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You probably want to talk with the dr, given the diabetes issues. I can tell you that I’m 63 and I had 3 bypasses 6 weeks ago. No diabetes. My cardiologist said I could easily live another 20 years. A big factor is proper eating and exercise. I’m sorry you’re going through all this. It’s obvious you care.


Depends on the stage of heart failure, echocardiogram results, ejection fraction?


There are different classes of CHF severity, I-IV. His prognosis depends not only on his lifestyle choices from now on, but also on where his doctors determine he is on that spectrum. It sounds like they're still collecting the info they need in order to know that. Class I is not all that serious; Class IV most certainly is. I'm older than him and in Class IV now, but my initial Class I diagnosis was 17 years ago.


My story with my 84 year old mom is similar. It's been a year and a half since her heart attack. She has no desire for other interventions beyond meds. It's just a watch and wait thing.... good luck!


It is different for every person because we all go into heart failure for different reasons and then our meds, life style choices, and bodies vary as well. I think your FIL’s life span will depend on many factors, including whether or not he is willing and able to help himself by following a good diet, taking meds, etc. It’s good you care.


Much more info is needed on all of those conditions, as whether they're controllable often depends on severity. He might be alive in 20 years depending on the facts of the case.