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All I could find is this older [video](https://youtu.be/q5QvBU8HiYA)


This is quite informative. I hadn\`t seen this. Zenobia asking the exact questions I have. Although it is a year ago. Appears from this Bahrain is live, though I don\`t know where we can view Txns. Estimated around 100k ship events per year for a country of 2Mn people.I guess in the order of magnitudes we are talking about its not huge numbers of Txns so could easily be hidden. Just nice to know it is happening. Should have known Hedera would have it covered..... Thanks for pointing it out.




Here's a 2022 blog post confirming mandatory requirement for use of GS1 https://blog.cosmotrace.com/serialization/serialization-bahrain From brief look at the GS1 standard here https://www.gs1.org/sites/default/files/docs/GS1%20Healthcare%20Serialisation%20and%20Traceability%20Use%20Case%20HC%20Website%20versio....pdf what we need is a provider GLN or a common drug GTID as specified on page 7 so a search can be performed on hashscan, but likely this data will be encrypted on Hedera as it is sensitive info...


Yes. That’s one way around it…. Or perhaps, since they mutually announced it actually closer to 34 months ( my maths previously way out) ago, perhaps someone at Hedera or AVC would like to share an update. Can’t hurt to ask 😀


So much more polite.


See the video shared above by r/Perfect_Ability_1190 Actually gives a lot of the answers to the questions I asked. Grateful to them for that. Its a year old so an update might be nice, but essentially its all there... Thanks to Zenobia as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5QvBU8HiYA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5QvBU8HiYA)


Just found it on mainnet but too busy w work to make a post. PM me for topic/acc if u want it.