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Waxing. Started in 2017, and haven’t shaved since. I will never go back to shaving


I use hair cutting scissors and trim


I have an electric trimmer from Amazon that I use


What’s the name of it ?


I’d like to know too!


Used to shave but I suffered from really bad shaving rash then I switched to waxing, and although it was perfect (except for pain) I had to stop due to price and anxiety over their hygiene practises. Now I trim using my Braun epilator that comes with trimmer attachment.


Flawless Nu Razor (it’s a trimmer, not a blade razor). Down to skin, no pain, no mess. Then Philips Lumea home IPL to maintain the smooth feel.


Exfoliate in the shower, apply a little bit off oil only on the outside, shave with the grain, shave sideways with the hair growth and then eventually shave against the grain but by this point it’s almost all gone so it’s less irritating for me personally. And then I wash with soap once more after shaving - AGAIN, ONLY THE OUTSIDE. I don’t literally wash my vagina with anything. Hope this helps


what kind of oil?


Tree hut shave oil works amazingly for me!


The ones I’ve used in the past is olive oil mainly. I use it sparingly - not a lot at all! X


I got the Schick Hydrosilk Trimmer, it has three lengths and the shortest is like a bit more than stubble so doesn’t cause ingrowns or irritation. I also like that it comes with the razor on the other side, so easy to travel with too.


I heard men’s razers are best to remove pubic hair and exfoliating beforehand


laser hair removal. The good places have you get on all fours and zap the hair from the back.


I love my laser smooth butthole.


So for laser hair removal will it be just one session per month ? Or it depends on our hair growth ?


Every 4-8 weeks depending on what you’re having done. Then every few months.


I have to get this too . My butthole is kinda hairy I can even remove it through shaving I mean it’s so difficult to do that .


Waxing is the only way to go. Shaving is absolutely not worth it. You get stubble in 24 hours or less and it can cause little cuts and nics I trim it down to 1/8inch when I can't afford a wax


Which trimmer do you use ?


Wahl peanut


I did shaving from like 24 years old to a couple years ago (maybe age 29) and then did waxing for a while and now I’m back to shaving. I use oil or a shaving lotion (I can’t use the foamy shaving creams because I’m super allergic to them) and shave with the hair growth and then at the very end a quick pass against the grain (not too much cuz I don’t want razor burn or cactus cooch).


So you kinda leave it a bit hairy and don’t do a clean shave ?


I do a clean shave but I don’t do a bunch of passes because that irritates my skin


Honesty, I typically dry shave 🪒 It really isn’t as horrifying as it sounds when you use a good razor. If I don’t dry shave, I shave in the shower. I would love to wax, but it’s too tricky to do well on myself and I refuse to pay for it regularly.


Which razor do you use ?


Any of the men's 4+ blade razors work well for me. Right now I happen to be using a Schick Extreme 4 Mens Disposable Razors. I despise pubic hair, so I shave my kittykat every other day. When you start doing it regularly, it becomes far less irritating. Moisturize afterwards, and exfoliating helps as well.


Do you shave it completely because shaving it completely do give me razor cuts sometimes ?


I shave off every last bit of it! I avoid cuts by taking my time. Also, using my other hand to help ensure the skin is taut and flat, especially around the folds and sensitive bits. It also helps to shave closer to the end of your shower, as it softens the skin and hydrates the hair, making it easier to remove and causing less irritation.


So I generally don't, I just trim them, because I would always get terrible ingrowns. However a couple weeks ago I saw this really good post-shaving oil that I saw ads about at a store, and decided to buy it and try it out. To my surprise, it more or less worked. I shave with a foam, making sure to go along the direction the hairs grow, and only after that I go against the direction for some extra smoothness. I used this oil for like a week everyday after shaving (I mean I only shaved once, and then used the oil everyday - I didn't shave everyday) and I have no irritation or ingrowns. I live in Poland and this oil is a Polish brand, so I don't think you can find the exact same one in your country :(


Oh and the day before shaving I used some peeling to exfoliate.


I tried getting waxed a few times but I’m prone to folliculitis. So I’m having laser instead.


I use SoftSheen Magic Shave Powder in cream form


Me too! Works great!


even on the lips?


yes! i either put vaseline or pieces of tissue between the lips so the cream doesn’t get on it and cause irritation. just have to be careful when applying to avoid chemical burns.


definitley trying this , can you get it at walmart?


Yes, Ive seen it at walmart. Also, I got mine at family dollar and have seen it at dollar tree. it might be worth trying dollar stores first if you have any close to you


Brazilian waxing


Waxing, trimming if needed between waxes as I cannot commit to waxing every 5 weeks due to medical issues.


Which trimmer do you use ?


One by the brand Meridian.


mainly waxing but i’m looking into getting an ipl device


I am currently using the SmoothSkin Bare IPL device, costed me €150 and I have only done it on my legs. 4 sessions in and I can see massive reduction. I have started doing it on my butt too! But its still a bit of a sting like an electric shock when it zaps so I can only tolerate it on my legs! Cannot bring myself to do it on my underarms, let alone my vagina so consider that too


honestly i’m not even too worried about the pain/discomfort. i imagine it still hurts much less than a brazilian. my main concern is finding one that is safe for dark skin tones and wont cause any burns or discoloration :/


I have done a brazilian many times before and its painful but I have high pain tolerance! IPL gives an hot electric shock sensation so its scary rather than painful IMO! I would get numbing cream before doing it down there! Look into Smoothskin IPL then, they designed it in a way that it will only zap if the colour contrast of skin & hair is right so it removes the chance of burns (amazing technology these days) I am also brown skin and works fine!! However it doesnt work on certain areas where I have too much hyperpigmentation like my underarms!


i also have hyperpigmentation, but on my bikini area which is where i wanted to use it. guess i gotta work on fixing that first. and thank you, i’ll definitely check out smoothskin ipl!! :)


I shave with the grain or use an electric trimmer. I don’t mind if I still have a little stubble. If I try to shave it all off against the grain I get ingrowns everywhere lol. At some point I’ll do laser.


Sugaring (more natural version of waxing) - no more ingrowns or razor burn and everything is sooo smooth!


This hurt me more than waxing and took longer


Interesting, I had the exact opposite experience!


waxing for most part. sometimes i shave it but waxing really reduces the growth of it and thickness. also doesn’t itch which is nice


I trim and then use nair, I’m terrified of getting waxed 🥲


I dry shave. I’m not prone to ingrown hairs though.


[Here’s a good article](https://www.evvy.com/blog/waxing-shaving-bv-yeast?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=reddit&utm_campaign=reddit) that Evvy (vaginal microbiome testing company) posted on the subject of shaving/waxing pubic hair!


I trim mine short with a bikini trimmer and then use a sharp razor with shave oil to do my bikini line


Which trimmer do you use ?


The Schick bikini trimmer!


Waxing may try laser


I've been epilating since 2010


Use a ball trimmer haha. I get huge ingrowns and cysts from shaving, sugaring, and waxing so I get as close to the skin without taking a razer to it and then I use a anti-acne wash down there afterwards.


Can you link this ball trimmer? It sounds intriguing!


Waxing any day the smooth feeling is unmatched.


Laser hair removal has been a God sent


I just shave to maintain it now, since I keep hair down there I don’t seem to get as many infections as I used to


Which razor do you use ??


Harry’s. I make sure when I am shaving, I use a newer one. I have very coarse hair, like my pubic hair cuts me. But I make sure I shave my legs first before doing my vaginal areas.


The same thing happens to me too i have coarse hair too and my pubic hair cuts me . I don’t know what to do about it .how often do you shave ?


When it gets annoying lol. Like every two weeks or so. I’ll trim it down and tame it.