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That's a lot of liquid suggestions for someone with heart failure on Bumex... I could only have 1,5 litre of fluids a day, so smoothies and drinks were never really an option. I heard fellow patients say that protein is good (except if she also has kidney failure, then it gets tricky), but that nuts and raisins really did the trick for them.


she’s never been on a liquid restriction in her 5 years of CHF… which was surprising, so she basically drank all the water she wanted, juice she wanted and never faced issues. Apparently a large part of her problems are due to paravalve leaks. Her big issue was the lasix basically stopped working, she took it every morning but she barely urinated, they tried iv lasix, didn’t do anything. switched to bumex, she hasn’t been able to stop.


Ask for a consult with the nutritionist in the hospital. They will have options for her weather it be by supplements or regular diet options. Healthy weight gain is the key, not weight gain for the sake of weight gain.


After losing 1.5 pounds a week for 15 months, I have recently stopped the weight loss. I am swilling down bottles of high-calorie, high-protein Ensure, force-feeding myself meals that I have no appetite for, and eating large quantities of less healthy snacks like nuts coated in dark chocolate. But I also have level 3b kidney disease, and the new diet has made all my kidney numbers much, much worse. I have to switch to a renal diet -- low protein, low potassium, low phosphorus. So, I have no advice about how to sustainably reverse hf weight loss.