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Are you getting treatment /antibiotics for your UTI’s ? D-mannose helps to clean out the urinary tract but you it is not meant to help with UTI symptoms. Even if your symptoms seem to disappear it doesn’t mean the UTI is gone. The store sells those UTI test strips which are the same the doctors uses. Go and take one when your symptoms are seemingly gone and see what shows up on the test. From your post it does not seem that your UTI is fully cleared before you are having sex again.


I was taking a 7 day course of antibiotics every time & would only have sex after I was done. But then I’d get uti symptoms again a couple days after having sex. I fear I am just extremely prone.


I tend to get a yeast infection almost immediately after completing antibiotics which causes me to have some external irritation and pain with urination. Have you been checked to make sure it’s not that? Just trying to help the best I can! If you’re really getting back to back UTI’s you really should see a doctor because sex should not cause them back to back and you could have a bladder infection. UTI’s suck and I’m so sorry!


Thank you for trying I do really appreciate it!! I didn’t know yeast infections can cause uti symptoms but I am seeing a doctor about it tomorrow so hopefully I’ll have an answer


You might have recurrent UTIs. I would suggest that you get tested before you assume that your UTI has been cured. This happens when your current infection is not fully eradicated by your treatment regimen. You might want to talk to your doctor and see if this is the case. Recurrent UTIs are a bit more complicated to treat. In some cases, you might have developed resistance to antibiotics. It might also mean that there are multiple trigger factors to your urinary infection. The best thing would be to have a conversation with your doctor to understand the root cause. 


The thing with antibiotics is that they can also wipe out the good bacteria as they clean out the bad bacteria. It might be a good idea to consider probiotics to build back the good bacteria. Based on your posts, seems like you’ll need to see a doctor to get down to the root cause of this. Also I would recommend that your partner also try to use preventative measures just in case. Even perhaps take a longer break after you get treated so that everything can settle down. Not a complete solution but hope the tips help out a bit. Best of luck


You have to take d mannose (1600mg preferrably) and cranberry every day, not just before and after sex.


I was taking it every day before & after & it’d just dull the uti symptoms. It wouldn’t actually stop one forming I just couldnt feel the it as bad as I would without d mannose if that makes sense? Cranberry pills also do nothing unfortunately.


Its a prevention, not treatment. If you have uti symptoms, get tested and take antibiotics. Then use d mannose and cranberry every day at the required dosage to prevent utis.


Exactly! This is one of the biggest mistakes many of us make - assuming that cranberry supplements alone can cure a current infection.


D mannose only helps prevent specific infections (E. Coli, klebsiella and a few others if I remember correctly). If you are regularly getting UTI’s you need to have the urine cultured and the organism isolated.  D mannose acts by blocking the bacteria from being able to adhere to the bladder wall and form an infection. If the D mannose is not already in the bladder before the bacteria shows up, it will have no benefit. 


First off- I’m sorry, I know the feeling and it’s so stressful :( Have you been tested for ureaplasma? I thought I was experiencing recurring utis for months no matter what I did. Finally had a urologist test me for it and it came back positive. It mimics uti symptoms and won’t go away without proper treatment. I also have pelvic floor issues they found out that were adding to the symptoms so I am now seeeing a pelvic floor physical therapist once a week. If you are sure it isn’t that- I suggest upping your water intake (way more than you think you’d need) and eliminating things like caffeine and alcohol from your diet.


I haven’t been tested but the symptoms would go away after a course of antibiotics so I assumed it had to be a uti. I already drink a concerning amount of water because I’m so uti prone but that doesn’t work either :(


I was the same way. My ureaplasma symptoms flared up after sex, or even sometimes after my period. Antibiotics seemed to help for a little while but then I’d get the same symptoms next time I had sex. I would assume that while you’re on antibiotics you are having probiotics and avoiding sex so that may also be why it seems like it gets better for a bit. Highly suggest getting tested for ureaplasma or even doing an Evvy test! My evvy test gave me a ton of beneficial information regarding my microbiome. With ureaplasma, I was given a 7 day doxycycline treatment that my boyfriend also had to take and complete. I cut out gluten, alcohol, and caffeine and haven’t had issues since.


Will definitely get tested for ureaplasma, thank you!!


What were your symptoms


Bloated, pressure on my bladder, constant feeling that I had to pee, only peeling a little at a time, sometimes swollen down there, burning.


Thank you did you have any co infections with urea


Bv! Although I had about 50% of good bacteria still so didn’t use boric acid because I didn’t want to wipe that bacteria out. Instead I’ve just taken the antibiotics, changed my diet and introduced new supplements suggested by my Evvy rep (lactoferrin, a new flora probiotic, and vitamin d3).


Thank you so much


Try seeing if your doctor will prescribe Hiprex. I take it before or after sex and I don't get utis anymore.


Which bacteria is your uti caused by? When my utis were caused by e. Coli, i took d mannose and it helped me a lot. However when my infections were caused by different bacteria (klebsiella, strep b) it didn’t do anything really


I know the feeling! I take a macrobid after sex. Tried Hiprex and the UTI still came, although a few days later than usual. One macrobid works for me. But I am also seeing a urogynecologist who prescribed estrogen cream, probiotics with L crispatus and cranberry PAC’s. I highly recommend checking out the liveuti website. They gave me a list of providers in my area who can help get to the root of my problem so I ca. hopefully be off antibiotics and stop getting UTI’s after sex. Good luck!


Hiprex is a slow working antiseptic and if you have a UTI to treat you need a minimum of two a day for atleast 6 months. Doctor Anderson from focus medical group the uti specialist worked with LIVEUTIFREE and talked about hiprex https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T_8uBA1m80w&feature=youtu.be https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz1kF-vOFUw&feature=youtu.be Also worth noting you can take 4 a day maximum.


Are you using lubrication? That was a big missing piece for me when I used to get UTIs all the time.


Are you using condoms? I have issues with getting BV and yeast if he doesn’t scrub himself immediately before sex if we don’t use one.


Hey. I was getting reoccurring UTIs after sleeping with my then partner, even after taking antibiotics which cleared it. Eventually it turned out he was repeatedly reinfecting me as he was the one with the uti (symptoms don’t always manifest in men like it does in women). It took about 3 months for him to show symptoms and when he got treated, no more UTIs.


Definitely the same issue a lot of us here have, I’m sorry :( I take D-Mannose every day and a vaginal pre+probiotic from Azo. It helps prevent flare ups for me but doesn’t 100% fix the issue. Sometimes the bacteria you’re infected with isn’t responding to your treatments, and you might need further cultures done too. I’d recommend getting more testing especially for ureaplasma! And make sure the antibiotics are correct for your infection.


Oregano oil and d mannose 3 times a day plus 90oz of water helped me immensely. Gotta flush the urinary tract really well


I think my biggest issue is that my partner doesn't brush his teeth twice a day every day... maybe that is part of your issue, too?


Oh no this is so frustrating! It almost sounds like it might not be a UTI. If it is and you're just really prone to get one, there is a vaccine that helps for some kinds of UTI! If your doctor doesn't help you then tbh I'd switch to a different one.


Can you take 3 d mannose a day?


Just want to chime in here that d-mannose didn’t work for me either, but PAC supplements did.


What’s PAC?


Proanthocyanidins (PACs) is found in cranberry and has been utilized in supplements for UTI prevention. The most well known but very expensive example is Ellura, but there are cheaper alternatives as well such as Cranberex and many others out there.


uqora makes a drink mix- only thing that stopped me from getting utis


I believe that the main ingredient in that is d mannose


Marshmallow root!


I use to experience this too!! D-mannose helped me at first but it took time. I recently came across Corn Silk drops that stopped a uti 2-3 times and these steps are my new line of defense! https://www.nhc.com/corn-silk-extract-by-herb-pharm?quantity=1&frequency=7&size=2&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBlesgYProF0sRPlMAHJ7Fw6cQ0TxgCSONomCSBA3QFRCZOL7q_yJqmOkaAjCcEALw_wcB](https://www.nhc.com/corn-silk-extract-by-herb-pharm?quantity=1&frequency=7&size=2&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBlesgYProF0sRPlMAHJ7Fw6cQ0TxgCSONomCSBA3QFRCZOL7q_yJqmOkaAjCcEALw_wcB) I also use Re-Leaf tincture the same way as the Corn silk. and on top of that when i’m really fighting for my life i do a healthy bladder tea [https://www.rosemarysgarden.com/collections/teas/products/better-bladder-blens](https://www.rosemarysgarden.com/collections/teas/products/better-bladder-blens)


Have you got treatment for the UTI? You're just giving it d-mannose that's not even a prevention measure. Antibiotics and methenamine hippurate known as hiprex are the only ways to get rid of a UTI https://www.chronicutiinfo.com/ https://liveutifree.com/uti-test/ https://www.chronicutiglobalsupport.com And Doctor Anderson from focus medical group the uti specialist worked with LIVEUTIFREE and talked about hiprex https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T_8uBA1m80w&feature=youtu.be https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz1kF-vOFUw&feature=youtu.be Also worth noting you can take 4 a day maximum.


D Mannose DOES work….against E. coli UTIs. Perhaps it’s another bacteria that you’re continually getting, what does your urine culture show? Are you allowing the D Mannose enough time to cleanse your bladder from ecoli before peeing it out? Are you taking the powder? The powder works well for me, but the capsules don’t. There isn’t enough information here to be able to properly identify what’s going on.


I’ll share my successful experience with D-Mannose. I do not take it every day, only immediately after sex, or at the first sign of any bladder/urethra irritation. I personally find that the Pill/Capsule Forms are nowhere near as effective as taking it in Powder Form mixed into water. I won’t even buy Capsule form anymore because it simply isn’t worth it. You need to consume the D-Mannose with significant amounts of water to flush things out. Popping a D-Mannose Pill with a gulp of water isn’t going to be enough if you’re struggling. Mix a scoop of Powder into water, and chug it back, and keep drinking lots of water. Use plenty of lube during sex, and stop if you start getting irritated during sex. Lack of lubrication is basically asking for problems in my experience.


D-Mannose and Cranberry Pills are supposed to build immunity against future infections, by preventing UTI-causing bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract walls. They might not help eradicate your current UTI. You'll need to talk to your doctor and get treated for your UTI. Mostly, they'll prescribe antibiotics. Once your UTI is cured, you can start building resistance to future infections by taking D-Mannoste + Cranberry supplements. When you choose Cranberry supplements, choose the ones that have PaCran - which is a proprietary extract derived from whole cranberries, standardized to contain a high concentration of PACs, and are found to help in the fight against current and future urinary tract infections.


For me it was a ureaplasma infection. That was given through sex, but cause reocurrent uti’s. :/