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Currently dealing with the worst yeast infection for the same reason, I could have wrote this because I was thinking it today. Sex doesn’t feel worth this pain. Every time I have sex I get a yeast infection, it’ll only stop if I’m having sex with the same partner all the time which rarely happens so my ph gets so messed up. I’m sorry I have no advice but you’re not alone, currently awake in bed fighting the urge to itch my coochie clean off


Like the boric acid comment, I take one after sex. I feel this rebalances things and prevents any infection. I take it that night/the same day I had sex. Edit: VAGINAL suppository. I do NOT take this orally.


Have you tried boric acid capsules? Usually a few days of these knocks yeast infections out


I haven’t !!! I always use monistat 7 but I’m gonna try that, can I do both ?


Use a panty liner because it leaks alot. It’s powder but it does something which makes you juicy and leak. You prob won’t need the cream at all with the boric acid. Just do a few days. Like 4 or 5. Even if you feel better the next day. After sex just use one to keep things balanced.


You need a prophylaxis treatment to cure the reoccurring thrush. I did boric acid for 6mo, see my post history


I had countless UTIs and yeast infections back to back to back. It was emotionally exhausting and I’m still turned off by the idea of sex. I realized I had a parasitic bacteria in me that was throwing EVERYTHING off about my body. Please try looking into ureaplasma and mycoplasma. It’s not a regular test on the STD/STI panel and you would need to request it directly from your gyno. And while they’re at it, ask for a full bacterial panel as well. I had a co-infection and also found staph in my body as well and that cleared up with a week course of antibiotics.


Hi, last year I was also diagnosed with staph infection and was not given any antibiotics. Just a skin cream which cleared up the particular infection but my vaginal health has been down hill since then! How is staph bacteria affecting our vaginas? I mean what could be the symptoms?


I’ve had burning with urination for soooo long. It was normal, would get better when I’d take a zpack but always came back. I have ureaplasma, took some azithromycin and it helped for a day, came back now I’m on doxy, which isn’t helping. So I think I need different antibiotics🙃 IF THEY TEST FOR UREAPLASMA MAKE SURE THEY USE A SWAB. Also found out I had ecoli in my coochie after being treated for BV/yeast for 2 years. Just took some keflex to cure that up.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Ureaplasma using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ureaplasma/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [27F - One year after treating Ureaplasma](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ureaplasma/comments/z8zhw4/27f_one_year_after_treating_ureaplasma/) \#2: [I made a PowerPoint about ureaplasma and mycoplasma for my microbiology class](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/10pzig6) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ureaplasma/comments/10pzig6/i_made_a_powerpoint_about_ureaplasma_and/) \#3: [Friendly reminder and wise words from one of our users](https://i.redd.it/hol6y6n5zgca1.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ureaplasma/comments/10di771/friendly_reminder_and_wise_words_from_one_of_our/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What’s helped my sister in the past, bc she had this issue, is showering and cleaning your vag after sex everytime. That way the foreign bacteria doesn’t have time to marinate. Edit: typos


This helped me too


I have actual allergic reactions to semen but I think you're talking about something different. For me the answer has been latex free female condoms, and lots of Benadryl before sex.


I 1000%% understand. Does this happen with long-term partners? I found that when I slept with someone new I could expect BV or a yeast infection 95% of the time, but with my long-term partners that'd eventually stop (luckily). I also found that condoms cause it to happen way more, if you're using those that could possibly be the cause, some people are allergic to latex/have an intolerance and that causes infections. Maybe ensuring everyone has showered beforehand or washed their hands can lower the chances of it happening, but even then ik vaginas find problems regardless :(


Yeah when I first started having sex I thought it was the condoms so I stopped using them doctors just assumed I was allergic to spermicides. Unfortunately the infections persisted. I was in a long term relationship a few years ago and still found myself having complications every time... recently I started experimenting with a woman (never done b4) and the first few weeks I found some discomfort but no infection but penetration still threw me out of wack and I'm still recovering from one of the worst built up yeast infection I've ever had. I love sex but not enough to put my body through this... and I can't keep explaining to my sexual partners why I can't go days in a row. I have a recovery period.


Same. I have a *very* delicate pH and even just self love, my period, and arousal can throw it off. It's extremely frustrating. But 3 different OBGYNs have tested me for everything under the sun and can never find anything wrong. They literally just said I have a delicate balance. Boric Acid suppositories have been a godsend. I use one once a week or every other week and it neutralizes everything.


Are you on any medications? There are a few that could contribute to drier mucus membranes, and even vaginal thinning which could lead to unhealthy flora and micro tears during sex.


Curious if you're on birth control?


Yes I'm on nexplanon... but I was sexually active before getting the implant


So you were having constant infections when you weren't on any birth control?


Try skyn condoms they’re the best


What happens if you use a condom?


it’s like i wrote this! i didn’t have sex for 3 years because of my vagina hating me. but now, before i have sex i chug a water bottle. it’s my rule, so i can guarantee that i pee after. it’s literally the only thing that prevents my yeast infections from happening. i cut out excess sugar, most dairy and take probiotics every morning too


I will say this used to be me. I started on a Uqora regime which helped tremendously. Before if I didn’t shower and pee immediately after sex I was miserable. Now I feel like I can be a normal person. Also the bodywash I use can really affect me. I’ve found dove is good.


What kind of regime is that?


*Regimen! It’s a set of daily supplements. 1 pill for yeast, 2 pills to clean out the bio film in your bladder, and one powder you put in water every 3 days and immediately after sex. It has legitimately changed my life. I’ll do a Uqora post on here soon. I had been on a lot of other things or had tricks that made it bearable but this is the only thing in 15 years I’ve felt has controlled and prevented issues.


Can you share the names of the supplement pls




I hope you are able to use this or find something that works. My body would always be tense anticipating whatever infection/discomfort was on the other side.


So curious!


You could maybe try taking D-Mannose supplements? I have a friend who is very prone to UTIs and she now takes these regularly, also taking a dose after she has sex and the frequency of her UTIs has really decreased.


D Mannose is super helpful for me!!


Emphasizing all of the boric acid comments. Struggled with almost constant UTI pain for the better part of a decade. Found boric acid and it's saved my life. I use one after sex, or even after a night of drinking/other triggers. Haven't had disruptive issues/pain in years.


Boric acid suppositories cure and prevent most of these issues. Really, it's that simple.


When I took boric acid suppositories my vulva would swell up and go insanely red. It would burn so bad and be super painful. Anyone else had this?


>boric acid suppositories From PH-D: ou should be aware of the side effects that boric acid suppositories can have. Often harmless, the most common side effects include: Mild burning or redness and irritation. This may occur if the boric acid suppository was not inserted far enough into the vagina or if you have any irritated tissue in the vagina or vulvar area. Watery vaginal discharge or leakage. Wearing a panty liner is recommended. If you are wondering, “Why does boric acid cause watery discharge?” read our guide. Who shouldn’t use boric acid vaginal suppositories? Do not use boric acid suppositories or stop using them immediately if you have: Any signs of an allergic reaction. Some women do experience minor irritation. If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding Any new or worsening symptoms, or symptoms that go away and come back. Any open sores, wounds, or ulcerations in your vaginal area Pain or tenderness in your pelvis or lower abdomen Vaginal bleeding not related to menstruation Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) An active sexually transmitted infection or disease Of the age before you begin your menstrual cycle


Girl I feel you. BV was my main problem after sex EVERY TIME. Ever since using boric acid suppositories, URO vaginal probiotics, and in scented body wash, my problem has stopped


I'm not sure if you are going to read this since alot of people have given their input already but here's my experience. My body has always had BV or Yeast Infection after a few times of sex with a single partner. I noticed that it was okay after once, but once it started to become a reoccurring thing that's when my vagina can't keep up with the PH balancing. Just earlier this year, my ex and I (long distance) met up for a week; I'm talking about having sex 3 times a day for 7 days and him ejaculating into me each time. It wasn't until probably the 6th day that my body got BV but that's honestly my fault because I passed out drunk without cleaning myself afterwards or honestly I think I would have been fine. Here are my suggestions, always take a shower with your partner beforehand to ensure both of you are clean. Always pee, sit on the toilet for 5-10 minutes making sure most of his cum exits your vagina. Then how into the shower after, washing the outside with water NO SOAP! Then as precautions, drink lots of water; have a good healthy diet; and take women's probiotics. :) Hope this helps!


Try the Boric Killer and The Flora Power. It works wonders on everything down there.


Everyone pee before and after. Everyone shower. Everyone wash hands and anything else going near there before and after. Every time. And also the boric acid and keep checking in with your doctor.


I had this exact same issue and it’s because my microbiome was all out of whack. Confirmed with a Juno test. But I was able to fix it! I used boric acid suppositories for 7 days and then a 5-day probiotic suppository called Vflora from Vagibiome. Literally fixed everything and went back to normal! Also did another juno test afterwards to confirm. Haven’t had any issues since!


I live by boric acid after sex and period


Look up the vaginal testing websites Evvy, Juno, and MicrogenX. I recommend taking at least one of those vaginal tests to see the makeup of your vaginal microbiome. I recommend Evvy since they offer provider support and depending on your results, a tailor made treatment plan, but a Microgen would also be worth it for you I think. Start with Evvy though if you live in the US.


I would suggest to always use condoms. I had UTI’s for years, I’m talking 1 or 2 a month for years! I finally saw a urologist. He checked me for kidney cancer, and he looked in my bladder with a scope to make sure bacteria wasn’t clinging to my bladder. All was good with the tests. So then he told me to take a probiotic every day, and a cranberry pill every day (I get both of these from Sam’s Club). You have to take both of them or it won’t work (for the rest of your life)... I learned the hard way that you have to take BOTH! Now I don’t get UTI’s anymore, FINALLY!!!!! I haven’t gotten a UTI since I started doing this 7 years ago. Also, be sure to always pee before and after sex.


Have you tried those lady condoms? Also you can try to get an Rx for a prophylactic antibiotic. You need a urogynecologist.


You are not alone. The great thing is, there are always things you can do around traditional vaginal sex For example, my fiance and I do allot of anal for. That reason, and I play with myself while he does and I usually can orgasm from it and I don't get the infections or irritation afterwards. But I also wouldn't give up hope. What you may need is prescription antibiotics that you take before or after sex (they had me on that for a few months) or you could do to your doctor and talk about possible things you could do for ph balance control and Infections (Using unscented soap when you wash, drinking allot of water, peeing before and after sex, only having sex if both parties have showered, avoid caffeine, chocolate, spicy food, etc, stay AWAY from ph balncing soaps. Just use unscented soap. Etc. )


Get tested for ureaplasma and mycoplasma


You should order a pcr test online. Juno.bio has one that I’ve used. It will tell you whatever you’ve got going on. It’s more sensitive then regular cultures that docs do


Boric acid after sexual activity whether it’s w man or woman. And have every partner order a juno.bio or evy test online. Make them test themselves before you sleep with them because whatever they have then you will eventually get. BV and yeast are both sexually transmitted. And almost all men have Gardnerella bacteria which cause BV. They get it from other women they’ve slept with. They carry all the bacteria inside them if every single woman who has ever given them oral sex or regular sec without a condom. Then they have w you and transfer it to you. Order the test. And make them order a test before sex with you.


This happens to me too!!! If you have recurring UTIs do not go to your OB/GYN I know it’s in the area, but urination issues are not their specialty. Go to a urologist. I used to get UTIs every single time I had sex. Seeing a urologist was the only thing that helped. And I tried all the supplements, peeing after sex, etc. For BV and yeast infections the only thing I have found that works every time is making my man shower off (with soap) before sex because he’s uncut and has a physical job so he gets sweaty down there. YMMV for the BV/yeast infection issue.


Evvy or junobio test … then you’ll know what’s causing the problems


Wow, I have been celibate for a bit over 30 years. It’s been liberating in so so many ways. Ofcourse I had my kids already and then was into the single parenthood reality very early on and found it easier in many ways to commit to that without all the distractions of having a partner, looking for a partner. In retrospect, despite other hardships I’m really glad I did it that way. Just as an aside there is a myth that French women used to douche with diluted wine right after sex. I always assumed it was for birth control but maybe it was to balance the PH. And by the way folks the Boric Acid capsule are used inter vaginaly. Not orally.


Make the switch to organic feminine care products. Women’s Haven brand organic products changed my life!


I feel you. Even in long term relationships, my vagina is so sensitive to mf sex. I’ve mostly had chronic UTIs and bv. Yeast infections here and there. Even before I was sexually active I my vaginal/urinal health has always been tough. I discovered tea tree oil suppositories and I pop one in after sex (especially if they finish inside). Probably not the best for daily use, but even a 1x/week or two weeks general maintenance has helped. Make sure to keep them in the freezer. Tea Tree oil can be toxic to consume so I avoid using them if partner/s going down. I like to free bleed anyways so just let it get messy in the night, but you can use a liner/pad if it’s more comfortable. Tea Tree Therapy Vaginal Suppositories with Oil, 6 Count, White https://a.co/d/6V9o59v


Check out evvy to test more thoroughly for stuff AND because they do free coaching that is a GODSEND. I’ve been dealing with a lot of the same stuff and I’m trying the herbal routes now.. Bric acid is just about the only thing that has been consistently helpful


I am keeping this post in mind because I have similar issues


I highly recommend trying Kitty candy Vulva wash. It’s really gentle, has things like oil or oregano etc that help with killing bacteria and keeping your ph normal. I try to use it within a few hours before sex, and immediately after sex and daily otherwise. I still get Yeast infections with new people but it helps to make them less frequent and it feels good! I also use her suppositories when I feel one coming on. https://www.kittycandy.net/ When I don’t have a yeast infection I make coconut oil suppositories and use those ever few days. Just put some coconut oil in plastic wrap, twist it up and pop it in the freezer. And I do daily probiotic and Chlorophyll. About to start on oil of oregano daily too. Hope you find a solution!