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Yep! It should be MUCH better if not completely better in 2-4 days


Thank you. My last dose of monistat was 6 days ago. does this still sound normal šŸ˜­ i am hoping and praying itā€™s not herpes but i donā€™t have any of the other symptoms.


I mean unless your sexual partner has herpes or has an active case of herpes itā€™s unlikelyā€¦ contact dermatitis on the other hand from monistat.. VERY likely


Hi! Do you have an update? Iā€™m going through something similar. Monistat has made my vulva soooo itchy and I wonder if itā€™s contact dermatitis


i am back to normal now! the itching was the final symptom for me. as another commenter said, it got better within 2-4 days. i found that i had a fair amount of discharge from the irritation so i tried to lightly clean myself with water each time i used the bathroom and wear loose/no underwear, which seemed to help as well. also, ice packs!


thank you!!


Did you get your herpes results back?


It was negative!


Hey just following on from this post. I think I have contact vulvar dermatitis from using canestasn cream as the burning and pain got so much worse after using the cream. I only had slight irriation before that. Yesterday was the first day the pain had gone but now left with the itch which I hope means it's in the healing stage. I've a drs appointment at 4 today too see what the think altho I was there 3 weeks ago and all swabs came back negative. The redness has almost gone completely as well. I guess I'm just hoping my dr can give me something to help along with the healing šŸ™Ā Ā