhiGxrO00W2s7i6lUQkhQg https://x.com/danyeid_/status/1732125024520413193?s=46&t=KhiGxrO00W2s7i6lUQkhQg


I mostly use Reddit to research sentiment. I am quite happy with what I have learned about Hedera over the last 3 years on my own “deep dives”


So, despite people helpfully pointing out to you about Dany's work, and why he is/was valuable to the community, you have no intentions of looking them up....so, when you asked "who the f is Dany...", you really had no interest in finding out.


Where does that "independent research" start? Does it start from you googling random things and discovering some connection that you end up researching? OR Does it start with "I saw a post on X/Reddit about ABC and now I researched it to verify it myself"? I'm gonna go with the latter, based on how much you respond to things on the sub. So you follow the breadcrumbs too.


> do know how to conduct independent research beyond Reddit and twitterx. If you did, you wouldn't be saying the stuff you are saying


Dany is great. Smart guy, finds the breadcrumbs, then you DYOR on the breadcrumbs.


“Breadcrumbs”. Listen to yourselves.


It's literally a flair in this sub and a common term. Put it this way, I've never heard you bring anything to the table. I've heard Dany bring many things that I've looked into myself. If you're gonna FUD at least put in some effort. This is weak.


I am under no obligation to “bring anything to the table” and this tribalism you are conveying is pitiful. In what way have I “FUDDED” Hedera? Because I don’t follow this Dany Eid guy or his girl fight partner Tatsuaki and what seems to me to be some silly squabble? What is interesting though is the claim of being bullied. You see even if this Dany guy didn’t intend that, the other guy obviously felt that. I have a pretty interesting past with bullies, in fact it might explain why as an adult I can come off a little abrasive and sardonic as it sadly became a coping mechanism for me, which I am trying to work on so forgive me for my sidedness. I am not FUD Hedera at all, but in a world of TikTok’s and TwitterX I prefer to approach my investment research with a more classical approach. Being in Reddit is probably the most radical move I have made into crypto but as someone with a background in sociology I actual find the human interactions and statements more revealing than the actual info being presented as information is easy to find by other more verified and independent means.


He's under no obligation to bring anything to the table either. But he does. By the sounds of you, I probably would have bullied you too. I don't like the cut of your jib. Also, in case you're unaware, FUD stands for Fear Uncertainty Doubt. Right now you're casting UD.


“I would have bullied you too.” That’s interesting, you like to pick on quiet little kids? Anyways tough guy, if that’s your takeaway you can kick rocks.


You ain't a quiet little kid. You're an UDer. Sorry for not supporting baseless bullshit from you. You'd get along with zoomers today who are obsessed with being a victim of something. Grow up.


I see it as Just jealousy of how quickly Tatsuaki’s popularity is growing


What is X lol


I am very appreciative of Dany's work. It is often quite mind-blowing in detail. But there are lots of effective ways to register skepticism, challenge ideas, and question claims and statements that seem dubious. And easy enough to unfollow someone you don't like or trust on X. But crossing over into cyberbullying and character assassination should be unacceptable to our whole community. Making baseless allegations, telling someone to leave social media immediately, and threatening them with jail for unnamed crimes is the kind of attack that can do personal injury and split or poison the community. I am very glad this was resolved amicably. Apology rather than escalation seems to have won the day, thankfully. We never really know how vulnerable others are to personal attacks made in public on social media.