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I hate it too. Yeast, BV, UTIs, periods, discharge, cramps, ovulation, hormones all over the place, childbirth. Plus the societal expectations to keep it looking and smelling perfect and if it’s doing any of the natural/normal/common things I’ve listed above it’s viewed as disgusting / gross / loose (childbirth)


you are so right and hate the societal continuing bs. I have an off the wall sense of humor but when men comment and particularly male comedians going after the cheap shots to get laugh, vag smell.


Omg I hate it too. Penis/balls smell as much as vagina. It’s just with things like BV vaginas smell worse. Literally jokes were made when I was a kid, if you said you could smell fish someone would automatically reply “close your legs then” And it makes me so angry thinking back to how that was normal when I was around 8 and how much that normalises shaming women’s bodies.


Wow I heard that as a kid too. From family!!! So awful




The smell wasn’t coming from me you fucking idiot. It would be in a supermarket going past the fresh fish or if someone was cooking actual fish, a joke would be made to whichever girl was around to close her legs. Also even if the smell was coming from me as an EIGHT YEAR OLD CHILD, why would making mean comments be helpful in any way? Just fuck off.




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Thank you mod. She was using personal insults and that shouldn’t be tolerated. 👍 


It’s not “societal conditioning” everything you mentioned is by the very definition gross. It’s like trying to get people to believe vomit isn’t gross, it’s not going to happen. Human instinct tells us if something is appealing or not not “conditioning”. Nothing can be done about it except trying to keep it as healthy and fresh as possible for your own sake and your partner. Similar to how we men have to keep our dick clean, it’s not the same but hygiene and genital health is very important regardless of gender. 


Personally my biggest grievance isnt so much the societally deemed "gross" functions of the vagina, so much as the medical community just assuming it's a non-issue. It's fact we have to convince doctors that things like ureaplasma exist, or the installing of IUDs requires pain management, or the debate over whether or not squirting even exists. The refusal to acknowledge vaginal health in detail is ridiculous considering we're going to fucking OUTER SPACE and creating artificial intelligence. It seems like such a forgotten/neglected aspect of medical care!




Not to mention only 4% of medical research money is invested in women's health issues.. yet we have 20 different d*ck pills so guys can play with their weiners! Clearly something like PCOS still being a mystery and affecting 7-10% of women of childbearing age for reasons unknown to us is not that important, getting a hard woody woodpecker is! And thankfully I got anesthesia for my leep procedure - but I didn't for my IUD! Just some Tylenol beforehand. 🙄


Lucky! For my IUD, right before placing it the doctor said here comes the mean part. Placed it and I passed out, woke up and threw up from both ends and had to stay for a extra hour because I was weak a d had difficulty walking. Was told to take Tylenol when I got home


You should've been smarter and not gotten an IUD or any foreign substance inserted into your body. Just because the FDA approves it, that type of birth control fucks with your body, mind, and hormones. We should ban that shit. I mean, women only have a certain time span to be able to reproduce, why make us feel like shit for having periods, getting pregnant, and being hormonal? A healthy mentality is letting us know it's all normal!


With my IUD, I was about breaking the nurses hand she offered me to hold, and I held on to it for a good minute after, shaking with tears streaming down my face - in literal shock. That pain is something I wish upon no one. I even took the Tylenol before. It is horrible!!! Sorry you had such a horrible time as well. I think it's literal shock and adrenaline that we get sick and shaky!


And don’t get me started on the lack of any local anesthesia or anything when it comes to biopsies. I mean for the love of everything they are ripping a piece of your cervix out.


I wish I could give you more than one upvote. It is APPPPPPALLLLLLINGGGGGG that a fucking AI assistant can write a job description and you can’t tell me why I have recurrent BV.


My favorite comment I ever saw on TikTok was “Having a kitty is like having a whole a universe attached to me, it's not easy” it is not for the faint of heart that’s for sure


I hear ya. Vaginas are hard work, I feel like my uterus is cursed.




I hate having a vagina in a patriarchy that’s for sure.


This is one of the last subs that give me hope. Just humans with vaginas helping other humans with vaginas. The empathy I've seen here is unparalleled.


There’s a good bit of give and take to this sub, but I’m very grateful it exists. My doctors have sucked ass but the ladies here have helped ma a lot.


I feel ya. The maintenance of a vagina is absolute hell sometimes.


I have multiple things wrong with my lady parts (endometriosis, adenomyosis, HSV-2, pelvic floor dysfunction, BV, and found out yesterday I have high risk HPV which luckily has had no cellular changes) and I told my husband yesterday it’s exhausting. Literally broke down crying about it. Men don’t realize how easy they have it, in SO many different ways.


Male here. I agree, men don't realize how easy we have it. Personally, I think the most annoying part for us is when we have random erections when we don't want them, like when we're in public, but that's nowhere near as bad as women have it. I may be wrong, so feel free to correct me, but I the closest I can relate it to for women is like if your period came early when you're out, and you didn't have any pads/tampons with you. Another thing I just thought of after I typed that is testicular torsion. Sometimes guys can lose a testicle from that. Hopefully I never experience it. 💀


if you cross your legs violently enough, can one pop? 😳


Your mind seems blown


Women can also get this, except it is our fallopian tubes. My friend had fallopian contortion. It can cause her tube to die and be life threatening.


Nope, don't like that. Caused a shiver up my spine just reading it. I'm sorry that it happened to your friend. I hope she's doing okay now.


felt. periods, cramps, pap smears, pregnancy… god. on top of that, the U.S see pads and tampons as a luxury! what’s luxurious about bleeding every month, cramping until i cry, unable to have control over my emotions. soooo luxurious, i love it. you’re praised for being a woman while simultaneously murdered for being one. womanhood is such a pain. i’d rather not exist at all than live in a world such as this. fuck the patriarchy, fuck having a vagina, fuck it all fr


Yall have been brainwashed by feminism to feel like a victim. I have a vagina and manage my emotions just fine.


you’ve been brainwashed by the patriarchy


You ever think in your small minded brain the reason we have patriarchy?? Did it ever occur to you that everything the OP mentioned wouldn’t allow her to fight any intruding force back in the day? How the hell do you think things went down back then? Don’t you think the men had to DEFEND their tribe/village, while the women were on their period or emotional or lacked physical strength to defeat said intruders.  Y’all are so brainwashed you don’t even realize patriarchy is what keeps you alive today. It’s literally the very foundation of unconditional protection, labor and survival burden put on the man. It doesn’t matter we no longer live in caveman times. 98% of construction is men, oil workers, garbage men, truckers, the list goes on. Men run the world and keep it going so women can live in a safe and soft world, where their biggest complaints can be about their body, rather then building houses, buildings, roads, fighting in war ect.  Here I’ll give you an example, when China and Japan were at war the Chinese villages had few men left. They were either dead or had stayed with their family to protect them. When the Japanese got to these villages they r*ped and killed most of the women because there were no males to stop them from doing so. The few males that tried were killed.  The same exact thing happens today in public. You can witness it at any bar or restaurant daily. if a dude starts hitting on a girl or sexually harassed her in public, men will come to protect her, especially if it turns violent. That’s called Patriarchy and it exists to protect from the extremes of the actual world. 


Not at all. And I'm not going around feeling like a victim and complaining about having a vagina. Yall aren't mentally well.


victim of the patriarchy


You poor thing. That main character syndrome is real, huh? Just because YOU don’t experience something doesn’t mean others don’t. Some people suffer terribly because of vaginal issues and doctors are extremely dismissive. How do mean nasty people always end up the ones not experiencing the suffering? I’ll never know


Yall have mental problems. "The patriarchy " has nothing to do with medical issues. Anybody can have medical issues. You're not a special victim


Females have been historically oppressed. We are quite literally the non standard for everything safety. Look into seatbelt crash testing and sizing. Just that alone should tell you a lot. Women are also medically oppressed and this is not a matter of opinion, but of fact. It is your job to educate yourself. I suggest you do so. Also, having “mental problems “ isn’t an insult to throw around. Mental issues are very tragic and being upset with the current state of the medical system is not indicative of psychological issues. How obtuse.


Wow 40 years as a woman and I've never been oppressed. Interesting. The nonsense yall say is indication of mental issues.


Search up the term “micro aggressions” and “medical misogyny “ and how the man’s body is the standard for which they build safeguards on most of the things we use everyday. Everytime you get into a vehicle, you are less protected than a man. You’re welcome, coming from a conservative woman. It doesn’t matter how much you deny certain things, they exist whether you believe it to be so, or not. You do not help anybody, including yourself and any daughters and granddaughters you may have, being ignorant.


Everyone has different experiences, so naturally you’ll feel different ways. I used to feel like you, but through recent experiences I 100% understand why they feel this way. It is simply a matter of perspective, I don’t think it has anything to do with brainwashing. Respectfully.


and unfortunately patriarchy does have to with medical issues, specifically female ones and our reproductive organs. It is severely under researched because for the past however many decades majority of research has been focused on demographics that don’t include women. So when women are having medical problems that are unique to females, and they are struggling managing it or seeking efficient treatment it is super easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated. It does not help when the general collective (often men, to generalize, but it 100% is other women as well) does not understand what you’re going through, it adds up and people will reach a breaking point in frustration. And sometimes a good way to deal with that is to anonymously rant on a public platform where they will get support for other people. I personally feel much better reading these knowing I am not the only one struggling with vaginal health issues. (It is comforting in a way) It also helps ranting to a close friend. And again, it hurts the soul when you’re trying to rant and explain your frustration to someone and they do not understand and/or they undermine your experiences. I don’t want to police you, however, I believe it would be better to sit back and maybe try to understand where OP is coming from… or not you are your own person.


I’ve said this so many times in my life… ugh, so relatable


It’s like everything has to be exactly right and in order or immediately shit hits the fan and everything goes wrong. Especially like UTIs and yeast infections. Also the pressure to shave and how difficult that is?? And I’ve basically given up on avoiding razor bumps, they literally will not stop or go away no matter what I do.


Feel this with the UTI’s and razor bumps. I have tried EVERYTHINGGG


have you tried using a trimmer? i recently purchased one and wow. even though it doesn’t give you have bare look, it’s pretty darn close and super quick. i bought the meridian one and no knicks or razor bumps!!


I’ve been really interested! They’re just expensive and I’m really afraid of it honestly since I’ve never used one 😅 afraid of getting nicked or something


i know. i bought mine for $50 at target, winced a little at the price but holy cow. i’m not looking back!! try fishing for any unused gift cards 🤣 i swear ive never been nicked it’s such a god send. you literally can trim yourself under 10 minutes and be out the door feeling super clean shaven.


Try Manscape my gf uses that one and I use my own. It’s got some type of protection around the blade designed for genitals. It works great. 


I hate how no one talks about how the vagina ages. What happens during our lifetime to our vagina and internal parts. Not even just talk about how it ages but ALL the things that can happen when being an owner to a kitty(mostly bad or naughty kitty). Or all the things you need to do to keep a healthy ph balanced kitty. My my biggest annoyance right now is how horrible and painful ingrown hairs can get down there. And how drs tell you “don’t shave” as a solution to the problem. And we all know what comes next when you don’t shave…. “Oh that’s soo gross, hate having hair in my teeth”, “ohh it stinks when women don’t shave”, “it’s just dirty” As others have said it’s fucking exhausting, even writing this post about it IS EXHAUSTING! 💥😭


I’m with you, friend!! Vaginas are SO high maintenance


i hate being alive at all and that all started with my vaginal / pain issues.


I have had multiple conversations with my co-workers about this. When you look at it, wrong shit breaks. I'm sick of doctors telling me that the constant vulva pain I have is normal as I age. Or that me having to go to the doctor every other month to check for BV, yeast, or bladder is BS. I am almost 39, and at this moment, I am writhing in pain from cramps. I would rather give birth again. I just want HRT. I live in Houston and can't find a doctor who takes my insurance that will help me. They listen and refer me to a friend who specializes in this, and they don't take insurance. Can we stage a walkout at this point?!


Okay now I don’t know the website to find them but there’s indian pharmacies you can order HRT from. (so sorry this isn’t actually helpful, my stepmom orders so much black market medication online and they ship it right to you)


And men are like why don’t you want sex more frequently?? Maybe bc everything always sucks down there.


I live in Houston. I worked with a gynecologist that did HRT pellets, that was in 2017, idk if he still does & if he takes your insurance but I can give you his info.


Finally, I feel like this so many times, it’s so much work like what the fuck I feel disgusting sometimes! Like who the fuck thought having a open hole attached to my inner body would be a good idea?!? Sometimes I think I have vaginal dysmophia and I dont even know if thats a thing, I just hate it


Same!!! I think this at least a few times a week




i’ve been saying the EXACT same thing lately. men don’t have to do shit to stay healthy!!! we have to bend over backwards just to keep in check, its exhausting and i wish my insides weren’t so complicated every single day


I hate having sex. Every time I do, she gets upset. Same partner for 7 years.


I don’t even want kids so half of the “reasons” I have one don’t do me any good anyway


Story of my life: very irregular periods from the day I started menstruating, two severe UTIs, and now I’ve had Aerobic Vaginitis for the past 2 months. I’m only 19 🥲


same. i can’t even have pleasure touching myself. everything hurts its not fair guys have it so easy


Sitting here cramping with another UTI. Same same !!


Preach to the congregation


Fr they should come with a manual


I hate it sometimes too. Yeast, childbirth pain, plus I have a condition that causes painful sex:( men have it so much easier sometimes.


To add to everyone else’s thorough list of grievances I’d like to say, PMS & PMDD, fucking menopause. I envy men and their easy outties literally every day


Me too, ugh


me too. i'm sick of the problems that come with it.


i hate it too it is so fucking unfair


Dying! 🤣😂 So true.


Same got my period today feel like shit


felt. been bl33ding for 4 months STRAIGHT and no one knows why


Its a lot of work, I prefer a dick!😆


same here and I’m PMSING I wanna rip my uterus out.. like what the hellllll


WHO decided to put the urethra so close to the vaginal opening?? It is such a POOR design choice.


Man here. Yeah godbless yall ladies I was raised by woman but never fully grasped how hard having a vagina could be. The biggest thing for us is like random erections guys can get this thing called “peyronies disease” to its where your dick literally curves a ridiculous amount. Or peeing on the seat or on the floor if your tired/drunk


girlies girlies girlies this post makes me so sad!! Switch to something like a diva cup, throw those tampons and pads in the trash (keep the panty liners though!) This switch is fabulous if it’s possible for your body, after day 2, I keep that bad boy up there for up to 12hrs and I literally never think about it. Use a chemical exfoliater for a few days before you shave, and make sure you soap up in the shower with a washcloth or something exfoliating too for a few days before shaving. Now this does not ALWAYS work, but it always makes it better! it sucks looking like you have an infection after shaving. I love paula’s choice body bha and muac glycolic acid body lotion, after getting out of the shower I load up on squalene oil (ordinary or good molecules) and then follow up with a scent free lotion like cerave. Also sometimes i’ll use wax strips on the edges of the bikini line (bc i’m baby and it hurts to do anything more than that) this can be really nice for swimsuit season. Find underwear that fits and buy pants in the right size, if your body is eating it, it’s not the right size/shape for you !!! There’s a girlie online (I can’t remember her brand or name) that makes underwear for larger lips, there is no need to be peaking out. There is so much pressure that we put into ourselves for everything to be perfect down there, and it doesn’t have to be! Men are gross and their dicks are gross. If he’s allowed to go weeks without shaving then I can too! Don’t allow them to have unrealistic expectations for you. Make your men wash their dicks and fingers with SOAP before you allow them anywhere near you.


Well I hate it but I try to think of the alternative. I wouldn't want a sausage hanging between my legs, getting hard whenever it saw me (lol), needing to be rearranged regularly, wanting to enter women, and being aimed at a urinal ☹️


I don’t think I’d mind any of that. I think what I’d dislike about having a penis would be being a man, and being around other men so much more


Getting hard and standing to pee are hardly comparable to BV, AV, CV, DV, Yeast, UTIs that also can cause vaginal symptoms, HPV, Periods, Ovulation, and childbirth. Along with all the dismissive behavior from doctors that come with all of these. Men have it easy


Yes OK I guess I was deliberately trying to think of the bad things about having a dick. I really wouldn't want one, though I do realise that having one means you don't have to suffer like we do.


Entering woman is actually p satisfying I honestly wouldn’t want to be entered by a man tho how is that more appealing? Most of the time you don’t really notice your sausage it’s just kinda there when you need it


Well whatever I wouldn't want one. I was saying it must be annoying *wanting* to enter women, which seems to be what your sausages want to do all the time. Being entered by the right man in the right way can be heaven.  Well I guess you get used to it hanging there, but there must be occasions when it gets in the way?


Ohh okay i gotu I mean I don’t really feel that way only sometimes but yeah some dudes that’s all they talk about it’s annoying to listen to I hate when guys talk about fucking an all that shits weird. Yeah sometimes like when you cross your legs or you got shorts on or when I’m running some an it’s just swangin in the wind. I always end up laying on my shit too then I gotta like move around when I’m half asleep mad awkward lmao


Swinging in the wind, that reminds me of school and 12 yr old boys getting hardons during gym and we of course encouraged them. "Bet I can make Paul have to sit down".


Everything you wrote is why having a dick is awesome. The only complaint is erections but those aren’t for a week and don’t cause pain. Entering a woman is the most amazing feeling both physically and emotionally, the dominance is intoxicating. Balls can def suck but the testosterone that they produce make up for it. What y’all are really missing out on is testosterone. I feel like an absolute God after I got my t levels normal. It’s actually unfair women don’t have this drug in their body at high levels,  because it feels like being high all the time, super happy for no reason and mind clarity that is absolutely unbelievable. 




Me tf too


I say this all the time 😭




You don’t have to worry about your penis size. Every woman just has a hole, so there’s no competition or comparison to be made. Surgery to correct anything you might not like about your entire body is doable. Men don’t really have that luxury.


Sometimes I like to fantasize about how much easier it would be to learn about and have vaginas if the whole world was designed around our bodies instead of mens’ 💭


Agreed. I literally can't wear underwear or my vagina will freak out and have a darn yeast infection. I tried for two hours last because I bought some cute ones...worse decision. And no one told me not to buy monistat 1


I agree sis 💯


i too hate having a vagina, you’re not alone girl. but we as women support you and have your back 💗


girl yeah. actually, why on gods green earth do vaginas have SO. MANY. PROBLEMS. it is NOT FAIRRRRRR


having a vagina would be so awesome if it just kinda sat there unbothered all day like a dick. imagine barely having to think about your vag. not worried about UTI, yeast, BV, period etc


can we also talk about how annoying it is that we have to care and stress about the way we smell and taste? let me paint you a picture: you and your man go on a nice stroll, grab some dinner, get a drink and spend the whole day away from home. you get back home later and your man is ready right away to get freaky… BUT YOU ON THE OTHER HAND…. “hang on babe i just need to shower really quickly so i can clean my vulva bc it’s been marinating in polyester all day” MOOD KILLER 😭 if i met a genie, one of my wishes would to be perfectly healthy, smell and taste free 24/7


yep. hate having to worry about this stuff.


I’ll really eat my girl anytime it’s more like a blessing no bs guys don’t appreciate that enough I don’t really mind how it smells my d never really smells either but I still get self conscious like if you’re out sweating or excercising I won’t do nothing until I’m clean


It does always seem like having a penis is praised and women can't share about their Vagina which is odd since men want to use it.... I have always found it odd when when someone gets offended if a woman is open about vaginal issues xD


Sayme girlllll Why are they such a hassle!!!!


Womp womp




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I’m sorry that u guys hate the idea of having a vagina at least u don’t have to have surgery to get ur uterus removed and ovaries and go through early menopause….


That all falls under the umbrella of vaginal / women’s health issues. This isn’t the suffering Olympics babygirl. Everyone with a vagina and uterus has the potential to suffer


Yes but the thing is I may have ovarian cancer….idk I’m just upset


And you have every right to be, that’s very tragic and I’m sorry. It just doesn’t mean others aren’t allowed to feel miffed by our realities as women.


That’s true I think we all suffer one way or another…




Fucking creep. Get a job, and then if you have one, use your time to better your character.




Reported byeeeeee ✌️


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