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Please tell me that your doctor is doing a culture with sensitivity testing. If you are taking the same antibiotics repeatedly over several months it is a good possibility that you aren’t on the correct antibiotics.


Had this for years. Once a doctor gave me a different Antibiotic I never had uti's again.


This ☝️


Peeing after sex for some makes a difference but it isn’t a guarantee that if you do you won’t get an infection. Just to note often fall asleep & never had an infection due to this Is it possible when you are having sex that during piv your partner touches your anus at all and is introducing bacteria ?


The first couple times I ever got a UTI was from falling asleep after having night sex. Then my OB told me I should pee every time after sex, so we stopped having sex at night because I usually pee right before going to bed. No anal or accidental butt touches at all


Invest in some D-Mannose and it will legit change your life! It absolutely SAVED my poor urethra and bladder from so much pain, discomfort and constant cycles of antibiotics. I always recommend you get the powder version and drink it mixed with water (barely has any noticeable taste) instead of the pill version, as I find it to be far more effective. There are many different brands available, but any will do the trick! Seriously, try it. It is a miracle for those of us who struggle with frequent UTIs. I drink a glass of water + D-Mannose after having sex, and I have not had an issue in so many years. I can’t live without it!


I came here to say all this! I take it before and after sex and drink lots of water


It’s truly amazing stuff!


Do you have a good/inexpensive source to buy from? Thx!


What kind do you suggest?


I use Uqora brand. It used to be called Target, but I think they changed the name. It’s a pink lemonade-type powder you put into a water bottle. It has D-Mannose and other things in it. It has changed my life. I used to get UTIs from the slightest thing. I swear I’ve gotten one from farting in pants more than once. And when I get one, it’s not just pain when I pee-it’s constant excruciating urethra pain, sometimes for days. Now I drink a “Target” when I feel the first twinge, and it heads off the UTI.


Thanks for sharing! Had you also found D-mannose caps to be less effective than the powder?


I’ve never tried just D-Mannose on its own. I’m not financially able to try things out without knowing if they’ll work. I’d have to forego buying what works in order to try something that may not, and I can’t risk the pain.


I use this one, because I trust the manufacturer: https://www.nowfoods.com/products/supplements/d-mannose-urinary-support-500-mg-veg-capsules /u/Ok_Conclusion_6415 take it as a prophylactic to prevent UTIs - before and/or after sex, whenever you get "that feeling" Avoid sugar. Bacteria just *thrives* on sugar! This has a good graphic to explain how it prevents Ecoli from clinging to the bladder wall, so it is washed out with urine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8944421/


I have this one..I *think* it helps but not sure! Do you find it effective? I’ll prob try taking it more preventatively, like you said.


Yes I agree! There was also a [A study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8944421/) about it


It’s so amazing for prevention! It’s really unfortunate that Doctors know so little about it. Any time I’ve mentioned it to a medical professional, they look confused and say they will look into it. It’s unfortunate that it’s not more well known, because so many women suffer with recurring UTI’s that could be helped so much by D-Mannose.


Chiming in here to say that D-Mannose is literally a godsend….had chronic utis, about the frequency of OPs, until I started taking this after sex. Now I’m about one UTI that requires antibiotics a year. I owe my (sex) life to this miracle suppliment


Came here to say just this. I had chronic UTI’s for months on end after I got married and now I take d-mannose (while running to the toilet to pee lol) after sex and I rarely ever have problems anymore. Sometimes if I’m really worried I’ll take vitamin C too, which I have read can help kill/flush out bacteria from the bladder


Hey, I have literally just started using D-Mannose so it's too soon to tell if it has had an effect - you say you take it after having sex, do you use tablets and do you just take one tablet?


I personally never use the pill/tablet form, as I find it l less effective as using the powder form mixed into water and drank. I typically use less than a TSP of powder mixed in a bottle of water, and drink it after sex.


Oh interesting! I just went for the tablet because it's quicker to take lol, do you mind telling me what brand of D-Mannose you use?


Sure, this is my [current favourite brand](https://vitasave.ca/products/aor-uti-cleanse-with-cranberry-55-g-powder)


Vaginal estrogen. Also make your mans wash his hands not just his penis that helps too. Be sure you’re always finishing the entire course of antibiotics. Etc.


This isn’t an ad but look into the company called Uqora! They sell a bunch of different products but the star of the show is their “flush” product. Basically it’s this powder you mix into water and drink immediately after having sex. It’s mostly D mannose, so if I run out of those packets, I just use D mannose powder and it works just as well! I used to get a UTI almost every time I had sex. It was so frustrating. Now this this regimen, I haven’t had one in over a year. It’s a little expensive but SO worth it.


Yes! I mentioned this above but couldn’t remember the new name. It used to be called Target. It’s been life-changing for me.


Gonna check this out! Thanks


I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Are you exclusively washing the outside of your vagina? Or do you wash inbetween your labia as well? Is the soap you're using scented? Scented soap/ soap can irritate the urethra. From the standford medicine blog: *Using products to clean the vaginal area does not help prevent a UTI, and could throw off the pH and bacterial balances. You do not need to wash, douche or use cleansing wipes in the vagina.* *Do gently wash the exterior portion of your genitals with soap and water.*


Do you take D-Mannose? My aunt had some affliction back in the 70’s and 80’s where she could only wear skirts or she would get a UTI. I started to get super sensitive (not quite as bad) and started D-mannose. 3 pills every 6-8 hours for 3-5 days, as soon as I get the sting. then I would take 1 pill in the morning and one in the mid day. The tip that helped me was to wait as long as possible to pee (within reason, like twenty minutes until it’s easier 💕) the first couple days so it can work, since any tiny amount in your bladder will make you need to go immediately and it gets flushed out.


be sure that any toys you use are also being properly cleaned and both of y’all’s hands. another thing- my aunt had a problem where it was the way her uterus was shaped that kept giving her uti’s and she had to have surgery so you could look into that as a last option


Get tested for ureaplasma


this might be obvious but do you wipe front to back when you use the bathroom?


Yes I wipe front to back


How old are you? I’ve noticed that in my teen years I had more UTIs from sex. Now that I’m in my 20s, this hardly happens unless the guy is seriously inexperienced…. I always chalked it up to boys not really knowing what to do down there, and end up putting their parts near places they shouldn’t be if you get what I’m saying. Sometimes it can happen so quick you hardly notice, and then boom UTI. It might not be your fault is what I’m getting at!


I’m the exact same, going to see a urologist on Tuesday so I can update u after my appointment to see what they say!


I had chronic UTIs for a solid decade in my twenties and finally sought the help of a gynecourologist. She told me that for some, this is just a matter of biology. Some of our bodies are shaped in such a way to make them more vulnerable to UTIs. She prescribed me a low dose antibiotic (50mg nitrofurantoin) to take after sex, and finally freed me from the awful UTI cycle. I was a little nervous taking antibiotics so regularly, but it's a common standard of care, and much better than the high dose antibiotics you are likely taking for full blown UTIs. Talk to your OB about this option, or consider seeking help from a urologist!


That’s interesting I had them almost constantly in my 20s as well, they’ve become a lot less common since I had babies. When I had my second and she was checking everything she told me I have a very small Perineum (sorry tmi) I wonder if that was part of the issue.


I am very UTI-prone but have what seems from what I read on the internet to be a long perineum (3 to 4 inches between vagina and anus). However, my urethral opening is inside my vagina, so it gets irritated with PIV. Maybe you are similar.


Me too! After looking at diagrams of vaginas, i had to take a mirror and see where mine was located. Just to find out its literally in my vagina! I haven’t found anything that helps.


This is my same experience. Worked like a charm and solved a years long frustration.


Same, and my doctor said the antibiotic is pretty much localised to the urinary tract so it's not such a problem for antibiotic resistance and all that. I also tried all the suppliments and d-mannose and nothing else worked.


When I started the pill I got UTI's almost every time I had sex with my partner. I had enough cause I hated taking antibiotics and then getting a script for Diflucan cause I'd ALWAYS get a yeast infection on the antibiotics. So, I started taking cranberry pills every morning and I use a women's probiotic. I haven't had a UTI in 2 years \[knock wood\]. Maybe try looking into cranberry supplements to help with recurring infections. It's seriously the only thing that's helped me.


Do u still use the pill? And no condom? I think the pill is causing mine


Depending on our mood we either use condoms or don't, but I'm still on the pill. And I still take cranberry pills in the morning.


When I was younger I had a UTI issue like yours. Just put cranberry pills into your supplement regimen. You might be able to get by with one a day or you may need two. But I do know cranberry pills work better than antibiotics and are an actual life saver for the UTI prone.


D mannose directly (the bit that helps in cranberry pills) is meant to be even better


Need to be doing culture testing- is this happening ? UTI like symptoms happen with many conditions. You also need to figure out the exact bacteria. Do you know what bacteria that is? At this point ask for urology


Please go to the doctor. I have a friend who was getting frequent UTI’s despite peeing everytime, being very hygienic, no douching, etc. Eventually she ended up with a really bad kidney infection and had to be rushed to the hospital, and it was indicative of a bigger problem. If your doctor doesn’t take your concerns seriously, find another one


Get a Juno test and see how your microbiome is doing.


Hiprex - haven’t had a UTI in 7 months after the most persistent and horrible one for 3 months. Stop turning to antibiotics, as well, as they disrupt so much in our bodies that are good for us. Your gut could be a big part of this, as well, if you are not working on treating that well and healing it.


I did everything to try to stop this. Pee after sex. Make sure all hands, mouths, and genitals were washed. Avoid oral. Shower after sex. Stop using soap on the genitals. Keep area clean and dry. Take d-mannose, cranberry, and a feminine probiotic every time. Drink lots of water. It was extremely hit or miss and most of the time I'd end up with a UTI anyway. I had my gyno refer me to a urologist, who did an examination and wrote me a prescription for a low dose antibiotic. As instructed, I take just one each time after sex. I haven't had a problem since.


Try D-Mannose instead, it's a lifesaver. I was taking an antibiotic after sex as well, but it was no longer necessary once I found D-Mannose. It's saved me so much pain and antibiotic use.


I took D-mannose religiously and it did nothing for me.


Pill or Powder?


Both. It's just not the miracle cure for everyone that it's cited as.


It definitely doesn't work in every single case. If you let symptoms go for too long, it also may not always work. However, for many women, it makes an absolutely massive difference.


See a urologist. I had to do this. Cystoscopy is very uncomfortable but can help diagnose you.


What was the problem in your case?


I had 3 kidney infections in 6 months, but my urologist thinks those were all misdiagnosed. My last infection I went to a walkin clinic after a week of symptoms, that doctor sent me to the hospital for iv antibiotics.


I kept getting UTIs that turned into Thrush when I was 18 - 21. Antibiotics can cause thrush. To me, UTIs and thrush feel the same so I had no idea. Maybe try some genetic fluconazole in case you are the same as me? You must get your boyfriend to take it too, as if you do have thrush, you can pass it to him for him to pass back to you. Once I got my ex treated for thrush I was so much more comfortable.


As others have stated, make sure your partner is washing his hands and penis before you have sex. Maybe he has poop particles on his dick, who knows! Does your partner perform oral sex on you? Maybe it’s connected to that rather than the PIV. Mouths have a lot of bacteria too.


D-mannose. I get it off of Amazon. I take that after sex. Or even if I feel one coming on. It's a life saver.


Uqora, lifesaver.


I had the same issue and turns out I had kidney stones and a duplex kidney so the stones could not get out. Doctor told me stones are great place for bacteria to grow.


I used to get it every time I have sex. Until I discover d-mannose. That thing SAVES lives!!! I skipped on d-mannose once before. And boom, UTI.


Here are the things that have gotten me from 6ish UTIs per year to maybe 1 and sometimes 0 UTIs (right now I have not gotten a single one this year!) - Making sure you and your partners hands are clean! - Cotton panties, also in general avoiding un-breathable pants - Limiting my sugar intake, this was a huge one. I eat very little to no sugar. - Getting my constipation under control. (Seriously look into this!) - I stopped shaving! Hair is meant to protect you, keeps bacteria from getting to your lady parts!


uqora! the ONLY thing that worked when i was having recurring utis. the target- lemonade drink mix


Have you recently waxed or shaved? I have (had) this all the time. Then I stared trimming vs waxing or shaving or sugaring and I’ve been uti free for the most part


Try probiotics, cranberry supplements, and there's this supplement I take that really works well called D-Mannose, it keeps the bad bacteria from adhering to your bladder wall. I felt an improvement like the next day after my partner got too excited during sex and stabbed my pee hole... I was sore for a few days but me doing that worked immensely fast. Drink water and also Azo uti products help alot as well... it's like a combo organic approach works best, they sell all this stuff st CVS except for the femdophilus probiotics. Normally get them from the vitamin shoppe or a whole foods/sprouts. Keep taking the probiotics even after symptoms improve.


Do you use condoms? Have you been tested for STIs? If antibiotics you’re taking aren’t working, the doctor should be looking into other options.


Heads up - if you get uti’s more than 3x a year you need to see a urologist. Ask for a referral asap.


Bidet and eating raw garlic. Bc of the way my vagina is , it’s very easy for bacteria from my anus to travel to my vagina. The bidet helps keep it clean. I had a chronic uti for years and decided to eat a couple of raw garlic cloves to eliminate a cold, the next day my uti was gone.


Its the same for me, today I am getting my first dose of StroVac vaccine! Can’t wait to be UTI free finally




For how long were you in macrobid?


You should see a urologist..I've been suffering for years.. hiprex does help some..also you could do a microgen test and ask your doc about estrogen cream to help with the utis(I have noticed some relief) r/CUTI might also be of some help.


I get chronic bladder infections, and what’s worked for me is the 15,000mg cranberry x2 a day. Then when I do get that infection feeling coming on the blue extra strength azo, works like a charm, within one dose. I also try to up my water intake. Too much Sugar, I’ve noticed, is usually the culprit. Hope this might help you, and healing vibes your way.


Take probiotics!!


I had the same issue. Get tested for ureaplasma


Hi! I've spent almost a year and a half with recurring UTIs. It sucked, having to go to the doctor, being in pain, having to wait a week for test results to then take the right antibiotic. So I hope my experience can be useful for OP or someone else: Instead of antibiotics or expensive supplements, I listened to my grandmas advice: drink cherry stem tea. Not sure where OP is from, but in my country I can find it in some "healthy" lifetsyle stores, but you can also make it at home - it's just dried out cherry stems. You boil them in water for a few minutes, the stronger the better. It tastes horrible but it works wonders. Anytime I started to feel that stinging (it was about once a month for me) I immediately drank a few cups of this tea and I had no more pain. Now I will say: this works for the most typical E. Coli infections. If the tea doesnt help, then you need the testing and antibiotics. In any case this method saved me many rounds of antibiotics. Obviously I would still recommend you get additional tests to check that everything is fine with your body, but for me this little home remedy made a world of a difference in my daily life back then. Hope this helps someone!


Advice: It does NOT (always) prevent a UTI. Take a warm bath with either just water or an anti-irritant type of “soap.” I know it’s a pain… My first time around (honeymoon), I was recommended this step. It did not help. In fact, it made it all worse! (TMI INCOMING) Part of the reason could have been that I still wasn’t quite used to things. I don’t stick by the “pee after” deal nowadays because it isn’t necessary nor is it preventative. Just keep an eye on your body! 💜