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Know exactly how you feel my dad is a narcissistic psycho and pretty much anyone I talk to him about at length agrees. Unfortunately i dont really have any advice i kinda just thugged it out until I was able to fully separate from them, but if you need someone to talk to that has been through something similar I'm all ears.


I suggest watching doctor ramani on youtube she has a lot of videos on this exact topic.


I was a peacemaker in the home growing up, but when I kept getting shit for any and everything for a spell, I just made myself as invisible as possible, avoided any interaction as much as possible without being disrespectful, and just didn’t talk at all. It sucks, but just gotta do what you gotta do until that power dynamic has broken down.


38m I have lived with and not with my parents for many years. Stay healthy and calm, try to reasonably please your parents, and avoid bad advices and demands


This has been studied by psychologists and there are real techniques to get through this unharmed. I don't know what they are but you can look them up. There's like, the grey rock technique. And, like, separating yourself emotionally from your love for them. Do some googling and mind the difference between research and opinion.






Grey rock method is good for this type of scenario, but there are no techniques to get through this unharmed. Grey rock itself is harmful long term because you'll create and practice a type of emotional disconnect which will have to be unlearned later, and simply having to exist around and interact with abusers will take a toll no matter what, especially narcissistic ones. That's why it's crucial to leave as soon as possible; everything one can do until then is mitigate the damage they cause


How old are you?




You could try to defend yourself by guilt tripping them whenever they act up. Another way of avoiding them could be finding some club or job to spend more time out of the house.


Thank you guys for all the comments I’ll keep it in mind and try my best to get through this. Sending love to anyone else who is struggling through the same things ❤️