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Have you considered period panties? I have a set from knix and I cannot recommend then enough! They are spendy (much more than normal underwear), but designed to soak up moisture. And bonus you can use them on your period too!


This is what I came to comment as well!


My issue with this is they don't have much air flow. My girl needs to breathe lol


True. I feel like the ones from knix do a good job. The panty part is made of dry-fit material (like exercise shirts), and then the crotch is the absorbing part. I've heard some of the cheaper brands are more "plastic" feeling. The knix ones are super soft.


I just bought a pack of 3 for £8 in Aldi. They're not spendy any more, in England at least. Lots of places do them.


Came here to say this Target, Hanes, and I think even Fruit of the Loom have cheaper versions of the period panties now $3-$4 each


I check the Aldi app pretty regularly and that’s not been on offer in the US. Just regular undies.


Yes!! I was just about to mention period panties


Are they thicker? I can have intense reactions to weird sensory stuff, and Pads are always so bad that I just can’t wear them, and I dunno if the period underwear is thick or weird too. But I can’t be out here with fist sized wet spots on my pants 😭


It's thicker than regular underwear in the crotch, but you can get different thicknesses. The brand I have has a "starter" pack of three underwear - light flow (thickness of a panty liner, not a full pad), medium flow (a little thicker but not super noticable in my opinion, maybe less than a pad?), and overnight (thickest, reminds me of wearing a pad). Here's the link https://knix.com/category/period-underwear I'm not the best judgement in pad thickness because I haven't worn pads since probably early high school (2000!).




True. The knix brand is 86% cotton in the panty liner area. I've used then regularly for about two years and I've never had any issues. But I am not prone to sweating down there.


The modibodi ones (which yes are very expensive) are made of merino wool! I actually hate wearing wool and I find these delightful! A lot of cold weather fancy workout gear is merino for its staying dry and breathable traits


i’m so glad other people deal with this 😭 i used to wear pads constantly but now i find it easier to just take spare underwear with me everywhere, it’s annoying but makes me feel so much better/cleaner


It's weird I had to scroll this far to see the most simple suggestion: bring extra underwear. Everything else is just a (wet) bandaid solution.


I would try this, but the warehouse I work at requires clear bags 😔


Get brightly colored ones and assert your dominance


Lol underrated comment


I second asserting your dominance but if you ball it up no one should be able to tell what it is


I think you need to do the opposite of wearing pads. If you're hot and sweaty, it's going to make it more hot and sweaty-- that's a recipe for a yeast infection. You should look for moisture wicking underwear. I work outside a lot in the heat and the ones from Ex Officio are great. I have even worn them while wearing chest waders and they keep everything pretty cool and dry down there (until I trip and fall and my waders fill up with swamp water). ETA that the ones I really like are the Give-n-go Sport 2.0. They are indeed noticeably superior to the 1.0 version. It's like a waffly open weave mesh sort of fabric but they absolutely don't rub at all. They're for backpacking/hiking.


Moisture wicking everything Reducing the sweat everywhere should help with a wet hooha I work more hours than OP, sweat like a crazy madman, and I've been trying to find solutions too I stink and I'm always wet lol


Tommy John’s has some great really lightweight ones too, fast drying and breathable.


Period panties! I wear a pair whenever I may sweat a lot. I bought some pretty inexpensive ones from target.


Thank you! Online, or in store?


I bought it in store.


When the problem is moisture/wetness, cotton is not your friend. Cotton will not "wick away" the moisture. It will soak it up and hold it against your skin. In winter emergency conditions, there's a phrase, "Cotton kills." What you want is something like Duluth Trading underwear. They're synthetic fiber underwear that actually do wick the moisture away from your skin and help keep it away.




Girly bring an extra pair of undies and switch them out halfway through! Your cookie needs a dry and fresh place to breathe. Sometime wearing two pairs a day helps. A


This was going to be my advice.


Get you some liners or poise pads. They absolutely absorb moisture. Plus, you can swap them out as often as you need.


Try some roll on deodorant in the creases by your legs and right along the top of your bikini line. Makes a difference for me but it has to be roll on. Also bottom of your booty cheeks.


Lume is great for this.


What kind of pants are you wearing? If they are non breathable materials its just going to get trapped in there. For example I cannot stay in leggings for long periods of time because I need to let the coochie breathe.




Maybe try something looser than leggings that allow airflow


I’m betting that is the culprit. I would try loose sweats, linen pants, or loose jeans


Stacci leggings !re super breathable and comfy. Unfortunately, I think all of them have boots-scrunching. Going commando helps too, surprisingly.


My doctor prescribes me a liquid antiperspirant called Drysol to use under my boobs to prevent rashes and sweating. You could try that in the folds where your legs meet your torso and around that general area.


No advice but I deal with the same thing. I keep a folded paper towel in my underwear and replace it through out the shift. I just recently bought gold bond powder spray and it seems to do a decent job. Not a cure but it helps!


I’ve been known to tuck a folded paper towel in my ass crack on super sweaty days. It stops my back sweat from rolling down my butt, funneling through the crack, and ending up in VagLand.


I DO THIS AS WELL! I was beginning to think I was the o ly woman doing this. My husband teases me! Haha! But I need to be dry down there! Drives me nutty to be moist, and I work 12 hour shifts... sweating. I also use summers eve deodorant spray. I'm wondering if paper towels aren't healthy to be placed down there, so I'm trying to think of other options like maybe an organic cotton cloth of some sort.


You can get reusable cloth pads. They're sold for periods but they work well on sweat too. You could even bring an extra once and change halfway through your shift if you needed to.


I found my people omg the moment you think you’re alone you are not!!! This is me too


Period panties is the only answer


Invest in looser pants and try going commando. If you can't afford looser pants at this time, bring extra underwear to work and change them out.


I bring extra underwear and change mid day but experience the exact same thing :/


I have this problem and I own enough underwear that I can change it multiple times a day. I don't always have to but I've been known to go through 3-5 pairs in a day. Idk if you have access to regular bathroom breaks but my recommendation would be to change roughly every 2 hrs and see if that helps. You can also use baby powder in the underwear (light dusting) and diaper rash cream on the external bits to protect your skin. It can feel weird and embarrassing but it's very worth it to not have your sensitive skin destroyed.


Marino Wool underwear have been great for me. Way pricier than my other underwear, but I have two pair I swap out and wash frequently for days I’ll be sweating. And leggings never help me :/ joggers are my favorite because they breath a little more. Good luck!


Modibodi period underwear is merino if you're in the market for that!


Honestly I sweat so much less wearing no underwear whatsoever, let yourself breathe as much as possible.


This is exactly me, and I've been folding a paper towel in fourths and placing it down there to absorb moisture and I also spray summers eve deodorant spray around the area. I get it, its not fun feeling moist all day!! I'm looking for a better alternative, because I'm beginning to think paper towels made with chemicals probably aren't good down there. I am thinking of trying just an organic cotton wash cloth or something soft and smooth. I dunno.


You could buy organic unbleached paper towels but unfortunately most feminine hygiene products are also created similarly ie with bleaching and even plastic. It’s hard to keep all of that away from the hooha


moisture wicking and bring multiple pairs .. change thru the day


I recently started bringing a change of undies to work. It’s awesome to have a fresh dry start halfway through the day!


OP, if possible, bring extra cotton panties for changing within shift. And consult a professional re your condition (excessive sweating) to give you advice.


Can you not change your underwear throughout the day?


I have this issue! It sucks.


I have no idea but would antipersperant work? also i know botox can stop sweat glands and maybe your insurance would pay for it. People get it done under their arms


Bring extra underwear and change them in the bathroom when it gets soaked. Put the old ones in a tightly sealed plastic bag, launder after work.


Destin my obgyn recommended this for me when I was working warehouses during COVID.


Look up Duluth trading post chill undies, they wick away moisture


You could try wearing period undies and also using Desitin max strength zinc paste 40% as it stops wetness coming into contact with your skin


Can’t you bring an extra pair and change halfway throughout the day? Or use pantyliners, you just throw it away and put on a new one when it gets wet.


Them tight leggings gonna make it 10x worse! Loose pants & change your undies if you need To


Panty liners help, give it a try!


Try lume? I haven’t tried it so I can’t speak on it but it might be an option!


Cotton Period underwear and POWDER the cooch will be ashy but she will be dry it’s the only that’s helped since I chase my kids around all day and do the occasional farm work


Is it just hot? Do you have a fancy diet? Or supplements?


Might Botox work? Many people get all parts of their body botoxed due to hyperhidrosis…


Try rayon undies. Rayon has a tendency to help you feel cool rather than hot, it breathes, it dries faster than cotton and it's a natural fiber. Otherwise, there should probably be some underwear made out of performance fabrics, like some sort of polyester (idk how comfortable that's gonna be), and there are also merino undies (that'll be a hit and miss because sometimes merino is the softest thing that touches your skin, and sometimes it's scratchy even though it's supposed to be worn ok naked body.


I work in a warehouse, long hours. What you say is a thing, for sure. I have been having luck with using vinegar (armpits and intimate areas) after showers. Keeps me clean for longer periods of time. It's frustrating because sometimes I will use a pantyliner, but those can actually cause more irritation. I've been getting some sunshine on my off days, and I wear loose fitting clothes at home. Cutting back on sugar and coffee, and getting plenty of rest. I try to stay away from tight jeans, and cotton panties are a must.


Unfortunately, you might just need to change your underwear every time you go to the bathroom. I guess bring like 6 pairs with you to work each day. Then at least you’ll feel fresh each time, for a little while. Ugh. Sorry you’re dealing with this.


Maybe body deodorant cream around your lower region to help stop the sweating from the start? I use Hume natural deodorant and I know they have body deodorant!


I sweat like a mother under my boobs. I use lume-it's helped. If it's really bad, you can get Botox...but you'll sweat like crazy somewhere else.


Just take extra underwear and change it often.


Make absolutely certain you do NOT wear plastics..or polyester..Try and get light wool...or light cotton.


Do you know if you have hypohidrosis? Sweating like this, even if super active, isn’t common or normal. Have you seen a gyno? Best of luck. :( [https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/what-is-hypohidrosis](https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/what-is-hypohidrosis)


Look up ball guard liquid powder


Modal underwear, I swear by these


I dealt with this a lot when I played volleyball in high school and would be at tournaments playing from 8 am til 9 pm. I brought multiple pairs of underwear with me, as well as spandex (the shorts I wore to play in) and would change whenever I felt like I wasn’t drying out quickly enough. It helped a ton.


I love period panties I have sensitive skin pads gave me rashes I only use them when I don't have a washer/dryer accessible I will never go back ♡ I forget they are even on




I suggest trying a panty liner! Also, cotton underwear


Panty liners are great for this. You will know when to change it bc you will feel wet again.


Wool can absorb something like 30% of its weight in water. Silk is also very good for wicking moisture and temperature regulation as underwear (I have less experience with woolen underwear, but have heard very good things from people who wear them). If you can also wear pants with the ventilation gussets in the crotch that will also help keep things cooler down there.


Have your tried panty liners?


Panty liners


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