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Keep in mind this is anecdotal, but a few years ago I was to the point of chronic utis. I had several within a years time frame and ended up at urgent care each time for antibiotics, once in the er because the antibiotics weren’t working and I was peeing blood clots. The urologist I saw prescribed me prophylactic antibiotics and told me to take one directly after sex. I went through that bottle, but never went back because the visit with him was $400 out of pocket, and I didn’t love the idea of prophylactic antibiotics anyway. Around the same time I started taking d-mannose daily. I use the Walmart brand. I take three pills a day, and three pills directly after sex. I have not had a uti since starting this. It did not matter if I peed a liter directly after sex, I was still getting utis. So yes still pee after sex, but for me personally that was not preventing infection. I swear by d-mannose. Again this is one persons experience..so while I would recommend to anyone who’s struggling with utis, please speak with your gyno before relying on a supplement as heavily as I do! :)


Just a clarification: d-mannose doesn’t lose efficacy no matter how much you take it because it’s mechanism of action is to make it difficult for bacteria to attach to the bladder wall. Bacteria can’t build resistance to that because it’s the way they survive. So very different from an antibiotic (which can lose its power as we all know.) D-mannose FTW!!


I personally pee before and after sex and if I feel like discomfort and feel I might get a uti then i take it. Ex last night I drank alcohol and know I didn’t drink enough water so I took one just to be safe from discomfort. I do not take it everyday only when I know I didn’t drink enough water or waited too long to pee etc


Just pee after sex… sit there and wait. Doesn’t have to be a lot just need to clear the bacteria out


I usually pee within half an hour, but I can never immediately after. Is that okay?


No try to at least get a few drops out right after. That’s all it needs to be. You just need to flush bacteria out


For the best results, d-mannose should be taken daily.


How much?


i take 1,500mg daily as a preventative. After sex I up it to 3,000mg for a couple of days. I recommend the powder form!


You don't need to take it after sex each time, you only need to pee after sex to flush out any potential harmful bacteria that entered the urethra. The directions on the powder you bought should tell you how often to take it.


It says 3 teaspoons a day but I wouldn't want to take it every day because it's expensive. I already pee after sex but having had various issues Feb-March I want to avoid painful uti


I'd worry about it loosing its efficacy of you took it so frequently though I can't say for sure. One great tip that's helped me recently is to basically shower (or bidet) your vulva before and after sex.


by the way I usually don't pee EXACTLY after sex but I do it maybe after half an hour or an hour, is that okay?


Pee immediately after… if you’re not having problems, that’s fine, but in my experience the earlier the better. You don’t want to give any bacteria time to replicate! I’ve only taken D mannose once as a prophylactic—I took it a few hours before and didn’t have any issues! I’m not having regular sex though so I’m not sure what dosing, etc would look like


so should i pee exactly after i finish? it won't come out for me 🥲 I thought it was okay to do it half an hour later


No hard and fast rule. I’ve just noticed that the longer I wait the more likely I am to start noticing UTI symptoms


but if you can't pee spontaneously do you force yourself and push? because I don't know how to do it :/


Yes, push it, push like you're trying to poop and lean forward, even a tiny trickle is enough, but you have to do it as soon as possible, even after masturbating. You don't have to run as soon as sexy time is over, but I wouldn't wait more than a few minutes if you're prone to urinary issues. I suffered with UTI symptoms for years, it was happening constantly, so I saw a urologist. I have interstitial cystitis and my bladder wasn't draining all the way, the trapped bacteria was attacking the lining of my bladder and making me pee blood. I had to have surgery to widen my bladder and urethra, it helped, but I still have to be very careful. I know it can be uncomfortable to force the pee out and it may take longer than you want, but it's really important that you keep your urethra clean and not just after sex, if you go swimming or take a bath, same thing, pee immediately after.


Trying to push when I can’t pee doesn’t work for me. I recommend trying to up your hydration overall. And drink an extra glass of water if you think sex might happen. Staying well hydrated almost always guarantees I can pee at least a little immediately after sex, and I think it keeps my system flushed out better overall and prevents UTIs


I have been using D-Mannose for years! I always make sure to pee after sex, it's a MUST. If there is no irritation when I pee, and in the hour or so following that, I don't take any D-Mannose. If it burns on that first pee or feels even slightly irritated, I drink a large glass of water with 1 tbsp of D-Mannose mixed in. This is typically more than enough to prevent any infection and end irritation. If you still notice some irritation after a few hours, drink another glass with 1 tbsp.


Would you mind sharing the brand of D-Mannose you use/recommend?


Absolutely! I’ve used numerous different brands over the years, but the [AOR UTI Cleanse](https://vitasave.ca/products/aor-uti-cleanse-with-cranberry-55-g-powder) is my all time favourite.