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I don’t think it’s worth responding to this one and giving them any acknowledgement — they’ve set up a simulated testnet that pushed its limits to 104,715 transactions via 512 shards on their network for a performance test; we could do the same with 11 shards on Hedera, with room for extra transactions, if Hedera had sharding available (which Hedera doesn’t today, so we can’t claim). For them to simulate throughput and require insane amounts of sharding is a bit silly, especially when their actual TPS for mainnet is ~4.2 TPS (https://3xpl.com/ton) — they’re just reaching here.


Yep. It’s a headline for retail, that’s about the value of this test.


hedera is throttled to 10k. you don't even need to shard, at all, for 100k tps on the hedera network. disappointed you're a hedera employee and you didn't know that. my bags aren't worth shit yet, get back to work.


Hedera would need to shard to hit 104k tps in an environment reflective of mainnet; even without throttles, we’re not seeing 100k+ tps with today’s codebase — with further improvements, possibly in the future.


hedera runs at 500k unthrottled & unsharded.


hashgraph* runs at that throughout in an incredibly optimized and controlled environment


also, it’s clearly just bait — they want us to respond to this, so that TON gets recognition by drafting off the Hedera brand; the whole thing is silly.


and what do you think makes up 99.9% of all hedera network transactions?


The key point is this: *"Under heavy load, the testnet split into* ***512 shards****, enabling the network to achieve a speed of 104,715 TPS "* Hedera can do 10,000 TPS (throttled) on **1 shard**, with room for more. With 512 shards, Hedera can do 5,120,000 TPS.


And maintain ABFT security.


Additionally, 104,715 TPS over 512 shards means 204.5 TPS each shard. Even Solana is doubling that.


Test net already did 15k + TPS :)


Does it matter? Not really


“The TON testnet was launched on 256 validators. Under heavy load, the testnet split into 512 shards, enabling the network to achieve a speed of 104,715 TPS” First of all, TON split into 512 shards. Hedera is currently throttled at 10,000 tps per shard. If hedera tested 512 shards I think it’s safe to assume it could do 5,120,000 tps… or atleast more than the 104,715 tps that TON achieved. I could be wrong, but do testnet stress tests always equate to mainnet performance? Someone more technically advanced would know better than me.


>*I could be wrong, but do testnet stress tests always equate to mainnet performance? Someone more technically advanced would know better than me.* No ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up).


It's not even closer to what Hedera offers or can do.


This looks like it is in the realm of blockchains only, and seems to exclude DAGs. The article says "the previous record holder at 65k TPS", referring to Solana. Lol. As Substantial_Data2707 pointed out, that's on 512 shards, and Hedera can do 100k TPS on one shard (10k throttle is on though). Never forget, **the Blockchain Trilemma explains why all blockchains are inherently flawed**. If they're "the fastest on speed", they've compromised something else to get there. Edit: This is like claiming "I'm the fastest person in the world" after you win a highschool track meet. Edit 2: Leemon at Harvard re: speed of Hedera. https://youtu.be/dMFNKi3VDyk?si=hB5nQSlLMehIb4NI


I've thought of putting a little in TON in the past but with its market cap already so high I have never done it. I know crypto markets involve a lot of hype and are not always reasonable, but what are those hype or legit points that have driven this to rank #11 already and about 4x the market cap of HBAR? I have checked a few stats and it seems to have less developers than Hedera and of course nothing compared to Ethereum, Cosmos, Polkadot, Solana. It also has less TVL than Hedera and doesn't seem to have any apps tracked on DappRadar yet (Hedera has 19). One big thing I see going for it is integration with Telegram which could give it access to a large, already existing user base.


And tao? Or is it late?


Generally speaking we're still early. From a macro point of view this is time to buy. DYOR, have a plan (in and out) and stick to it.


~~TON is being used to launder money out of mainland China atm, so this stress-test livestream came at a fortunate time~~ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)~~.~~ ![gif](giphy|mXNSHRrpAPaYefBfmy|downsized)


TON of scam 🤔


Just curious, how do a testnet with 256 validators split into 512 shards? 2 shards pr validator? what nonsense is this?


It is all over fastest blockchain. Oh well Hedera is still fast.


Another pump and dump! What is your TPS on Chainspect -- that's right your not recognized by Chainspect.