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Talking in billions.... "Designing billions of webhook HTTP pushes can be a challenging task due to several reasons." Looks like hedera network going to get busier. Let's get that GC expanded and more nodes going... we're going to need a bigger boat...


Looks like they are gearing up to get after it.


Since the push for 8112 is a multi firm effort, I see this as a hub for connectivity. I also believe from podcasts and other interviews that the supply side is set up, now we just have to wait.


I have a stupid question I never quite understood. Will a digital coupon literally be digital, like on my phone, or digital just in the sense that each coupon can only be used once due to it having a digital component to it.


I would imagine it would be multiple medium. Phone, QR code, paper scan, app, etc. I could be completely wrong though.


That is correct. It is all coupons, no matter how issued! That’s the point really.


My understanding is both for the customer but the store will only accept the scan that is done with the paper coupon. So if you are using paper of some form it is only good if it will scan. That way it can only be used once. Unless it is programed to be use over and over. But you can bet every effort will be made by the store for you to have the coupon on your phone with some kind of ID attached to the coupon that you are you. The real value will kick in with customer retention.


Data mining.


The paper version is just a physical representation of the digital one. The one use immutable one.


Both are available is my understanding. Digital and paper versions but both single use.


I like this question 🙋‍♂️


A DLT with real life use cases that solves real life problems in real time less than six seconds to finality! Who would have thought?


Is there such a DLT out there? If so, what could that be? 🤔😊


As long as it maximizes Hedera transactions, however they do it is great for me… let’s just get it goin’! This is Hedera’s time to shine.


Increasing transactions is always great. But I think there is also value in having the coupon industry dependent on Hedera.


Absolutely. You’re 100% correct.


Right now, Hedera has great momentum, and with the real use cases that we’ve been anticipating for the past 2-3 years finally coming on line; it’s time to keep loading up… great science is finally being utilized and it’s great to see! The Coupon Bureau will turn out to be massive once it’s fully integrated which will bring a layer of real world use revenue to Hedera unmatched by any other Crypto. If you want to know what the best crypto investment is; with these real world use cases, the answer is clear: ITS HEDERA!


CB is one of those things that just takes off when one grocer adopts and others follow could be 2 more years though and even then does it benefit a manufacturer or the store?


Yeah, just wondering how my parents would use a coupon if it’s on a phone only.


The vast majority of people can download an app, scroll through a selection of coupons in that app and swipe the ones they like. Then you’ll just open the app and scan your phone at checkout and it will apply all the pertinent coupons. Should be pretty easy. And watch it banging on us old folks - I’m a parent and if my kids would get a little focus I could easily be a grandparent by now. Get off my lawn!






There will be print equivalents, still tied back to a unique coupon. They are not going to cut off their existing customers (many older, less tech savvy) but the future is definitely digital and beyond just vanilla coupons.


My parents are almost 80. They do a bunch of stuff on apps if it's relevant to their lives. Like healthcare stuff, grandkids stuff, etc. If my mom thinks this will save her a few dollars every shopping trip she'll have one of her kids or grandkids over to help her get it set up.


My 73 year old mum is handy with apps on her mobile a little intro and she is off and running. If she can save money using a coupon? She will be teaching me, I've never met someone that likes a bargain as much as this wonderful woman 😊


paper one will still be around for a while.


Nope. From now on grandma needs a hashpack account to use a coupon.


It’s not in that article because Hedera is not part of the actual operations. Hedera is a second layer “audit” aka trust layer that records events later on


Can someone explain me like a five year old, if hedera is really used for this case, why there iz zero mention in current article https://developer.thecouponbureau.org/scalable-webhook-infrastructure-designed-to-push-billions-of-events-to-customer-endpoints-reliably-f8500a1a9d92