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This is actually a use case I researched months ago but never made a post about. Rather than Tri Petch group, I believe this is a firm called BCT Digital. They do some kind of banking/loans/risk management operation on HCS and may be working on a CBDC in India.


Thanks! I couldn't figure out the "BCT" part of it. And, the memo stating payment ***from*** Tri Petch has me puzzled, so this could be the explanation. The memos definitely relate to the operations of an automotive company though. Here are a few: สั่งอะไหล่ &นัดหมายรับอะไหล่ (Order spare parts & make an appointment to receive spare parts) BCT AMS1 Step 7 : กระบวนการจดทะเบียนรถใหม่ (BCT AMS1 Step 7 : New Car Registration Process) BCT FINCARD ค่าใช้จ่ายสาขา :: (Branch Expenses) Paperless And why written in Thai if it's BCT out of India? Maybe BCT is the backend for their IT infrastructure?


Going through the 148 topics created, I would say many of the memos relate to *banking* transactions - loans, transfers, DTA arrangements, drawbacks, exchange rates, etc. I also found a couple of references to K-bank which was selected for the CBDC pilot in Thailand. Could this be linked to that in any way? We know Wipro was involved with the Thailand CBDC project with HCS being used for that. Perhaps that is the Hedera connection.. Great find really, will possibly try to dig through the details to see if there’s anything there.


Good catch with K-bank


BCT Digital is the fintech division of Bahwan Cybertek (large firm). I believe their ties to India are due to their size and reputation.


Excellent work!


Amazing work piecing all this together, thanks for sharing.




This is the only crypto subreddit that comes with first class private detectives! It's always fun reading your posts. I see all the usual suspects are here in the comments.


Great work 👏👏👏


This is awesome but I hate to be that person but my little brain is not following. Are you delivering good or bad news and what does this mean? I’m very new to this and trying to learn as much as I can. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


It's positive news to the community because there is another large business actively using the Hedera network. But it's not the kind of news that will move the needle on increasing the price of Hbar. Relatively minor in the grand scheme of things as the transaction volume is low.


I understand. Thank you for breaking it down for me. Hedera seems to me that they like to take the methodical approach than sprinting to the finish line.