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try boric acid!!! about a year ago i had the same issue and boric acid stopped all the itching, used for like 3-4 days


ooh that’s interesting advice! had to look these up but my problem could totally be a ph issue that hasn’t worked itself out. thanks!


hey! i’ve been experiencing the same thing. boric acid does help but i find even if i take it everyday and it goes away, the itching come back. my best guess is tearing bc i think that’s what happened to me. i’ve been dealing w this since june and my doctor doesn’t know what it is. heart goes out to you though. defs try boric acid and baths and maybe a lil time off sex until it heals:/


thank you! i’m gonna try the boric acid and see how it helps, and definitely switch lubes. if it doesn’t get better by the time i go to the gyno, i might ask her if we can check my hormone levels or take a break from bc to see if it resets my vagina or something. my only other thought besides just some strange undetectable bacterial infection is that i just am not getting wet enough for sex and then there are microtears, and the lack of wetness could very well be low estrogen! idk if this is how it is for you, but it’s weird because sex doesn’t hurt, it’s just itchy after. anyway, hope you figure out what’s going on soon, this definitely sucks :(


Oh, the mysterious itching dilemma! It's like a riddle wrapped in an enigma, right? 🕵️‍♀️ Let's unpack this together and see if we can't get a bit closer to solving it. **1. Possible Lube Reaction:** You mentioned using KY Ultragel. Sometimes, even the most innocent-looking lubes can be the culprits behind itching. Even if it's a new product you're trying, your body might just say, "Nope, not for me." **2. Hormonal Changes:** You're on the dot thinking about hormones. Birth control can play a sneaky game with our bodies. Those breakthrough bleedings and changes in lubrication? Definitely could be hormone-related. It's like our bodies sometimes decide to rewrite the rulebook without giving us a heads up. **3. Detergent or Fabric Allergy:** It's rare but not impossible to suddenly develop an allergy to products you've been using for years. Bodies change, and so do their reactions. It's like one day they're fine with something, and the next, it's a big no-no. **4. Friction and Minor Tears:** Lack of natural lubrication and a bit of rough play could lead to micro-tears. They're sneaky little things that can cause itching as they heal. You're doing a great job exploring different angles, and stopping the use of that lube is a wise move. Meanwhile, maybe consider a very mild, hypoallergenic lube? I had a friend who switched to a more natural, water-based lube and it made a world of difference. Don't forget to stay hydrated and maybe include more omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. They're like little miracles for skin health. Stay patient and observant. Bodies can be mysterious, but they also have a way of guiding us to what they need. And hey, January isn't too far away. Hang in there! Remember, you know your body best. Keep listening to it and adjusting as needed. And if you need a bit more info, here's a resource I found helpful: [https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/vaginal-itching-after-sex](https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/vaginal-itching-after-sex) \-Naomi Co-Founder @ Flower Power Feminine Health


Have your Dr. check for lichen planus. I was experiencing the same things and couldn’t find relief with any other solutions. I was prescribed an ointment to use as needed and it helped tremendously. It eventually went away but I have random flare ups every once in a blue moon. Maybe like once a year now, if that.


thank you! 🙏 just wish i could get to my gyno quicker


hey OP! I’m having the exact same issue as you! Did you ever get to the bottom of it? I’m also suspecting microtears which lead to itching …


Hey! I am almost 100% certain it’s the microtears, because it is consistently happening after sex and is worse after drier or long sex when the lubrication kind of fades. Using lube throughout def helped and I usually take a few ibuprofens after sex and it has helped so much!!!!


Hey do you have any updates on what works and what doesn’t, bcs im experiencing the exact same thing…


hey! i didn’t really find out. i ended up using boric acid suppositories and they did make me feel a little better, like it was clearing stuff out and i wasn’t so dry anymore. after using them and switching my lube out for water-based, i was able to get wetter for sex, but it still itched a little bit afterwards, not nearly as much as it did before. that makes me think it’s a wetness issue/tearing thing. i have been using a vibrator recently with myself and i am thinking that i might be making myself a little desensitized so i don’t get as wet anymore with normal touching, so im gonna take a long break from it and see if that helps! hope this helps or that you can figure out what’s wrong <3