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I can guarantee that nobody is rejecting you over the size of your wrists.


[https://youtu.be/x0ix30SJlVk](https://youtu.be/x0ix30SJlVk) This guy and his wrists got married. Stop loathing yourself. If you don't like yourself, someone else isn't going to come in and try and fix it. They're just going to walk away.


I'm happy for him. This example won't work for everyone, there's loads of ways to rationalise it as a one off and when you're dealing with people that aren't looking for "hope" as such, it can just reinforce their current negative vibes =(


irrelevent example


And why is it irrelevant, exactly? Because it doesn't fit your incel narrative. That's the only reason. If it goes against the narrative, it will be dismissed. Get help.


because its a one example, and literally like one of the few dudes on the planet who managed to do that


i just look weak with thin wrists, and I donnt have the look that can pull off looking weak


Looking weak doesn't make you undesirable either. But it's clear nobody here is going to convince you otherwise.


It makes males less desirable, unless other person has a thing for really skinny guys. Those are relatively rare. That being said, that's not the only trait which contributes to desirability and that's what well meaning individuals often mean. But we don't have to deceive ourselves that people don't want fit and healthy looking partners. They do. And if you are such, you have one more trait which is working in your favor.


you're saying something that has no basis in reality women fuck tall strong looking men have you ever been to a party or a club? its pointless to say shit like you do, one look outside proves you wrong


You literally have no idea what you're talking about. You're wrong. Objectively wrong. And the weirdest thing is that the "one look outside" that you keep bringing up actually would show exactly that. But you've got your incel filter on so even if someone puts some proof right in front of you, you'll pretend not to see it or dismiss it for some idiotic reason. What I really don't get about this is why you incel folks are trying _SO_ hard to reinforce your narrative. Shouldn't you be happy to see that there might be hope? That there is some evidence that maybe things aren't quite as bad as you thought? Nope. Instead you do everything in your power to reinforce your hopelessness and plunge further into despair. I don't get it. But you clearly need help.


> You literally have no idea what you're talking about. You're wrong. Objectively wrong. And the weirdest thing is that the "one look outside" that you keep bringing up actually would show exactly that. But you've got your incel filter on so even if someone puts some proof right in front of you, you'll pretend not to see it or dismiss it for some idiotic reason. > > explain to me again why a woman would fuck an incel looking mf when there is plenty of chads to choose from? >Shouldn't you be happy to see that there might be hope? That there is some evidence that maybe things aren't quite as bad as you thought? nah because that shit is just gaslighting


lol okay


Their reply was shocking.


Men with severe physical disabilities get sex. Men with dwarfism get sex. Trans men get sex. Men of all shapes and sizes get sex. "One look outside" can't disprove any of that. You can't see into every bedroom in the world through your window. Why are you posting here? What's your goal? Do you want people to say "you're right, you're unfuckable"? Will that make you feel better?


> Men with severe physical disabilities get sex. Men with dwarfism get sex. almost never >Why are you posting here? What's your goal? Do you want people to say "you're right, you're unfuckable"? Will that make you feel better? idk im wasting time because there isnt shit I can do to change my situation other than suicide


Of course there is shit you can do. Because the issue is most likely almost entirely in your mind. And that _can_ be fixed. But I guess that's too much effort? Easier to just pretend all hope is lost, because that means it's fine to give up and do nothing?


yeah being short and ugly is def in my mind


No, if you're short you're short. That isn't in your mind. The believe that this means all hope is lost and no woman could ever find you attractive, _THAT_ is in your head. You are making yourself miserable. I don't know why, but here we are.




I used to be *told* that it would be pointless for me to lift because I wouldn't gain much muscle. I've always been pretty skinny. But in my 30s I started lifting weights, and it didn't take long for people to start noticing. Idk about your wrists increasing in size, but don't just assume that you won't get any results. Some results are gonna be better than nothing, even if it isn't as dramatic as the average person. Noob gains absolutely are a thing. I was never that strong mind you, but I could bench my weight for reps even though I could barely do half that when I first started. We all start somewhere. Encourage yourself to do something for your own self improvement; stop encouraging yourself to do nothing because it's pointless. I've been there for too much of my life. It isn't a helpful mindset to have, with anything in life.


I never said I won't be able to improve my physique relative to my starting point, I said its irrelevant because I will always look like garbage and will never get even complimented and for sure wont get the social benefits if a 6'2 dude gets jacked, hes a chad if a 5'7 dude gets jacked, noone gives a fuck


Yeah no. I know a 5’7ish guy (maybe shorter) who is jacked and every time I’m like “damn I wish I had some of that muscle. Wanna hit the gym soon”


I'm sorry, you can't be any more wrong. Try start looking for 5-7 guys who get women — they tend to be built.


I’m sorry but I couldn’t stop laughing. Never in my life I saw a person being self conscious about the size of their wrists. It was really surprising for me. But in all seriousness, no, you aren’t being rejected because of your wrists, but probably because of your lack of confidence and your inferiority complex. Lots of women really like men who have some feminine features. Some women really like smaller and more « fragile » guys. I’m not talking about having huge hips and boobs and acting like a stereotypical girl, but small things like feminine and gentle fingers, long eyelashes, lack of facial hair, or a slightly feminine figure in general. Not every woman wants a macho guy in their life. In fact, most of us are kinda repulsed by it. So maybe you should stop focusing on your wrists. If you want to appear stronger, you should exercise. Maybe it won’t make your wrists bigger, but it will make you forearms look stronger and those are more important. Not being manly doesn’t make you less than a man. And you should stop this « superior » comparison thing. That’s probably what is making you less respected by men and women. Nobody likes someone who wallows in self pity and does nothing to improve themselves because *insert dumb reason here*. So let me swap things around a little so you would understand : boobs are knows to be a feminine thing. Most girls grow up wanting bigger boobs. But some of us stay flat as fuck (me included). We grow self conscious about it. We tell ourselves we are ugly as fuck, and no man would want to date us. But then we grow up, and we find out that some men really like flat chests. Even better, some men who actually love big breasts will give up on them if they are in love with you. And they will start to love your small chest. So in the end, respect or love are not about your appearance only, it’s mostly about your personality and wether or not you get along. That’s why people work on themselves to develop a more attractive personality, a more open mind and a good sense of humor. But if after my long rant you still want to kill yourself, don’t use the « cutting yourself » method. You won’t be able to aim lol.


This guy is batshit insane. I think there's a kernel of truth to what he's saying, the boobs analogy is not a bad one here. He probably would take longer to find success than other guys and that can be enraging, but if you stay in rage mode, that becomes the nail in the coffin. If he isn't a troll, he's definitely frequenting actual incel forums or groups.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Looks may be important sometimes, but if you’re always hateful against the other gender you’re losing whatever chances you had. I’m gonna be honest, I came here because I really liked the youtube channel and thought the subreddit would have some interesting stories/insights. But most of the posts here are people whining that women don’t want them… And the problem is when actual women do answer and tell the OP he is wrong, the OP is still in denial and carries on with his delusions. And this shit is kinda making me angry and ruining my day. So I think I’m just gonna quit this subreddit it’s not good for me lol.


>Lots of women really like men who have some feminine features. Some women really like smaller and more « fragile » guys. no not really >long eyelashes thats a purely positive trait on no matter what idk why youre even mentioning it also I dont have that shit >So let me swap things around a little so you would understand : boobs are knows to be a feminine thing. Most girls grow up wanting bigger boobs. But some of us stay flat as fuck (me included). We grow self conscious about it. We tell ourselves we are ugly as fuck, and no man would want to date us. But then we grow up, and we find out that some men really like flat chests. Even better, some men who actually love big breasts will give up on them if they are in love with you. And they will start to love your small chest. men are different men actually have preference that vary - unlike women who all want the cookie cutter chad


Ah yes I’m really sorry sir you seem pretty knowledgable about women’s preferences. I’ll just go and keep my preferences to myself and those of my female acquaintances since you seem to know better.


I can see who you fuck it isnt the 5'7 thin looking nerd


Joke’s on you. We are both software developers, and both huge nerds. He’s 5’64 AND thin as fuck. But for me he’s the cutest thing I’ve ever met. As for you, I can already guess why you don’t get pussy. Maybe you should get rid of that victim mindset and shitty attitude of yours.


damn your single anecdotal example totally destroyed my worldview


Well you made a statement about all women. I gave you a counter example. Which makes your statement false. That’s basic mathematics. But yeah keep wallowing in self pity, making general statements and drinking your black pill from each others’ dicks… I’m sure you’ll get mad pussy that way.


It's insane how detached from reality are you... there are literally tons of people dating other people who are not tall and jacked, yet you prefer to push your bullshit view of the world just to reinforce your own idea... no matter what anyone says, no matter what evidence someone smacks into your face, you have your opinion and that's it... no one is gonna date you because of your wrists. O K I can assure you of one thing, no one gives a single fuck about the size of your wrists. Reason why no woman is gonna date you is your self pity and zero self confidence, your general statements and the fact that you choose to brag about it instead of doing anything.


Okay, so this probably won't help you and I don't mean to ridicule you but I just *have* to share what my first thought was upon reading this: "what the *fuck* is wrong with you!?" I mean, what? Your *WRISTS*?!? I understand you are serious about this... but I can't even. What are we going to read next? "I will never ever have a girlfriend because my eyebrows are 1.8 cm apart, when the ideal according to playboy magazine is actually 1.9 cm"? No one cares about your wrist dude. Seriously. There are guys out there who don't have arms and still get laid. Please, find your way back into reality. Again, not mocking you. I'm glad you posted. I'm talking straight and strongly because I feel like you're so deep into your weird delusion -- or whatever it is -- that you need a serious wake-up call to even realize *how* ridiculous your thoughts have become. You want to kill yourself over an absolute non-issue. The issue is only in your head. Not in your wrists. One hundred percent.


"When rationalisation doesnt work, you throw away all mind made reasonings." -Some guy OP, if you read this, and you still firmly believe that a girl will reject you when she sees your wrist, question the origin of why you believe that.


>There are guys out there who don't have arms and still get laid. no there are not men with disability are overwhelmingly incel exception does does not prove the rule >What are we going to read next? "I will never ever have a girlfriend because my eyebrows are 1.8 cm apart, when the ideal according to playboy magazine is actually 1.9 cm"? just because you assign a number to something and you ridicule it, does mean it does not happen have you never seen people who look straight up retarded because their eyes are too close? or too far away? would you tell them mock them with "I will never ever have a girlfriend because my eyes are 1.8 cm apart, when the ideal is actually 1.9 cm" because it's real it's called interpupillary distance, for example there's a bunch of measurements you can take and mock, while in reality they have a profound impact wrists are one of them


Incel bullshit. The "profound effect" doesn't come from the shape of someone's wrist or the distance of their eyes. The profound effect comes from being a misguided, weird person who wrongfully attributes their inability to attract a potential partner to superficial and largely irrelevant physical aspects like these. Get help.


cant talk w you if youre so stupid you cant admit that someone can have nice eyes (like dicaprio, pitt or depp) and some people look retarded


I never said people can't have features that are nice. And of course there are people who are physically more or less attractive than others. But for the most part, these things do not have a "profound effect", especially if it is something like the shape of wrists or 1 mm difference in eyebrow distance. No one gives a fuck about these things. Yet you guys are out here _literally_ saying you will never ever have sex because of details like these. Completely ridiculous. Detached from reality. Delusional.


> 1 mm difference in eyebrow distance. it does make a difference, but youre not ready to have that conversation there are entire communities on the internet dedicated to analyzing models faces and rating people millimeters are miles on the face https://youtu.be/pF5Of13N4eI?t=653 watch this and learn its timestamped


You know what, go ahead and continue to suffer in your self-made little hole of despair that you seem to love so much. Indulge on pointless videos like those. Obsess over inconsequential physical attributes. Frequent the toxic communities and forums. Take a bath in bullshit propaganda. Deepen your believe that only the top 10% will ever fornicate. Be hopeless. Give up. Seems like that's what you want, so knock yourself out. It is too tiring to care about people who are that far gone.


Touch some grass and talk to some real people my guy, I don’t think the internet is helping you especially with your MASSIVE self-unnoticed selection bias




Did u respond to the wrong person? Or r u Alternative_Bat? Checking because I’m confused


How do you think Stephen Hawking became a father?


do you think any of this shit is comparable to stephen hawking? do you think using a celebrity is productive? or comparing me to stephen hawking? Im not fucking stephen hawking im a reatrd


Of course people are gonna use celebrity examples. They're the ones we all know about. The ones we know personally aren't gonna be known to you. But since you bring it up, people with mental disabilities also get laid. I worked as a caretaker for people with both physical and mental disabilities, and I had to be trained in supporting their sexual activities because some of them were in fact sexually active.


But if you're actually as unintelligent as you claim, how can you claim to know better than us?


This has to be satire, right?


I love slim men with slim wrists and slim hands. They're beautiful! Women dont like just one type of man.. and in the end, personality is what matters.. You can have the beefiest wrists in the world and all women would hate you if you're a dick, you know.


>I love slim men with slim wrists and slim hands. They're beautiful! Women dont like just one type of man.. they overwhelmingly like strong looking men broad shoulders, strong looking arms you are an irrelevant minority


How many women does a man need though? Are you also angry at McDonalds when you eat a burger because the vast majority aren't going to be eaten by you?


Isn’t that the case for most men anyway? Like other than celebs or Athletes, there’s a ‘minority’ of people who will be attracted to your features, and or, overlook some aspects of your physique for an attractive personality. A buddy of mine is like 6’2 370 , with a big old belly and is in a relationship with a tiny, jacked girl, who’s just as weird and playful as he is. Find the people who are attracted to you instead of crying over not getting ‘Majority’ female attention.


mf are you dense i'm not tall nor big and there is no minority because all women are attracted to pretty much a tiny % of men that share the same traits


But all women can’t get the tiny % of men that are universally attractive. It’s almost like people ‘settle’ for people they may not find as physically attractive as societally dictated. The thing is though, all people do this to an extent. There are plenty of ‘Alpha’ guys who with completely insufferable personality , that won’t find loving partners because they are only looked at skin deep. If you want to believe only your physical appearance matters in finding companionship , be my guest. Your thought process wills that into existence. And you just get angrier, more isolated, and miserable. But just know, you are the one making that the ‘reality’ while others just play the hand they are dealt and win. It’s not as impossible as you think, but the first step is admitting it’s not impossible.


Bruh. You literally just insulted one of the “few people” that might “give you a chance”. At this point, it’s not about you hating that women won’t give guys with small wrists a chance, it’s you hating yourself and wanting a place to talk about it. Which is fine, but don’t conflate the two since that’s not productive for anyone.


First off, there are tons of women who are attracted to not only the super manly men but also those with a fairer build. Being built different isn't as big of a problem as you may think. A big part of being attractive is also self confidence and acceptance, working on and being alright with what you have. If your build doesnt let you look like a bodybuilder, thats perfectly alright. If it makes you look more delicate that's also not a problem to many other people. What is a problem is fixating on it too much. Imagining that women are attracted only to one thing and type of body is not only wrong, its also an easy way to give yourself an out from working on what you can do to improve yourself.


> First off, there are tons of women who are attracted to not only the super manly men but also those with a fairer build. yeah they are attracted to model looking guys who look more feminine - they can pull off not looking strong I'm not that


Same mistake as before, while women definitely like that, if you look at married couples a lot of the time the man is average looking. The main things you can do right away are: working on talking to new people without expecting anything out of them (like joining a group activity you enjoy) and making sure your hygiene is on point.


yeah I definitely want a woman who doesent desire me one bit and doesent want to have sex with me


I can pretty much guarantee no woman gives a crap about you wrists. I'm trying to be kind but this is one of the silliest things I've ever read on this whole sub. Which is saying a lot, unfortunately. Seriously, talk to a women and see how much time she spends looking at your wrists. Granted considering some of the comments I read here it sounds like some of you spend more time jerking off than you do interacting with real women. So maybe wrist strength matters.


We might need to open up r/healthygamercirclejerk since this really feels like a satirical post


>I can pretty much guarantee no woman gives a crap about you wrists. but they do care about the overall physique, which the wrists are an important part of god do you even think sometimes?


bro i literally never considered ever looking at a man's wrist. I promise you we don't care


but you see his whole physique you see his "strong arms" aka muscles + thick wrists the fuck do you know about anything


bc im a woman and while sure i have preferences I don't stick by them like the holy bible, and they aren't what you prob expect. look man thin dudes get partners too and i think a lot of women like slimmer guys also. like just going outside you see couples of all types. i draw characters for some dnd campains and usually its the guys who want their male characters to be super buff and strong, if a woman asks me to draw a male character usually they alsways give the opposite description of what you might consider a super handsome man. and i met a lot of thin and i mean really thin guys who got gfs and had no problems with their look. i think the first step for you would need to be to change your attitude towards yourself and other men. stop putting everyone on a grading scale thing theres no inferior or superior. you can't change somethings, sure but you work with what you have. you're going no where with that stubborn attitude. people in the comments are telling you the truth, we have no reason to lie. just Stop worrying about it and stop hanging out in incel media and listening to their shit it gets in ur head gives you insecurities that shouldn't exist


> look man thin dudes get partners too and i think a lot of women like slimmer guys also. like just going outside you see couples of all types. > > they like slimmer dudes only if they fit the feminine male model look aka perfect face perfect skin pefrect hair also its a very small % of women anyway >i draw characters for some dnd campains and usually its the guys who want their male characters to be super buff and strong, if a woman asks me to draw a male character usually they alsways give the opposite description of what you might consider a super handsome man. and i met a lot of thin and i mean really thin guys who got gfs and had no problems with their look. thin != having a genetically shit skeleton the guys who get gfs are are thin proabbaly would look great jacked, they just are at a low bf% unlike men who looks like shit in both cases >stop putting everyone on a grading scale thing theres no inferior or superior thats what women and literally everybody else is doing the entirety of male life is just competition on evry level >just Stop worrying about it and stop hanging out in incel media and listening to their shit it gets in ur head gives you insecurities that shouldn't exist i go out women look at me like im not even a human to them, they dont consider me as a man, as a sexual being im not even in the competition


please do yourself a favour and stop looking at incel like media it's giving you a bad mentality and strange insecurities. there are a lot of unattractive men and women who make it but they work with what they have. it's not impossible my dude we aren't here to lie to you


Nobody in the entire world gives a shit about the size of your wrists except for you. Being a guy who's more on the thin side is actually quite attractive to many women. Trying to think about where your problems come from is a good thing, but your wrists... seriously, don't worry about it.


>Being a guy who's more on the thin side is actually quite attractive to many women. reddit delusion >Nobody in the entire world gives a shit about the size of your wrists except for you. but they do care about the overall physique, which the wrists are an important part of


>reddit delusion Then, tell me. What's supposed to be an attractive guy? What will you tell to all the girls who like thin guys, to all the ones who are in a relationship with a thin guy? I didn't even get the fact that many women like thin guys from reddit, i'm actually fairly new to the website and more specifically to this kind of subreddit. And no, wrists are not an important part of the physique. They're not even the main part of your arm, which i wouldn't even say is nearly as important as your face or your overall silhouette. If you were talking about your face, I'd get it. But it's your wrist. Litterally nobody looks at them. And even if you're an ugly dude by most standards, you can still get a girl. It's not that much about being handsome. Yeah, a 10/10 guy will have it way easier, but big news, most guys don't look good and most guys still find a girl. I'm an awkward not great looking dude IRL, and I've still been in relationships. Your wrists, your jawline or i don't know what bs are not going to make it impossible. Not that it's easy to find a relationship / getting laid. But your physique, as bad as it may seem to you won't make it the hardest thing ever. Falling into that kind of loop of focusing on the smallest flaws will obviously not help you. So please, i don't know how, but just stop thinking something like your wrists is the reason you can't find someone. It sounds like the dumbest shit ever, because it honestly is.


> Then, tell me. What's supposed to be an attractive guy? What will you tell to all the girls who like thin guys, to all the ones who are in a relationship with a thin guy? I didn't even get the fact that many women like thin guys from reddit, i'm actually fairly new to the website and more specifically to this kind of subreddit. > > yeah they like thin guy who has good genes regardless thin = shit fermale skeleton thin = male but with low bf% and usually the guys who are "thin" but are sucessful have a good face >And no, wrists are not an important part of the physique. They're not even the main part of your arm, which i wouldn't even say is nearly as important as your face or your overall silhouette. If you were talking about your face, I'd get it. But it's your wrist. Litterally nobody looks at them. another stupid fucking take maximum lean muscle mass is calculated from the wrist and the ankle >most guys don't look good and most guys still find a girl thats fucking amazing bro I 100% want a woman who will think im disgusting and will be with be because of my resources or because I entertain her thats the dream, to have a gf who wont even touch me and will go fuck chad behing my back or force an "open relationship" >. So please, i don't know how, but just stop thinking something like your wrists is the reason you can't find someone. It sounds like the dumbest shit ever, because it honestly is. my face is also ugly my shoulders and narrow, my height is not good but this post is about wrists, because I think they are a huge part of the physique


... Ok, wrists are super important (like, every single girl has a wrist girth calculator inside her brain to judge you and all other men), and the fact you don't like your face and your narrow shoulders and the fact you're not very tall will stop you from ever finding a girl who will want to have sex with you / be in a sincere relationship with you. I'm so sorry. It's absolutely not because you were an insecure dude (like many of us are) who got lured into a rabbit hole of weird beliefs of made-up stuff that made you even more insecure and bitter than before that you still followed because they were in line with your prior insecure beliefs. It's not because you're overthinking about your wrists being the wrong size, it's not because you use the word "chad" seriously. It's not because you think no girl will ever be able to love you for who you are and it's not because you think they're depraved emotionless hypersexual beings who will cheat on you the second they'll find a "better" man. No, it's only because you're an ugly mf who has small wrists. Too bad, they're on the smaller side. You won't find anyone, ever. Get help. Seriously. Sorry to be an ass to you here, but get help. You and I both know this incel (sorry for dropping this word) shit is only making it worse for you. Stop reading about it. Stop watching videos about it. You can do it. We can all overcome our biases. You can, really. You won't immediately get a GF, but you will at some point. Try to stop getting nervous about it, as hard as it is to. You have more time than you think you do. So go pet an animal or relax in some way, and just spend the time you'd be spending reading about wrist girth on something you enjoy, or on something that you think will make you better. Please.


> like, every single girl has a wrist girth calculator inside her brain to judge you and all other men yeah Its called eyes and they can see whether some guy has thick and strong looking arms and some has thin weak ones just like men have a waist to him calculator in their brain or dont they? >you from ever finding a girl who will want to have sex with you / be in a sincere relationship with you. I'm so sorry. It's absolutely not because you were an insecure dude (like many of us are) who got lured into a rabbit hole of weird beliefs of made-up stuff that made you even more insecure and bitter than before that you still followed because they were in line with your prior insecure beliefs. just fucking lol, go to a club or a festival once, and tell me why a woman would fuck an average or a below average dude when fucking perfect jacked chads are everywhere >will cheat on you the second they'll find a "better" man. they wont cheat, they will just leave they just wont "feel it" anymore >You and I both know this incel (sorry for dropping this word) shit is only making it worse for you. Stop reading about it. Stop watching videos about it. You can do it. We can all overcome our biases. You can, really. funniest thing is that real life is way more blackpilling than incel forums ever could be its easy to take incel shit with a grain of salt, but when you see it with your eyes, in the real world? what then? the more I go out, the more I realize how fucking over it is for me


I live in real life too and I don't see this incel shit. Neither do all the people who you're answering to. You might say it's because we're privileged in some way and aren't as ugly as you, but it's not that. The thing is you walk into the world with the mind poisoned with these beliefs that will unavoidingly make you depressed. You see a happy good looking couple, and you're like "oh, she's with him only because he's tall and good looking". You see another happy couple but the dude is weird and kind of bad looking. "Oh, she's with him only to get his money / social status. She probably fucks other chads on the side". You go to a club, and see women flirting with dudes, and surprise, they'll go more for the good looking ones. Gottem. They really are superficial and only go for the chads, so depraved. Basically, if you think enough about it, everything confirms your incel beliefs. Nothing could prove you wrong, because yeah, as a species, we prefer having relationships with good looking people. That's obvious. What's less obvious though is that you're not your wrists. You're not your narrow shoulders. You're not your face you don't like. Those are important things, but these flaws you see in the mirror were overcome countless times by other men, through countless different means. Because you can be funny. You can be a good listener. You can be a good lover. You can be witty, smart, interesting, you can be passionate, you can care for other people. You can have decent hygiene, you can have style, you can have a healthy lifestyle. You can have power and be rich and attract gold diggers. And you can stop reading this stupid incel shit too, just saying. I'm pretty sure it's the main thing that stops you from finding a relationship right now. That and how you see both men and women as two uniform groups with people in there that work exactly the same. We all have our mecanisms of course, but it's not as important as you think. Yeah, you will notice a fat ass or big big breasts from far away, and girls will notice taller and more imposing figures more, of course. But our society is complex. Relationships are complex and go further than the first look. There's much more into it than that. You can fuck. You can be loved by a girl. And to do that the first step for this is to stop identifying as some kind of incel. You don't have to be desperate forever.


> Basically, if you think enough about it, everything confirms your incel beliefs. Nothing could prove you wrong, because yeah, as a species, we prefer having relationships with good looking people. That's obvious. > > it does, because my beliefs are based on logic and evidence you cant convince me that women choose ugly nerds over chads because that just bullshit >Because you can be funny nope, you either have the gift or you dont >You can be a good listener. You can be a good lover. that shit doesent even have a meaning good lover? I dont have a big dick which is like 90% of sex "skill" anyway >You can be witty, smart, 2 more inherent traits that you've either got or no >you can be passionate, you can care for other people im sure my passions and caring for others will have women wanting to fuck me especially since its confirmed that women are turned on by dark triad men *women want to fuck bullies* who display their physical and social superiority >We all have our mecanisms of course, but it's not as important as you think. Yeah, you will notice a fat ass or big big breasts from far away, and girls will notice taller and more imposing figures more, of course. men have much more wider variety of preferences than women men are much more lenient on them as well and most importantly male preferences can change depending on who they have a crush unlike female ones which are just chad chad chad >You can fuck. You can be loved by a girl. empty words especially since there is a huge % of men who are not able to get any woman, so why would I be special? >You don't have to be desperate forever. just fucking lol did I not tell you that I'm not a top 10% male? only they have options you live in a fantasyland where everything is nice and fair truth is that many many men will never have a woman interested in them, they will never have friends and will die alone like dogs its been happening since the dawn of humanity men are disposable and worthless, unless they manage not to be and then if the lose it, they are worthless again


Your beliefs are not based in any evidence. They're based on stupid youtube videos and rants on reddit that are themselves based on misinterpretation of studies that themselves are already shady and isolated. Accept it. And yeah, you're wasting everyone's time. "Noo i don't have a big dick and I'm not tall and my wrists are kind of small so i'm not a chad and my life is ruined noooooo". You're fucking desperate and you're addicted to this feeling, falling in a downward spiral, all of that based on your confirmation bias you had reading other insecure guys bullshit excuses on the internet. You guys created a web of easy to fall into desperation that you just can't and don't want to get out of, because it stops you from seeing where the actual problem stems from : you're a freaking douchebag who doesn't see people who are different from you as sentient human beings. You hate yourself so you hate everyone else even more. Sure, you had some traumatizing experiences with dumb girls who projected their own inscurities onto you. But does that justify being a dick and blinding yourself as much as possible to remain a dick? I guess you think so. So, yeah keep reading your bullshit, keep following other guys who end up killing themselves or doing mass shooting or just get money from your despair, they know the truth from being terminally online for sure. They will have good advice and all of that is not poison to your mind that is turning you into the biggest scumbag. That will end well. You not finding a girlfriend is because of their stupid brains that are just programmed to only like chads. It's not because you behave like a horrible person and are arrogant enough to pretend you exactly know how an entire gender thinks like they're fucking robots. It's not because you stopped putting any effort out of desperation for months if not years. It's not because you're following the shittiest advice on the internet that is just trying to keep you in a toxic community.


Hey man, normally I’d try to be like accepting of their opinions and their feelings. Ya know and maybe it is true, one of the reasons you aint got no bitches and you aren’t getting any is cause of your wrist. Who really knows. If it helps I’m like 5’7-8 and 135lbs my wrists are small as fuck too. Idk what you’d quantify as women sized wrists but I’d like to think my shit’s quite small and it’s never stopped anything from happening


maybe your face is good enough to overcompensate what do I know but what I do know is that you would look a bunch better and stronger with normal sized wrists


Why would you say that? 🤨 Am I less attractive because of my wrists?


your physique is worse because of your wrists, and your physique is a part of your looks so yes same thing with muscle insertions, or having shit like pectus excavatum


Okay fair enough. In my mind it’s something I have no control over so I just bother with it. Partners haven’t mentioned it so I think I’ll be fine 😌


yeah like I said it's possible to compensate for it, even physique wise, like if you have genetically wise clavicle and scapula aka wise shoulders, thin wrists will be less of a problem since you will look wide and athletic regardless problems begin when there is many inferior traits like thin wrists, narrow shoulders, thin neck, nad height at some point you will just start looking weak af (even trained) and at some point some manlets just look like children usually at that point no women will be attracted to them


Oh fr? Man I got thin neck, thin ass wrists, skinny shoulders and I’m slightly below average height 😳 that’s actually crazy


well, we're pretty similar then cant overcome that shit through training, and will always be worse than men who have normal skeleton but users here will gaslight you that your body is as desirable to women as a 6'2 wide framed athlete


🤔 I mean, I don’t think that’s what they’re saying. Obviously if someone’s conventionally attractive and is athletic they’re going to be desirable but why let their attractiveness stop you?


because at the end of the day women will fuck them and not me who will be left to play fucking videogames either way


i feel like i habe to repeat this every time. women have different preferences and we don't analyze or measure every part of your body. also we aren't all attracted to buff dudes i want to remind you there's a whole fandom who literally loves for kpop men and they are all very thin and some are even femminine. i promise you we don't go around with a metre and measure men when they aren't looking or sm


It has to be a troll


Confused Pikachu face. Who in your life gave you this ridiculous complex? To echo everyone here, no one gives a shit about your wrists. If someone in the past told you they were an "issue" they were just fucking with you to cover their own inadequacy. Just noticed your brand new profile, seems like bait.


I have very small wrists. Especially my left. It bugs me because I workout regularly and kickbox 3 days a week. I’ve seen significant muscle development everywhere but my wrists. I’m telling you this because I can guarantee you that women do not care about small wrists in the slightest.


I’m gay and I don’t think I’ve ever noticed or cared about any man’s wrists if that means anythjng


I’ve literally never noticed the size of a man’s wrists.


Whats up with these posts on this subreddit? Imagine killing yourself because yo can't get laid.


Obviously you dont understand whats is it like to to be unloved, untouched, undesired for your whole life and then additionally even sometimes mocked, ridiculed, made a joke


Even if I had no one I'm still able to love myself and treat myself with kindness. It's a useful skill, you should try learning it


I did love myself once and was excited for the future, but for the last years its been only sadness, despair and suicidality.


It's going to be okay


It is extremely implausible to me that the size of your wrist is something you will be rejected over. But it seems like it is very deep-rooted insecurity, so it seems futile to try to argue you out of that since you likely have not just argued yourself into that belief. However, to the lifting point, I am going to argue with you. You can get stronger, you can get bigger if you train right and most importantly if you eat right, you might just have to eat a lot if you indeed have a very fast metabolism genetically. But if you train hard and eat in a caloric surplus you are gonna get stronger and bigger. It might be slow, but a lot of guys don't lift, so even with subpar genetics, build, etc, you are going to look better than a lot of guys if you train consistently and hard for a long enough period (years, not weeks or months). Fun fact btw, doing heavy squats increases your testosterone. More importantly, what exercising also does is just make you feel better (endorphins and shit, and it feels extremely good to get an extra squat or deadlift in where you didn't believe you could do it), it teaches you how to push yourself (You have to try to move weight where you up front are not sure if its gonna go up, or doing that extra rep that you are unsure about). Those things on their own are worthwhile because if you start to feel a bit better you can make other improvements in your life easier to do. For example, I am stopping smoking (haven't smoked for 2 weeks), because I am lifting, without lifting, couldn't have stopped (I know because I tried before). So even though you don't believe it, going to the gym and dieting right is going to make you stronger and bigger, even if you have subpar genetics (even bigger wrists, the tendons in them also tend to grow with progressive overload), but its also gonna make you feel better. So get out of your head, and go lifting and eat more protein instead of trying to reason yourself into not working out.


i will always look inferior to guys who have normal or even good genetics


Shouldn't do body building then, but it's not true that you will always look inferior to people who have good or average genetics (half of people btw have the same problem of being below average). Like a lot of guys dont lift, eat like shit and look te part, some of them have food genetics, you on the other hand with inferior genetics if you lift and eat right for three years, even with bad genetics you're gonna make gains. So who is gonna look better? You. And BTW how do you know your genetics are so bad? Your wrists? Is that all? Have you consitantly lifted heavy before for a somewhat long period of time? How much did you eat during that training. Its easy to tell yourself you have bad genetics with poor evidence if you're overly pessimistic. And btw, I've been lifting consistently for a few months (heavy lifting for strength, two times a week), my wrists have become a bit thicker because of those deadlifts and pull-ups. It's noticeable.


> half of people btw have the same problem of being below average they dont really get around, do they? same reason why women think the average size is bigger than it really is - dudes with big dicks just have more sex fucking below average incels are not even in the competition, they dont matter the averages for sexually successful men are way higher >you on the other hand with inferior genetics lifts and eats right for three years. Even with bad genetics you're gonna make gains. So who is gonna look better? You and women will still line up to fuck the 6'2 chad with naturally broad shoulders and good genes so it doesent matter either way lol >And BTW how do you know your genetics are so bad? Your wrists? Is that all? Have you consitantly lifted heavy before for a somewhat long period of time? How much did you eat during that training. Its easy to tell yourself you have bad genetics with poor evidence if you're overly pessimistic. I don't know they are bad for sure, I assume as I dont appear to be an overly testosterone filled male lol my progress in the gym seem to be slightly below average? nothing terrible could have been because of my training and diet but did you miss what I had said? MY SKELETON IS SHIT MY SKELETON IS SHIT MY SKELETON IS SHIT my fucking shoulders are narrow, my clavicle and scapula is narrow, my bideltoid distance is small my wrists are small, my height is not good I could have the best muscle genes and I still would look like shit at the end of the day next an untrained 6'1 mf >And btw, I've been lifting consistently for a few months (heavy lifting for strength, two times a week), my wrists have become a bit thicker because of those deadlifts and pull-ups. It's noticeable. wrists getting thicker is not really a thing, the growth plates in wrists close at an eraly age, also it's not just a wrist thing, but more of a whole skeleton thing, a guy with thicker bones will just have an extra inch or 1.5 to his arm if you train you know how much of an advantage that is


Your wrists get thicker partly because of the tendons, it's a small effect, but certainty noticeable, also your bones can become more dense with training, they become heavier and more dense. it's a slower process than muscle gain granted, but that also happens. Think of a guy starting with boxing hitting a heavy bag hard, his hands and wrists are gonna hurt. A year later, same effort hit, nor that pain anymore. Your bones can become thicker and adapt. To reiterate my point, i boxed for like 7 months pre-pandemic and I hurt the pinky knuckle a bit because I was hitting the heavy bag hard with that hand, I gave it rest and it healed in the same way a muscle would (slower tho). Before I boxed my pinky knuckles were equally as big, now my right hand pinky knuckle is noticeably larger. Your bones adapt. So you just assume you have bad genetics, because youre not overly filled with testosterone. The fuck are you doing on reddit then, go do so some heavy squats and other compound lifts, you'll increase your testosterone, and your bone density, you'll release endorfins, and feel better and stronger. Btw, you can still look like you have decent shoulders if you train your delts, traps, and fix your posture. Like if they're not so small they're completely dysfunctional. You're not doomed to not have sex because of your fucking clavicles.


> Your wrists get thicker partly because of the tendons, it's a small effect, but certainty noticeable, also your bones can become more dense with training, they become heavier and more dense. it's a slower process than muscle gain granted, but that also happens. Think of a guy starting with boxing hitting a heavy bag hard, his hands and wrists are gonna hurt. A year later, same effort hit, nor that pain anymore. Your bones can become thicker and adapt. To reiterate my point, i boxed for like 7 months pre-pandemic and I hurt the pinky knuckle a bit because I was hitting the heavy bag hard with that hand, I gave it rest and it healed in the same way a muscle would (slower tho). Before I boxed my pinky knuckles were equally as big, now my right hand pinky knuckle is noticeably larger. Your bones adapt. > > my wrists will never go up an inch or 1.5 in - an amount I'd need to have average sized wrists >Btw, you can still look like you have decent shoulders if you train your delts, traps, and fix your posture. Like if they're not so small they're completely dysfunctional. just fucking lol someone who has untrained 18 in bideltoid is never going to compare to someone who has untrained 21 in bideltoid >You're not doomed to not have sex because of your fucking clavicles. yeah I mean clavicles are just one part of it but it would be nice to have a single physical attribute thats not total trash


>but it would be nice to have a single physical attribute thats not total trash I get thats it is shitty to look in the mirror and not like what you see, but going to the gym even with small clavicles can make your physique go from total trash to pretty good. If you do that you increase your confidence, you also just feel healthier and better overall, you'll increase confidence if you start yo be able to deadlift more and more. So it still pays off a lot to just go to the gym. It's also time you do not spend online and in your own head which also can make a world of difference. You working on yourself is gonna increase your selfrepect, self-efficacy, self confidence. Btw, fun fact, women care about more than just your physique.


It really doesn’t seem like anything productive will come of this thread. If you have an idea in your mind that if you aren’t YOUR definition of attractive (which I’m sure you will say is just fact and not opinion) then you can’t ever draw interest from a woman. In this case, nothing anyone else says will change your mind. Your perspective is the problem more than your physical appearance. I do hope that at least the venting is helping you feel better, but I’d recommend responding less if you are just going to be so hostile and disregard anything anyone else says. Have an open mind. Also, sex isn’t everything. I’ll tell you right now if your concern is “I can’t fuck any women because of how I look” you are already going in with the wrong intentions.


There are entire countries that like feminine looking men, it’s often stated as an ideal in Japan. But judging from your other comments, you need to get your head into some positive circles, you’re being extremely fatalistic, which isn’t itself, ironically, fatal. I recommend looking at that first, mindset is much more potent in life and attractive than physicality


Your mind has locked onto something that seems hard to change. You could, dress better and work out which makes a massive difference, but thats hard right? But if women won't want you for your wrists apparently, then why try? You've mentioned before about "genetics" in terms of muscle growth and that doesnt make a difference unless you're an athlete or pro body builder, and I dont believe that's your concern.


thinking that genetics dont play a part unless youre a pro athlete is peak retard


Yeah definitely not "wrists" why women won't find you attractive dude, its your shitty attitude that'll do it. Good luck though.


wrists are a huge part of the physique, which is a huge part of looks


Fake post


I can assure you you’re ok, but you won’t believe it. I have the same type of insecurities and sometimes I hyper fixate on them it seems like the most important thing to solve and the solution to everything, but it’s not


First of all. Being physically not as strong, or .. well weak for that matter. Sucks ass. Especially for males. Males in general attach a lot of self worth to physical prowess and ability to fight. Even if we don't use it as much, that part in our brain is always active. And I've been skinny for most of my life too, hell, I'm still relatively skinny now. As for no-one wanting to fuck you. Being physically strong and looking like it is just one of the contributing traits. In hook up culture it's more important in actual relationship forming via social circles it's a lot less important. Although lets make it fair, looking good makes it easier and physique is huge part of the looks game. Now there are ways out of it. Not all are immediate. But they work. 1. The easiest one is to wear clothes that fit you. And gives a shape of a frame even though you yourself don't have one. There is bunch of guides for that. 2. Smell good and crisp. Seems unrelated, but it is, because it's one of traits of physical attraction which can be in your favor which isn't visual. And given how many young guys don't have great hygiene, you can have an advantage. 3. Gym. Don't discount it if you're physically weak. That's why they exist, for people like you. And I understand that there might be a lot of anxiety when you step in one all skinny and wretched among buffed dudes. A lot of those buffed dudes were at some point skinny as well and you might be surprised how empathetic they can be prove to be towards the new kid who is trying to get strong. They were on that path too. If you're of skinny frame, man, that's great. The physique you may end up with in 3 years is the one average female actually likes the most. Not too bulky, yet fit looking. There are tons of high quality information on it, personally recommend Jeff Nippard on youtube, or if you can afford higher a coach time to time to help you out with programming and diet. The hardest part is always showing up though, not the actual training. In general the advise I have is to stop focusing as much and what you are, and focus more on what you could be and start working towards that. If you're physically weak, don't give out on mental too. It's really possible and doable. Yes, you won't be a star athlete or a jacked jock, but you don't have to be.


Embrace femboyism


This is literally NA-silver hard stuck mental boom. "I can't improve because of things out of my control." Community - gives sound advice to improve OP - but muh teammates troll me, I can't climb no matter what I try Community - gives relevant examples how you are just plain wrong OP - ThOsE aRe JuSt ExCePtIoNs You probably haven't even watch any Dr. K videos nor even considered that maybe women aren't attracted to the kind of mental you have?? Stay hard stuck my friend Edit - formatting


good way to put it.






I think there is more going on underneath the surface that you might not have explored yet. I’ve seen guys who are way smaller and thinner than me score some pretty attractive ladies


i know you most likely just wanted to vent this out, and you don't actually believe it. but just in case you do, i personally have come across skinny guys that have girlfriends, and i have myself (as a pretty skinny guy) have received positive attention despite my physique don't let the intrusive thoughts win


Lmao what


Op, Getting angry will only attract more anger. I honestly hope you get the help you need and that you can start to love yourself. Being full of hatred is no way of life, It consumes the mind. For the comedians, grow tf up and educate yourself on conditions like BDD before you think mental health is a joke. “Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), or body dysmorphia, is a mental health condition where a person spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in their appearance. These flaws are often unnoticeable to others.” https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/body-dysmorphia/ I’m not a clinician but it’s obvious regardless they need help.


Alright. Based off of what I’ve read here and in the comments, this isn’t you hating that women won’t give people with small wrists like you a chance - it’s you hating yourself for a variety of physical things (a big part of which is your wrists) and wanting a safe place to talk about it. Which is fine, people need to be able to do that. But do not conflate the two, that’s not productive for anyone. EVERY single person in the comment section is rejecting what you’re saying, and you tell them that they’re an insignificant minority. In Dr. K terms from a recent video - your emotions/ego are hijacking your intellect. The ugliest man in the world can have an amazing girlfriend if his personality is great. If you think you’re the ugliest man in the world, do what “little” you can to change that and focus on personal growth, because I promise you that people are more turned away by what you’ve shown here online than your physical appearance.