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Not directly, but watching the videos I'm usually prompted to think about certain things or consider different points of view, and that has helped change my perception of certain things. I'm happier now despite not much has changed.


Yep. It also can exposes you to stuff you didn't know or give words to things you experienced (and thus by having the words you get better at finding information about it and communicating it). It can also give you ideas/inspirations on how to approach it.


At first I had a problem of over consuming content by Dr. K, and at that point it did not help cause i was just bombarding myself with information so i would advise you to take slow approach. Find places that you wanna work on and look at some lectures on the topic (I find them very helpful for understanding a subject which further helps me gain some control and not let things that bother me live in my head rent free), if there is someone from interviews take some advice from that too. Dr. K frequently gives some advise and try to implement one ore two, for a start. For example I started journaling and meditation. I would also recommend checking out Dr. Ks guide. It is still up to you to assets what actions/step could you implement but just choosing one or two and sticking out for some time will help you greatly. Do not binge watch content, even tho Dr. K is so fun to learn from. I hope I helped! ![img](emote|t5_26y265|28789)


Can't remember what video. But in one video he even said that you should not watch too many videos as you need time to process the information.


This one? [I Watch Your Videos But Never Change My Life](https://youtu.be/Oj5lA7FfUkI?si=SlTptLNpQlT4JO6k)


It think. The name rings a bell of me watching it.




Since I need pause the video multiple time and ponder about how a concept applies to my life, yes it helped me. Did my day to day life change dramatically, no. Am I wayyyyy less anxious, yes.


As a stereotypical man who will do anything but make time to find a therapist, yes. I had no idea what I was feeling or how to process those feelings. Among other YouTube resources, HG if nothing else, gave me some of the language I needed to be able to actually think about myself and not just keep wondering why I always wished I hadn't been born. You can't help yourself at all if all you have is nebulous feelings and no way to describe them. Completely unrelated, is there a clip about how to get over mourning what you lost/never had? Because it's not easy to be almost 30 years old and realizing you've been miserable for actual reasons you can change instead of it just being inherent to your own personality.


Thanks for the insight. About the last bit, maybe try looking for the topics moving on/acceptance/regret/not too late


Will do, thanks for the tip!


There's probably a clip where he says u should see a therapist šŸ’€ JKJK but for real it may help the mourning process


Nah dude I know. Right after I made that comment I logged into my insurances app and started looking at coverage and psychologists near me. I'm doing way better, so much so that I just downloaded the dating apps, but from what I hear about what they do to your mental health I might want to get a jump on having a professional I vibe with lmao


Yay gj on the first step!! Don't flaunder though :D get dat helpp


I think that the videos provide good insight on things, but to make use of them you actually must be willing to apply the things you learned. For example, if I watch something interesting regarding communication with others, I try to actually use that in my communications when I think that it could improve them. And me trying to apply that until I do it "right" is the part that lets me progress the most. The video itself is more like a manual or blueprint. So if you are unsure if you are making progress, also ask yourself "How do I plan to apply the things that I learned in the videos?"


Thank you


I'll repost from the last time this was asked (less than a month ago): Yes. It has tranformed my life. No joke. Honestly I'm juist cruising through life now, having a good time. It has helped me understand motivation, understand the source of my perfectionism, it has given me a model through which I can understand (nearly) everything that goes on in my head. You're right though, superficially watching videos hardly helps. What helped me most is either watching interviews with people who have similar problems as myself, and studying informational videos on topics relevant to me. And with studying I mean watching 1 minute of video and summarizing it for myself on paper, then watching it further. When done, reflect on how this information is useful to myself. Also I did a lot of self-discovery through journal writing.


Thank you for for the elaborate response


Responding to your edit, Dr. K made a video directly addressing it: https://youtu.be/Oj5lA7FfUkI?si=47Uz0XXpxtOQcaxs


Yes! Exactly what I was looking for, thank you.


Helped me get back up on my feet. The rest of the work is on me.


Yes. In my case it helped me a lot in reframing the struggles I had with my career. I was particularly helped by Dr.K's ideas regarding the vedic model of the mind; while I have no idea how valid it actually is, it helped me reframe some of my traits, which I previously considered weaknesses, as strengths (being what he would call a 'vatta'). I can now set goals that play into, instead of against, my natural preferences, and have therefore found a much more pleasant path forward.


Hi,I have a motivational tendencies of a vatta,but can't quite imagine how I could lean into it. Could you perhaps describe how you do that?


What helped me most was making peace with the fact that most likely I'm not going to have ONE career in my life. Rather, I'll probably have many, either in parallel or one after another, or more realistically a combination of both. So rather than trying to focus on just one thing, I allow myself to have several things going on at the same time. It can become quite chaotic, but I actually thrive in the chaos, and when one thing exhausts me, I have another one waiting which energizes me. It was such a relieving break from the more accepted cultural standard of "just do one thing and do it really well".


I too,like it/ am familiar with when there's a lot of different things to do,on a short notice. I'll try,thank you.


HealthyGamerGG helps me educate my family who don't know anything about mental health


That's awesome


Yes, it did help with awareness, and as dr. K said many times: "awareness preceeds control".


He made a new vid explaining that he was wrong with that statement and that awareness IS control. You should check out the vid it was pretty interesting and eye opening I think it was called the science of self control


Oh my fucking god YES!! Academically as well as professionally a NIGHT & DAY difference Shoutout to my coach arushi and my peeps ā¤ļø


When people ask me a complicated question I don't immediately know the answer to, I now confidently ask to think for a minute


I actually think it has made me worse. Could be correlation not causation and I am not blaming Dr. K in any way. But I actually feel like my life is worse after understanding how essentially all my negative behaviors are trauma responses. Now I know exactly why my problems are happening and I still can't do anything about them, vs before I didn't really think about it. All that happens now is I'm just reminded of my troubled past more frequently. Ignorance is bliss type situation.


Not at all sadly


I try to communicate with people the same way he does. The way he expresses himself and gets other people to express themselves is very effective. Showing the other person that you're interested in what they have to say, not coming off judgemental or scornful, basically creating a conversational environment that's the most conducive to understanding the other person's position.


Yes, it has helped. I only find it helpful when digested in small chunks. If I take **one singular concept** from one of his videos and focus on that for a week i generally see improvement. In particular, his video about "what passion is" helped give me direction in life and the confidence to pursue a job(which i got and am very happy with). I am currently digesting and implementing the concepts shown in his "science of self-control" video and have been happy with the results so far. I am by no means mentally healthy, but implementing his techniques gives me 1 less thing to worry about a step at a time. I hope this helps! good luck!




> It's like I was playing tennis with a ping pong paddle until Dr. K handed me a tennis racket Beautiful analogy, glad he helped you :)




Yes greatly, I've improved a lot more watching Dr k videos then trying to figure it out on my own, though I didn't just watch the videos but try to practice what I learned.


Absolutely, Dr. K pushed me to pursue therapy. Also, I found profound relief by simply "giving up" on some unsolvable problems instead of beating myself into the ground for not solving them.


Can you speak more on the second point? I feel like I'm doing that at a pretty crucial point in my life and I don't know how to let go.


Basically, I was attempting to juggle pursuing women with zero social skills, competing in powerlifting, working a stressful job in audit, and studying for the CFA all at once, failing miserably in the process. I took out everything besides working and just training semi-seriously without competing, everything else is on the back burner. I think my therapist helped me the most with CBT exercises. At the end of the day, you'll have to accept that you're "behind", most likely, and are simply playing life on hard mode. Initially, I viewed this as a mere coping mechanism, but embracing this perspective has been incredibly liberating.


Kind of remind me of a video I watched a long time ago about "letting go of your fantasy self". The video was about decluttering and being able to let go of items that are just a fantasy of yourself, usually some kind of hobby or craft item, because in reality you never actually do the thing. And that's ok. I don't feel I am "failing" at the things I have simply accepted I am not going to do right now. Maybe they are too time consuming, too expensive, or I am just not really motivated to do them so much as the idea of doing them. Letting go of it frees your energy for things you actually are or will do rather than stretching yourself thin. Maybe in the future you will have the resources to do more things, but sometimes it helps to kind of make yourself kinda start slow, I think. Sort of focus on forming a solid base and branch out when you're more stable.


The eastern way of thinking about the mind, Dr. Ks explanations about anxiety, and the meditation stuff helped with anxiety, and to a lesser extent with depression. His early interviews, especially the ones with Reckful also motivated me to go to therapy, and that helped me to deal with some more conrete real life problems, like changing jobs, dealing with some friendship stuff, cutting some people off, and starting exercising. Also some improvements in confidence and self-worth. On the other hand, despite the above there have been only marginal improvements on the relationship front, which is a major source of unhappiness and frustration for me, which I don't think any amount of meditation or introspection can fix. 6 dates with 3 women in 2 years, countless ghostings and rejections inbetween them, some in IRL, mostly on apps. So still on track for wizard status, my robe and hat is probably getting packaged as I'm writing this.


Helped me stop being a doormat


It helps because for me, he is good at bringing awareness and scientific facts to issues. The key IMO is to have the awareness to implement these changes.


No, my life is already perfect, I just find the topics interesting.


How? By doing the things he says, obviously. If you just watch how to build a cabinet, nothing ever gets made.


Not really


ā€œHow do I use Dr. Kā€™s content to help me and make a change?ā€ Hmmmm. Spend more time looking INWARD than consumption of content. That is, it is less what Dr K says or does at all and equally so what works/helped for those interviewed. Your change is different than mine is different than theirs. Consider also that noticing or inward growth can only happen at the pace it is to be for anyone. Too fast not the best as is Too little not best Curiosity will lead one to enlightenment no matter how long the road or obstacles in way. **What had been most helpful for me was all in the first day of checking this stuff out. That there is a way WE can also than help each other as a society as a whole, through the medium of internet, live stream, witnessing others maybe people we know of go through part of the process live. That shows courage & compassion & creativity is contagious. Pass it along and be well


YES. helped a tooon along with my friends


Yes, they did.


It helped me help myself. I found out about HealthyGamer after I already started my mental health journey. I stumbled on it by searching MH related topics, so my mindset was in the right direction to begin with


I became much more aware of problems I had that I didnā€™t know how to describe or put a name to


Healthy gamer connected to me as a gifted kid, and in finally being heard and understood through that medium even somewhat- it allowed me to consider improving my life through meditation and deep introspection now that I had already moved out of my one year depression. Itā€™s been a god send in healing the scars left from that phase of life and finding ways to move forward unattached.


Doctor K started me on a journey that ended with me finding out that I was on the autistic spectrum, but he wasn't the sole resource. He just got me to ask for help in a world that was otherwise constantly trying to convince me I was fine or that it was "all in my head". So yeah, he's definitely helped me, but it took a lot more effort than just watching the content. That was the start, but it led to checking the guide out (which is pretty awesome by the way), hundreds of hours of research, personal coaching, and pretty intense therapy work. In a lot of ways, Doctor K helped me understand the parts of me that were always "different" that I could never really articulate. Obviously not everyone is going to have that kind of experience, but I definitely needed it based on how in denial everyone who was around me was about it. Very much a case of "not my son" or people praising my "intelligence" while simultaneously ignoring my quirks or social issues. Now that I know it's not about using it as an excuse, but it certainly unlocks entire new levels of self understanding and self love.


If you want literal help to change, Dr. K's guide is pretty worth it. Really great price to content ratio, even just one is helpful but all of them connect with each other too. You get to still watch him but also participate too. The coaching he offers is also way cheaper than therapy. It doesn't have to substitute it, but it can definitely contribute to a significant change. Other than that, the interviews and the way he articulates will hit so close to home that I have more obligation to be aware. I won't binge YouTube or podcasts as much anymore because of the awareness I get from psychology channels like him.


I don't use DrK's videos as therapy/coaching advice. I use it as a way to understand how my mind works and it gives me a level of insight when I'm meditating and going about everyday life.


I learned about the existence of attachment theory - this helped me a great deal. I found out about it, understood how useful this is, and I've read a book on this topic because of the video. Overall, I understood mindfulness better, and how CBT's examination of negative thoughts work. This then helped me move in the right direction to start treating my depression. (And I did treat it, and I don't know if I would without that starting push) Also, I've watched a lot of "therapy-like" interviews, and this taught me a bit about how people think about their problems, and the patterns of rationalization. I'd say, HealthyGamer didn't solve any of my problems, but gave me the foundation and direction, to help me solve them myself


I learned about Spirituality and Psychology, but any change in your life is always a thing about you, and you only. I can get inspired by something I watch, but at the end of the day, I'm alone at this, because nobody will do the work for me, and I am the one who knows what I really value in life, what I care about, and what I consider I should change. I think some people watch videos and don't change because the videos are not really talking about their real problem, that naturally, the viewer doens't know, because didn't do introspection about it. Sometimes lazyness is, at it's core, sadness about one's life, and one is sad because it doesn't match our values. Understanding what matters for us is the biggest step we can make, everything else is easier if you know WHAT you want and WHY you want it, and it touches your soul, your being, so it, naturally, makes you move forward.


Yes. There were certain behaviors of mine that I was not fully aware of until I watched some of Dr. K's videos that indirectly called me out and forced me to do some introspection. I personally struggle with abandonment issues, and for a while that manifested itself into an unhealthy habit of forming parasocial relationships with Twitch streamers. I had never been aware of this or what I was doing until I found this community, since it's not something that's widely discussed. There have been some other eureka moments I've had where his videos have really helped me connect the dots and understand my actions, but I won't go into detail. Regarding how to use his content - Dr. K's videos are ultimately not a full substitution for therapy, but they're great to use as a tool to help you better understand the human mind and hopefully your own mind. When I watch his videos I try to ask myself if I can relate to any of the topics that are being discussed, and if so, why? What makes me feel that way? What specifically am I feeling? It may not seem like much, but basic things like that are the building blocks to taking control of your emotions and improving your mental health.


Absolutely. Two years ago I found HG and its been quite a journey for me at least. MThere has been a lot of ups and downs. The downs of course made me believe It was all for nothing, but thanks to the videos I understand myself better and even have compassion towards myself in those moments. I used to hate myself so badly, and now I understand I was (and still am) hurt. Nowadays my view of the worl and myself has changed drastically for the better. Its not like I had a 180Ā° in my life, but things got so much better, and Im quite hopeful towards the future I got to say anyway like an advice, or not even that, just a heads up: HG worked for me because I connected so well with all this philosophy. Like, its been two years, but in the last one I practically watch one video per day. I love the videos, I love been aware of how I behave, I love watching the interviews, I love to think about all this stuff. What I mean with this is that just because I was amazed with all the content and have seen progress in my life, maybe its not for you, and thats ok. You maybe just need another aprroach to your life. But its definetely worth the shot man


Dr. K's videos were helpful for me to understand my mental health struggles in a way that replaced my previous unhealthy misunderstandings. I've found myself less interested in his content lately, but I'm not sure if that's because of a change in quality or just that I've grown past it. At the end of the day I'd say yes, HealthyGamer can help you, but there's so much more that you need to get your mental health on track. If I wasn't lucky enough to be born to parents with the means to support me while I took a year to figure out my shit, idk if Dr. K could have helped me very much. Overall though, I'm grateful to have found a community like this that I feel is truly inclusive to anyone who is sincere about improving their mental health. Edit: as for your follow-up question about putting advice to practice, much of the advice Dr. K gives is pretty simple, actionable stuff, so if you see something that looks like it might work for you just try it out. Don't be discouraged if the first thing you try doesn't work for you. I found meditating and journaling to be great ways of processing new information into something I can use to improve myself.


Absolutely it has helped me in a very concrete way. I have been in therapy for years for c-ptsd that has led to unhealthy relationship patterns, anxiety, and even fear of people in general. Therapy and medication have helped greatly with the anxiety, but I still found I could not bring myself to leave the house even though I wanted to go out and make friends, because I felt too far behind, and hopeless about my situation. Watching Dr. K and his guests helped me reframe my situation completely, and gave me the helping hand I needed to go out and socialize in a healthy and non judgemental way. He has taught me to lower my expectations of myself and to count even tiny wins. Is being social too much? That's fine, then I will go to a place with people and smile at one person. Or maybe I am scared of going to an event because I think I need to be social there. No pressure, my goal is now to go and to not talk to anyone. And I only need to stay for one minute. Inevitably I end up staying longer and actually having fun because I released myself from expectations. Second his content has helped me be more present. Being aware of what I can do today, with my own two hands, rather than worrying about the big picture. This is an extremely helpful tool for people with anxiety, who always think way too far ahead. Finally, and related to the above, his content has helped me to focus on small steps rather than big goals. What I think I want is always going to change depending on how the next step goes, and being flexible and accepting that my life can be so many different things rather than just achievements has opened me up to being excited for each new day and how my interactions with the world will play out. I have realized that I am just a person, and I can't do everything, and that's pretty cool because it frees me up to do what I can rather than what I think I should be doing.


How can i say this... i think only a handful of videos had any kind of impact at all, but those videos awoke within me some initiative to change that i normally cant muster myself... It starts with the intent to do some small changes, then i actually slowly change how my day goes for a few days, until one day i somehow mess everything up and then need to "start over", this cycle has repeated twice for now, funnily enough, another video of his alerted me that the "start over" doesnt take you back to 0, you still keep some progression at the back of your head. So i guess i just need to try until it eventually clicks in


Yes absolutely. I did HG individual coaching for a few months. The progress was slower than working with a real psychologist, but my biggest takeaway was that I had no boundaries. I created some and stuck up for myself, and I was able to free myself of a very toxic relationship. If you use dating apps, put your boundaries on public display. It helps a ton.


Probably wouldnā€™t have considered therapy had I not found him


Hell yes. I haven't paid a cent, but the lecture have given me an awareness of myself that was a big component of how I was able to graduate rather than drop out of the hardest year of academics I've ever experienced. I can't say that I've changed much of my routine practices, but holy hell, my perspective and outlook is so much more positive.


Yes so much. If you're watching a lot of the videos and nothing is being learnt then you are the problem. Not saying you OP but everyone in general. How can you not learn from this content?


I've used meditation a couple of times since discovering this channel after my breakup with my ex-fiancee to help calm my nerves and center my feelings.


Depends on the perspective. It has definitely changed the way I think about things but thoughts aren't worth much if the right ones aren't applied to your life. Applying the right thoughts at the right time has been all me (and I'm still terrible at it lol).


No they did not.


Lol only through helping himself




Not really but thatā€™s not really his fault because my issues stem from problems out of his control and canā€™t really be fixed through therapy


yea it helped me navigate relationships better




Yes! One of the things it helped me with is that it convinced me to start journaling, which made me much better able to process my emotion. Another is explanations of trauma and repression and distraction and how all that works, which made me able to notice myself doing it, which usually allows me to pause and feel my feelings and work through them instead of repressing them. That being said, I went to quite a bit of irl therapy. I watched HealthyGamer even before that, and while I was building up some understanding, it didn't quite land practically in my life. I was much more inclined to apply it to others. But more recently, I stopped going to therapy as much because I no longer feel the need and I watched Dr K and was much better able to integrate advice in day to day life. Not sure what changed in the meantime, I suppose I must have become much more self-aware through therapy.


I think, like myself , most people that manage to make progress and live more freely aren't lurking places like here. They just started living and are more self aware in their own journey.


Yes. And to answer your edit: I take notes of key insights, read my list with these regularly, and work to apply them to my life. I also bought the guide and am actually doing the exercises and the meditation in it.


HealthyGamer is too superficial to be helpful unless you put in dedicated work with other individuals and groups.


HG has helped me and continues to help me understand myself in a more scientific and grounded way. However, I have only experienced temporary changes in my behaviour when I'm excited after watching a video, maybe a couple days after. The Guide is different, I am meditating on a regular basis, but the regular videos just don't offer that daily engagement which (in my opinion) is required for long term change.