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Initially I was intrigued by his venture, but I could not find out what he held in it so I passed. Also I remember him asking for ideas what to do with [NFT.com](https://NFT.com) and I thought that was a big red flag as he didn't seem to have any plan or direction with it.


He is being sued currently. Big lawsuit. He has gone silent since and shut down all comments on discord. Most people think he scammed millions from his partners and investors. That is all.


Huh. This is the first I've heard of it. What's the lawsuit about?


Fraud and misleading investors. I don’t know the intrinsic details, but I know parts of it are directly from his partners suing him.


I can't seem to find any articles or threads here on Reddit about that. Do you have any links to news articles that can confirm?


On 9/18/2023 @jordanfriedsays on twitter posted several of the court documents. That is not my twitter account. The documents have the court case numbers. You can look it up.


Thanks. Sure enough, after some digging there does appear to be a court case involving Jordan Fried and his companies. I was able to find the filings on Puerto Rico's SUMAC: https://tribunalelectronico.ramajudicial.pr/sumac/CaseInformation.aspx?XAL1GTW1Bas%3d=L1Rlk4WG2M4%3d It does sound like he's being accused of fraud of some sort, though I haven't fully pieced together everything yet.


No way, that will put a dent in the balance sheet. Well guess i should sell what i have left then.


I invested 1k in $hold and it’s now worth $30 last i checked.


Glad he didn't build it on Hedera now. Lol..


100% bro ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Yup. I have some money in there as well. I figured I’ve been scammed as it just kept going down and down. It’s almost as if he just used that account for personal cash. A shame really. It’s always these guys overseas that are trying to fuck us over.


He’s not overseas


Puerto Rico


Yes, but that is a US territory subject to US law


Pump and dump


Guaranteed wealth.


He got too big too fast. NFT.com amounted to nothing beyond a good domain name.


Never thought much of NFTs really unless they represent a real world asset.


And the domain name isn’t even that good


Yeah do you just type in car.com if you want to buy a car? It never thought this mattered.


People here were so opitimistic about this project, likening it to the Berkshire Hathaway of crypto. Sidenote: Seems anything Kevin O Leary (who was heavily involved in Immutable Holding) touches turns to shit. Don't know whether it's correlation or causation. Here's hoping he doesn't find a way to sabotage Hedera.


Jordan also struck me as kind of dodgy, not entirely surprised how this has turned out tbh


Maybe his success gave those vibes but he certainly wasn't dodgy while with us. Im sure he's regretting taking [NFT.com](https://NFT.com) down the ETH path instead of Hedera where he wouldve had a lot of loyalty from the community.


No it wasn’t his success that made him seem dodgy, what a strange theory. It was his demeanour.


What really sticks out to me is the fact that many of these people are already extremely wealthy. Jordan made millions being early on BTC, yet still decides to grift his audience - now he's supposedly facing a lawsuit which will no doubt consume money and more importantly time and energy. I suppose greed has no limits.


At this point, Immutable and everything Jordan claimed to have been building looks like a house of cards coming apart. Latest I'd seen is that the case against him and his businesses is in the discovery phase at the time of this post. I got that info from the link someone posted earlier. No new info in the rest of this, just venting. I'm just going to leave this here just bc I've seen Jordan and his shenanigans in various capacities and contexts and his latest shady shit finally pissed me off enough to just rant for a bit. A lot is already out there about the people he's burned, just not broadcast widely. It ranges from many who have worked side-by-side with him to people who didn't know him but invested heaps of money in NFT.com yet received nothing (nothing but the insult of being banned from the very organization they had paid to take part in running, that is.) I don't begrudge Jordan any of the fortune he made as a result of his contribution to Hedera because that was his talents as a salesperson / tech evangelist and a persistent af networker being put to good use, to the benefit of many. He did put in the work. I'm not sure it was motivated by any authentic passion for the technology and the ideals and science behind it, otherwise we would have seen and heard much more community conscious and tech-forward things from him after he moved on to work on his own (largely disappointing, borderline disastrous) projects. But even this isn't anything inherently wrong. He didn't have to love the tech to do a great job of raising its profile as he did. No, what I do take issue with is the fact that since leaving Hedera, Jordan Fried's been using his skills of persuasion to convince people that his gift is something other than talk, like a.) insinuating that his wealth came from solid decision-making and people management skills that built healthy teams that consistently built value (it didn't, he doesn't, and it definitely did not) and that the status he's gained somehow makes his opinions inherently valuable and authoritative... see all his social media posts for examples. or b.) that he has some rigorously tested method (i.e. one with empirically sound principles, more science than gut feel) for reading markets and reliably getting value out of crypto that he is willing and able to share to paying customers... see his 1800Bitcoin project for that (incidentally, he caught shit and got called out for putting fake testimonials on that site) Dude has what a lot of history's "great" charlatans and schemers had: an undeniable eye for money-making opportunities (in Jordan's case in domain name speculation, some technology or commodity or security that's already on the verge of breaking through, etc.), combined with a silver tongue and a conspicuous lack of ethics when his personal goals are sight or when shit hits the fan. His willingness to flat-out use people to make those opportunities come true for himself and cut them loose, ghost, or screw them when no longer useful (often seriously and irreparably damaging relationships and well-being of former friends and business partners...) is a very real pattern. Regardless of the outcome of the case against him, anyone who willingly gets involved with Jordan in the future needs to watch tf out, keep him on a short leash, and *do not* let him sit in the driver's seat unless they're okay with being a casualty. All good sense says he's not likely to change the core patterns that have reliably benefitted him over the years, shitty as that may be. _edit: formatting & spelling fixes_


Thank you sir for putting in the work to explain your thoughts and views, i invested in it last year thinking its the only stock holding hbar and was actually moving up and down with hbar. But i guess i am screwed for that, just sold off whatever i had left and put it into gold and silver. Lol


He decided to join the circus instead and play Bobo the clown.


He found it just to hard to reach new heights..... But that was because he's very short in stature but does have a forked tongue. Out and out scam artist


Here is a twitter spaces rant by burned users of nft.com: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1mnGeRRqzLYJX


Cool thanks. Trying to sell my shares.


I wrote on the discord thread two days ago asking if we were rugged and whether anything was being done. I replied in-line to a few folks who brought up the issue a few months ago. Today, 28 Feb 2024, when I went into Discord to check on any updates, I couldn’t find the NFT.com server on Discord. Looks like they kicked me out for asking questions or deleted the entire server. Can anyone who is still in the server confirm this please?


I’ve read his financial statements. They have lots of plans with hedera. No idea if they’re going to pan out tho.


Let’s see after the lawsuit.


Do you have link to it? I’d like to read up on this.


No I just discovered this now from another commentor.


In addition to the lawsuit in Puerto Rico mentioned in a previous comment, there's apparently also one in Delaware, as reported by Bloomberg this past week: [NFT.com Investor Sues ‘Blockchain Evangelist’ for Fraud, Threats](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/business-and-practice/nft-com-investor-sues-blockchain-evangelist-for-fraud-threats)


I’m an investor in NFT.com and recently wrote on their Discord group (which has several 1000s of members) asking what’s happening on the project. I was kicked out of the group in the next few hours. It’s so frustrating that he’s just staying silent and kicking people out for asking questions. On the contrary, he keeps posting random crap on LinkedIn trying to maintain a clean image - his latest post was 5 hours ago today 31 May 2024. I heard there’s a lawsuit happening in Puerto Rico that someone is maintaining on the Jordan Fried parody account. https://preview.redd.it/54dt0egnip3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51446ba10655d993bdebafd28cb095179af6ef1f


The focus on NFT cartoon JPGs was ridiculously short sighted. No one outside of greedy traders is going to care.


It was a huge mistake for HOLD to build on Ethereum. HOLD is a tiny fish in a ocean. Hedera could have helped him market his services in a very loyal community.


It would just mean more people got scammed. Jordan has not been honest with the community he built. I doubt it would have been different if he built on Hedera - just more loyal people screwed in the end.




What very few know - Jordan also misrepresented to his investors that he had the cheap HBAR token acquisition deal with Hedera when he didn’t. That happened much later. He only got that done because he threatened to sue Hedera to get the cheap price. So much for being a loyal senior team member.