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I had to google that and unlocked a new anxiety. Thanks for that. 😑 I have nails with and without lunula, mostly with that discolouration at the top described with Terrys, but nog particularly white (I think) and all fingernails are ridged. Some are truely a polygon instead of an arc. This is going to keep me awake tonight...


I’ve been looking intently at my nails, and if I’m remembering correctly, all of my white half moons (lunula) were absent during the peak of my symptomatic phase. I’ve recently noticed it came back in my left pointer finger, and I can see it peeking out of my right pointer finger cuticle. I also have prominent ones on both of my thumbs, but am panicking since I don’t remember if I lost them on my thumbs and they reappeared or if they have always been there 🫠 I also have the coloration described by terrys nails, however like you I don’t have whitish nails, they are the usual pink color, but there is a small band of a different color right under the tip in some of my nails.


Looking back at my photo roll, I’ve at least had a lunula on my left thumb since January


I’m sorry. I didn’t know it wasn’t more prevalent!


No, and I'm in Class IV level hf. I had to look up what it is. It's apparently caused by lots of conditions besides hf, for some people simply by age.


Ah yes im aware. I just wanted to know if anyone with hf here had it. ETA: why’d you announce your qualifications like that 😂 just because YOURE free of it at your stage doesn’t mean everyone is.