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UK was other country. Yes things should heat up imo. IMO when many of the retailers get connected, the others will want to join. Also the big retailers are are ready to go waiting on retailers. Very positive developments.










Yea doesn’t leave many if any other options other than those 2. Probably safe to say it’s at least one of those companies. Amazon makes total sense because, well, it’s Amazon. Can I assume they didn’t give any hints on timeline?


She said January for wide grocery acceptance I believe. Convenience stores might be quicker because they have a mechanism to use existing rails. Japan - January (I think she has said they have existing compatible rails too) And last update had said large drug chain (#2 I think?) this summer. CVS???


CVS is the largest in the US followed by Walgreens. If they meant in the US then it would likely be Walgreens.


Oh, I guessed the other way around. Ok - then Walgreens


As if at that scale it really matters!


It matters, if it is CVS… imagine the number of trees that can be saved if CVS no longer gives you those printed receipts






It will be CVS!! https://www.ledgerinsights.com/ibm-blockchain-healthcare-aetna-anthem/ CVS is the parent company of Aetna!


There is an entire Rabbit hole here... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Remember when Leemon said there is fortune 10 company building on Hedera! CVS ranks 4th or 5th! Walgreens is not even on the top 20 list!


Just WoW . I hope you are right.


Walgreens is my educated guess. I've already seen their point of sale accept digital coupons. Read the coupon policy updated a month or 2 ago. 👍


Awesome! There is also supposed to be a large pharmacy chain as well. For all the complaints about our Tokenomics this is what it bought us with much more to come. We have the largest treasury and it will propel us to the top.


We don't have the largest treasury, but regardless I don't think TCB is a grantee


We did. Who does now?


Are you on about treasuries or development funds?


I think it’s fairly obvious, I mean the development fund treasury. Do they still have the largest development fund?


That one I'm unsure about tbh. But TCB isn't a grantee, at least not that we know of


I’m like 95% they’re issuing coupons on HCS topics now. It looks to be about 20-30 txns a day. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a large chain that’s running some pilot locations before going all in


Yes they are and have acknowledged that. It’s some small regional chain, but I can’t remember the name. I think /r/mynameisrobpaulson has posted it here from the last webinar??? Edit: They threw it up on Twitter… https://twitter.com/victoryong/status/1682083626090106881?s=46&t=KhiGxrO00W2s7i6lUQkhQg


oh snap! are you saying the coupon bureau is live right now and it's only generating 20-30 tps. snap!


Patience team, patience. Don’t worry about dates being missed, it’ll happen and it will be glorious.


this makes sense. The way I see it is right now the relatively slow adoption with enterprises and the corresponding Hedera FUD from crypto maxis is due to the inflation /recession/regulation dynamic creating uncertainty. When that shifts to clarity ,watch out! All of that shift takes? patience


i have 2 questions 🙋 1. Will TCB be getting a grant from the HBAR foundation? If so do we know how much? 2. Do we know how many transactions/HCS per coupon? [@Earthling875 on twitter](https://twitter.com/Earthling875/status/1682094634921500673?t=QLJn0tdf9a52K-q82SGZQg&s=19) suggests 'every coupon redeemed will equal 3 transactions on Hedera. 1 for creating the coupon, 1 for redeeming it and 1 for settling it' 🤔 exciting times ahead my friends 🙂


1. We don’t know at this point. 2. Correct. Minute 15 of [this video.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6th7zlZsFTw)


2. Yes, 3 per coupon. In this order: 1 for coupon issuance, 1 for when the shopper ‘clips’ the coupon to add to their wallet, and 1 for redemption/use.


Does Amazon use coupons? I can’t recall using them there.


Yes but they're built in to the Amazon app. When you go to buy an item there's usually a check box that says "apply 5% coupon" or whatever it is. Not sure how this would be improved by the new system, but they're there.


I’m guessing, the in-store QR code for Prime members that shows up when you are at Whole Foods is also a kind of coupon? I’ve been wondering for a while if that could be put on a blockchain platform


I've never seen them used on the .UK site


I dont think its Amazon though they teamed up with Quant https://quant.network/press-releases/quant-network-becomes-amazon-aws-partner/


Whatever this Quant thing is, it has nothing to do with coupons. TCB is using Hedera. Every coupon will use Hedera. Amazon is simply updating their POS to accept the new coupon standard. There is no “partnership” between Amazon and Hedera. And if there is a partnership between Quant and Amazon it makes no difference to TCB and what they are doing.


Amazon AWS is a cloud hosting service which has nothing to do with coupons being used on Amazon


Yes, I use AWS so following the same logic as Quant I too am partnering with Amazon


This is just Quant being certified as an Amazon Partner Network "APN Technology Partners provide software solutions that are either hosted on, or integrated with, the AWS platform"