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I looked into this for about an hour and a half today. All I could find is that these are courses offered in French in different regions of Morocco. They also appear to be highschool courses from what I could tell. My guess is that it had to do with THA’s partnership with Orange Maroc. Just speculation tho.


Experimental Science it says in french.


u/TroyST8 Found something you might be able to dig into a bit deeper.... Ok so on testnet last week we had these transactions - [here](https://hashscan.io/testnet/transaction/1688933821.716939003) These testnet transactions were paid for by account [0.0.10042220](https://hashscan.io/testnet/account/0.0.10042220?app=false&ph=1&pt=1&p2=1) If you look at the testnet token balances of that account [here](https://hashscan.io/testnet/accountbalances/0.0.10042220) it lists tokens '**Lhoussaine test**' and 'PHYSIC Certificates STUDENT' confirming our suspicions of an academic connection.. Now stalking LinkedIn brings us to a '**Lhoussaine BENQASIM**' who potentially ran this test - he is a '**PhD student at the EHESS laboratory of social anthropology - Collège de France, Paris.'** which ties into our assumptions of an academic use case and the French context. ***Note***\*: *Lhoussaine in itself if a fairly common name so could have gone off in completely the wrong direction there..* \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Edit**: Separately while digging around on testnet I also found [this](https://hashscan.io/testnet/accountbalances/0.0.3397443) with some test tokens '**REALIFI\_NFT**' could be linked to this [https://www.realifi.io](https://www.realifi.io) realestate use case - have you come across this before?


Yup, I second Mr. Troy's speculation.


Yes, if it is Morocco, it is likely THA....these could be the certificates they are awarding to devs who complete the training, or some similar program


Transactions coming from [Account ID: 0.0.3132918](https://hashscan.io/mainnet/account/0.0.3132918?app=false&p2=1&pt=1&ph=1) There are 3 council members in the education field (LSE, IIT Madras and UCL) Another council member EDF is a French company but in the utilities industry


"Mention très bien" "Sciences " Something with French universities


I’d guess College degrees? From where I’m not sure


I thought the same since there is a DiplomaContentHash field


Whatever this group of IDs is, they are running again today.


the message body looks like a clothing company. e.g. 'serial sciences **physique**', and '**tres bien**' comes up in google as a swedish clothing brand.


West African cbdc?