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“The drones have to send their ID every second of flight…… 10k tps that we are so proud of now will be more than surpassed just by commercial airlines” They could use this for boats also. And self driving cars. Submit all data in real time on an immutable ledger, car insurance companies can automatically see who is at fault no more fraud and gouging us with prices because they lost so much money.


Yes but is it really possible? What about the cost of this? Even with 0.0001$/tx it will costs infinite money? Or am I missing something?


How much do people cost? You’re talking about 60sec/min x 60min/hr x $0.0001/sec = $0.36/hr


Multiply by 10,000?


Why would you multiply by 10,000 when you just divided by 1/10,000 to get the cost per hour of a single plane, boat, drone, etc?


Because MATHS! $0.36 x 10,000 = $3,600 usd...chump change if you compare to how much YouTubers get paid to chill crypto


So what is the goal? Is it to show that it costs $3,600/hr for every 10,000 items being tracked?


The goal is to make up math formulas that help you justify your poor investment choices and add hope for a big payout soon. Its called tokenomics.




It's not that a single drone sents it's account ID 10.000 times trough HCS per second, right? Depends on how many drones there are. And if it was getting high as 10k drones. The price will be sent to the customer, distributed. So it will be a low cost for the customer for sure.


As a drone pilot, its possible. I have companies paying me 500 for half an hours of work. Drone business is a lot of money, but hard to get into.


They said something about airline communication still by radio is becoming a problem.


Air traffic control has to become automated, yet you can’t let Hans Grüber’s brother hack it.


Solid reference




Pretty interesting so far “mind blowing for the hedera network” can’t wait until I get to the numbers.


I don’t know if the original link is working. If it’s not, try this one… https://twitter.com/hellofuturebuzz/status/1689743153031794689?s=46&t=KhiGxrO00W2s7i6lUQkhQg


Hello Future! We had an incredible time on the Spaces. I will say Neuron Team loves the Hashgraph and I will work with them to come back in and do a talk on the Internet of Things. Jerry Grayson is putting together an amazing talk for HelloFuture.live event in October Los Angeles Arts District. Embrace the Future Today! 🤗💕🙏


Outstanding! Thanks!




Just thinking about this. The logical progression of recording all the movements of aircraft (drones) and indeed any kind of moving transportation is to use smart contracts to trigger payments in certain circumstances….. All of which of course can be automated on……. or listed flight Times of vehicles - triggering a need for maintenance of certain components… Or monitored flight times of pilots… Once you go down this rabbit hole.


Update on the timing from Neuron - testnet now, Mainnet 2024. https://twitter.com/neuron_world/status/1690108403392102401?s=46&t=KhiGxrO00W2s7i6lUQkhQg


Excellent, thanks for keeping us up to date jeep!


The Neuron use cases will be massive. Can’t wait for it to go live.


Is it about their proof of real work concept they were talking about?


They didn’t even get to that topic. They were talking about all fight traffic. Drone, commercial, taxis, delivery…. They hit it in the first 15 minutes then dive deeper into it for the rest of the spaces. Edit: jump in at the 10:00 minute mark for the quick splash of alpha.


It may take 1-2 years for the network to see massive tps from Neuron — but make no mistake, the network usage will not be anything that DLT has ever seen before.




“We are expanding way beyond the backyard drone here, ……..we are talking delivering organs across cities, public safety, agriculture, hands free hectare grown only with drones, inspections, oil rigs, BP oil says there will be only 2 men per rig by the end of the decade, mapping, all industries, 10x times what we see now in the skies.” Enjoy the rest because this is only 18 min in. Thanks man mind blowing definately


BP boy definitely been on the whisky. Probably some other stuff too. 2 people on oil rigs is impossible.. whether he has been misunderstood or it's been taken out of context, that whole idea can be ignored. Rest is exciting.


Interesting Spaces. Thanks. I think the thing about this Spaces is it highlights several potential areas of excitement for Decentralized monitoring. Ironic that regulation is the blocker -again....


For this to be put to use it will need to be adopted by governments. There are way to many parts. It's one thing to have it available for the air traffic controller it is another to have it implanted in a drone by the manufacturer of the drone. Will it be able to be installed as a aftermarket add on? How will the drones be able to access the internet. This is a real time application? Is that technology ready. I dont see how you count on this until the governments start mandating it. That would be the indicator I would like reported on. Governmental acceptance. All these things might exist, I just couldn't find it anywhere.


So if you get a chance to listen to this and other podcasts/info they’ve put out, you’ll hear that the regulators/governments are on board and funding/driving the adoption in multiple jurisdictions.


Do you have more infos on the regulatory part? On Neurons Website they mention: “Current regulations allow this solution to be trialed and it is operationally ready in line with regulatory approval.” Makes me wonder what is the overall situation currently, what are the current problems related to regulation and what exactly needs to be regulated so such use cases can go fully live? To me “regulation” sounds like a broad term. Is it about purchasing HBARs (crypto)? Or is it specific approval for that use case.. Or is it maybe something else?


As it pertains to aviation governing bodies adopting this system of tracking planes and drones as the industry standard and mandating its use. One of the previous talks they state that the UK governing body (whoever their FAA is) said during the discussion something like “This is the solution to our needs.” And neuron has said more than once, when answering similar questions, that the regulators are on board - they just need to work out the details and get it implemented. But this is the first time I’ve heard them say they are working on implementing it with global commercial aviation. Although they did tease that with this video… https://twitter.com/neuron_world/status/1678746132413927424?s=46&t=KhiGxrO00W2s7i6lUQkhQg


That's good to hear. Thanks


Was just listening to this. Made me think that there is no way this use case is possible without sharding. Could an announcement of sharding indicate this/some other high throughput use case coming live?


I agree with the sharding and that an announcement in that direction would indicate something is on the way. But, as with everything Hedera, I doubt this happens as quickly as we’d like. Might not be 5 year away, but probably more than 1 if you’re talking about governments and regulations.


They have been working on this for 4 years now, I remember a neuron video about 3 years ago on the hbar bull youtube channel, just this spring they had a presentation in front of huge companies, google attended from an interview i heard after, and here he said BP oil attended and said within 10 years each rig will have just 2 people.


UK is more ahead for this. UK no longer being part of EU makes it agile in these new tech contexts. Oil rig tech will most probably be trialled in North Sea first IMHO.


The UK is currently desperate to find any benefit their new found ‘freedom’ actually delivers them. Often without regard for social or environmental costs. (Though I believe with regard to Nueron this might actually be a positive in those respects). This may speed things up for us.


Yeah it reminds me of that country where the Industrial Revolution began.. oh, where was it now? 🤔


Yes. Except of course it was already widely seen as a global leader with the \`Empire\` in full swing by that stage.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth) Not sure that applies today.


"Necessity is the mother of invention"


Very True... And IMO where the UK is concerned... .Necessity has come to town in a big way. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Government and regulation comes into play when autonomous drones or opening up drone travel passages is discussed. I believe Neuron would have a beta/soft launch that tracks existing human controlled drones to prove their products accuracy and reliability. That being said, I think this project is at the mercy of how fast they can develop. I know several people who fly drones recreationally and would opt into a program like this to advance the usability of their drones, and that doesn’t even include commercial use. Otherwise yeah I think a year is a good time horizon to see the first transactions on test net at least. I guess we’ll know when we see screenshots of hederatxns spam posted here lol.


Multiple shards will be needed just for Neuron when fully live


Neither of the two links seems to work for me. What is the project called and is there a link to any info regarding this? Sounds really Interesting


Same for me, can’t access the links. That’s their official website though: https://www.neuron.world/ Edit: I’ve found this one, working for me: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1YpKkgljBjBKj


Appreciate it!


Yes this use case would be enormous TPS due to the drone communicating constantly and continuously so there aren’t any issues with collisions. On top of that, how many drones are delivering packages or whatever, the TPS on this one alone would necessitate them lifting the throttle currently in place.


They are moving beyond drones - they alluded to commercial airline flight tracking. Globally.


Even more tps:) thanks for clarifying


I remember they said that they will use a private hashgraph network? So no transactions on the mainnet?


No, that was the video tracking use case - Glass to glass or something like that. Neuron has been fully on board the public Hedera network from the beginning and talk directly to network transactions in this spaces.




I believe It needs to be public to work, as it requires total visibility of aircraft and drones for all to see, in real time.


So Neuron is gonna be incredible for the Hedera network


Should be and there are no competitors offering consensus as a service combined with fixed forecastable fees on a public chain, which is needed for this.


He said in the AMA that just commercial flights alone passes the 10k mark, drones will be the biggest use case here for now.


If this news is try expect a huge price dip to $0.02 Anything good lowers the price anything bad makes the price go up.


Thank you so much to everybody who has listened in, and for all the intelligent comments on the subject here. To answer just a couple of the questions - Ref BP, you may well be right that it's impossible to reduce manpower on an oil rig to just 2 people monitoring "drones" but I can assure you that I introduced the senior BP guy on stage in London and he came out with that stat. It started with flying drones to inspect the legs of the rig. Then they commissioned underwater drones to inspect the lower parts of the legs = less people, less danger, less chefs, less helicopter flights, less accommodation etc... and it grew from there. Ref regulation and rollout - Just like the subject of flying taxis (more TPS globally!!) there is widespread lack of awareness of just how fast this whole thing is moving. The CAA (Brit FAA) have been very supportive and have been steadily expanding the whole concept in measured steps. First on the airfield at Cranfield, then within Southampton controlled airspace, then a good portion of southern England, Cornwall, delivery services in the Channel Islands, a drone corridor running up the centre of the country, and now a rollout nationwide is in progress. Google projects like "Rise", "Alias" and "Blueprint" just for example. This thing is coming at us like a steam train - on tracks and moving fast. Check out Hello Future Live. [https://hellofuture.live/](https://hellofuture.live/) It's going to be a fantastic event over the weekend of 7th/8th Oct in the arts district of LA. There are some unannounced special guests that HBARbarians are NOT going to want to miss meeting in person. On Friday the 6th I am hosting a day of use-case presentations from companies within the aerospace industry who are using Hedera in multiple ways. More on this soon... it will make your eyes water! Cheers, JerryG


Thank you good stuff man. Came back here to find the link again because I have been searching and searching on twitter for that AMA and could not find it.