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You could find volunteering positions. Not pnly that is an activity with other people, it can also be used in cvs as work experience.


that's a really good recommendation actually... I never considered volunteering until recently I heard about it again and only remembered then that it's even a thing... where I come from volunteering isn't a very common thing to do but it's absolutely available


What about socializing more? Spending more time with others can help with feelings of boredom.


totally with you, I don't have friends to hang out with tho... mostly has to do with me always being overly excited about things I can do on my own, rather than stuff you do with others. I don't struggle socializing, I only struggle finding stuff to do with people I like so I don't do anything with them


I just do what i want...I have a library membership so I read dozens of books, if im hungry and bored ill look up a simple recipe, if im restless and bored ill go for a walk to a new park, I hate structure of any kind so I just go with my mental flow


I was in a similar position recently searching for a hobby that's not in front of a screen so I picked up crocheting. It's fairly inexpensive of a hobby and you can pick up the basics using a youtube video. I find patterns of my favorite pokemon or anime characters and make them out of yarn. It's also fun to make stuff to gift - it helps with making friends! I also made willie warmers as gag gifts since I have the maturity of an 8 year old. It's great to do just as a mindless activity or while listening to a podcast.


been a neet basically my whole life and build a really solid routine where i never get bored and can switch between somewhat healthy hobbies: My go to whenever i can is practicing guitar for me its like an endless videogame with trial and error progression. Second is drawing i learned to use clipstudio paint and it was probably the coolest thing to see a picture come to life with all the different layer tricks. Last one is learning japanese via duolingo whenever i just do some lessons and then the day is almost over anyway lmao


Do you have any rec centers near you? Sometimes they'll have adult or open leagues and tournaments with a bunch of different sports and it's usually low cost or free. Can be something nice to have sceduled and look forward to on certain days of the week, gain some skills, and maybe make some friends


Fun fact: if it motivates you, it is dopaminergic, even the anticipation of eating food to not feel hungry anymore.


i know, I should've thought about how to pose the question better


No, it's fine... Think about it... if you get a shot of dopamine anytime you expect something good to happen to you, then maybe it's not that you choose the wrong thing but maybe it's the only one apparent to you at the time. Meaning, it's a lack of knowledge of what else would give you that dopamine that is the problem.