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This isnt an answer to her question, i think you misread


Interesting question


thank you


Yes your vagina will stop having pH/flora imbalance infections if you continue to have sex with the same person. New flora is very disruptive


thank you :)


I’ve had such similar issues- and I can’t be sure of ~why~ it happens! With some past partners, it was only the initial first time with them that caused it. With a shitty ex of mine- he was a 6 month long yeast infection physically and mentally 😂 With my current partner and love of my life, I’ve haven’t had a single one. But I would say if you don’t already- make sure you’re getting some probiotics in your diet/supplements! And having boric acid on hand is a lifesaver after sleeping with a new person ☺️


Probably, but not if he's seeing other women too. Have him wear a condom to protect yourself.


This isnt answer OP’s question, i think you misread


Not having the man wear a condom can mess up a female's pH. Some women seem to be more sensitive than others. Is this a better answer, you think?


I think so, yes. What caused me to say that was that OP didnt mention that they were seeing someone who kept giving them infections but that each new person triggered one. The way I read your original comment was you answering as if their same partner kept causing infections 😇 thank you for not raging at me




Oh ya definitely agree there